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General Budget Of The National Administration 2010 Budget Of Expenditure And Resources National Administration 2010 - Approval - Full Text Of The Norm


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(Note Infoleg: for Decree No. 2054/2010 B.O. 29/12/2010 the General Budget of the National Administration for the Exercise 2010 approved by this Law is extended. Watch: 1 January 2011) GENERAL BUDGET OF NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION Law 26.546 Approve the Budget of National Administration Expenses and Resources for the Exercise 2010. Posted: November 12, 2009 promulgated: November 26, 2009

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:



Chapter I

National Administration Budget of Expenditure and Resources

ARTICLE 1 . Note in the sum of SETENTA DOSCIENTS AND THREE MIL SCIENTY VEINTINUEVE MILLONES CUATROCIENTS VEINTITRES MIL NOVECIENTS DIETE ($ 273.129.423.917) the total current and capital expenses of the General Budget of the National Administration for the Exercise of 2010, for the purposes indicated in analytical and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 Annexes to this article.





Government Administration




Defence and Security Services



Social Services




Economic services




Public Debt








ARTICLE 2 Note in the sum of SETENTA DOSCIENTS AND TRES MIL SETECIENTS CINCUENTA MILLONES OCHOCIENTS NOVENTA MIL NOVECIENTS SESENTA AND SIETE ($ 273,750.890.967) the Calculation of Current and Capital Resources of the National Administration in accordance with the summary set out below.

Current resources


Capital resources




Article 3 Note in the amount of PESOS CUARENTA AND NUEVE MIL OCHOCIENTS TREINTA AND SEIS MILLONES CUATROCIENTS SESENTA AND A MIL NOVECIENTS SESENTA AND NUEVE ($ 49,836,461,969) the amounts corresponding to the Figures for current transactions and capital of the National Administration, according to the provisions 9 and 10 Annexes to this article. ARTICLE 4 As a result of articles 1, 2, and 3, the surplus financial result is estimated in the sum of SEISCIENTY PESOS VEINTIUN MILLONES SESENTA AND SIETE MIL CINCUENTA ($ 621,467,050). The Funding Sources and Financial Applications detailed in the Nros Planks are also listed below. 11, 12 and 13 Annexes to this article.

Funding sources


- Decrease in Financial Investment


- Public Indebtedness and Increase of Other Liabilities


Financial applications


- Financial investment


- Repayment of Debt and Decrease of Other Passives


Note in the amount of PESOS A MIL QUINIENTS CINCUENTA AND NEW SETENTA MILLONES AND DOS MIL ($ 1,559.772,000) the amount corresponding to Figure Costs for Financial Applications of the National Administration, thus establishing the Funding for Tax Contributions for Financial Applications of the National Administration in the same amount.

ARTICLE 5o The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, through administrative decision, shall distribute the provisions of this Act at least at the level of the limiting items set out in the aforementioned decision and in the programmatic openings or equivalent categories it deems relevant.

In addition, the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers may determine the powers for budgetary restructuring within the framework of the powers assigned by the Ministry Act (t. by Decree 438/92) and its amendments.

ARTICLE 6 Increases may not be approved in the positions and hours of chairs exceeding the totals set out in the annexed tables to this article for each Jurisdiction, Decentralized Agency and Social Security Institution. Except for such limitation to transfers of charges between Jurisdictions and/or Decentralized Agencies and the positions corresponding to the Higher Authorities of the National Executive. The National Civil Service is also exempted from the posts corresponding to the executive functions of the Collective Labour Convention of the National Public Employment System (S.I.N.E.P.), approved by Decree 2.098 of December 3, 2008, the extensions and restructurings of the posts originating in the performance of firm judicial decisions and in administrative claims issued favourably, in restructures of the positions generated in the application of the Civil Service Authorize the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers to exempt from the limitations set forth in this article, the positions of the Jurisdictions and Entities whose organizational structures have been approved until 2009. ARTICLE 7 Except as a well-founded decision of the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, the National Administration Jurisdictions and Entities shall not be able to fill the existing vacant posts at the date of the sanction of this Act, nor those that occur subsequently. The administrative decisions issued in this regard shall be effective during the present fiscal period and the following for cases where the unfrozen vacancies could not be covered.

The above-mentioned charges for the Senior Authorities of the National Civil Service, the Scientific and Technical Staff of the agencies set out in article 14 (a) of Law 25.467, those for the officers of the Active Permanent Body of the Foreign Service of the Nation, the charges for the Jurisdictions and Entities whose organizational structures have been approved until 2009, as well as for the personnel of the Federal Prison Service, are exempted from the previous retirement.

The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers shall be authorized to exempt from the first paragraph of this article the charges for jurisdictions and entities whose organizational structures have been approved until 2009.

The administrative decisions issued shall be in effect during the present fiscal period and the following for cases where the unfrozen vacancies could not be covered.

Chapter II

De la Delegación de Facultades

ARTICLE 8 Authorize the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers to introduce extensions to the budgetary credits approved by this Law and to establish their distribution to the extent that they are financed with increased sources of financing originated in loans from international financial agencies to which the Nation is a party and those originated in bilateral agreements country-country and those derived from the authorization granted by Article 43 of this Law, provided that their amount is offset by other credits Article 9 The Chief of Staff of Ministers may make provision for extensions in the budgetary provisions of the Central Administration, the decentralized agencies and social security institutions, and their corresponding distribution, financed with increased resources with specific impact, own resources, transfers of National Public Sector Entities, donations and remnants of previous years. The measures taken in the use of this faculty shall be directed by TREINTA and CINCO FOR SCIENTO (35%) to the National Treasury. Except for such contribution to resources with specific impact for the provinces, and those originating in transfers of National Public Sector Entities, donations and remnants, sale of goods and/or services and contributions, in accordance with the definition contained in the Rubber Resource Classifier of the Budget Classifications Manual. ARTICLE 10. The powers granted by this law to the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers may be assumed by the National Executive Branch, in his capacity as a political head of the country ' s general administration and in accordance with article 99, paragraph 10, of the National Constitution.

Chapter III

Standards on Expenditure

ARTICLE 11. Authorize, in accordance with article 15 of the Financial Administration and the National Public Sector Control Systems Act and its modifications, the hiring of works or acquisition of goods and services whose period of execution exceeds the financial period of the year 2010 in accordance with the detail in annex 1 to this article.

