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Health Publishes Protection And Treatment Of Certain Pathologies In The Recien Born - Full Text Of The Norm


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image inicio sitio infoleg MInisterio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos
PUBLICA HEALTH Law 26.279 Regime for the detection and subsequent treatment of certain pathologies in the newborn. Alcances. Mandatory benefits. Constitution of an Interdisciplinary Commission of Specialists in Neonatal Pesquisa. Purpose. Functions of the Ministry of Health. Sanctioned: August 8, 2007 Cast: September 4, 2007

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies

of the Argentine Nation gathered in Congress,


forcefully sanctioned


ARTICLE 1 Every child at birth in the Argentine Republic will be given the determinations for the detection and subsequent treatment of phenylcetonuria, neonatal hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis, galactocemia, congenital suprarenal hyperplasia, biotinid deficiency, retinopathy of the premature, chagas and syphilis; its realization and follow-up in all public institutions of state management or of delivery are mandatory. Any person diagnosed prior to the validity of this Act is automatically included within the population subject to treatment and follow-up.

ARTICLE 2 Other metabolic genetic and/or congenital abnormalities are also included at the time of birth, if the need for research is scientifically justified and there are reasons for health policy.

Article 3 Social works, including as such the provisions of article 1 of Law 23.660, as well as the social work of the Judiciary, the Directorate of Social Aid for the staff of the Congress of the Nation, those who provide social coverage to the staff of the social works, as well as all those health agents who provide medical services to their affiliates, regardless of the legal figure they have, should incorporate as

1. Detection of the pathologies listed in Article 1 and those that subsequently are incorporated.

2. Therapeutic addictions based on drugs, special formulas and supplements, food and special dietary supplements, according to each pathology, and taking into account the new scientifically approved treatment alternatives that are beyond the current ones.

3. Complete equipment and treatment kits.

Compliance with the above-mentioned benefits will be regulated by the Ministry of Health through the usual control mechanisms.

ARTICLE 4 An Interdisciplinary Commission of Specialists in Neonatal Pesquisa, convened by the Ministry of Health of the Nation, will be established to develop standards of quality of common use, incorporate results and systematize the experiences already developed by provincial jurisdictions, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and municipalities.

ARTICLE 5o The functions of the Ministry of Health shall be:

(a) To develop outreach to the general population on the characteristics and risks of diseases set out in articles 1 and 2 and the behaviour and actions required for their prevention and control and the care services to which they may resort in order to promote community and social knowledge and participation in the subject;

(b) To promote the development of comprehensive lending models that include preventive, detection, early diagnosis, reference, counterreference, assistance and follow-up on a case-by-case basis;

(c) Coordinate with the health and educational authorities of the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, the conduct of education and prevention campaigns, aimed at raising awareness of the importance of conducting early diagnostic studies, the timely assistance and support to families, as well as the need for interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary work among health and education teams, for integrated care of the person, combining criteria and knowledge;

(d) Manage and coordinate scientific aspects of the research, standardizing treatment and monitoring to establish to ensure its effectiveness;

(e) Establishing Referral Networks in a sustained manner, with the aim of implementing early stimulation, rehabilitation therapy, and equipment, in order to maintain a fluid communication between those who made the diagnosis, the reference doctor and those who will perform the or the corresponding treatments;

(f) Encourage the development of research and evaluation models in the field;

(g) Develop statistical systems at the national and provincial levels in coordination with all public and private health facilities, which address these issues, which should provide the necessary information to the health authorities in order to provide the necessary information in a timely manner to learn about the progress and progress of the actions undertaken, as well as the evolution of these diseases primarily to guide prevention;

(h) To promote the creation of a data bank, which will provide a better knowledge of the scope of these pathologies and will be a useful element for prevention;

(i) Planning the training of the human resource in the counselling of families in the different problems raised by each of the pathologies with a subsequent follow-up of each individual case according to the needs arising from each problem.

ARTICLE 6 Establish a direct relationship of support with scientific entities, civil associations and O.N.Gs that, at the time of the sanction of the present, are developing activities inherent to the objective of the latter, in the national territory, or at the international level.

ARTICLE 7 The provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires are invited to join this law.

ARTICLE 8 Expenditures for compliance with the provisions of this Act, with the exception of the entities mentioned in Article 3 shall be met with the remedies available to the General Budget Act for the National Public Administration for Jurisdiction 80 - Ministry of Health.

Authorize the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers to make the necessary budgetary adjustments for the financing of this law, during the fiscal year of entry into force of this law.

Article 9 Contact the Executive.


# 26,279 EL

ALBERTO BALESTRINI. . JUAN J. B. PAMPURO. . Enrique Hidalgo. . Juan H. Estrada.