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International Treaties Bolivia-Brasil-Paraguay-Uruguay-Encomienda Postal-Correos-Franqueo Postal - Full Text Of The Norm


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Act No. 12,750


BUENOS AIRES, 18 de Augst0 de 1942

Article 1.-Please approve the agreement on trafficking in regional postal shipments, which was signed on 6 February 1941 in the city of Montevideo, by the delegations of the Argentine Republics, Bolivia, the United States of Brazil, Paraguay, and Eastern Uruguay, on the occasion of the Regional Conference of the Silver Countries.

Art.2.- Contact the Executive.

PATRON COSTAS. MARTINEZ. Figueroa, Zavalla Carbó.

A-Convention on traffic of postal orders signed on February 6, 1941 in Montevideo between the Argentine Republic, Bolivia, the United States of Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay-

ARTICLE 1. - The postal administrations of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil and Bolivia will admit in the mutual postal traffic, international orders of a gross weight not exceeding twenty kilos, thus leaving without effect, among them, the limitation permitted by Article 3. of the Agreement concerning postal orders signed in Panama on 22 December 1936.

ARTICLE 2. - They shall govern the existing provisions of the International Conventions signed by the High Contracting Parties for such postal orders.

ARTICLE 3. - These orders will be called "regional" and will be issued with 20% reduction in the current rate of franchise.

ARTICLE 4. - The High Contracting Parties undertake to ensure among themselves the greatest possible customs and consular facilities, in order to encourage shipments of postal orders.

ARTICLE 5. Signatory countries shall establish through bilateral agreements, exchange facilities, as well as the modalities for countering imports and exports that are carried out by this means.

ARTICLE 6. This Convention shall be ratified in accordance with the constitutional procedures in force in the respective signatory States, and ratifications shall be deposited with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, which shall notify the other Contracting States.

ARTICLE 7. - This Convention shall be governed thirty days after the deposit of ratifications by all Contracting States has occurred and shall govern indefinitely, provided that one or more Contracting States does not notify the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay of its desire to denounce it. In this case, the State shall have no effect on the ninety days after the receipt of the complaint note and shall continue in force among the other States. In faith of which the plenipotentiaries mentioned sign and seal the present instrument, in Montevideo, on the six days of the month of February of the year thousand nine hundred and forty-one.


The delegation of Brazil, without failing to recognize the high and noble purposes of this Convention, regrets the impossibility of adopting article 3. This position is motivated by the fact that Brazil has signed a Postal Union Convention of the Americas and Spain, in Panama, in the year 1936 Convention which, consequently, has extended to the other American countries without exception and which governs the postal rates internally.

URUGUAY: Alberto Guani - Juan Antonio Buero - Luis C. Caviglia - Segundo F. Santos - Julio C. Cerdeiras Alonso - José A. Mora Otero ARGENTINA: José Evaristo Uriburu - Pablo Santos Muñoz - Carlos L Torriani - Ernesto Baldassari - Ovidio V. Schiopetto - Carlos A.

Coll - Benegas. PARAGUAY: Luis A. Argaña - José Dahlquist - Raúl Sapena Pastor.

UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL: Pedro de Moraes Barros - Sylvio Raulino De Oliveira - Nelson Guillobel - Paulo Federico Magalhaes - AlcidesLins. BOLIVIA: Alberto Ostría Gutiérrez - Jorge Valdés Muster - Fernando Iturralde Chinel - Juan Pinilla Gutiérrez.