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Creation Of Aeronautics Circle - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: CREACION CIRCULO DE AERONAUTICA - Texto completo de la norma

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LEY N° 12.907


Article 1 - The Aeronautics Circle, under the Aeronautics Secretariat, shall be established for the purpose of:
(a) To promote the formation of aeronautical consciousness, by hosting the National Library of Aeronautics, technical presentations, conferences, projections and publications;
(b) To promote the strengthening of the bonds of friendship and camaraderie between the officers of the Argentine Air Force and the development of their capacity and professional development;
(c) To promote close ties of camaraderie with members of the other national armed forces and to establish and foster friendly ties with the air forces of friendly nations;
(d) Fostering closeness and friendship among the families of officers.

Art. 2° - The resources to be provided by the Air Force Circle to cover the operating costs shall be as follows:
(a) For the amounts established in the budget law on an annual basis;
(b) For the obligatory contribution of its affiliates, whose amount shall be set by the statutes thereof;
(c) Subsidies, grants, donations, legacies and any other income to increase the property of the institution.

Art. 3rd - Authorize the executive branch to invest, as a one-time subsidy, up to the sum of five hundred and fifty thousand pesos national currency ($ 550.000 m/n.) in the costs of installation, repairs, endowment and operation of the Aeronautics Circle. This expenditure shall be covered by general incomes, subject to this Law.

Art. 4° - Contact the executive branch.

Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress, in Buenos Aires, on December thirteen, nine hundred and forty-six.

J. H. QUIJANO Ricardo C. Guardo Alberto H. Reales Rafael González