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Argentine Juridical Digestion Juridic Argentina - Approval - Full Text Of The Norm


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Law 26.939


Sanctioned: May 21, 2014

Promulgated: May 29, 2014

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force




ARTICLE 1 — Approve the Argentine Legal Digest, consolidated as at 31 March 2013.

ARTICLE 2° — Determine the rules incorporated in Annex I1“National laws of a general nature”, which integrates this law.

ARTICLE 3o — Determine the rules identified in Annex II2, “National laws of a general nature not in force”, which integrates this law.

ARTICLE 4o — Approve the reference to the rules adopted by supra-State or intergovernmental integration agencies to which the Nation is a party, attached as annex III3.

1 Annexes are posted on the attached DVD.

2 Annexes are posted on the attached DVD.

3 Annexes are posted on the attached DVD.


Principles and content

ARTICLE 5o — This law regulates the ordering of national laws of a general nature in force through the policy consolidation procedure called the Argentine Legal Digest.

ARTICLE 6o — The Argentine Legal Digest contains:

(a) Existing national laws of a general nature, ordered by categories;

(b) An annex to national laws of a general nature not in force, ordained by categories;

(c) The reference to rules adopted by supra-State or intergovernmental bodies for the integration of which the Nation is a party.

ARTICLE 7° — (Civil and Commercial) Laws that integrate the Argentine Legal Digest shall be identified by category with the corresponding letter according to the following enumeration: Administrative WMD; ACU) Culture, Science and Technology; AED) Education; ASA) Public Health; ASE) Security; ASO) Action and Social Development; B) Customs; C) Aeronautical-Spatial Transport; D) Banking, Monetary and Financial; E)


Permanent Bicameral Commission of the Argentine Legal Digest

ARTICLE 8° — In the context of the Honorable Congress of the Nation, the Permanent Bicameral Commission of the Argentine Legal Digest will continue the Bicameral Commission for Monitoring and Coordination for the Confection of the Argentine Legal Digest.

It will be composed of four (4) senators and four (4) deputies, appointed by each of the Chambers, who are part of at least one of the following commissions: Constitutional Affairs, Criminal Affairs and Prison Regulations, General and Budgetary and Treasury Legislation.

The bicameral commission will dictate for itself its own rules of operation.

ARTICLE 9° — The Permanent Bicameral Commission of the Argentine Legal Digest shall have the following powers:

(a) Analyse the updates of the Argentine Legal Digest proposed by the technical assistance agency and, where appropriate, issue the corresponding opinion for approval by the Honorable Congress of the Nation, as set out in chapter IV;

(b) To coordinate and monitor the electronic edition of the Argentine Legal Digest;

(c) To resolve the consultations and comments received, upon recommendation of the Parliamentary Information Directorate, as set out in chapter V;

(d) Organize outreach and publicity activities of the Argentine Legal Digest. Especially promote the free dissemination of the electronic edition of the Argentine Legal Digest.

ARTICLE 10. - In the exercise of its powers, the Permanent Bicameral Commission of the Argentine Legal Digest will be assisted by the Parliamentary Information Directorate of the Honorable Chamber of Deputies of the Nation.


Update procedure

ARTICLE 11. - After five (5) days of the publication of a law in the Official Gazette, the Parliamentary Information Directorate will incorporate it into the website of the Argentine Legal Digest, setting it in the corresponding category in accordance with those set out in Article 7.

ARTICLE 12. - The Parliamentary Information Authority shall propose to the bicameral commission the updating of the Argentine Legal Digest in accordance with the procedure set out in this chapter.

ARTICLE 13. - Without prejudice to the provisions of article 11, and for the purpose of updating the Argentine Legal Digest, the Parliamentary Information Authority shall:

(a) Consolidation of standards where appropriate;

(b) Identification of the rules that have lost effect during the update period.

ARTICLE 14. - The following technical guidelines will be observed in the updating procedure of the Argentine Legal Digest:

(a) Consolidation: imports the recast in a single legal text of similar rules on the same subject;

(b) Ordination: imports the approval of ordained texts of subjects several times regulated or partially modified;

(c) Amounts: figures or quantities will be expressed in letters and numbers. In case of possible divergence, what is expressed in letters will be valid.

ARTICLE 15. - No modifications may be made that alter the spirit of laws.

ARTICLE 16. — Laws shall be identified by the letter of the corresponding category and an Arabic, cardinal and correct number, respecting the date of sanction.

ARTICLE 17. - The national executive branch is responsible for the determination of the law-specific enforcement authority.

ARTICLE 18. - At least once a parliamentary period, the Parliamentary Information Directorate will raise the details of the updates it proposes to introduce to the Argentine Legal Digest to the bicameral commission.

The bicameral commission will approve the updates by the vote of the simple majority of its members and issue the corresponding opinion for approval by the Honorable Congress of the Nation, alternating each year the House of Start.

The approval of the updates by both Chambers will import its full incorporation into the Argentine Legal Digest.

ARTICLE 19. - Other Parliamentary Information Bureau functions will be:

(a) Collecting the texts of the rules identified in annex II, “Normal national laws”;

(b) To study the consultations and comments received and to submit to the bicameral commission the recommendations relevant to its resolution, in accordance with chapter V;

(c) To maintain and update the content of the Argentine Legal Digest website.


Observation and advertising period

ARTICLE 20. - For a period of one hundred and eighty (180) days since the publication of this law, the Permanent Bicameral Commission of the Argentine Legal Digest will publicize the content of the Argentine Legal Digest.

In that time, the bicameral commission will receive the informed consultations and observations that could be made in relation to the frame in a category, the consolidation of the text or the validity of a law included in the Argentine Legal Digest.

ARTICLE 21. - From the consultations and comments received, the bicameral commission will give a view to the Parliamentary Information Directorate to make a recommendation within 10 working days. After the deadline, the bicameral commission will adopt a resolution regarding the consultation or observation raised.

ARTICLE 22. - The resolution that ratifies or rectifies the observed frame, consolidation or validity shall be approved by the majority of the members of the Permanent Bicameral Commission of the Argentine Legal Digest without the need for another subsequent ratification procedure and shall be made aware of it to the members of both Chambers.

ARTICLE 23. - After the period of one hundred and eighty (180) days, and the observations are resolved, the publication in the Official Gazette of the final version of the Argentine Legal Digest will be available.


Electronic edition

ARTICLE 24. - The electronic edition of the Argentine Legal Digest will have the same legal value as its publication in the printed version of the Official Gazette. It must guarantee the integrity, authenticity and unalterability of its content, as well as its widest availability.

ARTICLE 25. - The electronic edition of the Argentine Legal Digest and the updates provided for in chapter IV will be available through a specific website enabled for this purpose.

ARTICLE 26. - The electronic edition of the Argentine Legal Digest should apply open standards for digital publications and conform to the principles of accessibility and usability, ensuring the free availability of their content for all inhabitants. The bicameral commission should consider its permanent adaptation to technological progress and its conformity with the relevant regulations.


Final provisions

ARTICLE 27. - Acts 20.004 and 24,967 apply.

ARTICLE 28. - Contact the national executive branch.


# 26,939 #

JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. - LOVE BOUDOU. - Lucas Chedrese. — Juan H. Estrada.
NOTE: The Annex/s that integrate/n this(a) Law is published in the web edition of BORA — — and can also be consulted at the Central Headquarters of this National Directorate (Suipacha 767 - Autonomous City of Buenos Aires).

(Note Infoleg: The annexes referred to in this rule have been extracted from the Official Gazette's "JURIDIC DIGESTO". These are available in the following link: Annex I, Annex II and Annex III)