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The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation gathered
in Congress, etc.
forcefully sanctioned
ARTICLE 1 Replace article 1 of the Law on Ministries (text ordered by Decree No. 438/92) and its amendments, with the following:Article 1: The Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers and ONCE (11) Ministers Secretaries shall have the office of the business of the Nation. The ministries will be the following:
- From the Interior.
- Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship.
- Defense.
- Economics and Production.
- Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services.
- Justice, Security and Human Rights.
- Working, Employment and Social Security.
- Social Development.
- Health.
- Education.
- Science, Technology and Productive Innovation.
ARTICLE 2 Replace Title V of the Ministry Act (text ordered by Decree No. 438/92) and its amendments, as follows:PART V
The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers and each
Ministry in particular
Article 16: The powers of the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, with political responsibility before the Congress of the Nation, are those established in the National Constitution. It is therefore incumbent upon it:
1. Comply and enforce the Constitution and the legislation in force.
2. To exercise the overall administration of the country and to assist the President of the Nation in the political leadership of that administration.
3. To exercise the administrative powers delegated to him by the President of the Nation in respect of his own powers.
4. Understand the organization and convening of the meetings and cabinet agreements, coordinating the issues to be dealt with.
5. Coordinate and control the activities of the Ministries and, of the different areas in their charge, carrying out their strategic programming and control, in order to obtain coherence in the management actions and increase their effectiveness.
6. Coordinate the relations of the national executive branch with the two Chambers of the Honorable Congress of the Nation, its Commissions and members, in accordance with the powers assigned to it by the National Constitution, with the aim of ensuring greater fluidity in these relations and the earliest possible procedure of the messages of the President of the Nation that promote the legislative initiative.
7. To produce the monthly reports provided for in article 101 of the National Constitution concerning the progress of the Government, and the other reports required by the Chambers of Congress.
8. Dictate Administrative Decisions, referring to acts and regulations that are necessary to exercise the powers assigned to it by the National Constitution and those delegated to it by the President of the Nation, with the saying of the Minister Secretary corresponding in the matter.
9. Understand the definition of human resources policies and the monitoring and evaluation of their implementation, which ensure the development and functioning of an efficient administrative career.
10. Understand the development of the organization and operation of the National Civil Service, seeking to optimize and coordinate the human, technical, material and financial resources it has.
11. Direct and supervise the actions of the Governmental Administrators Corps.
12. Adopt the organizational structures of the jurisdiction, ministries and decentralized agencies that depend on them, corresponding to the first operating level.
13. To present to the Honorable Congress of the Nation, together with the Ministers Secretaries, the detailed annual memory of the State of the Nation regarding the business of the Ministries.
14. To raise the nation's rents.
15. To intervene in the development and control of the implementation of the Budget Law, as well as in the levels of expenditure and public revenues, without prejudice to the primary responsibility of the Minister Secretary of the area and the supervision that the President of the Nation has in this regard.
16. Require from the Ministers Secretaries, Secretaries and other officials of the National Civil Service the information necessary for the fulfilment of their specific role and the emerging responsibilities of articles 100, paragraphs 10 and 11 and 101 of the National Constitution, which must take place within the time limit for this purpose.
17. Assist the President of the Nation in the analysis of the messages that promote the legislative initiative, in particular the draft Law on Ministries and Budgets that should be treated in Cabinet Agreement, and the bills sanctioned by the National Congress.
18. Assist the President of the Nation in the issuing of instructions and regulations that are necessary for the execution of the laws of the Nation and of the decrees that provide for the extension of the ordinary sessions or the call for extraordinary of the Congress of the Nation.
19. Coordinate and control the implementation of authorized delegations to the Secret Ministers.
20. Ensure compliance with decisions emanating from the judiciary in the use of its powers.
21. Coordinate and control the inter-jurisdictional priorities and relationships associated with the management and implementation of the financing from international credit agencies.
22. Coordinate the monitoring of the fiscal relationship between the Nation and the provinces.
23. Understand the evaluation and prioritization of spending, making the diagnosis and ongoing monitoring of its effects on the living conditions of the population.
24. Understand the distribution of national incomes, according to the budget allocation approved by the Congress, and in its implementation.
25. Intervene in the implementation of the public sector wage policy, with the participation of relevant ministries and agencies.
26. Intervene in the plans of action and budgets of State societies, auto-archic entities, decentralized or deconcentrated agencies and special accounts and funds, whatever their denomination or legal nature in their area; as well as their intervention, liquidation, closure, privatization, merger, dissolution or centralization.
27. Understand the development, implementation and control of the State ' s supply regime.
28. Understand the formulation, implementation and control of social communication and social media policies.
29. Understand the dissemination of the activity of the national executive branch, as well as the dissemination of the acts of the national State in order to project the image of the country in the domestic and external spheres.
30. Manage and control the media under the responsibility of the national executive branch and those companies in the sector where jurisdiction is a shareholder.
31. Assist the President of the Nation in the formulation, implementation and implementation of environmental policy and its sustainable development as a State policy, within the framework of article 41 of the National Constitution, in the technical aspects relating to the environmental policy and environmental management of the Nation, proposing and developing regulatory regimes concerning the environmental management of the territory and its environmental quality.
32. Intervene in the Federal Environment Council, integrating and providing the necessary administrative instruments for proper management of the agency.
33. Understand the environmentally sustainable management of water resources, in coordination with the Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services.
34. Understand the promotion of sustainable development of human settlements through actions that guarantee the quality of life and the availability and conservation of natural resources.
35. Understand the relay, conservation, recovery, protection and sustainable use of natural, renewable and non-renewable resources.
36. Intervene from the point of view of its competence in the development of biotechnology.
37. Understand relations with non-governmental organizations related to environmental issues and sustainable development, and establish a public information system on the state of the environment and on the policies that are developed.
38. Understand in managing and obtaining international technical and financial cooperation that other countries or international agencies offer, in order to fulfil the objectives and policies of their competence, in coordination with other State agencies, for their implementation.
39. Understand the application of international treaties relating to the subjects of their competence, and intervene in the formulation of international conventions in the affairs of their area.
Article 17.- It is incumbent upon the Ministry of the Interior to assist the President of the Nation, and the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, in order to his powers, in all matters inherent in the internal political government and in the full exercise of constitutional principles and guarantees, ensuring and preserving the republican, representative and federal regime, in particular:
1. Understand the determination of the objectives and policies of the area of their competence.
2. Implement plans, programmes and projects in the area of their competence developed in accordance with the directives provided by the national executive branch.
3. Understand the institutional issues in which the rights and guarantees of the inhabitants of the Republic are at stake, and regarding the declaration of the state of siege and its effects.
