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Overall Budget Of The National Administration Exercise 1947 - Its Approval - Full Text Of The Norm


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image inicio sitio infoleg MInisterio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos
Law No. 12,931 - Favourite the budget for the year 1947

Buenos Aires, January 10, 1947


The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc., sanction with force




Article 1. - Note the General Administration's expenditure budget for the year 1947, to cover with general incomes, in the sum of two thousand five hundred and twenty-three million six hundred fifty and two thousand one hundred twelve pesos national currency ($2,523,152 m/n.) according to the following distribution, the details of which are shown in annexed tables:

Annexes Salaries and Jornales Other Total
1 Congress 11.118.700 758.770 11.877.470
2 Interior 303.801.356 140.191.732 (1) 442.083.088
3 Secretariat for Labour and Security 20.428.160 33.961.731 54.389.891
4 Ministry of Public Health 48.279.150 55.119.272 103.398.422
5 Ext Relations. and Worship 26.923.680 19.889.644 46.813.324
6 Finance 70.466.840 17.520.450 87.987.290
7 Justice and Inst. Public 136.306.917 71.467.868 207.774.779
8 Nac Council. Education 190.396.264 32.139.700 (2) 215.535.964
9 War: 198.022.346 140.178.753 338.201.099
_________ ________ ________
(a) Army 196.068.639 137.677.919 333.746.557
(b) Comodoro Rivadavia Military Zone 1.419.408 1.197.180 2.616.588
(c) Military tailoring 534.300 1.303.654 1.837.954
10 Aeronautics Secretariat 64.196.170 88.078.200 152.274.370
11 Marina 140.398.520 86.066.727 226.465.247
12 Agriculture 25.468.530 31.041.380 56.509.910
13 Industry and Trade Secretariat 12.086,000 14.736.680 91.960.580
14 Public Works 77.223.900 14.736.680 91.960.580
Total ________ 1.325.206.527 __________ 738.970.257 ________
15 Public Debt Service 347.433.522 347.433.522
16 Pensions and Retirements 86.491.606 86.491.606
17 State Contributions and Contributions 84.550.200 84.550.200
Total __________ 1.325.206.527 ________ 1.257.445.585 ________ 2,573.652.112
1. Supplementary annual allowance 150,000.
Total ________ 2.723.652.112
Investment economies 200,000.
TOTAL GENERAL: 2.523.652.112

(1) Deduced m$n. 2,000.000 of investment economy.

(2) Deduced m$n. 7,000.000 of investment economy.

Art. 2°. - Stimulate the general income resources for the exercise of 1947, in the sum of (m$ 2,523,800.000) two thousand five hundred and twenty-three million eight hundred thousand national currency, according to the following summary whose detail appears in annexed tables:

I - Customs and Port 40,000.
II - Unified Internal Taxes 291,000.000
III - Territorial Contribution 36,000.000
IV - Tax on Regimes 410.800.000
V - Sales Tax 110.600,000
VI - Tax on Extraordinary Benefits 63,200,000
VII - Sealing Tax 145,000.000
VIII - Patents 3,000.000
IX - Oil and Mining Canon Regalies 10,000.000
X - Tax on Free Transmission of Goods 50,500,000
XI - career tax 23,000.000
XII - Eventual Benefits Tax 110.600,000
XIII - Consular Rights 10,000.000
XIV - Diverse Participations 8,000.000
XV - National Charity Lottery 31,000.000
XVI - Benefits of Change 36,000.000
XVII - Miscellaneous income 663.800.000
XVIII - Posts and Telecommunications 81.300.000
Total: __________

Art. 3. - Please note the budgets of the Autonomous Shares for the year 1947 that will be met with their own resources and the contributions of the State, in the amounts set out below, in accordance with the detail contained in annexed tables:

Distribution Salaries and wages Other Financial Services Total
I. - BANCARY ORGANIZATIONS 101.426.800 ____________ 45.143.750 ____________ - 146.570.550 _______________
Central Bank of the Argentine Republic 10.985.940 45.143.750 - 14.930.940
Argentine Industrial Credit Bank 6.290.520 2.229,000 - 8.519.520
Banco de la Nación Argentina 53.928.760 16.727.150 - 70.655.910
Banco Hipotecario Nacional 16.354.160 3.981.900 - 20.336.060
National Postal Savings Fund 5,934,700 5.060.700 - 10,995,400
Argentine Institute for the Promotion of the Exchange 7.932.720 13,200,000 - 21.132.720