Please refer to the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers to make the necessary compensations within the Jurisdiction 56 MiMinistry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services finalidad, including change of purpose, Sources of Financing and Object of Gast, for the sole purpose of attending to the financing of the execution of the works detailed in the annexed Table 2 to this article.

ARTICLE 12. Note as a credit to finance the operating expenses, investment and special programs of the National Universities the sum of MIL TREINT AND OCHO TREINTA AND OCHO MIL NOVATE PESOSES ($ 10,298,938,090), according to the detail of the "A" annex to this article.

National Universities shall submit to the Ministry of Education University Policy Secretariat the information necessary to allocate, execute and evaluate the resources transferred to it in any way. The Ministry may discontinue transfers of funds in case of non-compliance with such information, in time and form.

Please note that the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers shall, in addition to that set out in the preceding paragraph, make the distribution in the "B" Plane annexed to this article for the total amount of MILLONES ($240,000), through discounts and/or compensations to be made in the credits allocated to other jurisdictions.

ARTICLE 13. Appropriate for the present period, in accordance with the detail contained in the annexed plan to this article, financial flows and the use of trust funds composed entirely or mainly of goods and/or funds of the national State, in compliance with article 2 (a) of Law 25.152. The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers shall submit quarterly reports to both Houses of the Honorable Congress on the flow and use of trust funds, including the transfers made and the works executed and/or programmed. ARTICLE 14. The registrations included in the 2008 Exercise Investment Account are validated by the application of Acts 26,222 and 26,425 and Decree 897 of 12 July 2007 and their amendments and supplements. ARTICLE 15. During this exercise, in the sum of NEAR PESOS CINCUENTA AND OCHO MILLONES QUINIENTS TRES MIL ($ 958,503,000) the contribution to the National Employment Fund (FNE) for the care of employment programmes of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security. ARTICLE 16. The national State takes charge of the debts generated in the Eléctrico Mayorista (MEM) by application of the Resolution of the Ministry of Energy 406 dated September 8, 2003, corresponding to the aggravations of Nucleoeléctrica Argentina Sociedad Anónima (NASA), of the Binational Entity Yacyretá and to the surpluses generated by the Tax Complex 25.67 The debts referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be included in article 2 (f) of Law 25.152. ARTICLE 17. The national executive branch shall, at the request of the Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services, establish a Priority Investment Programme consisting of economic and social infrastructure projects aimed at the construction of public and private domain goods for the development of transport, the generation and provision of energy, the development of educational, environmental infrastructure and the coverage of social housing. Projects and works included in the Programme referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be considered as a financial asset and shall be treated as advances to suppliers and contractors until their completion. ARTICLE 18. Consider non-refundable contributions, the loans provided by the national State under article 1 of Decree 217 of 27 February 2006 for Nucleoeléctrica Argentina Sociedad Anónima (NASA) for the economic transfers carried out and those carried out until 31 December 2010. Please refer to the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance Ministry's Ministry of Finance to carry out the accounting records to give rise to the effects of this article. ARTICLE 19. The national State takes charge of the total debt due to capital and interest generated by the loan of the Banco de la Nación Argentina, autarchical entity within the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance, aimed at the purchase of heavy water for the Central Nuclear Embalse, approved by Resolution of the Honorable Directory of the Bank of the Argentine Nation dated March 10, 1997 and its modifications, releasing to Nucleoeléctrica Argentina Sociedad Anónima Authorize the national executive branch to agree with the Banco de la Nación Argentina on the terms of payment of the loan. ARTICLE 20. Within the transfers of the National Treasury assigned by this law to Nucleoeléctrica Argentina Sociedad Anónima (NASA) is included the corresponding amount to cancel the debt for capital and interest arising from the Acta Agreement signed on 14 July 2006 between Nucleoeléctrica Argentina Sociedad Anónima (NASA) and Siemens AG and approved by the Assembly of shareholders dated 19 September 2006, ARTICLE 21. las Prorróganse para el Exercise 2010 las disposiciones del artículo 22 de la Ley 26.422. ARTICLE 22. Authorize the national executive branch through the Transport Secretariat under the Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services, to implement the mechanisms corresponding to the purpose of meeting the financial needs arising from the operational deficits, investments and treatment of the liabilities arising from the application of Article 6 of the Law 26,466 of the companies Airlines Argentinas Sociedad Anónima y Austral Lines of the Air Lines of the Southern Controlled Company, The amount of assistance made and to be carried out must be implemented, once the aforementioned expropriation has been completed, such as capital contributions and/or credits for the national State.

In the case of the treatment of liabilities and, if necessary, authorize the Responsible Body for the Coordination of Financial Management Systems to issue debt instruments for their attention. The national State may act against a debtor.

For the purposes set out in this article, the Chief of Staff of Ministers shall provide for appropriate budgetary adjustments and report on such assistance to the Bicameral Commission on State Reform and Monitoring Privatizations.

ARTICLE 23. Reach for the 2010 Exercise as an allocation for the initial constitution of the National Fund for the Enrichment and Conservation of Native Forests, provided for in article 31 of Law 26.331, a maximum amount of PESOS TRESCIENTS MILLONES ($300,000.000).

Chapter IV

Resources Standards

ARTICLE 24. Appropriate the income as a contribution to the National Treasury the sum of PESOS A MIL SESENTA AND OCHO MILLONES SEISCIENTS VEINTIOCHO MIL DOSCIENTS AND SEIS ($ 1,068,628,286), according to the distribution indicated in the annexed Table to this article. The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers shall establish the schedule of payments. ARTICLE 25. Note in the sum of CINCUENT PESOS AND A MILLONES TRESCIENTA AND OCHO MIL ($ 51.358,000) the amount of the regulatory rate as established by the first paragraph of Article 26 of Law 24.804 - National Act on Nuclear Activity. ARTICLE 26. de Release for the fiscal year 2010 to the UNO AS NOTE BY SCIENTI (1.90%) the liquota established by article 1 (a) of Decree 1399 of 4 November 2001.

