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Variable Supplement On The Existence Of Retirements Law N? 13.025 - Extension - Updated Text Of The Rule

Original Language Title: SUPLEMENTO VARIABLE SOBRE EL HABER DE LAS JUBILACIONES LEY N? 13.025 - PRORROGA - Texto actualizado de la norma

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image inicio sitio infoleg MInisterio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos
LEY N° 13.478

Variable supplement on the existence of the Jubilments.

Sanctioned: September 29-1948

Promulgated: October 15-1948


The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, assembled in Congres, etc., sanction with force of LEY:

ARTICLE 1 Institute from 1 January 1949, to offset the fluctuations in the cost of living, a variable supplement on the monthly retirement, retirement or pensions by national civil or military social insurance agencies or the national budget.

ARTICLE 2°- The variable supplement will be established according to an index of the overall level of remuneration sufficiently representative in the opinion of the Executive.

In the case of holders of various benefits, their amounts will be accumulated for the purpose of the determination of the supplement.

In no case the amount resulting from adding the original and the variable supplement may be less than $200 in the case of retirements or retirements, or $150 in the case of pensions.

ARTICLE 3- Trust the Social Provident Stabilizing Fund to address the deficits of social insurance agencies, the payment of variable supplements, the agreed or awarded ex gratia pensions and old age pensions created by this law.

The fund will be made up of the increase in sales tax created by law 12143, in three units and three quarters of unit, beginning on 1 January 1949.

For export operations, the term of three (3) years shall apply.

Those responsible listed in article 6 of Law 12143 (t. 1947), shall pay the one-five per cent tax (1.25 per cent) on sales made by contract prior to the sanction of this Act, which is issued in a public or private document containing the agreed price, and provided that the shipment or delivery of the goods is made in the first half of 1949.

Defeat from 1 January 1949, the exemption established by article 10 of Law 12143 (t.o. in 1947), with respect to genuine beer made with national malt and hop.

ARTICLE 4°- The provinces and the municipality of the City of Buenos Aires will participate in the increased collection from the increase in the rate referred to in Article 3 of this Law in the proportional form set out in Law 12956 , for which they shall conclude with the Nation agreements of reciprocity of the type provided for in Article 20 of Decree 9316/1946 (Act 12921), in which the conditions of application and delivery of the relevant amounts will be established.

ARTICLE 5°- The amounts under the budget law are allocated to the payment of pensions, retirements or pensions, civilians or military, excluding those of the character of the employer ' s contribution, shall be entered into the Social Security Stabilizer Fund to increase the share of the Nation.

ARTICLE 6- The variable supplement will be paid jointly and monthly by the agencies in whose charge is the payment of the basic retirement, retirement or pension.

ARTICLE 7°- The executive branch shall allocate the annual sum of thirty million pesos national currency ($ 30,000.000) from the fund created by art. 3 to subsidize existing mutualities or to be established within the regime of Decree No. 24499/1945 (Act No. 12921) up to 50 per cent (50%) of the expenses arising from the provision of specific services.

ARTICLE 8°- Protract until 31 December 1948 the validity of Act No. 13,025, with the deletion of article 4 thereof.

ARTICLE 9Facultase the Executive Power to grant under the conditions established by the regulation an inembargable pension to any person without sufficient resources of his own, not covered by a forecasting regime, of seventy (70) or more years of age or disabled to work.

(Article replaced by Article 1 of the Act No. 20.267 B.O. 16/04/1973)

(Aged age from 65 to 70 years by art. 183 of the Act No. 24,241 B.O. 18/10/1993)

ARTICLE 10. Defrost any provision that is contrary to those of this law.

ARTICLE 11. Contact the Executive.

Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress, in Buenos Aires, twenty-nine September of nine hundred and forty-eight.

Alberto H. Reales
L. Zavalla Carbó

- Registered under No. 13.478 -

Buenos Aires, 15 October 1948



DECEMBER No. 51,915


Please fill in the law of the Nation, contact the Directorate-General of the National Register and go to the Ministry of Labour and Security for its purposes.


Ramon A. Cereijo. José M. Freire.


- Article replaced by art. 1 Act No. 18.910 B.O. 15/01/1971;

- Article 9 replaced by art. 1 Act No. 15.705 B.O. 14/11/1960