II. - SOCIAL PREVISION ORGANIZATION 24,417,900 38.997.822 - 63.415.722
(a) National Social Welfare Institute 5.083.700 3.617.075 - 8.700.775
(b) Maternity and Child Fund 826.800 3.617.075 - 2.421.300
(c) National Pension Fund 1,810,800 805.550 - 2.616.350
(d) National Retirement Fund and Railway Employees 2.505.600 1.591.822 - 4.097.422
(e) National Pension Fund for Employees and Workers of Private Enterprises 876.600 359.850 - 1.236.450
(f) National Banking, Insurance, Insurance, Insurance, Capitalization and Savings Fund
(g) National Fund for Retirement, Pension and Subsidies of Journalists 353,700 174.125 - 527.825
(h) Retirement Fund for Merchant, Allied and Civil Marine Personnel 210,000 98.650 - 308.650
(i) Trade Staff Pension Fund, Related Activities and Civils 914.100 720.475 - 1.640.575
(j) Industrial and related staff retirement fund
(k) Labour accidents 4.279.200 5,594,200 - 9.873.400
Financial Aid Institute for the Payment of Retreats and Military Pensions 4,914,900 19.492.275 - 24.407.175
National Institute for Remuneration 462,600 1.172.050 - 1.634.650

440,600 2.010.550 - 2.451.150
National Commission of Grains and Elevators 1,739,300 1,760,700 - 3,500,000
Yerba Mate Production and Trade Regulatory Commission 21.942.440 27.859.408 100,000 49.901.848
(a) Yerba National Canchada National Mate Consignatory Market 15.846.120 22.098.400 - 37.944.520
(b) Yerba Mate Directorate 6.673.020 _________ 437.733 _________ - 1.110.753
National agrarian council 369.900 284.053 - 653.953
Instituto Nacional de la Fiebre Aftosa 303.120 153.680 - 456,800
National Board of Carnes 1.586.700 590.570 - 2.177.270

368.300 2,342,500 100,000 2,810,800
Corporación Nacional de Olivícola 3,468,300 2.390.205 - 5.858.505
Corporación Nacional para la producción de Caucho Vegetal 123.944.112 393.916.369 2.150.000 518.414.581
General Directorate of Mineral Fuels 188.100 1.238.250 - 1.426.350
General Directorate of Military Manufacturers 547,500 5,000.000 - 5.547.500
General Directorate of Petroliferous Fiscal Developments 3.731.924 13.301.707 - 17.033.631
National Energy Authority (2) 22.482.370 165.200.370 1.150.000 (1) 187.236.700

Fluvial Transport Administration 96.994.218 209.176.182 1,000,000 307.170.400
General Administration of the State Merchant Fleet 509.360 397,300 - 906.660
General Administration of State Railways 258.749.526 325.670.507 48.446.273 616.310.727
General Administration of National Parks and Tourism 2,735,200 3.535.700 - 6.270.900
General Administration of National Road 11.458.840 73.476.460 100,000 85.035.300
National Water Administration 170.217.269 97.623.310 5.170.000 256.455,000
National Housing Administration 1.336.420 842.578 - 2.178.998
General Directorate of State Electrical Centres 11.999.700 43.252,600 - 55.252,300
General Directorate of State Gas 35.364.870 50.052.471 36.876.273 122.293.614
Land Defense Fund 529.200 379.300 - 908.500
Military Geographical Institute - Charter Act No. 12,696 5.183.930 11.894.090 - 17.078.020
Reconstruction of Saint John 14.006.357 31.354.820 6.300.000 51.661.177
90,600 5.191.936 - 5.282.536