4. Understand the proposals for the reform of the National Constitution and those relating to the Conventions that meet for that purpose.
5. Understand in relations and development with the governments of the provinces and the City of Buenos Aires, and in inter-jurisdictional relations and issues and coordinate policies that help and foster the formation of regions in the national territory for the purposes set out in article 124 of the National Constitution.
6. Intervene in the development of national legislation where it is necessary to coordinate federal and provincial standards.
7. To participate in the evaluation of the economic-financial structure of the provincial states and regions of the country, in order to be able to assist them.
8. Understand the implementation and coordination of policies and actions aimed at promoting decentralization in municipal governments.
9. To understand, for the purposes prescribed in articles 37, 38, 39 and 40 of the National Constitution, regarding the exercise of the political rights of citizens, the electoral regime, the political parties and their financing, the right of initiative and the popular consultation.
10. Understand the programming and implementation of electoral legislation, the registration of citizens, the organization, conduct and control of the National Register of Persons and the laws of political amnesties.
11. Intervene on the granting of the right to asylum.
12. Understand the nationality, rights and obligations of aliens and their assimilation and integration with the national community.
13. Understand the supervision of the General Archive of the Nation.
14. Understand the coordination of actions aimed at solving extraordinary situations or emergencies that occur in the territory of the Nation.
15. Understand the acts of a patriotic character, ephemeris, fairs, custody of national emblems and symbols, use of emblems and foreign symbols and intervene in relation to the erection and emplacement of monuments.
16. Intervene in the legal regime of the waters of the interprovincial rivers and their tributaries.
17. Understand the development and application of the rules governing the inherent in internal and external migrations and the granting of refugee status.
18. Intervene in the creation of favourable conditions for the establishment of population nuclei in low demographic and geopolitical areas.
19. Intervene in the development of policies for border areas and areas and understand in their implementation in the area of their competence.
20. Understand the intervention of the Federal Government in the provinces and in the City of Buenos Aires.
21. Understand the application of Act No. 22.352 and Decree-Law No. 15.385 (Act No. 12.913) in all matters relating to the preservation of the security of the areas and areas of the border.
22. Intervene, together with the relevant areas, in the management, development, implementation and monitoring of actions policies aimed at optimizing the harmonious functioning of the integrated spaces for the purposes provided for in articles 75, paragraph 24, and 124 of the National Constitution.
23. Coordinate and execute the prevention and response actions required for the civil protection of the inhabitants in the face of facts of man and nature.
24. Develop the necessary measures for the implementation of policies for the protection of the community by collaborating with national, provincial or private actors against natural or man-made disasters, and illicit acts of their nature.
25. Coordinate the Federal Emergency System (SIFEM) created by Decree No. 1250 of 28 October 1999.
Article 18.- It is incumbent upon the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship to assist the President of the Nation, and the Chief of Staff of Ministers in order to his competence, in all matters inherent in the foreign relations of the Nation and their representation to foreign Governments, the Holy See and international entities in all fields of the action of the Republic, and in particular:
1. Understand the determination of the objectives and policies of the area of their competence.
2. Implement plans, programmes and projects in the area of their competence developed in accordance with the directives provided by the national executive branch.
3. Understand, from the standpoint of foreign policy, all international meetings, congresses and conferences and special missions to foreign Governments, international agencies and entities, as well as the appropriate instructions on each case and its implementation.
4. Understand relations with the foreign diplomatic and consular corps, and with government representatives, intergovernmental bodies and entities in the Republic.
5. Understand, from the standpoint of foreign policy, the elaboration, registration and interpretation of treaties, covenants, conventions, protocols, agreements, arrangements or any other instrument of an international nature, at all stages of negotiation, adoption, accession, accession and denunciation.
6. Understand, from the point of view of foreign policy, everything inherent in the activities of special missions sent to the Republic by foreign Governments or by international agencies or entities.
7. Understand the protection and assistance of citizens and interests of Argentines abroad, as well as strengthen their links with the Republic.
8. To intervene, in its area, in decisions on the use of armed force, in matters relating to the state of war and its declaration, in the resolution of international disputes, peace adjustments, the application of sanctions decided by competent international agencies and other acts under international law.
9. Understand the policy of peacekeeping operations within international organizations and as a result of bilateral commitments made by the Republic, and intervene in their implementation.
10. Understanding the policy of disarmament, security and international counter-terrorism;
11. Understand the introduction and transit of foreign forces through the territory of the Republic and the departure of national forces, without prejudice to the competence of the Ministry of Defence.
12. Understand, from the standpoint of foreign policy, matters relating to the non-proliferation of sensitive technologies linked to weapons of mass destruction and to intervene in the control of sensitive exports and war materials.
13. Understand, from the standpoint of foreign policy, the processing of treaties on arrangements concerning international limits, and the registration and dissemination of official maps of the limits of the Republic.
14. Understand the handling of judicial appeals, extradition requests and matters relating to international judicial assistance.
15. Understand the granting of the right to asylum and the granting of refugee status.
16. Understand the promotion and dissemination of the image of the Republic abroad, coordinating with relevant agencies.
17. To understand, in the international economic political aspects, the formulation and conduct of the integration processes of which the Republic participates, as well as the establishment and conduct of the community bodies that emerged from such processes, and in all matters relating to their future convergence with other integration processes, without prejudice to the intervention of the jurisdictions that have assigned competence in the field.
18. Understand, from the standpoint of foreign policy and in coordination with national, provincial and regional liaison agencies, the development of physical integration processes with neighbouring countries.
19. Understand the implementation of trade policy abroad, including the promotion and international negotiations of an economic and commercial nature, as well as the conduct of the foreign economic and trade service and intervene in the formulation, definition and contents of trade policy abroad.
20. Understand relations with international economic and trade agencies.
21. Understand the promotion, organization and participation in exhibitions, fairs, contests, exhibitions and missions of an economic, official and private character abroad, in accordance with the guidelines of global and sectoral economic policy that are defined.
22. Understand the policies and determination of international humanitarian assistance, emergency assistance and rehabilitation for development at the international level, their implementation, financing and implementation, in coordination with the relevant agencies of the United Nations system and other international agencies.
23. Understand everything related to the permanent or temporary representations of the Republic abroad.
24. Understand the organization of the Foreign Service of the Nation and the entry, training, promotion and promotion of its members to the Honorable Congress of the Nation.
25. Understand the legalization of documents for and outside.
26. Understand in the publication of the official text of cough treaties and other international agreements concluded by the Nation.
