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Judiciary Federal Court Of First Instance - Creation - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: JUSTICIA JUZGADO FEDERAL DE PRIMERA INSTANCIA - CREACION - Texto completo de la norma

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image inicio sitio infoleg MInisterio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos
JUSTICE Law 26.503 Create a Federal Court of First Instance with seat in the City of Goya, Province of Corrientes. Sanctioned: August 5, 2009. Enacted: August 31, 2009.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:

ARTICLE 1 Créase un Juzgado Federal de First Instance de fuero universal con lugar en la ciudad de Goya, Provincia de Corrientes, con jurisdicción territorial en los departamento de Goya, Esquina, Lavalle, Bella Vista y San Roque.

ARTICLE 2 Modifícas the jurisdiction of the federal courts with seat in Corrientes and in Paso de los Libres, which will be formed as follows: Federal courts of Corrientes: departments of Capital, San Cosme, Itatí, San Luis del Palmar, General Paz, Berón de Astrada, San Miguel, Ituzaingó, Concepción, Mburucuyá, Empeduz y Federal Saladas; Juz

Article 3 The Federal Court established by article 1 of this Act shall operate with DOS (2) secretariats, one with jurisdiction in criminal and correctional matters and the other with competence in civil, commercial, administrative, labour and social security matters, in accordance with the laws and agreements of the Federal Appeals Chamber and the Supreme Court of Justice.

ARTICLE 4 Créase UNA (1) Federal Prosecution of First Instance and UNA (1) Official Public Defender ' s Office, which shall act before the Federal Court of First Instance established by article 1 of this Act, both with seat in the city of Goya, Province of Corrientes, who shall be appointed in accordance with Act No. 24.946.

ARTICLE 5o Refer to the positions of judges, officials and staff for the Federal Magistrates ' Court in Annex I, which is part of this Act.

ARTICLE 6 Refer to the positions of officials and staff demanding the functioning of the Federal Prosecution of First Instance and the Official Public Defender ' s Office, as contained in Annex II, which is part of this Act. ARTICLE 7 The Federal Chamber of Appeals of Currents shall exercise superintendence and shall be a court of appeal of the court established by article 1 of this Act.

The Tribunal Oral en lo Criminal Federal de Corrientes will know in all matters concerning its material competence.

ARTICLE 8 Installed the new court, the pending cases shall be referred to it, in accordance with the territorial jurisdiction assigned by this law.

Article 9 The present law shall be implemented once the necessary budgetary provisions are available for the attention of the expenses that the object of the law requires, which shall be charged to the budgets of the Judiciary of the Nation, the Public Prosecutor ' s Office and the Public Ministry of Defence.

Authorize the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers to make the necessary compensations for the purpose of increasing the budgets of the Judiciary of the Nation, the Public Prosecutor ' s Office and the Public Ministry of Defence in force for the year of its implementation, to the amount necessary to meet the objective of this Law.

ARTICLE 10. The judge, staff members and employees who are appointed in the posts created shall only take possession of the same when the financial condition referred to in the preceding article is given. ARTICLE 11. Contact the Executive.



JULY C. C. COBOS. EDUARDO A. FELLNER. . Enrique Hidalgo. . Juan H. Estrada.

Annex I