4.681.020 6.562,000 - 11.243.020
1.146.120 1.505.242 - 2.651.362
National Learning and Professional Guidance Commission 44.442.285 _________ 19.551.698 _________ - 63.993.983 _________
National Commission on Culture 5,980,300 6.582,000 - 12.832,300
Professional Council of Economics of the Federal Capital 638.100 834.047 - 1.472.147
Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires 26.400 91,600 - 118,000
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba 14.011.440 4.707.341 - 18.718.781
National University of Cuyo 4.936.675 1.635.833 - 6.592.508
National University of La Plata 3.787.256 1.282.141 - 5.069.397
National University of Litoral 6.575.906 1.215.768 - 7.391.674
National University of Tucumán 5.908.895 1.539.504 - 7.448.399
2.957.313 __________ 1.393.464 _________ - _______ 4.350.777 ____________
TOTAL: 574.923.063 851.139.554 50.696.273 1.458.607.413

(1) - Deducted m$n. 1,595,900 for miscellaneous contributions.

(2) - The provision of this division is not added because its budget is funded by the contributions contained in the budgets of the General Directorate of Electrical Powers of the State, General Directorate of State Gas and General Directorate of Mineral Fuels.

(3) - Deducted m$n. 16,555,579 of savings to be realized in all services.

Article 4. - Dismiss the resources of the Autonomous Shares for the exercise of 1947, including the contributions of the State, in the amounts set out below, in accordance with the detail contained in annexed tables:

Distribution Annual
Central Bank of the Argentine Republic 14.930.940
Argentine Industrial Credit Bank 8.519.520
Banco de la Nación Argentina 70.655.910
Banco Hipotecario Nacional 20.336.060
National Postal Savings Fund 10,995,400
Argentine Institute for the Promotion of the Exchange 21.132.720
National Social Security Institute and its Sections 57.464.572
(a) Nac Institute. Social Security 8.700.775
(b) Maternity and Child Fund 2.421.300
(c) Nac Fund. and Civil Pensions 2.616.350
(d) Nac Fund. of Ferroviary Employees 4.097.422
(e) Nac Fund. Retirements of Employees and Workers of Particular Enterprises 1.236.450
(f) National Banking, Insurance, Insurance, Insurance, Capitalization and Savings Fund 527.825
(g) National Fund for Retirement, Pension and Subsidies of Journalists 308.650
(h) Staff Pension Fund for the Merchant, Civil Aviation and Related Marines 1.640.575
(i) Retirement Fund for Trade, Related Activities and Civil Affairs 9.873.400
(j) Industrial and related staff retirement fund 24.407.175
(k) Labour accidents 1.634.650
Financial Aid Institute for the Payment of Retreats and Military Pensions 2.451.150
National Institute for Remuneration 3,500,000
National Commission of Grains and Elevators 37.944.520
Yerba Mate Production and Trade Regulatory Commission 1.110.753
(a) Yerba National Canchada National Mate Consignatory Market 653.953
(b) Yerba Mate Directorate 456,800
National agrarian council 2.177.270
Instituto Nacional de la Fiebre Aftosa 2,810,800
National Board of Carnes 5.858.505
Corporación Nacional de Olivícola 1.426.350
Corporación Nacional para la producción de Caucho Vegetal 1,000,000
General Directorate of Mineral Fuels 17.033.631
General Directorate of Military Manufacturers 187.236.700
General Directorate of Petroliferous Fiscal Developments 307.170.400
National Directorate of Energy (1) 906.660
Fluvial Transport Administration 6.270.900
General Administration of the State Merchant Fleet 85.035.300
General Administration of State Railways 256.455,000
General Administration of National Parks and Tourism 2.178.998
General Administration of National Road 55.252,300
National Water Administration 127.123.778
National Housing Administration 908.500
General Directorate of State Electrical Centres 17.078.020
General Directorate of State Gas 51.661.177
Land Defense Fund 5.282.536
Military Geographic Institute - Nro Charter Law. 12.696 11.243.020
Reconstruction of Saint John 2.651.362
National Learning and Professional Guidance Commission 13.1 million
National Commission on Culture 1.472.147
Professional Council of Economics of the Federal Capital 118,000
Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires 18.718.781
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba 6.592.508
National University of Cuyo 5.069.397
National University of La Plata 7.891.674
National University of Litoral 7.448.399
National University of Tucumán 4.350.777 _______________
TOTAL: 1.459.157.775

(1) The resources of the National Directorate of Energy are not added to this table for the resource calculations of the following divisions: General Directorate of Electrical Power Plants of the state m$n. 400.000; General Directorate of State Gas m$n. 100,000 and General Directorate of Mineral Fuels M$n. 406.660.