27. Understand, from the standpoint of foreign policy, the negotiation of international cooperation in the fields of education, cultural, environmental, economic, social, scientific, technical, technological, nuclear, space, labour and legal, in coordination with the respective ministries and with other national agencies that have competence in any of these areas.
28. To intervene, from the standpoint of foreign policy, in the development and implementation of the migration and immigration policy at the international level and in matters relating to the nationality, rights and obligations of aliens and their assimilation and integration with the national community.
29. To engage in international negotiations and to participate, from the point of view of foreign relations, in the formulation and implementation of environmental protection policies, and in the preservation of Argentine land and maritime territory and its adjacent areas, as well as in airspace;
30. Understand, from the standpoint of foreign policy, in all matters concerning the prevention and punishment of international crimes.
31. Understand international negotiations and intervene in the formulation of policies leading to bilateral and multilateral international cooperation agreements on combating illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.
32. Understand the recognition of States, Governments and international situations.
33. Understand the application of international humanitarian law in cooperation with the specialized agencies of the United Nations, the International Red Cross, as well as in the formulation and implementation of the international programme called "White Helmets".
34. To participate in the formulation of policies, the development of plans and programmes, and in the representation of the national State to international human rights bodies and those relating to the status and status of women, and to intervene in the reform of national legislation in these matters.
35. Intervene in all acts of the national executive branch that have connection with the foreign policy of the Nation or are linked to the commitments made by the Republic.
36. Understand, together with the Ministry of Defence, the planning and direction of Antarctic policy, as well as the implementation of international commitments, and intervene in the implementation of Antarctic activity.
37. Understand in the relations of the Government with the Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church; in the centralization of the efforts of the Church, persons and entities of the cult and in the actions related to the granting of ecclesiastical credentials.
38. Understand in relations with all religious organizations operating in the country to guarantee the free exercise of the cult and the registration thereof.
39. Intervene in the development of policies for the development of areas and border areas and understand in their implementation in the area of their competence.
40. Understand, as administrator of the Argentine Higher Domain (AR), the registration procedure for the registration of the Web domain names of natural and legal persons, as well as the implementation of the plans, programmes and projects relating to the subject, intervening in the processes of negotiation and conclusion of agreements and other instruments of an international character, and encouraging the necessary measures to harmonize the general and global provisions regulating the registration of the internal domain names in the Republic.
Article 19.- It is incumbent upon the Ministry of Defence to assist the President of the Nation, and the Chief of Staff of Ministers in order to his powers, in all matters inherent in national defence and relations with the Armed Forces within the existing institutional framework, and in particular:
1. Understand the determination of the objectives and policies of the area of their competence.
2. Implement plans, programmes and projects in the area of their competence developed in accordance with the directives provided by the national executive branch.
3. Understand the determination of national defence requirements.
4. Understand the preparation of the budget of the Armed Forces and the coordination and distribution of the corresponding credits.
5. Understand the coordination of the logistical activities of the Armed Forces in all matters relating to the supply, standardization, cataloguing and classification of effects and emerging military planning.
6. Intervene in the planning, management and implementation of research and development activities relevant to national defence.
7. Understand in the formulation of the policy of mobilization and National Mobilization Plan, for the case of war and its implementation.
8. Understand the registration, classification and distribution of the human potential for the reserve of the Armed Forces and the promotion of activities and skills relevant to the defence.
9. Understand the activities concerning Military Strategic Intelligence, as set out in Act No. 25.520.
10. Understand the coordination of aspects common to the Armed Forces, especially in the administrative, legal and logistical fields.
11. Coordinate with the Ministry of Justice, Security and Human Rights the common aspects of the Armed and Security Forces.
12. Understand the determination of the integration of troops sent abroad to compose peacekeeping forces.
13. Understand in the direction of the joint agencies of the Armed Forces placed under their dependence.
14. To intervene in the proposition of appointments for the senior posts of joint agencies that are subordinate to it.
15. Understand the administration of justice and military discipline, through courts that depend on it.
16. Understand the proposal of armed forces personnel and their distribution.
17. Participate in the planning, management and implementation of the productive activities in which the participation of the State is desirable as being of interest to the national defence.
18. Understand in technical studies and work and in the formulation and implementation of national policies in the specific field of national defence.
19. Intervene in the definition of policies relating to productive activities that integrate the system of production for defence.
20. Understand the development and proposal of plans for the implementation of the purposes of national defence in the areas of border, as well as its direction and execution.
21. Understand with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship in the planning, direction and implementation of Antarctic activity.
22. Understand the joint military planning, the determination of the requirements from it and the control of its compliance.
23. Understand the formulation and application of the principles and norms for the operation and use of the Armed Forces.
24. Understand the registration, empowerment, control and technical direction of acts and activities related to water and air navigation as soon as they are within their jurisdiction.
Article 20. It is incumbent upon the Ministry of Economy and Production, to assist the President of the Nation and the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, in order to his competence, in all matters inherent in economic and production policy, in the administration of public finance, industry, agriculture, livestock, fishing, trade, economic, financial and fiscal relations with the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, and in particular:
1. Understand the determination of the objectives and policies of the area of their competence.
2. Implement plans, programmes and projects in the area of their competence developed in accordance with the directives provided by the national executive branch.
3. Understand the development and control of implementation of the General Budget for Expenditures and Resource Calculation of the National Administration, as well as the levels of expenditure and public revenue.
4. Understand the collection and distribution of national incomes, according to the budget allocation approved by the Honorable Congress of the Nation and in its implementation in accordance with the guidelines decided by the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers with the supervision of the national executive branch.
5. Understand about public accounting and control of any expenditure and investment ordered on the Treasury of the Nation.
6. Understand the implementation of the public sector wage policy, with the participation of relevant ministries and agencies.
7. Participate in the development of regulatory norms of collective private sector negotiations.
8. Participate in the development, implementation and control of the State ' s supply regime in accordance with the guidelines decided by the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, with the supervision of the national executive branch.
9. Understand the development, implementation and control of the tax and customs regime.
10. Understand the organization, direction and control of the registration of State property.
11. Understand coin collection and printing of tickets, stamps, stamps, tax papers, other values and other official prints of similar characteristics.
12. Understand the debt balances legislation of the National Administration.
13. Understand about credit and public debt.
14. Understand monetary, financial and exchange policy in accordance with the powers vested in the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic.
15. Monitor and coordinate the actions of national official financial institutions.
16. Understand the stock market and stock market regime.
17. Understand everything related to the insurance and reassurance regime.
18. Understand the development of State enterprises and societies, auto-archic entities, decentralized or deconcentrated agencies and special accounts and funds, irrespective of their denomination or legal nature, corresponding to their orbit; both in terms of action and budget plans and in terms of their intervention, closure, liquidation, privatization, merger, dissolution or centralization, and in those that do not belong to their national jurisdiction.
