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Credits For Public Works Modifications - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: CREDITOS PARA OBRAS PUBLICAS MODIFICACIONES - Texto completo de la norma

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Act No. 12,815


The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc., sanction with force


Article 1. Authorize the Executive Branch to incorporate into the Ministry of Public Works the national offices and units operating outside the jurisdiction of that department and which are responsible for the study, direction and execution of public works, regardless of the resources to finance the works.

Article 2. The provisions of the preceding article do not apply to works by the Ministries of War and Marina. Nor does it apply to the works performed by the local divisions and the Commission "Article 6, Law 11.333".

Art. 3. The Executive Power, with the intervention of the Department of Finance, shall transfer to the Public Works annex, as an incorporated special account, the necessary provisions for the payment of salaries and expenses of the offices or units transferred to the Department pursuant to Article 1. of this law. As resources of that account, the amounts affected will be included in the payment of the salaries and expenses of the transferred offices or units. The incorporation into the Ministry of Public Works will involve the transfer of staff from offices or units, as well as instrumental, machinery, useful and other working elements.

Art. 4. The ministries, as well as the indigenous units and distributions referred to in the articles, 1.° and 2.°, shall communicate to the Ministry of Public Works in the first half of the month of December of each year, the programme of works to be carried out in the following year, with indication of the amounts to be invested and other details specifications. The Executive Branch, through the Ministry of Public Works and the Ministry of Finance ' s previous report, on the amount of resources available for such annual investment, will approve or modify such a plan of work and incorporate the provisions resulting from the annual Public Work Plan. The Ministries of War and Marine, and the local divisions will also report to the Ministry of Public Works on the execution of the works in their office.

Art. 5.° - Appropriate the annexed tables called "enlarged credits", "modification of legends and budgets of maximum" and "credits for new works", related to the Laws numbers 12.576 and 12.595 of which are integrally part and authorise the Executive Power:

(a) To strengthen and modify in the cases indicated the budgets and legends of the credits of the works authorized by these laws in the tables, subparagraphs and items of the same mentioned in the first column of the annexed "wide credits" tables and to extend the credits set in the amounts determined in each case. Note the total amount of $585,338,433.50 national currency as a whole;

(b) To modify the legends and budgets of the maximum appropriated in these laws for the works in which there is no request for enlarged credit authorized in the tables, subsections and items of the same mentioned in the first column of the "modification of legends and budgets of the maximum", to be enforced in the form indicated in the same; c) To incorporate into the planilla B, of the number 12,576, the amount authorized

(d) To incorporate into Table C of Law No. 12,576, new items, authorized in the new credit table for works of private or semi-public associations, with the amounts determined in each case by setting this authorization in the sum of $ 60,455 000 national currency;

(e) To move to table A, the works of the B that have been initiated or started thereafter, by removing them from the latter;

(f) To include in tables A or B the headings for national public works agreed upon in table C, or in the latter when it comes to works of private or semi-public associations listed in table B;

(g) To place on the tables A, B, and C of such laws the works that have been completed with funds of the Act No. 12,576 or earlier, as well as the subsidies that have been fully delivered;

(h) To make a new impression and order of the Laws numbers 12576 and 12,595 and of the present on the basis of the provisions above, by consolidating them in a single one, in which the current division of the tables A, B and C shall be maintained in which the subsections shall be established, and within each of them, correlative numbering.

This operation in which the Article 2 of Law No. 12.576 the beginning of each year will be repeated.

Art. 6. The investments authorized in article 5, subparagraphs (a), (c) and (d) of this Act shall be treated in accordance with the regime established in the Article 5 of Law No. 12.576 The Executive Power is empowered to extend the issuance of titles in the amount indicated in the above-mentioned tables.

Art. 7.° - Determine that the items authorized by the above-mentioned laws and by the present (Plates A and B) may be affected up to 30% for the amounts that demand the acquisition of the necessary land for the use of the works to which they relate, to which they declare themselves subject to expropriation for reasons of public utility, in accordance with the law of the matter.

Art. 8°- Amend the second paragraph of Article 5 of Act No. 12.576 as follows:

"Within the total annual investment authorized by the Honorable Congress, the Executive Branch, after the report of the Department of Finance and through this Department and the Department of Public Works, will set the maximum amount to invest during the year in the execution of the works authorized by this law, according to the possibility of its financing. Full of this formality, the Executive Power through the Ministry of Public Works will determine the ones to be executed and the credit of each one. Unused credits at the end of the year will be available, but to be invested or committed, they should be included in the public work plan for subsequent years. The annual investment plan will be submitted for consideration by the Congress at the first sessions of each regular session."

Art. 9°- Replace article 8 of Act No. 12.576, which shall remain as follows:

The executive branch shall limit the amount of the budgets of the works contained in table A and the investments thereof to the maximum credit authorized for each.

The Executive Power will forward to the Honorable Congress the new budgets adjusted in accordance with the provisions of this article and the Act No. 10.285.

Art. 10. - The provisions of Table C of Law No. 12,576 shall be cancelled at 12 months after the promulgation of this Act, if their beneficiaries have not submitted to opt for them.

Art. 11.- Add to Continuation of the first section of Article 7 of Law No. 12.576, as follows:

The Executive Power may include in the annual plans the amounts required by the previous studies, acquisition of instruments for the same, tendering costs and purchase of land, where authorized, without conforming to the 25 per cent limit set out in this article.

Art. 12.- The soil or subsoil of the privately owned land necessary for the execution of the works of extension of the water supply and disobedient cloacal of the Federal Capital has been given the authority of the executive branch to proceed with its expropriation, in accordance with the provisions of the law of the matter.

Art. 13.- Authorize the Executive Branch to agree with the Government of the Province of Santa Fe, the Municipality of the city of Rosario of the same province and the respective railway companies, the contribution of each of these entities in money, titles, land, tax transfers, collections or any other resource in order to carry out the works listed below, for the amounts determined.

Unique central railway station. Construction, expropriation of land, construction of the different railways, line of access to the port and complementary works.... 20,000.
Expropriation of properties and construction of the national park of the Flag, according to the urban studies and forecasts of the regulatory plane of the city of Rosario. Act No. 11.623. 5,000.000

The respective conventions shall be submitted in due course to the Honorable Congress. Once they are approved by the latter, the executive branch will be authorized to invest these sums, with the proceeds of the negotiation of national public debt securities, whose return, as appropriate, will also be agreed.

Art. 14.- The Executive Power shall order the final text of this Act, incorporating the provisions of the Act Act No. 12.576 that have not been modified by the present.

Given in the session room of the Argentine Congress in Buenos Aires, September 29, 1942.

Gustavo Figueroa
L. Zavalia Carbó