Art. 5°. - Note the budgets of auxiliary services for the exercise of 1947 of the General Administration of the ferries of the Shield and National Administration of the Water, in the sums of (m$n. 152,205,410) one hundred fifty and two million two hundred fifteen thousand four hundred ten pesos national currency and (m$n. 40,178,338) forty million one hundred seventy and eight thousand three hundred thirty and eight pesos national currency, respectively

Distribution Salaries and wages Other Financial services Total
General Administration of State Railways 40.784.677 111.430.733 - 152.215.410
National Water Administration 5.329.140 33.312.190 1.537.008 40.178.338
________ _______ _________ _________
Total: 46.113.817 144.142.923 1.537.008 192.393.748

The costs referred to in this article shall be covered by the amounts provided for in the respective operating budgets and in the works (Public Work) headings to the extent of their use.

Art. 6th. - In the sum of (m$n. 22,430.000) twenty-two million four hundred thirty thousand pesos national currency, the investment in the year 1947 in works to be attended by resources from the Renewal Fund constituted by the General Administration of the State Railways, according to the distribution approved by the Executive Power.

Art. 7°. - In the sum of (m$n. 100,000.000) one hundred million national currency, the resources of the National Energy Fund, which will be affected to the fulfilment of the purposes of the creation of the National Energy Directorate, in accordance with the distribution that the Executive Power determines of that amount. Of the above amount (m$ 17.033.631) seventeen million thirty-three thousand six hundred thirty-six hundred thirty-one national currency, will be allocated for the financing of the expenditure budget of the General Directorate of Mineral Fuels for the present period.

Art. 8°. - In the sum of (m$n. 4.016.442) four million sixteen thousand four hundred forty-two pesos national currency, the availability as at 31 December 1947 of the "Booking Fund" of the National Learning and Professional Guidance Commission, an amount that can be applied to the attention of the foundation and installation expenses or new establishments or institutions not provided for in the regular budget of the Treasury approved by the Ministry.


Art. 9°. - Note the expenses of the National Administration, for the year 1947, to cover with the production of the negotiation of titles of the National Public Debt, in the sum (m$n. 790.466.064,97) seven hundred ninety million four hundred sixty-six thousand sixty-six thousand and four pesos with ninety-seven cents national currency, according to the detail below:

I. PUBLIC WORKS 543.940.508.97
(a) Annual Public Works Plan (Excluding Military Works) 397,000.000.
(b) Ministry of the Interior. Telegraphic lines 778.191.7
(c) Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship. Acquisition of a property for Ministry offices 6,000.000.
(d) Reconstruction of Saint John 19.052.317,-
(e) Comodoro Rivadavia Military Zone, Construction 6.110000
(f) National Housing Administration, Construction 25,000.000
(a) Land Defense Fund 5.282.536
(b) National Water Administration 25,000.000
(c) Financial Aid Institute for the Payment of Retirement and Military Pensions 45.100.000
(d) National Social Welfare Institute 20,000.
1. Section Law No.4.349 ­ National Court of Jubilments and Civil Pensions. 10,000.000
2. Section Act No. 10.650 - National Fund for Retirement and Pensions of Railway Employees. 10,000.000
(e) General Administration of State Railways 73.400,000
(f) National Road Authority 10,000.000
(g) National agrarian council 10,000.000
(h) Military Geographic Institute - Charter Act No. 12,696 11.243.020
(i) General Directorate of Military Manufacturing 45,000.000
1. Contribution of the National Government for the financing of its budget (Act 12.509 and Decree 9.146/44) 30,000.000
2°. Raw materials (Decree No. 34.217/45) 15,000.000
III. - VARIOUS 1,500,000
(a) Ministry of Marine, Maintenance of Navy Aviation Material and replacement of motorized vehicles 1,500,000
TOTAL: 790.466.064.97