19. Understand the authorization of internal and external credit operations of the national public sector, including decentralised agencies and public sector companies; public loans on behalf of the Government of the Nation and other obligations with special guarantees, or without them, as well as in the financial operations of the same type that are carried out for the needs of the provincial, municipal and Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, in the case of preserving the public credit of the Nation.
20. Understand international monetary and financial negotiations and relations with international monetary and financial agencies.
21. Understand in the administration of the majority or minority shares that the State has in societies or companies.
22. Understand the development and implementation of foreign investment policy.
23. Understand medium- and long-term macroeconomic programming and resource guidance in line with national regional policy.
24. Understand the development of tariff structures with the intervention of the relevant areas.
25. Understand the development and implementation of the export and tariff reimbursement and refund policy.
26. Understand the definition of trade policy in the foreign field.
27. Understand in index price regimes and anti-dumping mechanisms and other foreign trade regulation instruments.
28. Understand the development of the public investment plan, in accordance with the guidelines and priorities decided by the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers and in accordance with the directives of the national executive branch.
29. Coordinate and generate proposals on the development of mechanisms and systems, for the protection of the rights of customers and users, regarding their competences.
30. To implement the proposal, implementation and control of internal trade policy in all matters relating to consumer defence and competition.
31. Understand the implementation of policies and policy frameworks necessary to strengthen competition, consumer rights and the increase in the supply of goods and services.
32. Supervising the actions of the National Competition Commission.
33. Supervising the actions of the Arbitrary Consumer Defense Courts.
34. Understand in the supervision of the freedom of the markets of the production of its area, intervening in the cases of its deviation through the existence of monopolies, oligopolies or all other forms of distortion; as well as in the application of the policies of regulation and deregulation of the markets of goods and services and in the conditions of competition of the same, giving rise to normal criteria of free initiative and propending to commercial loyalty.
35. Understanding the development of forest and fisheries sector activities regimes.
36. Understand the health control of agricultural, forestry and fishing production.
37. Understand the standardization, registration, control and control of food in the field of its competence, in coordination with the Ministry of Health.
38. Understanding the definition, quality certification and standardization for the marketing of primary products of agricultural, forestry and fishing origin.
39. Understand the development, implementation and control of the regimes of activities related to the agricultural, forestry and fishery sectors, and intervene with regard to seabed minerals.
40. Understand in the plant defense and animal health of borders, ports, airports and in the control of the import of agricultural, forestry and fishing origin.
41. Understand in the development of the regimes for the promotion and protection of economic activities and the instruments that implement them, as well as in the development, implementation and control of them in their area.
42. Understand the development of the regime for the promotion of industrial activities or any other sector.
43. Understand the development, implementation and control of the system of localization, regionalization and settlement of industrial establishments in accordance with the national policy of territorial order.
44. Understand the standardization and quality control of industrial production.
45. Understand the development, implementation and control of the patent and trademark regime and the concordant legislation.
46. Understand the standardization, typification and identification of goods and the regime of weights and measures.
47. Understand the definition of the policy of promoting production and trade, including all actions in the country for the promotion, promotion and organization of samples, fairs, contests and missions that are intended to stimulate exchange with the outside.
48. Intervene in the field of its competence in the promotion, organization and participation in exhibitions, fairs, contests, samples and missions abroad.
49. Understand in the formulation of policies and development of programmes aimed at the promotion and strengthening of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.
50. Understand the granting of certificates of origin and quality of export products linked to their competence.
51. Participate in the administration of State participation in productive enterprises.
52. Participate in labor and tax policy linked to production units.
53. Participate in the development of policies, objectives and actions aimed at the development and consolidation of Cooperatives and Mutuals, as well as the updating of applicable legislation with the participation of the sectors involved.
54. Understand in the development of regulations governing public service licenses in the area of their competence, granted by the national State or provinces hosted by agreements, to the federal regimes in the field.
55. Intervene in the negotiations and modifications of contracts for public works and services.
56. Intervene in the development of policies and regulations for the regulation of public services and the setting of tariffs, canons, tariffs and fees for them.
57. Intervene in the development of national energy policy and the fuel system.
58. Intervene in the development of communications policy.
59. Intervene in the development of postal service policies.
60. Intervene in the development of policies for border areas and areas.
Article 21.- It is incumbent upon the Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services to assist the President of the Nation and the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, in order to their competence, in all aspects of transport, communications, mining, energy, sanitation and public works, housing, exploitation and sustainable use of water resources, road activity and planning of public investment for a balanced regional geographic development that consolidates federalism. In particular, he will be responsible for:
1. Understand the determination of the objectives and policies of the area of their competence.
2. Implement plans, programmes and projects in the area of their competence developed in accordance with the directives provided by the national executive branch.
3. Understand the development of the regimes for the promotion and protection of public investment and the instruments that implement them; and the development, implementation and control of them in their area.
4. Understand the granting of certificates of origin and quality of export products in the field of their competence.
5. Intervene in the development of policies for border areas and areas and understand in their implementation in coordination with relevant areas.
6. Participate in the administration of State participation in productive enterprises.
7. Exercise the functions of the Enforcement Authority of laws regulating the exercise of the activities of its competence.
8. Intervene in the development of tariff structures.
9. Intervene in the development and implementation of the export and tariff reimbursement and refund policy in the areas of its competence.
10. Understand in the development of policies and regulations for the regulation of the public services in the area of their competence, in the supervision of the agencies and entities of control of the concessionaries of work or of public services.
11. Understand in the development of regulations governing public service licenses in the area of their competence, granted by the national State or provinces hosted by agreements, to the federal regimes in the field.
12. To exercise, within its scope, counter-lor powers with respect to those entities or agencies of control of the areas privatized or given in concession in the area of its competence, as well as to enforce the corresponding regulatory frameworks, and to understand in the tariff regimes, canons, tariffs and rates thereof.
13. Understand research and technological development in the different areas of your competence.
14. Understand the relay, conservation, recovery, defense and development of natural resources in the area of its competence.
15. Understand in the development, implementation and control of the mining policies of the Nation, with a view to the development, rational use and development of mining geological resources.
16. Understand in the development, execution and control of mining exploitation and disaster.
17. Understand the standardization and quality control of mining production.
18. Understand the development and implementation of the national policy on seismic prevention.
19. Understand the development and implementation of the national air, river, maritime and land transport policy, as well as its regulation and coordination.