The cooperation programmes that the Federal Public Income Administration (AFIP) develop in the area of tax administration with national, provincial, inter-provincial, municipal or the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, in accordance with the guidelines agreed upon in this regard, shall be implemented and administered in accordance with their respective regulations and shall be financed from the resources referred to in the preceding paragraph.

ARTICLE 27. Suspense for the 2010 Exercise the corresponding integration of the Tax Anticyclical Fund created by Article 9 of Law 25.152. ARTICLE 28. Note the percentage referred to in article 2 (a) of Act 25.641.

Please note that this percentage will be assigned as follows: CERO COMA CUARENTA AND CINCO BY CIENTO (0.45%) to the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA), the CERO COMA QUINCE BY CIENTO (0.15%) to the National Service of Health and Food Quality (SENASA) and the CERO CINCO Instituto Industrial (Per CIENT05%). These funds shall be detracted from the charges, rights and fees, excluding the statistical rate established by Act No. 23.664, which is perceived by the National Customs Directorate, and must be deposited by it directly to the order of the agencies mentioned above in the Bank of the Argentine Nation.

ARTICLE 29. Exempt the provisions of Article 33 of Law 26,422. ARTICLE 30. The resources from the marketing of the products Association of Argentine Football (AFA) referred to in the sixth clause of the Agreement of Association of the Chief of Staff of Ministers with the Association of Argentine Football for the Transmission of Spectacles of Open and Free Television approved by article 1 of the Administrative Decision 221 of the date will be administered by the Government of September 2009,

Except for the resources produced by the above-mentioned contract of the TREINTA and CINCO per CIENTO (35%), established in Article 9 of this Law. Please note that the remnants of the resources received by such concepts, verified at the end of each fiscal year, will go to the next exercise with equal expense.

Make available to the Chief of Staff of Ministers the necessary budgetary modifications for the purpose of complying with the third clause of the Association of the Chief of Staff of Ministers with the Association of Argentine Football, in terms of the distribution of the surplus of resources after ensuring the annual minimum income to the Association of Argentine Football, with the purpose of assigning the CINCUENTA FOR CIENTO (50%)

Chapter V

From the Fiscal Cups

ARTICLE 31. Please note the annual quota referred to in Article 3 of Law 22,317 and Article 7 of Law 25,872, in the sum of NOVATE PESOS and CINCO MILLONES ($ 95,000.000), according to the following detail:

(a) PESOS DIECIOCHO MILLONES ($ 18.000,000) for the National Institute of Technological Education;

(b) PESOS TREINTA MILLONES ($ 30,000.000) for the Undersecretary of Small and Medium Enterprise and Regional Development;

(c) PESOS DOCE MILLONES ($ 12,000.000) for the Undersecretary of Small and Medium Enterprise and Regional Development (Article 5 (d) of Law 25.872;

(d) PESOS TREINTA AND CINCO MILLONES ($ 35,000.000) for the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security. (Note Infoleg: by art. 28 of the Annex Decree No. 2054/2010 B.O. 29/12/2010 expands the amount established by this paragraph until reaching the sum of MILLONES ($ 50,000.000). Vigilance: 1 January 2011).

It is established that the amount of the tax credit referred to in Law 22,317 will be administered by the National Institute of Technological Education within the Ministry of Education.

ARTICLE 32. ). Note the annual quota set out in Article 9 (b) of Law 23,877 in the sum of CORE PES and MILLONES CINCO ($ 45,000.000). The Law Enforcement Authority 23.877 will distribute the quota allocated for the operator established in order to contribute to the financing of the costs of the execution of research and development projects in priority areas in accordance with Decree 270 of 11 March 1998 and to finance projects under the Program for the Promotion of the Investment of Risk in Companies of Areas of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation as established by Decree 1207 September 2006. ARTICLE 33. Please refer to the National Executive Branch to amend Annexes I and II of Decree 135 of 7 February 2006, replaced by article 1 of Decree 1798 of 3 December 2007, for the purpose of amending material errors and including non-industrial projects that were subject to redeployment of fiscal costs or reformulations, as appropriate, by the Authority for the Application of Law 22.021 and its amendments, dated 22,702 and 22.97.

Chapter VI

Cancellation of Previsional Debts

ARTICLE 34. The maximum limit is the amount of PESOS DOS MIL MILLONES ($ 2,400,000) for the payment of assessed debts recognized at the judicial and administrative headquarters as a result of retroactive adjustments in the benefits of the Argentine Integrated Previsional System by the National Social Security Administration. ARTICLE 35. Please provide the payment in cash by the National Social Security Administration of the projected debts consolidated under Act No. 25,344 and pay by placing public debt instruments. ARTICLE 36. Authorize the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers to extend the limit set out in article 34 of the present law for the cancellation of previsional debts recognized in judicial and administrative headquarters as a result of retroactives arising from adjustments made to the benefits of the Argentine Integrated Previsional System by the National Social Security Administration, as required by the performance of such obligations. Authorize the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers to make the necessary budgetary changes in order to comply with this article. ARTICLE 37. The cancellation of consolidated previsional debts, in accordance with the current regulations, in compliance with judicial decisions ordering the payment of retroactive and readjustments by the appropriate party to pay through the placement of public debt instruments, to retirees and pensioners of the Armed Forces and Security Forces, including the Federal Prison Service, shall be taken into account with the amounts corresponding to the Institute of Financial Assistance of the Federal Prisons ARTICLE 38. The maximum limit is the amount of PESOS TRES MILLONES NOVECIENTOS SIETE MIL ($ 403.907,000) for the payment of court judgements by the appropriate party to pay in cash for all purposes, as a result of retroactives originated in adjustments made in the benefits of retired and pensioned from the Armed Forces and the Federal Security Forces, including the following Penitentiary Service,

Financial Aid Institute for Retirement and Military Pensions


Retirement and Pension Fund of the Federal Police Argentina

$ 187.214,000

Federal Prison Service


National Gendarmerie


Naval Prefecture Argentina


Authorize the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers to extend the limit set out in this article for the cancellation of forecasted debts, recognized at judicial and administrative headquarters as a result of retroactives arising from adjustments made to the benefits of retired and pensioned members of the Armed Forces and Security Forces, including the Federal Prison Service, as required.

Authorize the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers to make the necessary budgetary changes in order to comply with this article.