Article 10. - Authorize the Executive to issue Public Debt Titles in sufficient quantity to meet the following needs:

(a) National Water Administration 25,000.000
(b) National Social Welfare Institute: 20,000.
1. Section Law 4.349 - National Retirement and Civil Pension Fund 10,000.000
2. Section Law No. 10.650 - National Pension and Retirement Fund 10,000.000
(c) Financial Aid Institute for the Payment of Retirement and Military Pensions 45.100.000
(d) General Administration of State Railways 73.400,000
(e) Land Defense Fund 5.282.536
(a) Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship
Acquisition of a property for Ministry offices 6,000.000
(b) Comodoro Rivadavia Military Zone. Execution of various works and works in accordance with the plan approved by the Executive 6.110000
(c) Ministry of Navy, Renovation and maintenance of Navy aviation materials and replacement of motorized vehicles, armaments and explosives 1,500,000
(a) Social Work Pan to develop by the Ministry of War, for the benefit of its staff 10,000.000
(b) Social Work Plan to be developed by the Aeronautics Secretariat through the Aeronautics Social Aid Directorate 7,000.000
Total: 199.392.536

The figures indicated above constitute the maximum amount to be delivered for the purposes established in each case. The use of the provisions referred to in Chapter II of this Article - Obras and Acquisitions - is subject to their prior inclusion in the plans by the Ministers of Public Works, War or Marina, as it is jurisdictionally appropriate in the case of works or investments by the civil or military authority.

Cancel the unaffected balance as at 31/12/1946 of the credit for (m$n. 10,000.000) ten million pesos national currency granted by Decree No. 16.065/13 dated 6/12/1943, for the organization and preparation of the Territorial Defense of the Nation.

Article 11. - Authorize the Executive Power to issue titles of the Public Debt in the sufficient amount to attend to the cancellation of the expenses incurred by the General Administration in the army of 1946, pending payment for having used expired exercise, provided that they have previously been in each case liquidated and recorded by the National Account.

Expenditures under the above-mentioned conditions, which have been incurred without credit in the respective budget line, or which have been exceeded the corresponding provision, shall be settled by the General Account of the Nation, upon a decree of recognition of the lawful bond, without prejudice to the responsibility set out in article 1 of Act No. 11.762.

Payment Orders which are released pursuant to this article shall specify, in addition to the requirements established by the Accounting Act, the year of expenditure. The General Account of the Nation shall record the expenses accruing to them by exercise and Annex to which they correspond, according to the structure of the General Budget of the respective year.


Art. 12. - The executive branch is authorized to enter General Rents to the sum of ($ 620,0000,000) six hundred and twenty million pesos national currency of the Exchange Benefit Fund.

Domestic distributions

Art. 13. - The Executive Power will hand over General Income to the Fluvial Transport Administration during the current year as a loan and under the conditions determined by Article 7 of Decree No. 9.906/15 of 4 May 1945, up to the sum of (m$n. 1,000,700) a million seven hundred national currency, in which the operating deficit of the service has been estimated. The sum indicated above shall be delivered to the aforementioned Distribution to the extent and quantity required.

Art. 14. - Note in the amount of up to ($n. 8,700,775) eight million seven hundred thousand seventy-five pesos national currency the contribution that for the financing of the cost budget of the National Institute of Social Security will have to contribute from their own resources the different Sections that make up it, according to the following detail:

  1. Section Law No. 4.349

National Retirement and Civil Pension Fund

(b) Section No. 10.650 and Decree-Law No. 14.534/44. - National Pension and Retirement Fund 494.622.-
(c) Section Law No. 11.149 and Decree-Law No. 10.315/44 - National Fund for the Retirement of Employees and Workers of Particular Enterprises 37.083.-
(d) Section No. 12.581 and Decree-Law No. 14.535/44 - National Fund for Retirement, Pension and Subsidies of Journalists 47.776.-
(e) Section Law No. 11.575 and Decree-Law No. 23.682/44 - National Banking, Insurance, Insurance, Capitalization and Savings Staff Pension Fund 224.384.-
(f) Section Decree-Law No. 6.395/46 - Retirement Fund for Merchant Marine, Civil Aviation and Related Personnel 809.477.-
(g) Section Decree-Law No. 31,665/44 - Retirement Fund for Trade, Related Activities and Civil Affairs 3.361.788.-
(h) Section Decree-Law No. 13,937/46 - Fund for Retirements of Industry and Related Personnel 1.700.253.-
Total: 8.700.775


Art. 15. - Authorize the Executive Branch, by decree issued with the intervention of the Ministry of Finance and in the presence of duly justified reasons, to make compensations between the provisions of the General Budget, provided that the total authorized for the "Sueldos y Jornales" and "Other Expenditures", respectively, is not altered and the staff plant is not increased.