20. Understand everything related to international, terrestrial, maritime and river transport.
21. Understand the monitoring, promotion and technical and economic development of land transport systems.
22. Understand the coordination of the tasks of the distributions, national or private companies operating in the ports and navigable pathways, as well as the granting of the appropriate qualifications and their control or administration.
23. Understand in the development, implementation and control of the regime of the merchant, fluvial, cabotage and ultramarine fleet.
24. Understand the regulation and coordination of land, sea and river transport systems.
25. Understand the implementation of the national freight policy.
26. Understand the organization, management and control of registration, capacity-building and qualification of companies linked to industry and naval repair.
27. Understand everything related to the construction, empowerment, administration and control of ports and waterways.
28. Understand the development and implementation of the policy of transport of cargo reserved for national tuition.
29. Understand the approval of the shipowning agreements and their accessories.
30. Understand the coordination of the tasks of the distributions, state and/or private companies, which are part of the harbour community.
31. Intervene in the development and application of the harbour, maritime and river labor regimes.
32. Understand in the development, implementation and control of the regime of merchant, fluvial, cabotage and ultramarine fleets.
33. Intervene in the compatibility of the navigability of the watercourses with its use as a source of energy.
34. Intervene in the development and implementation of the policy of ports and waterways.
35. Understand the development and implementation of the national energy policy.
36. Understand the development and control of the fuel system and the pricing, where appropriate, in accordance with the respective guidelines.
37. Understand the coordination of national rural electrification plans.
38. Understand the development and implementation of communications policy.
39. Understand the development, implementation and control of the postal service regime.
40. Understand the development and implementation of housing programmes for the lower-income sectors.
41. Promote investment in housing resources.
42. Understand the coordination and control of the implementation of the national State, the provinces and the municipalities, with regard to housing plans and urban planning, in accordance with the human settlement regime established by the territorial system policy.
43. Understand the promotion of industrialized housing systems.
44. Understand the legislation, regulation and control of the systems for realigning the cost of public works and work or debt balances by the National Administration.
45. Understand the dictation of rules related to the recruitment, construction and conservation of public works, including those carried out within the Ministry of Education.
46. Understand in the organization, management and control of the registration of companies contractors of public works and consultancies.
47. Understand the dictation of rules related to the construction and maintenance of any road work that corresponds to the national Government in accordance with the policy of territorial order.
48. Understand the construction, administration and provision of health-care services in national jurisdiction and in host provinces, by agreements, to the federal regime in the field.
49. Understand the adoption of measures for the defence of watercourses and flooding and unhealthy areas.
50. Understand the implementation of national irrigation plans.
51. Understand the development and implementation of national water policy.
52. Understand the use of multiple-use water resources in accordance with national water policy.
53. Intervene on the uses and effects of provincial and municipal waters on those of federal jurisdiction.
Article 22.- Competes the Ministry of Justice, Security and Human Rights to assist the President of the Nation, and the Chief of Staff of Ministers in order to his competence, in relations with the judiciary, with the Public Ministry, with the Ombudsman and with the Council of the Magistracy, in the updating of the national legislation, in all matters concerning the internal security, the preservation of the freedom, life and property of the inhabitants, their rights and guarantees in a framework of independence
1. Understand the determination of the objectives and policies of the area of their competence.
2. Implement plans, programmes and projects in the area of their competence developed in accordance with the directives provided by the national executive branch.
3. Understand the formulation and implementation of policies and programmes for the promotion and strengthening of human rights.
4. Intervene in the organization of the judiciary and in the appointment of judges, in accordance with the procedures and remedies provided for in the National Constitution and its complementary laws;
5. Understand in relations with the Public Prosecutor ' s Office, in the organization and appointment of its judges in accordance with the procedures and remedies provided for in the National Constitution and complementary laws.
6. Understand in relations with the Ombudsman.
7. Understand in relations with the Council of Magistracy.
8. Understand the legal advice required by the Executive Branch, the Chief of Staff of Ministers and the Ministers Secretaries and other competent officials through the Procuration of the Treasury of the Nation.
9. Understand the organization and application of the regime of representation and defense of the state in trial through the Procuration of the Treasury of the Nation.
10. Intervene in any procedural state where the interests of the national State or its decentralized entities may be compromised, without assuming the quality of a party to the trial, in support of and without prejudice to the necessary intervention of the State Bar Corps.
11. Intervene in the reform and updating of general legislation and understand in the adequacy of codes.
12. Understand the determination of criminal policy and the development of plans and programmes for its implementation, as well as crime prevention.
13. Understand the organization, functioning and supervision of penal establishments and their care services by promoting the improvements necessary for the rehabilitation of the convicted person and the proper treatment of the accused and the effective coordination of post-penitentiary assistance.
14. Understand in cases of pardon and commutation of punishment.
15. Understand the formation, registration and registration of the contracts constitutive of the companies, the authorization of the operation of the associations and foundations and their control.
16. Understand the organization, direction and control of the records of property and rights of persons.
17. Understand the organization, direction and control of the registration of judicial records of persons and the exchange of relevant information in the territory of the Nation.
18. Understand the formalization of the notary acts to which the national State is a direct or indirect party.
19. Understand the determination of the policy, the development of plans and programmes, and the representation of the national State to international bodies, in the field of human rights and non-discrimination of groups or persons;
20. Intervene extradition requests.
21. Understand in the development of normative projects aimed at promoting alternative dispute resolution methods and actions for organization, registration and control.
22. Understand the application of the National Legal Assistance and Cooperation Conventions and intervene in the International Conventions of the same nature.
23. Understand the anti-corruption programmes of the National Public Sector and act as a complaining party in the processes in which the heritage of the national State is affected.
24. Understand the systematic compilation and information of national, provincial and foreign legislation, jurisprudence and doctrine.
25. Understand in the exercise of the internal security police power and the direction and coordination of functions and jurisdictions of the national security forces (Federal Police Argentina, GendarmerÃa Nacional, Prefectura Naval Argentina, the Aeroport Security Police), provincial and territorial.
26. Leading the National Police Force, planning and coordinating the individual and joint actions of the Security and Police Forces, taking into account everything that concerns them regarding their preparation, doctrine and equipment.
27. Understand the organization, doctrine, deployment, equipment and operational efforts of the Security Forces and the Police Forces.
28. Develop the diagnosis of the internal security situation in MERCOSUR and promote coordination of joint security policies with member countries.
29. Supervising the individual or joint actions of the Security and Police Forces, as provided for in Law No. 24.059 on Internal Security.
30. Understand the production of intelligence and information under the responsibility of the Security Forces and the Police Forces.
