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Ministry Of Labour And Public Instruction Federal Court In Capital - Creation - Full Text Of The Norm


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LEY No. 13.278

Create a Federal Court in Capital

Sanctioned: September 27, 1948

Promulgated: October 7 of 1948

The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc., sanction with force


ARTICLE 1 - Establish a federal court in the Capital of the Republic, with five secretaries, one pro-secretariat and the same number of employees and office items established by the budget law, for which it currently operates in that jurisdiction.

ARTICLE 2 The territorial jurisdiction and jurisdiction of the court referred to in the preceding article shall be the same as that currently operating in that jurisdiction in the Federal Capital. The territorial jurisdiction of two of the new federal courts included in the general expenditure budget law for 1948 will be the same as that of the two federal civil and commercial courts existing in the Capital of the Republic.

ARTICLE 3o - The court established by article 1 of the present Act, as well as the current Federal Criminal and Correctional Court, shall only be heard in the offences provided for by the Criminal Code and supplementary laws.

ARTICLE 4o - The two new courts included in the budget law for 1948, referred to in article 2, shall have jurisdiction in administrative matters and in the case of special laws, subject to article 5.

ARTICLE 5o - The Federal Chamber of Appeal of the Capital shall determine, by general agreement, the cases in which each of the courts is to be heard in matters of contentious administrative nature.

ARTICLE 6 The federal courts of the Capital shall be numbered as follows: the current Criminal and Correctional Court shall bear the number 1; the one that is created with that same competence, the number 2; the courts created for the administrative contentious, the numbers 3 and 4; and the current federal courts in the Civil and Commercial matters number 1 and 2, shall bear the numbers 5 and 6, respectively.

ARTICLE 7o - Each of the federal courts of the Capital will have five secretaries and one prosecretary, with the staff who assign the budget. The secretariats and prosecretariats with their staffing of the current federal courts will become part of those that are created, as follows: a secretariat of each of the courts numbers 5 and 6 will go to number 4. Court number 1 will pass the three secretaries specialized in special laws to court number 3; a criminal secretariat to number 2 and the prosecretary to number 4. The new secretariats and prosecretariats created by this Law and the budget, shall be distributed among the six courts, in order to complete five secretaries and one prosecretariat, for each of them.

ARTICLE 8o - The other federal court referred to in the General Budget Law for 1948 will have the same jurisdiction and jurisdiction as the law assigns to which it currently operates in the city of Córdoba. Both courts shall have three secretariats each and the staff determined by the Budget Law. Both judges shall be replaced with each other in the event of a licence, impediment or recusal on a case-by-case basis, following the order established by law 4.162.

ARTICLE 9o - Consider a position of prosecutor for the Federal Court of Cordoba, created by the General Budget Law for 1948, and referred to in the previous article.

ARTICLE 10. - The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation shall regulate the manner in which cases are to be distributed between the existing courts and the new ones referred to in the present law, as well as the shifts to be heard in the new cases; it shall also determine the date on which the latter shall commence, once they have been installed.

ARTICLE 11. - Notifications to be made in matters before federal courts shall be made by the official or employee designated by the judge.

ARTICLE 12. - The expense required by this Law not included in the general budget will be paid for general income, with charge to it.

ARTICLE 13. - Contact the Executive.

Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress, in Buenos Aires, on September twenty-seven, nine hundred and forty-eight.

Alberto H. Reales L. Zavalla Carbó

- Registered under No. 13.278 -