Art. 16. - Replace Article 106 of Law No. 11.672 (Edition 1943) with the following: "When by regulatory movement of the military personnel of the Annexes corresponding to the Ministry of War and the Secretariat of Aeronautics, they occur surplus among the staff established by the distribution of Subparagraph 1, the executive branch is authorized to cover such surpluses with the other headings.

Art. 17. - The remaining funds that fall under the different headings of Annex 10 (Aeronautics Secretariat) at the end of the year shall be deposited in the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic, to constitute a permanent fund for aeronautical constructions and acquisitions, whose fate shall be disposed of by the Executive Power in accordance with the plan that it establishes, giving the corresponding intervention to the National Account. The annual fund balances will be transferred to the following year under the same heading. Of the leftovers mentioned at the beginning of the previous paragraph, those from vacant civilian jobs of the Aeronautics Secretariat, as well as those who may be engaged in unpaid debts at the end of the year, will be deducted.

Art. 18. - Authorize the National Council of Education so that from the teaching staff of the Schools, it affects up to 900 positions for teachers who, keeping their moral and intellectual abilities and counting on a minimum of 10 years of continuous service, are declared Assistant Teachers in accordance with the provisions in force for being temporary or definitively in a state of physical incapacity for the exercise of active teaching.

Art. 19. - The 36,614 grade teachers ' positions detailed in Article 1 of the " Teachers " Item shall be distributed among the schools of the Capital, Provinces and Territories in the following proportion:

Federal Capital 10.649
Buenos Aires 1.439
Catamarca 963
Córdoba 2.304
Current 2.187
Between Rios 900
Jujuy 383
La Rioja 703
Mendoza 1.090
Balance 802
San Juan 805
San Luis 842
Santa Fe 1.354
Santiago del Estero 2.158
Tucumán 1.545
National colonies 148
Schools 48
Missions 1.992
The Pampa 1.316
Neuquén 498
Chubut 586
Chaco 2.248
Black River 832
Formosa 672
Santa Cruz 118
Land of Fire 23

Authorize the Executive Branch to amend the number of positions established for each Province, Territories, National Colonies or Home Schools without the needs of education by a contract decree issued by the Ministry of Justice and Public Instruction.

Domestic distributions

Art. 20. - The budget of expenditure and calculation of resources for 1947, approved for "Reconstruction of Saint John" will be applied until then, once the "Consejo de Reconstrucción de San Juan" was formed, created by Law No. 12,865, it will be incorporated into the heritage of that agency and assigned the respective budget.

Art. 21. - The National Corporation for the Production of the Vegetal Rubber will limit investments to be made from the budget approved by this Law, to the availability of resources from the credit balance by (m$n. 3,500,000) three million five hundred thousand national currency, agreed by the Bank of the Argentine Nation, until the H. National Congress establishes the comprehensive plan of action to develop in the future by the Distribution and agreement with the necessary resources.

Art. 22. - The special grants or contributions agreed in the General Budget of the Nation to the National Universities shall be redeployed by the respective Higher Councils within the totals allocated to each Faculty, and upon the proposal of its Boards of Directors.


Art. 23. - Authorize the executive branch to invest up to the sum of (m$ 20.000.000) twenty million pesos national currency in the granting of loans to sports entities, which will be agreed in accordance with the regulation dictated by the executive branch, in order to finance the construction of stadiums, fields and facilities for sports. The loans shall be granted, upon advice of the Commission established by article 29 of Act No. 12,315, in cash, for periods of up to one hundred years, accruing an interest not less than two and a half (21/2%) per cent per year. Constructions should be erected on land owned by the benefited institutions, which should be affected by mortgage in favour of the National Government until the cancellation of the relevant loan. - The Executive Power is authorized to carry out the credit operations it deems appropriate to comply with the provisions of this Article.