ARTICLE 39. Disposable the payment of the credits derived from court judgements for readjustments of assets to the foreseeable beneficiaries of the Armed Forces and Security Forces, including the Federal Prison Service, over SETENTA (70) years at the beginning of the respective exercise, and to the beneficiaries of any age who prove that they, or any member of their primary family group, suffer from a serious illness whose development may frustrate the effects of the thing. In this case, the perception of the arrears will be made in cash and in a single payment. ARTICLE 40. The agencies referred to in articles 37 and 38 of this Act shall observe for the cancellation of the forecast debts the strict priority order set out below:

(a) Sentences reported in previous fiscal periods and still pending payment;

(b) Sentences reported in 2010.

In the first case, older beneficiaries will be given priority. Sentences reported in periods prior to 2010, shall be served by those included in subparagraph (b), strictly respecting the chronological order of notification of final judgements.

Chapter VII

Retirement and Pension

ARTICLE 41. Please note that the participation of the Institute for Financial Aid for the Payment of Retrieves and Military Pensions, referred to in articles 18 and 19 of Act No. 22.919, shall not be less than the ACCENTA and CINCO per SCIENTO (45%) of the cost of the remunerative retirement, compensation and pension of the beneficiaries. ARTICLE 42. Protract for TEN (10) years from their respective maturity the pensions granted under Law 13.337 that have expired or expired during the present period.

Protract for TEN (10) years from their respective maturity the ex gratia pensions that were granted by article 52 of Law 25.237.

Ex gratia pensions extended by this Act, which are granted and those extended by Laws 23.990, 24.061, 24.191, 24.307, 24.447, 24.624, 24.764, 24.938, 25.064, 25.237, 25.401, 25.500, 25.565, 25.725, 25.827, 25,967, 26,078, 26, 198, 26,337 and 26,427,

(a) Do not be the beneficiary of a property whose tax valuation is equivalent to or greater than CIEN MIL PESOS ($ 100,000);

(b) Do not link up to the fourth degree of consanguinity or second degree of affinity with the requesting legislator;

(c) They may not exceed the amount equivalent to UNA (1) minimum retirement of the Argentine Integrated Previsional System and will be compatible with any other income provided that the total sum of the latter does not exceed DOS (2) minimum retirements of the said system.

In cases where the beneficiaries are minors, with the exception of those with different capacities, incompatibility will be evaluated in relation to their parents, when they both live with the minor. In the case of parents who have been divorced, divorced or abandoned from the home, incompatibilities will only be evaluated in relation to the parent who cohabits with the beneficiary.

In all cases of extensions referred to in this article, the Implementation Authority shall maintain the continuity of benefits until the above-mentioned incompatibility is thoroughly verified. In no case shall the payments of benefits be suspended without prior notice or intimation to meet the formal requirements required.

Ex gratia pensions that have been paid off by any of the grounds of incompatibility shall be rehabilitated once the grounds that have led to their extinction have ceased, provided that the aforementioned incompatibilitys cease to exist within the time limit set by the law that granted them.

Dispose, from the credits approved by Article 1 of this Law, the sum of DIECIOCHO MILLONES DE PESOS ($ 18.000.000) for the attention of the benefits referred to in Article 75 paragraph 20 of the National Constitution, which are determined by Jurisdiction 01 - Program 16, up to a TREINTA FOR CIENTO (30%) of the amount mentioned and by the Jurisdiction 17,

Authorize the national executive branch to increase the assets of the ex gratia pensions granted by this law, to match the increase provided for in other similar benefits by the relevant legislation.

Chapter VIII

Public Credit Operations

ARTICLE 43. Authorize, in accordance with article 60 of the Financial Administration and the National Public Sector Control Systems Act, the entities mentioned in the annexed table to the present article to carry out public credit operations for the amounts, specifications and destination of the financing indicated in the said table.

The amounts indicated in the same correspond to actual placement values. The use of this authorization must be informed in a fruitful and detailed manner to both Houses of the Honorable Congress of the Nation, within the time limit of TREINTA (30) days of the operation of public credit.

The Responsible Body for the Coordination of Financial Management Systems will conduct public credit operations for the Central Administration.

The Ministry of Economics and Public Finance may make changes to the characteristics detailed in the aforementioned scheme for the purpose of adapting them to the possibilities of obtaining financing, which should be reported in the same manner and manner as set out in the second paragraph.

ARTICLE 44. Authorize the national executive branch, at the request of the Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services to carry out public credit operations additional to those authorized by Article 43 of the present Law, aimed at financing priority investments under Article 17 of the present Law, the details of which are contained in the table annexed to this article, up to a maximum amount of MIL QUINIENTOS QUINIENTS ($ 4,500,000).

The national executive branch shall determine in accordance with the financing offers to be verified and to the aggregate amount indicated, the allocation of the financing between the stated investments and instruct the Responsible Body for the Coordination of Financial Management Systems to implement them.

The use of this authorization must be informed in a fruitful and detailed manner to both Houses of the Honorable Congress of the Nation, within the time limit of TREINTA (30) days of the operation of public credit.

Please provide the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers, to the extent that the credit operations referred to are refined, to carry out the corresponding budgetary extensions in order to enable the implementation of the aforementioned programme.

ARTICLE 45. Please note in the amount of PESOS DOCE MIL MILLONES ($ 12,000,000.000) the maximum amount of authorization to the National Treasury under the Undersecretariat for Budget of the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance Ministry to make temporary use of the short-term credit referred to in article 82 of Law 24,156. ARTICLE 46. Note in PESOS TRES MIL SETECIENTOS MILLONES ($ 3.700.000.000) the maximum amount of placement of bonds of consolidation and bonds of consolidation of forecasted debts, in all its current series, for the payment of the obligations under Article 2 (f) of Law 25.152, those reached by Decree No. 1367, dated 6 November 1998, and the ones referred to in the year 11. The amounts indicated in the same correspond to actual placement values.

Within each of the concepts defined in the above-mentioned plan, the placements shall be carried out in the strict chronological order of entry to the National Public Credit Office of the Under-Secretariat for Financing under the Ministry of Finance of the Ministry of Public Economy and Finance, of the payment requirements that meet the requirements set out in the regulation until the maximum amount of placement set by this article is exhausted.

The Ministry of Economy and Public Finance may make changes within the total amount set out in this article.