31. To intervene in the distribution of the human, material and financial resources allocated for the achievement of the objectives in accordance with the provisions of the Internal Security Act.
32. Coordinate the formulation of medium- and long-term plans for training, investment, equipment and well-being of forces within the framework of the internal security system.
33. Supervising the actions of the Retirement and Pension Fund of the Argentine Federal Police.
34. Understand the registration, empowerment, control and technical direction of acts and activities related to water navigation.
35. Understand the registration, empowerment, control and monitoring of existing legislation on weapons, gunpowders, explosives and related weapons.
36. Understand the application of Act No. 21.521 and all related to airport security.
37. Understand in the development and implementation of strategic policies for federal harmonization, national coordination, registration and systematization of data relating to the National Road Safety System; agree with the respective jurisdictions on measures aimed at the effective implementation of the functions of prevention and control of transit, without the lack of awareness or alteration of local jurisdictions.
Article 23.- It is incumbent upon the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security to assist the President of the Nation and the Chief of Staff of Ministers in order to their competence, in all matters inherent in individual and collective relations and conditions of work, the legal regime of collective negotiations and professional associations of workers and employers, employment and labour training, social security and, in particular:
1. Understand the determination of the objectives and policies of the area of their competence.
2. Implement plans, programmes and projects in the area of their competence developed in accordance with the directives provided by the national executive branch.
3. Understand the promotion, regulation and control of the implementation of the fundamental rights of workers, in particular freedom of association, collective bargaining, equal opportunities and treatment and the elimination of forced and child labour.
4. Understand everything related to the employment contract regime and other labour protection standards.
5. Understand the negotiations and collective labour conventions in the territory of the Nation.
6. Understand the treatment of individual and collective conflicts of work, exercising conciliation, mediation and arbitration powers, in accordance with the respective particular rules.
7. Understand the application of the legal rules concerning the establishment and operation of professional and workers ' associations and the organization of registration of employers ' associations in the territory of the Nation.
8. Understand in the exercise of the police power in the labour order as the central and superintendent authority of the Labour Inspectorate and coordinate national policies and plans of control and in particular those relating to the control of unregistered employment.
9. Understand the development, implementation and control of the labour regime of minors, persons with disabilities and other special groups of workers.
10. Understand equal opportunities and treatment between men and women in access to employment and work, as well as the protection of maternity.
11. Understand in the development, organization, application and control of the harbour labour regimes and the terrestrial, air, sea, river and other special labour regimes.
12. Understand in the development and control of the general and particular norms related to hygiene, health, safety and the places or environments where the tasks are carried out in the territory of the Nation.
13. Understand the development and implementation of the guidelines that guide the private sector ' s wage policy and intervene in the establishment of the national public sector.
14. Intervene on policies and actions aimed at increasing labour productivity and equitable distribution.
15. Intervene in the coordination and harmonization of employment plans with economic plans.
16. Understand the functioning of public and private employment services at the national level and promote their coordination at the provincial and municipal levels.
17. Understand in policy formulation, instrumentation design and financing management for employment and job training programmes.
18. Understand the definition of criteria for the allocation of financial resources for employment and training programmes and, in the regulation, control and audit of such decentralized programmes to the provinces and municipalities.
19. Understand in the formulation and management of policies related to the social sector of the economy, such as the promotion of micro-enterprise incubators, the development of micro-entrepreneurs and small productive units projects; technical assistance and resource formation affected to it.
20. Understanding in the formulation, management, monitoring and audits of plans and policies related to labour training, preferably by applying decentralization criteria, within the framework of a local development promotion policy.
21. Intervene the link between employment, labour training, production and technology.
22. Intervene in the development of internal and external labour migration policies.
23. Understand the identification of social security objectives and policies and the development, implementation and control of integrated social security programmes and regimes on labour risks, maternity, old age, disability, death, family burdens, unemployment and other social contingency.
24. Understand the adoption of the agreements between the relevant social security agencies and trade union associations of workers and employers.
25. Understand the harmonization and coordination of the integrated pension and pension system with provincial, municipal, professional and foreign state regimes, as well as the forecasting complementation systems.
26. Understand the application of the rules of public and private international law of work and intervene in its development and in the labour aspects of integration processes and coordinate actions in the field of work, employment, labour training and social security with international agencies.
27. Intervene in the definition of contents and the design of the censuses and surveys carried out by official agencies, in terms of work, employment, labour training, income and social security.
28. Understanding the development of statistics, studies and surveys that provide a better understanding of the problem of work, employment, job training, income and social security.
29. Exercising the regulation and countering of what is related to in the Previsional Capitalization Regime.
Article 23 bis.- It is incumbent upon the Ministry of Social Development to assist the President of the Nation and the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, in order to their competences, in all that it does to the social development of the people, families and communities of the country in a framework of territorial rights and equity, intersectorally articulating with other provincial jurisdictions and the Autonomous Government of the City of Buenos Aires the actions taken in situations of risk and social vulnerability; and in respect of the agreements to the respect of access to the national housing,
1. Understand the determination of the objectives and policies of the area of their competence.
2. Implement plans, programmes and projects in the area of their competence developed in accordance with the directives provided by the national executive branch.
3. Understand the coordination of the entire social policy of the national State and its respective development plans at the national, provincial and municipal levels, designing, promoting and implementing activities aimed at improving the institutional structure of public social policies and programmes.
4. Understand in cases of social emergencies, in coordination with the Ministry of Health, which require the assistance of the State.
5. Understand the measures and actions aimed at obtaining financing for social development plans, within the guidelines established by the Chief of Staff of Ministers, controlling . within the scope of their competence . the fulfillment by the executing agencies .national, provincial or municipal de of the commitments they have made.
6. Understand the administration of funds from gambling.
7. Intervene in international activities related to the social development of our country and also exercise the representation of the Argentine Republic in international meetings, forums and fields related to development and social promotion.
8. Understand the regulation, control and audit of decentralized social programmes to provinces, municipalities and non-governmental organizations, by transfer.
9. To intervene in the definition of the criteria for the allocation of financial resources of the national State for the population.
10. Understand the organization and operation of a social information system, with relevant indicators on the population groups, which allows for an adequate weighting of the set of national social policies and programmes, as well as their identification.
11. Understand in the formulation, standardization, coordination, monitoring and evaluation of food policies implemented at the national, provincial and municipal levels, as well as in the formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of all food programs implemented at the national level.
12. Intervene in the development and implementation of actions to achieve the development of persons with special capacities.
13. Understand the implementation of actions that involve direct intervention and urgent assistance to persons at risk and social vulnerability, both in the country and abroad, participating in actions in compliance with international commitments or aid plans.