Art. 24. - The Executive Power shall have the transfer to Act No. 12,737 of the balances of the credits included in Act No. 12,815 - Subparagraph 6 "A" - Works by the Ministry of War. These works shall be governed by the provisions of Act No. 12.737 and the management and redistribution of the transferred balances shall be made in accordance with article 9 of the same.

Art. 25. - Approve the procedure followed by the Executive Branch by Decree No. 7,688, dated August 22, 1946 to cancel the liability for (m$ 2,497,022,15) two million four hundred ninety-seven thousand twenty-two pesos with forty-five cents national currency of the Military Sastrery existing as at July 31, 1946, and leave without effect the character of advance agreed to the sum mentioned.

Art. 26. - Replace article 20 of Law 11.672 (edit 1943) with the following: "The salaries of diplomatic, consular, administrative, naval and aeronautical personnel, who provide services abroad, shall be uniformly settled for each country in accordance with the following rules: the salary fixed by the budget shall be applied to a coefficient that shall vary between one (1) and four (4) and the amount resulting in official currency exchange shall be rotated. - This coefficient shall be fixed on a regular basis, in accordance with the regulations approved by the Executive Branch, taking into account the cost of living of each country and as permanent or transitional staff. The same coefficient will apply to office, rental, representation and road costs set out in the respective budgets.

Art. 27. - By virtue of the numerical individualization of the various Annexes that form an integral part of this Law, and for the clarification of the existing provisions which alphabetically state the Annexes to which they relate, establishing the following correlation:

Previous nomination Current nomination
Congress A 1
Interior B 2
Work and Provision B' 3
Public health B" 4
Foreign Affairs and Worship C 6
Finance D 7
Justice and Public Instruction E 8
National Education Council E'' (INCISO UNICO) 9
War F 10
Aeronautics F' 11
Marina G 12
Agriculture H 12
Industry and Trade H' 13
Public works I 14
Public Debt Service D' 15
Retirement, Pension and Retirement J 16
State sports K 17


Art. 28. - Defer article 148 of Act No. 11.762 (Article 1943).

Art. 29. - In making the new edition of Act No. 11.672 (Permanent Budget Complementary), the Executive shall incorporate articles 16, 17, 23, 26 and 27 of this Law.

The Executive Power is authorized to make the final edition of this Act, for which it will determine the order and numbering of the articles.

Art. 30. - The salaries of those responsible for postal stamps - of global or direct items - who currently perceive fifty (50), seventy-five (75) and one hundred (100) monthly pesos, shall be eighty (80), one hundred twenty (120) and two hundred (200) pesos respectively. The difference between two million four hundred and ninety-five thousand one hundred pesos ($2,495,100 m/n.) and four million two hundred and fifty-three thousand two hundred eighty pesos national currency (4,253,280 m/n.), which is the sum to which the amount of the increase will come about three thousand two hundred and ninety-eight (3,298) charges - amounting to one million seven hundred fifty-eight one hundred eighty national currency ($1,758)

Art. 31. - Make the executive branch to invest during the current year up to the sum of one million five hundred eleven thousand pesos national currency ($1.511,000 m/n.) in the construction of telegraphic lines, with the respective authorizations to deal with the product of the negotiation of titles, thus being enlarged in the sum of seven hundred thirty-two thousand eight hundred eight hundred pesos with three headings national currency (m$08)

Art. 32. - Extraordinary credit is made for the sum of seventy-five thousand pesos national currency ($75,000 m/n.) to reinforce item 1 of item 2, paragraph 6 of the budget of the Honorable Chamber of Deputies of the Nation, in order to cover the deficit in the period 1946. This expenditure will be made from general incomes charged to this law.

Art. 33. - Contact the executive branch.

Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress on the twenty-two days of the month of December, a thousand nine hundred and forty-six.

J. H. WHOLE. . Alberto H. Reales. . Ricardo C. Guardo. . L. Zavalla Carbó.

Registered under No. 13.931.