ARTICLE 47. The amounts for the financial services expired prior to the date of placement of the consolidation bonds delivered in payment of the required obligations under Laws 23.982 and 25,344, and any other obligation that is covered by such payment means, shall be cancelled through the delivery of additional consolidation bonds, valued at their Residual Technical Value.

To this end, the National Public Credit Office shall determine the amount required for each case.

ARTICLE 48. Within the amount authorized for Jurisdiction 90 - Public Debt Service, the sum of PESOS VEINTE MILLONES ($ 20,000.000) is included for the care of the debts referred to in section 7 (b) and (c) of Law 23.982. ARTICLE 49. Refer to the deferral of payments of the public debt services of the national Government provided for in article 52 of Act No. 26,422 until the completion of the process of restructuring the totality of the public debt originally contracted prior to 31 December 2001 or by rules issued prior to that date. ARTICLE 50. The suspension provided for in article 1 of Decree 493 of 20 April 2004 shall be extended until the national executive branch normalizes in the terms of article 51 of this Act the certificates issued under the decrees referred to in article 1 of the decree mentioned above. To that end, empower the national executive branch to dictate the corresponding rules. ARTICLE 51. Authorize the national executive branch, through the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance, to continue the normalization of the public debt services referred to in article 49 of this law, in the terms of article 65 of Law 24.156 and its amendments, and with the limits imposed by Law 26.017, the national executive branch is empowered to perform all those acts necessary for the completion of the aforementioned process, in order to adapt the medium-term services to the same period.

The Ministry of Economics and Public Finance will semesterly inform the Honorable Congress of the Nation, the advance of the trades and the agreements reached during the negotiation process.

The public debt services of the national Government, corresponding to the public securities covered by the Law 26,017, are included in the dispute set out in article 49 of this Law.

The final court rulings, issued against the provisions of Act No. 25.561, Decree No. 471 of 8 March 2002, and their supplementary rules, which are governed by the provisions of the preceding paragraph, are reached.

ARTICLE 52. Authorize the national executive branch, through the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance, to negotiate the restructuring of debts with official foreign creditors entrusted to it by the provinces. In such cases the national State may become the debtor or guarantor against the creditors insofar as the provincial jurisdiction assumes the resulting debt with the national State insofar as the national executive branch, through the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance, determines.

For the purpose of the cancellation of the obligations assumed, provincial jurisdictions should strengthen this commitment to the co-participable tax resources.

ARTICLE 53. The restitutions that correspond to pay to those financial entities that have initiated administrative claims and/or judicial actions in which the concepts referred to in articles 28 and 29 of Decree 905 dated 31 May 2002 and their supplementary rules, or their calculation methodology, have been questioned by issuing consolidation bonds - eighth instalment of which will discount the amounts previously released by the Central Bank of Argentina. The Ministry of Economy and Public Finance is empowered to issue the above-mentioned bonds for up to the amounts required to cover the present cases and to establish procedures for the settlement. ARTICLE 54. Please refer to the Responsible Organ for the Coordination of Financial Management Systems to extend the period of the Aval SH 1/2003 granted in favor of the Company Applied Investigations State Society (INVAP S.E.), in accordance with Article 9 of the Law 25,725 until 31 December 2011, up to the sum of American Dollars NUEVE MILLONES (U$S 9,000). ARTICLE 55. Please refer to the Responsible Body for the Coordination of Financial Management Systems to grant national Treasury guarantees for public credit operations in accordance with the detail in the annexa grid to the present article, and for the maximum amounts determined in the same. ARTICLE 56. Authorize the national executive branch, at the request of the Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services to grant guarantees, bonds or guarantees of any kind, intended to finance priority investments under Article 17 of this Law, whose detail is contained in the annexed plan to this article and for the total amount of PESOS DOS ONE MILLONE ($ 2,000,000.000) plus the sum of US Dollars

The national executive branch shall determine, among the projects detailed in the annexed plan and without exceeding the maximum amounts provided for in the preceding paragraph, those deemed to be priorities. It shall also instruct the Coordinating Body of Financial Management Systems for the granting of appropriate guarantees, bonds or guarantees, with determination of time and conditions of return which shall be in full or partial form and shall include an amount equivalent to the secured debt capital plus the amount necessary to ensure payment of the corresponding interest.

ARTICLE 57. Authorize the national executive branch to formalize public credit operations with the Brazilian National Economic and Social Development Bank, up to an amount of U.S. Dollars DOS MIL QUINIENTS (U$S 2.500.000.000) or its equivalent in other currencies, provided that the operations that give rise to such debt are carried out under the ALADI Convention. The operations concerned shall be deemed to be included in the last paragraph of article 60 of Law 24.156. ARTICLE 58. Please refer to the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance Ministry ' s Treasury Ministry ' s Ministry of Finance ' s issuance and placement of Treasury Letters at a time that does not exceed the financial period until the nominal value of PESOS CINCO MIL MILLONES ($ 5, is reached for the purpose of being used as a guarantee for the acquisition of liquid and gaseous fuels, as well as the importation of public energy components.

Such instruments may be issued in the currency requiring the constitution of the aforementioned guarantees, with the issuance, placement, liquidation and registration of the same, in accordance with article 82 of the Annex to Decree 1344 of 4 October 2007. Prior to their issuance, the budget allocated to guaranteed expenditures should be compromised.

Please refer to the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance Ministry ' s Ministry of Finance to provide for the application of the above-mentioned budget lines in favour of the National Treasury, in the event of the guarantees issued under this article, and also to issue the clear, complementary and procedural rules related to the powers granted therein.

ARTICLE 59. Consolidated obligations under Acts 23,982 and 25,344, with the exception of obligations of a previsional nature; obligations established under Acts 25,565 and 25,725 and obligations whose cancellation must be made effective under any other rule indicating the public titles provided for in those Acts, recognized in administrative or judicial headquarters until 31 December 2001 and subject to the entry of the Public Finance Office,

(b) Consolidated obligations under Act No. 23,982, except for obligations of a previsional nature; obligations established in the terms of Acts 25,344, 25,565 and 25,725 and obligations whose cancellation is to be made effective under any other rule indicating the public securities provided for in such laws, recognized in administrative or judicial headquarters after 31 December 2001 and subject to the authorization of the National Credit Office,

The obligations under Acts 24,411, 24,043 and 25,192, provided that they enter the National Public Credit Office from 1 January 2010, shall be cancelled with the consolidation bonds which are authorized by section 60 (d) of this Act.

