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Agreements Agreement Between The Argentinean And The Rep. Of Turkey - Cooperation In Veterinary Matters - Full Text Of The Norm


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ACUERDOS Law 26.310 Approve the Agreement between the Argentine Republic and the Republic of Turkey on Cooperation in Veterinary Matters, signed in Ankara - Republic of Turkey, on 28 March 2005. Sanctioned: November 14 of 2007 Enacted: December 17 of 2007

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies

of the Argentine Nation gathered in Congress, etc.

forcefully sanctioned


ARTICLE 1 Appropriate the agreement between the ARGENTINA REPUBLIC and the TURKEY REPUBLIC on COOPERATION IN VETERINARY MATERIA, signed in Ankara .REPUBLICA DE TURQUIA. on 28 March 2005, which consists of OCHO (8) articles, whose authenticated photocopy is part of this law.

ARTICLE 2 Contact the national executive branch.



ALBERTO E. BALESTRINI. . JOSE J. B. PAMPURO. . Enrique Hidalgo. . Juan H. Estrada.








The Argentine Republic and the Republic of Turkey (hereinafter referred to as "the Parties"),

Wishing to facilitate the circulation of living animals and animal products from their territories or through their respective territories,

Sharing the commitment to safeguard animal health and public health and avoiding the introduction of communicable diseases and dangerous products,

To develop bilateral technical cooperation in the veterinary sector,

Without prejudice to their obligations under International Agreements and Conventions, they have agreed to the following:

Article 1

1. The Parties shall authorize the import into their territories and the transit through them of living animals and products of animal origin (hereinafter referred to as "ship") subject to the following conditions:

(a) The compliance with the relevant existing and mandatory veterinary health provisions of the importing country or the transit country, as appropriate;

(b) That the competent authority of the importing country, or the transit country, as appropriate, has issued a permit prior to shipment;

(c) The shipments are accompanied by a Certificate of Veterinary Health, written at least in the Turkish and Spanish languages, according to the model required by the importing or transit country, as appropriate.

2. For the purposes of the implementation of paragraph 1, the Parties undertake:

(a) To inform and update each other on a regular basis on the existing mandatory veterinary provisions governing shipments to or through their territories;

(b) Exchange models of Veterinary Health Certificates applicable to imports of shipments to or through their territories, and to report immediately any modifications thereof.

Article 2

1. In the event that, at the entry point or at the duty station, it has been established that shipments do not comply with the conditions set out in the Veterinary Health Certificate, the competent authority of the importing Party may apply measures in accordance with its national laws and regulations.

2. When the situation specified in paragraph 1 of this article arises, the competent authority of the importing Party shall duly inform the competent authority of the exporting Party of the observed irregularities and the measures imposed.

Article 3

1. The competent authorities of the Parties undertake:

(a) Exchange monthly reports of mandatory reporting diseases occurring in their respective territories, in particular the name/s and code/s of the affected region/s and the quantity and species of affected animals. The monthly reports may be transmitted electronically, either by e-mail or by internet.

(b) To inform each other in writing immediately after the first outbreak of any disease included in List A of the OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health) has been detected and, subsequently, to provide updated information on the evolution of the disease.

(c) Exchange information on preventive actions and control measures taken to protect their livestock from contagious diseases.

2. The competent authorities of the Parties also undertake:

(a) To promote joint technical cooperation and projects against diseases listed in List A of the World Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (OIE), within the framework of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Animal Health Organization/European Economic Community/ Food and Agriculture Organization of OIE/CE/FAO;

(b) Work jointly on the monitoring, prevention and control of transboundary animal diseases.

Article 4

1. The competent authorities of the Parties shall promote bilateral and multilateral regional cooperation in the veterinary field, in particular through:

(a) Exchange of regulations and professional or scientific publications related to the veterinary;

(b) The exchange of their current waste control plans contained in animal products, as well as the annual results obtained from the implementation of these plans;

(c) Facilitating cooperation between scientific institutions, diagnostic laboratories and analyses that are interested in the study and research of the main aspects of animal and public health of common interest;

(d) The provision of technical assistance and exchange of mutual experience in the field of animal disease surveillance, prevention and control;

(e) In the event of an emergency and at the request of one Party, the exchange of pathogenic strains for experimental or diagnostic purposes, as well as the exchange of experiences on the diagnostic techniques approach;

(f) Promotion of the exchange of national veterinary experts with a view to deepening mutual understanding and confidence in the organization and operation of veterinary services, procedures for export and certification, detection and disease information, and status of animal health and information systems;

(g) Efforts to organize annual expert meetings on issues of relevance and common interest and, in the event of an emergency and a written request by one of the Parties, extraordinary meetings of senior veterinary officials with a view to coordinating measures for the prevention and control of epizootyics.

2. The costs incurred in the implementation of the activities referred to in paragraph 1 of this article, and in particular in subparagraphs (f) and (g) thereof, shall be met in accordance with the following general rules:

(a) When the expert visits referred to in paragraph 1 (f) are made under a formal invitation from the host Party, the organizational costs and travel and accommodation costs of the visiting experts shall be borne by the host Party;

When the expert visits referred to in paragraph 1 (f) are made pursuant to a formal request from the sending Party, the organizational costs shall be borne by the host Party, while the travel and accommodation costs of the visiting experts shall be borne by the sending Party.

(b) The meetings referred to in paragraph 1 (g) shall be organized on a reciprocity basis and the organizational costs shall be borne by the host Party, while the travel, accommodation and road expenses of the experts shall be borne by the sending Party.

(c) It shall be in charge of the Party that sends the recruitment of international medical insurance for representatives and/or specialists with coverage throughout the period of displacement

Article 5

For the purpose of implementing this Agreement, the competent national authorities of the Parties shall:

(a) For the Argentine Republic, the National Food Health and Quality Service (SENASA) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food.

(b) For the Republic of Turkey, the General Directorate for Protection and Control, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Ankara.

Article 6

Disputes arising from the implementation of this Agreement shall, in the first instance, be resolved by the designated competent national authorities of the Parties.

Issues that could not be resolved will be resolved through diplomatic channels.

Article 7

The provisions and scope of this Agreement may be supplemented or amended with the formal written consent of both Parties.

Article 8

This Agreement shall enter into force thirty days after the date of receipt of the last notification, through diplomatic channels, by which the Parties notify each other that it has been complied with all domestic legal procedures for the entry into force of this Agreement.

This Agreement is held for a period of 5 years and will be automatically extended for another period of 5 years, unless one of the Parties is terminated in writing, through diplomatic channels, at a minimum of six months in respect of the termination of the respective validity period.

Made in Ankara on 28 March 2005, in two originals, in the Spanish, Turkish and English languages, both of which are equally authentic. In case of divergence in interpretation, the English version will prevail.
