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Personal Property Tax - Full Text Of The Rule

Original Language Title: IMPUESTOS BIENES PERSONALES - Texto completo de la norma

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Law 26,317 Personal Property Tax. Amendment to Law No. 23.966, Title VI, text ordered in 1997 and its amendments. Sanctioned: November 21 of 2007 Enacted: December 7 of 2007

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies

of the Argentine Nation gathered in Congress, etc.

forcefully sanctioned


ARTICLE 1 es Incorporate as article 21, paragraph (i), of Law No. 23.966, Title VI, of Personal Property Tax, text ordered in 1997 and its amendments, the following:

(i) The encumbered assets whose value as a whole, determined in accordance with the rules of this law, are equal to or less than CINCO MIL THREATY ($ 305,000).

When the value of the assets exceeds the above-mentioned amount, the entire encumbered assets of the passive subject of the tribute shall be subject to the encumber.

ARTICLE 2 el Replace paragraph 3 of paragraph 4 in article 22 (a) of Law No. 23.966, Title VI, with the following:

The value to be computed for each of the properties, determined in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph, shall not be less than that of the taxable base .vigente as at 31 December of the year for which the present tax is liquidated, fixed for the purposes of payment of the property taxes or similar taxes or the tax value determined at the date cited. This value shall also be taken in cases where it is not possible to determine the cost of acquisition or the value at the date of entry to the estate. The value established for the properties in accordance with the rules contained in paragraphs 1 to 4. of the first paragraph of this subparagraph shall only include the attributable to those buildings, buildings or improvements that have been taken into consideration to determine the aforementioned imponible basis. Those not taken into account for such determination shall be computed to the value set forth in the above-mentioned subparagraphs.

Article 3 Article 24 of Title VI of Act No. 23,966 is prohibited. ARTICLE 4 Delete in the first paragraph of the article without a number incorporated after article 25 of Law No. 23.966, Title VI, the expression "not being applied in this case the minimum exempt provided for in Article 24".

ARTICLE 5o Replace the first paragraph of Article 25 of Title VI of Law No. 23.966 with the following:

The tax to be entered by the taxpayers specified in article 17, subparagraph (a), shall arise from the application, on the total value of the assets encumbered by the tax, excluding the shares and shares in the capital of any kind of societies governed by Law No. 19.550 (t. 1984 and its modifications), with the exception of the single-person enterprises and exploitations, of the liquota set for each case:

Total value of assets




More than $ 305,000 to 750,000

$ 0.50%

More than $750,000 to 20,000

$ 0.75%

More than $2,000 to 5,000.000

$ 1.00%

More than $5,000.000


ARTICLE 6 Replace, in the first paragraph of Article 26 of Law No. 23.966, Title VI, the expression "SETENTA AND CINCO CENTESIMOS por CIENTO (0.75%)", with the expression "UNO CON VEINTICINCO CENTESIMOS por CIENTO (1.25%)".

ARTICLE 7 The provisions of this Act shall be applicable for the fiscal period 2007 et seq.

ARTICLE 8 Contact the Executive.


# 26,317 EL

ALBERTO E. BALESTRINI. . MARCELO LOPEZ ARIAS. . Enrique Hidalgo. . Juan H. Estrada.