The obligations under this article which are entered into the National Public Credit Office and which are pending cancellation as at 31 December 2009 shall be met with the series of consolidation bonds that have different rules applicable to each case, prior to the validity of this Act.

Please refer to the Ministry of Economics and Public Finance to issue the necessary measures for the implementation of the provisions of this article.

The extension provided for in article 46 of Law 25,565 and articles 38 and 58 of Law 25,725 applies only to the obligations that have expired or the case or title after 31 December 1999 and prior to 1 January 2002 or 1 September 2002, as appropriate. Until 31 December 1999, the obligations referred to in article 13 of Law 25,344 will continue to be governed by the relevant laws and regulations. In all cases, the interest to be liquidated judicially shall be calculated only to date of court, established on 1 April 1991 for the obligations covered by Act No. 23.982, on 1 January 2000, for the obligations covered by Act No. 25,344, and on 1 January 2002 or 1 September 2002, for the obligations covered by the extension provided for by Acts 25,565 and 25,765.

Refer to article 51 of Act No. 25,967 replaced by section 61 of Act No. 26,198, both of which are incorporated into Act No. 11.672, Supplementary Permanent Budget.

ARTICLE 60. For the purposes of Article 59 of this Law, please enable the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance to issue and place public debt titles called consolidation bonds - Seventh instalment, consolidation bonds - Eighth series, contingency bonds - Fifth series and consolidation bonds - Ninth series, which will have the following characteristics:

(a) Consolidation bonds - Seventh instalment

I. Date of issue: January 4, 2010.

II. Date due: January 4, 2016.

III. Period: SEIS (6) years.

IV. Currency: Weights ($).

V. Amortization: To be made in CUATRO (4) equal, quarterly and consecutive quotas, payable on 4 April 2015, 4 July 2015, 4 October 2015 and 4 January 2016.

VI. Interest: Interests payable quarterly at the Private BADLAR rate.

(b) Consolidation Bonuses - Eighth Series

I. Date of issue: January 4, 2010.

II. Date of expiry: October 4, 2022.

III. Period: DOCE (12) years and NEW (9) months.

IV. Currency: Weights ($).

V. Amortization: To be made in DOS (2) contributions of the CINCO FOR SCIENTI (5%) of the amount owed, ONCE (11) SIETE due (7%) of the amount owed and a final assessment of the TRECE FOR SCIENTI (13%) of the amount owed, payable on 4 July 2019, 4 October 2019, 4 January 2020, 421 October 2020, 421

VI. Interest: Quarterly interest will accrue to the Private BADLAR rate and will be capitalized quarterly from the date of issue and until 4 April 2014, inclusive. As of 4 July 2014, interest will be paid quarterly in cash.

(c) Previsional Debt Consolidation Bonuses - Fifth Series

I. Date of issue: January 4, 2010.

II. Date of expiry: March 15, 2014.

III. Period: CUATRO (4) years and SETENTA (70) days.

IV. Currency: Weights ($).

V. Amortization: total to maturity.

VI. Interest: interest payable quarterly at the Private BADLAR rate.

(d) Consolidation Bonuses - Ninth Series

I. Date of issue: January 4, 2010.

II. Date of expiry: 4 December 2010.

III. Period: ONCE (11) months.

IV. Currency: Weights ($).

V. Amortization: To be made in CUATRO (4) equal and consecutive quotas, payable on 4 April 2010, 4 July 2010, 4 October 2010 and 4 December 2010.

VI. Interest: Interests payable quarterly at the Private BADLAR rate.

ARTICLE 61. Authorize the national executive branch to conduct public credit operations, within the framework of Article 17 of this Law, when they exceed the 2010 exercise, for the amounts, specifications, period and destination of financing detailed in the annexed Table to this Article.

The Office responsible for the Coordination of Financial Management Systems shall conduct public credit operations for the central administration, provided that they have been included in the Budget Act for the respective period.

Chapter IX

Other provisions

ARTICLE 62. Any time limit established for the final settlement or dissolution of any entity, Agency, Institute, Society or Company of the State which is in the process of liquidation in accordance with Decrees 2148 of 19 October 1993 and 1836 of 14 October 1994.

Please be issued as a deadline for the final settlement of the liquidation entities referred to in the previous paragraph on 31 December 2010 or until the final liquidation of the liquidating processes of the entities reached in the present extension takes place, through the resolution of the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance, as provided for, first.

ARTICLE 63. Replace article 23 of Decree 905 of 31 May 2002 with the following text: "Invite the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance to amend the Annex to Resolution No. 6 of 9 January 2002 of the Ministry of Economy, as amended by its similar Nros. 9 dated 10 January 2002, 18 dated 17 January 2002, 23 dated 21 January 2002 and 46 dated 6 February 2002 in order to allow the establishment of deposits in foreign currency in cash and term deposits, provided that they are intended solely for the financing of borrowers who have regular incomes originating directly or indirectly from foreign trade operations and related activities." ARTICLE 64. SEENTS OF THE DECEMBER 3,100 ARTICLE 65. Condon the payment of the amounts owed for tax and customs duties, their interests and sanctions, corresponding to the company Nucleoeléctrica Argentina Sociedad Anónima (NASA) and exempt the same from the charges, except the Tax on the Attached Value, which are devented until the entry into commercial service of the Atucha II Nuclear Power Station, to date 456 ARTICLE 66. The canon established pursuant to article 14 of Decree 1540 dated 30 August 1994 in article 6 (d) of Law 24,804 and article 2 of Decree 1390 of 27 November 1998, exempting the payment of the amounts owed as at 31 December 2009 in debt maintained by the company Nucleoeléctrica Argentina Sociedad Anónima (NAMSA) on the basis of the non-exemptible part of the national debt. ARTICLE 67. Explain the tax established by the Law of Tax on Livestock (t. 1997) and its modifications, and the Tax on Minimum Wage, established by Law 25.063 and its modifications to the company Nucleoeléctrica Argentina Sociedad Anónima (NASA). ARTICLE 68. Authorize the national executive branch to assume the debt corresponding to the provision of liquid fuels that were recognized and consolidated in the contract of refinancing signed under the Comprehensive Convention on Cooperation between the Argentine Republic and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, dated 14 May 2009 by a total of DOLARES STADOUNIDENSES MIL DOSCIENTS SESENTA AND CUATRO The national Executive will determine the modes of implementation of the said debt assumption.