14. Understand in the formulation of policies for children and adolescents and families, and in the design, implementation, coordination, monitoring and evaluation of programmes for the promotion, protection, social integration and defence of their rights, following the guidelines of the National Constitution and the International Conventions on the subject.
15. Understand the formulation of social promotion policies for Youth and Gender.
16. Intervene in actions to promote the formation and training of resources for the social area.
17. Develop training plans and programmes linked to social policy in strict relation to the Social Economy and trades and popular knowledge in the field of its competence.
18. Develop, execute and monitor the actions of the area, aimed at ensuring the protection and defence of the rights of Aboriginal communities and their full inclusion in society, with the participation of the ministries that have assigned competence in this area, for the purposes provided for in article 75, paragraph 17, of the National Constitution.
19. Understand the formulation of policies for the elderly and the coordination of programmes for the promotion and social integration of older persons.
20. Intervene in the development of accreditation standards that regulate the functioning, control and evaluation of social institutions and organizations.
21. Understand in the formulation of policies aimed at strengthening the social economy and in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of microcredit programmes.
22. Understand actions that promote human development by promoting productive and marketing activities in rural and urban areas.
23. Intervene in the development, implementation and control of integrated social security programmes in relation to aspects of their competence.
24. Understand the development, implementation, implementation, superintendence, control and control of mutuality regimes and cooperative entities.
25. Understand the allocation and distribution of urgent subsidies and aids that are granted to individuals, public and private entities, cooperatives and social organizations, including through equipment, inputs, materials, social infrastructure, elements for family workshops, social and community enterprises, of a productive, recreational or service nature, aimed at improving the quality of life, in the framework of the implementation of social policies.
26. Understand in the development of urban planning plans aimed at adapting housing, services infrastructure and social equipment both rural and urban, to the principles of hygiene and health essential for the integral development of the family.
27. Understand the development of housing and social infrastructure programmes in coordination with the relevant areas.
28. Understand the promotion, cooperation and technical assistance of public welfare institutions for the assistance of the population, as well as the registration and control of those institutions and non-governmental organizations, community and grass-roots organizations, and the coordination of actions that allow their proper and systematic integration into social policies and programmes.
29. Understand the application of international treaties relating to the subjects of their competence, and intervene in the formulation of international conventions in the affairs of their area.
30. Understand the development and implementation of programmes that include the Centres for Child Development, both at the national and interregional levels, aimed at the development of the population in the first years.
31. Intervene from the point of view of its competence in the development of own research for the development, development and consolidation of social policies.
32. Understand the development of community social communication systems to work on the evolution, promotion and articulation of social policies.
33. Understand in the formulation, standardization, articulation of policies in the community integration centres as a central space for the implementation of social policies in the territory, in coordination with the authorities of the provincial jurisdictions and the Autonomous Government of the City of Buenos Aires, in order to consolidate the Federal Social Policy Network.
34. Manage the National Register of Local Development and Social Economy in the field of its competence.
35. Understand everything about the promotion and development of sports in the country in all its forms.
Article 23 ter.- It is incumbent upon the Ministry of Health to assist the President of the Nation and the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, in order for their competence, in all aspects of the health of the population, and in promoting healthy behaviours of the community and, in particular:
1. Understand the determination of the objectives and policies of the area of their competence.
2. Implement plans, programmes and projects in the area of their competence developed in accordance with the directives provided by the national executive branch.
3. Understand the functioning of health-related services, establishments and institutions.
4. Understand in the overall planning of the health sector and in coordination with the health authorities of the provincial jurisdictions and the Autonomous Government of the City of Buenos Aires, in order to implement a federal system of health, consensual, that has sufficient social viability.
5. Understand in the elaboration of the rules intended to regulate the scope and responsibility for the exercise of medicine, dentistry and related professions, ensuring accessibility and quality of medical care.
6. Intervene in the control of the state of health of the applicants to enter the National Public Service and those who already carry out it.
7. Intervene in its scope, in the study, recognition and evaluation of the environmental conditions of the places intended to perform tasks, regardless of their nature or nature, with a circumstantial or permanent presence of natural persons.
8. Intervene in the development of the regulations on labour medicine.
9. Intervene in the development of the regulations on sports medicine.
10. Understand the medical control of immigration and the sanitary defense of borders, ports, airports and means of international transport.
11. Understand in the exercise of the power of the health police regarding products, instrumental teams linked to health, and intervene in the establishment of the production industries of the same.
12. Understand the dictation of standards and procedures for guaranteeing the quality of medical care.
13. Intervene in the approval of projects of health establishments that are built with the participation of private entities.
14. Understand the coordination, coordination of complementation of state health services systems at the national, provincial municipal, social security, and the private sector.
15. Understand the organization, direction and control of the registration of public and private health facilities.
16. Intervene in the control of everything related to the development, distribution and marketing of medicinal, biological, drug, dietary, food, insecticides, toilet, mineral waters, medicinal herbs and material and instruments of medical application, in coordination with the relevant ministries.
17. Intervene in the correction and elimination of distortions that occur in the domestic market of medicinal products.
18. Intervene actions to promote the formation and training of human resources for the area of health.
19. Intervene in the standardization, registration, control, and sanitary and brothological control of food, in the field of its competence, in coordination with the Ministry of Economy and Production.
20. Understanding and controlling the distribution of subsidies to grant to public and private entities that carry out preventive or assistance medical activities.
21. Intervene, in its scope, in the allocation of control of subsidies aimed at solving health problems in emergency situations, not foreseen or not covered by existing systems.
22. Intervene in the development and implementation of integrated social security programmes in health-related aspects.
23. Understand the updating of health statistics and available resource studies, supply, demand and need, as well as the diagnosis of the situation necessary for strategic planning of the health sector.
24. Understanding the standardization and development of procedures for the collection and processing of health data produced at the jurisdictional level, consolidating it at the national level and disseminating the results thereof.
25. Understand the dissemination and information about the substantive health services to the recipients of them to reduce the asymmetries of information.
26. Understand the development of studies on epidemiology, health economy and management of health actions in order to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and quality of public health organizations.
27. Understand the regulation of basic health coverage plans.
28. Understand international health relations and technical cooperation relations with international health agencies.
29. Understand in the formulation, promotion and implementation of plans to reduce inequities in the health conditions of the population, within the framework of integral and sustainable human development through the establishment of participatory mechanisms and the building of consensus at the federal, intra and intersectoral levels.
30. Preventively intervene in reducing toxic morbidity and chemical risks at all stages of the life cycle.
31. Intervene, in its scope, in the promotion of health education through primary, secondary or special schools, to create health awareness among the population from childhood, in coordination with the Ministry of Education.
