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General Budget Of The National Administration. Exercise 1943 - Its Approval - Full Text Of The Norm


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Law No. 12.816 - National General Budget for 1943

Buenos Aires, October 15, 1942

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, assembled in Congress, etc., sanction with force-


(*) Article 1. - The Law No. 12,778, of the general budget of the Nation and of the Autonomous Distributions for the year 1942, shall govern until 31 December 1943, excluding articles 10 to 17, 22, 29, 66, 91 and 95 and the authorized credits, for one time, whose purpose has been satisfied.

Art. 2.° - Authorize the Executive to incorporate into the budget that will govern during the year 1943, the credits necessary to meet the vegetative increase of public debt and the promotions of secondary, special and higher education, up to the sum of $33,400,000 and $3,000,000 m/n respectively.- Of this last sum will correspond to the University of Buenos Aires, $250,000; to the University of Córdoba $250,000; to the University of La Plata, $200,000; to the University of the Litoral, $1800,000; to the University of Tucumán, $200,000; and to the University of Cuyo, $3200,000 national currency.

Art. 3.° - The executive branch shall update the ordering of the credits authorized by this law, in accordance with the structure of the project endowed with the Honorable Congress with Message of December 23, 1940, to which effect the ministries and auto-partitions will facilitate the Ministry of Finance and in accordance with the rules established by it, the corresponding correlation.- Without prejudice to this, the Executive Branch shall order for the purposes of the management of the exercise of 1943, the credits authorized for the payment of subsidies, the calculation of resources and the annex to the public debt, in accordance with that structure.

The executive branch shall submit to the Honorable Congress the draft general budget of the administration and those of the auto-partitions for 1944, on the basis of the structure approved by this article.- The expenses that, in any way, originate from the fulfilment of this provision to the Ministry of Finance, shall be covered by general incomes, with charge to this article.

Art. 4.° - The draft general budget of the administration and of the local divisions for the year 1944 to be submitted by the executive branch for consideration of the Honorable Congress, will include the special accounts that function as "not incorporated", to which effect the ministries and auto-partitions will bring to the Ministry of Finance the necessary background along with the preliminary draft respective budget.- In cases where the nature of the services is not possible to incorporate the budget of certain special accounts, the Executive Power will accompany the respective detail, with the report justifying non-incorporation.

Art. 5.° - Substitute paragraph 4 of annex B (Interior), corresponding to the budget of the General Directorate of Posts and Telegraphs, for the following:



(*) Articles 51, 54, 62, 73, 82 and 92 of Act No. 12.778, by Decree No. 133.164 of 15 October 1942.


Art. 6.° - Since January 1, 1943, the resources of the Laws number 4.167, 5.559 and 6,712 will go directly to the National Agricultural Council for the implementation of Law No. 12,636.

Art. 7.° - Substitute paragraph 423 of Annex E, Justice and Public Instruction, corresponding to the budget of the National Library for the following:


Art. 8.° - Substitute article 28 of Law No. 12.778, for the following: Authorize the Executive Power to hand over to the Directorate of National Parks, for five years, the sum of four million pesos national currency ($ 4,000.000 m/n.) per year, of the production of the negotiation of titles of the public debt, which, for its purpose, will be able to issue for works of promotion of the national fleets

All lands necessary for the construction of the works listed in the preceding paragraph shall be declared public utility, and the National Parks Directorate shall be authorized to initiate the corresponding expropriation proceedings, upon approval of the Executive.

Art. 9.° - Substitute article 21 (3) of Law No. 12,778, for the following: The sum of four million pesos national currency ($ 4,000,000 m/n.) for compliance with article 25 of Law No. 12,360, final text (Edification School), two million pesos national currency ($ 20,000 m/n.), for the constructions authorized by section 24 of the present Law.

Article 10. - Substitute article 47 of Act No. 12,778, for the following: The Directorate-General for Tax Petroleum Deposits shall contribute to general income the sum of eleven million pesos national currency ($11,000,000 m/n.) per year. Of that amount, the Directorate-General for Fiscal Petroleum Deposits will retain the amount of one million pesos national currency ($1,000,000 m/n) to acquire machines, equipment and other elements necessary for drilling in search of water throughout the Republic. The Directorate-General for Fiscal Petrolfers will distribute its drilling equipment through areas of the country, first of all seeking to drill holes in those provinces where water is most urgent. This distribution will also be able to do the drillings on behalf of individuals, who will pay the drilling costs and the liquid part corresponding to the repayment of the equipment.

Art. 11.° - Authorize the National Council of Education, in order that, within the resources allocated by the budget and with the surplus of the items of assets, regularize the salaries of teachers, beginning with those of first category and by rigorous order of antiquity, according to the following scale:

4,000 first-class teachers at $325.-
6,000 "second" " 300.-
8,000 "third" " 275.-
4,000 "fourth" " 250.-
4,000 "fifth" " 225.-
1.114 " sixth" " 200.-

The application of this regime may in no case import a reduction to the assignments of teachers in exercise at the date of the sanction of this law.
The National Council of Education will project the changes that originate in its budget the application of this article, which shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Branch, with the intervention of the Ministry of Finance.

(*) Art. 12.° - Substitute the first paragraph of Article 56 of Law No. 12.778, by the following: Retirements of any national, provincial or municipal retirements, who hold a position in the administration or auto-partitions, shall choose between the retirement or the respective employment, with the exception of those who hold educational or technical positions.
(*) Under Decree No. 133.164, of 15 October 1942.

Art. 13.° - Substitute article 71 of Act No. 12,778, by the following: Building buildings authorized by Law No. 12,360 (Article 25), shall be subject to a previous plan in which regional needs shall be contemplated for a period of time.

Art. 14.° - Authorize the executive branch to make a final edition of this law, in order to determine the order and numbering of the articles.

The Executive Power shall adjust the figures of articles 1.°, 2.°, 3.° and 5.°, in accordance with the modifications provided for in Articles 1.° and 2.°, and shall modify in correlative terms the date of articles 1.°, 4.° to 8.°, 21, 48, 64, 73 and 81, of Law No. 12.778, which is valid for 1943.

Art. 15.° - Contact the Executive.

Given in the Sala de Sesiones of the Argentine Congress, in Buenos Aires, thirty days from the month of September of the year thousand nine hundred and forty-two.

Gustavo A. Figueroa
L. Zavalla Carbó