The debts mentioned in the preceding paragraph are considered to be included in section 2 (f) of Law 25.152.

ARTICLE 69. . Prove yourself for NUEVE (9) years, the term set forth in Article 75 of Law 25.565. ARTICLE 70. . Prove yourself for NUEVE (9) years, the deadline set by Law 26.019. ARTICLE 71. Replace the first paragraph of Article 1 of Law 26.181 with the following:

"Watch out all over the territory of the Nation, with specific impact on the development of projects, works, maintenance and services of water infrastructure, recovery of productive lands, control and mitigation of floods, protection of road and rail infrastructure and sanitation works, so that in one of the stages of their circulation, a tax on the transfer to onerous or free title, or import of nafta without lead "

ARTICLE 72. Please refer to the national executive branch to dictate the acts necessary for the maintenance of the Gasoil Supply Regime at a differential price to the public transport of passengers, referred to in Decree 675 of 27 August 2003 and its amendments, with the sources of financing set out in article 3 of Decree 449 of 18 March 2008, with the modifications necessary for such purposes. ARTICLE 73. The national state, through the Ministry of Economics and Public Finance, will be able to implement a program to assist the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires with financing for the attention of the financial deficit and to regularize treasury arrears for essential salaries and services, according to the financial possibilities of the national state.

The programme can be implemented through the Provincial Development Trust Fund.

The Ministry of Economy and Public Finance Ministry ' s Ministry of Finance is empowered to dictate the necessary regulatory, interpretative, clarification and supplementary rules.

Please refer to the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers and the Minister of Economy and Public Finance to sign the respective conventions.

ARTICLE 74. Please refer to the Ministry of Economics and Public Finance to modify the conditions of the debts maintained by the provincial courts and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires with the national State, which at each time will determine according to the financial possibilities of the national State, the debts concerned. It may be agreed to remove, wait, remission and novation of debts, both of capital and of interest, as well as to meet their maturity the obligations that are determined in each case when they were originally assumed with the guarantee of the national State.

Please refer to the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance to perform all necessary acts in order to implement the provisions of this article.

Please refer to the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance Ministry ' s Ministry of Finance to instruct the Provincial Development Trust Fund for the purposes set out in paragraph 1 above, including the issuance of bonds guaranteed by the national State.

Please refer to article 22 of Act No. 26,198 of the General Budget of the National Administration for the Year 2007, replaced by article 68 of Act No. 26,422 of the General Budget of the National Administration for the Exercise 2009, which is incorporated into Act No. 11,672, Permanent Supplementary to Budget.

ARTICLE 75. The trust established by Decree 976 of 31 July 2001, as well as the trust established pursuant to Decree 1381 of 1 November 2001, are covered by article 8 (d) of Law 24.156 and its amendments. ARTICLE 76. The National Authorities on the Application of the Regimes created by Laws 25,922 on the Promotion of the Software Industry, 26,360 on the Promotion of Investments in Capital Goods and Infrastructure Works, 26,457 on Incentive to Local Investment for the Manufacturing of Motorcycles and Motorcycles, and the regulations that modify or replace them, and Decree 774 of July 5, 2005 on Incentive to the Competitive

The above-mentioned tasks shall be solved by the beneficiaries of the above-mentioned regimes, by paying a retribution equivalent to the amount arising from applying the following percentages on the amount of the corresponding tax benefits in each case:

(a) Beneficiaries of Act No. 25,922: up to SIETE BY SCIENTI (7%);

(b) Beneficiaries of Law 26,360: up to CINCO FOR SCIENTY (5%);

(c) Beneficiaries of Law 26,393: up to CINCO FOR SCIENTY (5%);

(d) Beneficiaries of Decree 774 of 5 July 2005: up to UNO COMA CINCO per CIENTO (1.5 per cent).

Please refer to the respective Implementation Authority to establish, in each case, the amount of the remuneration referred to in the preceding paragraph, as well as to determine the procedure for payment. Failure to pay for the said retribution will result in the suspension of the agreed benefits, without prejudice to the application of the penalties that may apply to the beneficiary in accordance with the provisions of the regime in question.

The Application Authority may authorize the replacement of the retribution provided for in this article by the beneficiary ' s obligation to submit an audit of its own emanating from a National University or other competent public body.

The funds collected for the payment of the retributions set out in this article shall be affected exclusively to the tasks set out in the first paragraph.

The implementation of the tasks referred to in the first paragraph does not preclude the exercise of the powers vested in the Federal Public Income Administration.

ARTICLE 77. Replace the last paragraph of Article 37 of Law 11.672, Supplementary Permanent Budget (T. 2005) with the following text:

"The national executive branch shall have in the same administrative act the corresponding budgetary modification and the issuance of public credit instruments required for the implementation of the provisions of this article."

ARTICLE 78. Replace article 31 of Law 11.672, Supplementary Permanent Budget (T. 2005) with the following text:

"The Payment Orders issued by the Financial Administrative Services that enter, or are informed by summaries forms, the Integrated Financial Information System (SIDIF) administered by the General Account of the Treasury Secretariat of the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance, shall expire at the end of the period after its conformity in that system, except those to which they have made partial payments or when appropriate.

Such an expiration is administrative and does not imply the loss of rights by the creditor, to the extent that the legal requirement of the law has not operated."

ARTICLE 79. Replace article 42 of Law 24.156 on Financial Administration and National Public Sector Control Systems with the following text:

"Article 42: The expenses committed and not accrued as at 31 December of each year shall automatically affect the following year, imputing the same to the credits available for that period.

Expenses accrued and unpaid as at 31 December of each year may be cancelled, during the following year, from existing cash and bank availability to the specified date.

The expenses mentioned in the preceding paragraph may also be cancelled, by nature and source of funding, from the resources that are perceived in the following year.