32. Understand the development and implementation of child maternal programmes at both the national and interregional levels, aimed at reducing child mortality.
33. Understand in the development of health campaigns plans aimed at the eradication of endemic diseases, the rehabilitation of the sick and the detection and prevention of non-communicable diseases.
34. To intervene in the development of preventive and health promotion programmes to ensure the protection of Aboriginal communities and all other health services.
35. Understand control, epidemiological surveillance and disease notification.
36. Understand the programming and management of national vaccination and immunization programmes.
37. Understand, in its scope, the development, implementation and control of integrated programmes covering the inhabitants in case of specific pathologies and specific population groups at risk.
38. Understand in the development and implementation of actions aimed at the rehabilitation and re-education of the disabled and invalid.
39. Understand the development, implementation, implementation and control of mutual and social works regimes covered by the Nros Acts. 23,660 and 23.661.
40. Understand, in its scope, in the relations and norms of prepaid medicine.
41. Understand in the formulation of policies and strategies for promotion and development aimed at preventing and/or correcting the adverse effects of the environment on human health, in conjunction with other agencies within the competence of the national executive branch.
Article 23 quater.- It is incumbent upon the Ministry of Education to assist the President of the Nation and the Chief of Staff of Ministers in order to their competence, in all matters inherent in Education, in accordance with the provisions of the Nros Acts. 24,195, 24,521, the Federal Educational Covenant (Act No. 24,856) and the other laws and regulations in force and which are adopted accordingly and, in particular:
1. Understand the determination of the objectives and policies of the area of their competence.
2. Implement plans, programmes and projects in the area of their competence developed in accordance with the directives provided by the national executive branch.
3. Understand the definition of the objectives of the education policy set out in the Federal Education Council and within the framework of the principles set out in the Federal Education Act.
4. Understand in accordance with the Federal Council of Education in the establishment of the Common Basic Contents and objectives of the curricula of the different levels, cycles and special education regimes, ensuring the unity of the National Education System.
5. Understand in the formulation of compensatory policies and national technical and financial cooperation programmes that promote quality and equity in the development of education throughout the nation.
6. Understand the development and administration of the Federal Continuing Education Network to ensure quality, professionalism and relevance in the training of teachers dependent on different jurisdictions.
7. Understand the development and implementation of the National Integrated System of Information and Evaluation of Education Quality.
8. To understand an adequate federalization of the educational system by providing for this purpose the technical assistance required by the provinces and the Autonomous Government of the City of Buenos Aires.
9. Understand in the formulation of general policies for the development and coordination of the Higher, University and Non-University Education System.
10. To intervene in the definition of the criteria for the allocation of financial resources of the national State for National Universities:
11. Understand in the creation and operation of funds for the improvement of quality in National Universities.
12. Understand the creation of new university institutions and the control of private university institutions.
13. Understand the actions inherent in the formulation of a system of evaluation and accreditation for higher, university and non-university education.
14. Understand the determination of the national validity of studies and qualifications, the empowerment of professional qualifications with national validity, and the recognition of qualifications issued abroad.
15. Intervene in the formulation and development of international agreements on educational integration on a bilateral or multilateral basis.
16. Intervene in the negotiation of international treaties and conventions on education, and understand in the implementation of international treaties and conventions, general laws and regulations on the subject.
17. Coordinate international cooperation in the field of its competence.
Article 23 quinquies.- It is incumbent upon the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation to assist the President of the Nation and the Chief of Staff of Ministers in order to his competence, in all aspects of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation and, in particular:
1. Understand the determination of the objectives and policies of the area of their competence.
2. Implement plans, programmes and projects in the area of their competence developed in accordance with the directives provided by the national executive branch.
3. Understanding policy formulation and technology development planning as a tool to strengthen the country ' s capacity to respond to priority sectoral and social problems and to contribute to the sustainable increase of the competitiveness of the productive sector, based on the development of a new production pattern based on goods and services with greater technological density.
4. Understand in the formulation of policies and programmes for the establishment and operation of the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation established by Law No. 25.467, and understand in the management of instruments for the implementation of Law No. 23.877 on Technological Innovation.
5. Understand in the formulation and implementation of plans, programmes, projects and in the design of measures and tools for the promotion of science, technology and innovation; in particular in the promotion and administration of sectoral funds in priority areas for the productive sector or in sectors with high content of public goods, in coordination with ministries with specific competence. Manage existing ones in the field of promotion of software with the scope of the regime of Article 13 of Law No. 25,922 in the promotion of modern biotechnology in the context of the fund created by Article 15 of Law No. 26,270, and promotion of nanotechnology through the Foundation of Nanotechnology ).FAN). (Decree No. 380/05).
6. Supervising the activities of the agencies for the promotion, regulation and, execution in science, technology, and productive innovation in the field of their competence.
7. To exercise the Presidency and Executive Coordination of the Scientific-Technological Cabinet (GACTEC) in the terms of the regulations in force.
8. Understand the functional coordination of the agencies of the Technological Scientific System of the National Administration, and evaluate their activity.
9. Understand the promotion and encouragement of research, and the application, financing and transfer of technological scientific knowledge.
10. Intervene in the formulation and development of bilateral or multilateral international conventions on scientific and technological integration.
11. Intervene in the promotion, gestation and negotiation of international treaties and conventions relating to science, technology and productive innovations, and understand in the implementation of international treaties and conventions, general laws and regulations on the subject.
12. Coordinate international cooperation in the field of its competence.
Article 3 Transfer from the Ministry of the Interior to the Ministry of Justice, Security and Human Rights, the Ministry of Internal Security, the National Gendarmerie, the Argentine Naval Prefecture, the Argentine Federal Police, the Air Security Police, the National Register of Arms, the Retirement Fund, Jubilments and Pensions of the Argentine Federal Police, and their dependent areas, as well as their competencies, organizational units with their respective positions, level of executive duties ARTICLE 4 The powers conferred upon the head of the Ministry of Internal Security Secretariat by the regulations in force at the date of the present decision shall be assumed by the holder of the Ministry of Justice, Security and Human Rights. ARTICLE 5o Until then, the corresponding budgetary adjustments are made, the attention of the erogations of the areas and functions transferred by this law shall be covered by the budgetary provisions of the jurisdictions of origin of them. ARTICLE 6 This law will enter into force on 10 December 2007. ARTICLE 7 Contact the national executive branch.IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, TO THE TWO DAYS OF THE YEAR TWO MIL SEE.
ALBERTO E. BALESTRINI. . DANIEL O. SCIOLI. . Enrique Hidalgo. . Juan H. Estrada.