The programming of financial performance, provided for in article 34 of Act No. 24,156, of the following fiscal year must be adjusted to meet the financial obligations set out in the preceding paragraph.

The national executive branch shall, in the budget law of the following fiscal year, promote the approval of the financial obligations set out in the third paragraph of this article.

The rules of procedure shall establish the deadlines and mechanisms for the implementation of these provisions. "

ARTICLE 80. Except for the application of article 1 of Law 25,345 on the Prevention of Tax Evasion, the cash payments made by the jurisdictions and entities dependent on the national executive branch through the Revolving Funds and Girls Funds Scheme, whose amounts do not exceed PESOS TRES MIL ($ 3,000). Accordingly, amend article 81 (h) of the Annex to Decree No. 1344 of 4 October 2007, which regulates the Financial Administration Act No. 24.156 and the National Public Sector Control Systems, the maximum amount of the individual costs incurred by small boxes to PESOS TRES MIL ($ 3,000) and the corresponding to their creations to PESOS TREINTA MIL ($ 30,000). ARTICLE 81. el Replace Article 74 (j) of Law 24.156 on Financial Administration and National Public Sector Control Systems with the following:

"Emit a prior opinion on the temporary investments of funds made by the National Public Sector Entities defined in Article 80 of this Law, in the Financial Institutions of the country or abroad, in the terms established jointly by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Public Finance. The entities of the National Banking System shall inform the Ministry of Finance, as required, of the temporary investments corresponding to the National Public Sector Agencies reached by the present".

ARTICLE 82. Incorporate, within the total of the credits approved by this law, the sum of CINCO MILLONES PESOS ($ 5,000.000) to be assigned to Program 17 of Jurisdiction 01, as a complement to the programmes in other jurisdictions to assist students of primary, secondary, tertiary and university level. ARTICLE 83. The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, in use of the powers conferred by section 37 of Law 24.156, shall assign to Programme 17 of Jurisdiction 01, the sum of SIETE MILLONES ($7,000.000) for the implementation of programmes for persons of ideal existence with legal and non-profit status, through non-refundable loan assignments and/or with shared funding. ARTICLE 84. Please refer to the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers for the incorporation of TREINTA AND SEIS 336 positions on the permanent floor of the Financial Administrative Service 335 - Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, and TREINTA AND CUATRO (34) charges for the National Electoral Chamber of the Financial Administrative Service 320 - Council of the Magistracy, both of the Jurisdiction 05 - Jurisdiction, which will be financed with the financial resources. ARTICLE 85. Please provide the Chief of Staff of Ministers, in the use of the powers conferred by article 37 of Law 24.156 and within the headings assigned to the Jurisdiction 05 - the Judiciary of the Nation, to carry out the budgetary restructurings for the purpose of assigning the necessary credits to continue with the Plan of Information of the Judiciary of the Nation and to carry out both the acquisition of premises with the judicial transfer ARTICLE 86. The Chief of Staff of Ministers may arrange for budgetary reassignments for the purpose of granting transfers to finance capital expenses, the National Institute for Film and Audiovisual Arts, the National Public Sector entity under article 8 (c) of Law 24.156, in the amount of up to PESOS QUINCE MILLONES ($ 15,000.000), to the extent that the implementation of the annual budget 2010 projected for the agency present deficit is in the amount of 15/2002. ARTICLE 87. The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, in use of the powers conferred by section 37 of Law 24.156, shall assign to Judge 01, for Programme 16 the sum of PESOS QUINCE MILLONES ($ 15,000.000) and Programme 17 the sum of PESOS CUARENTA MILLONES ($ 40,000) to cover cost financing. ARTICLE 88. Please provide the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers with the necessary budgetary restructurings for the purpose of adapting the provisions of this Act to the amendments to the Law on Ministries, which is ordered by Decree 438/92, its amendments and supplements, according to Decree 1365 of 1 October 2009. ARTICLE 89. Please refer to the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, in the use of the powers conferred by article 37 of Act No. 24,156, to carry out the necessary budgetary restructurings, in order to guarantee the payment of membership for the participation of the Argentine Republic in the International Olive Council (COI). ARTICLE 90. The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers in use of the powers of Article 37 of Law 24,156, shall assign the sum of PESOS OCHO MILLONES QUINIENTOS MIL ($ 8,500,000) for Jurisdiction 80 - Ministry of Health, in order to grant a non-refundable contribution to the Dr. Juan P. Garrahan. ARTICLE 91. . Facultase the Chief of Staff of Ministers, to assign to Jurisdiction 30 - Programme 17 - Cooperation, Technical Assistance and Training to Municipalities - to the sum of PESOS A MILLON NOVECIENTOS MIL ($ 1.900.000), to be destined to the Argentine Federation of Municipalities .F.A.M.. as a non-refundable contribution, to cover operating expenses of the Federation. ARTICLE 92. Exempt the provisions of Article 76 of Law 26.422.

Chapter X

of the Permanent Supplementary Law on Budget

ARTICLE 93. Incorporate into Law 11.672, Supplementary Permanent Budget (T. 2005) sections 65 and 94 of Law 26.337 and articles 17, 30, 67, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76 and 80 of this Law and exclude Article 33 of Law 26.422.



ARTICLE 94. Please note in the Tables Summary No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 Attachments to this Title, the amounts determined in Articles 1o, 2o, 3o and 4o of this Law that correspond to the Central Administration.



ARTICLE 95. Please note in the summary tables No. 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7A, 8A and 9th annexes to this Title the amounts specified in articles 1o, 2o, 3o and 4o of this Law that correspond to the decentralized agencies. ARTICLE 96. Please note in the Summary Tables No. 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B, 7B, 8B and 9B Attached to this Title the amounts determined in Articles 1o, 2o, 3o and 4o of this Law that correspond to the Social Security Institutions. ARTICLE 97. Contact the national executive branch.



JULY C. C. COBOS. EDUARDO A. FELLNER. . Enrique Hidalgo. . Juan H. Estrada.

NOTE: The Annex is not published. The unpublished documentation can be consulted at the Central Headquarters of this National Directorate (Suipacha 767 - Autonomous City of Buenos Aires) and at www.

(Note Infoleg: the modifications to the Annex that have been published in the Official Gazette can be consulted by clicking on the link "This rule is complemented or modified by standard X(s).")