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Créase la Dirección de Ayuda Social para el Personal del H. Congreso de la Nación Ley N°13.265

Sanctioned: September 17 1948

Promulgated: September 29 1948


The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc. They sanction with strength of


ARTICLE 1°. s Approved with force of law, from the date on which they were given under the authorization granted by Laws 12.932 and 13.073, the resolutions of the Presidencys of both Houses of Congress of 2 September 1947, on the creation of the Directorate of Social Aid for the staff of the same, and of 29 December of that year, concerning the regulations of the said Directorate, which are then transcribed:

September 2, 1947.

The President of the Honorable Senate of the Nation and the President of the Honorable Chamber of Deputies of the Nation


ARTICLE 1 . Approved the preliminary draft of bases for the organization of a service of aid and social foresight among the staff of the Honorable Congress of the Nation, drafted by the commission composed of the officials and employees of both Legislative Chambers, gentlemen: Dr. Eduardo T. Oliver, don Juan J. Stagnaro, don José D. Achábal, don Pedro Luis Müller, don Justo José Galarreta, Dr. Julián Dalhberg, Miguel Draft article 1. . Please refer to the "Dirección de Ayuda Social" for the staff of the Honorable Congress of the Nation, which will operate under the immediate reliance of the secretaries of both Houses, in accordance with the shifts established in the respective regulations. Art. 2° The direction established by the present resolution shall be responsible for the direction and control of any matter related to assistance and social insurance among the staff of the Honorable Congress of the Nation. Art. 3rd. . In order to fulfil its purpose, the management will have an administering Commission consisting of seven members, composed of two representatives of the staff of the Honorable Senate, two of the Honorable Chamber of Deputies, two of the Printer of the Honorable Congress and one of the Library, whose mandate will last three years, appointed the first time directly by the corresponding authorities, and henceforth, by the same, but of a double number of candidates. The list is formed with the names of the most voted partners of a direct choice, in which all partners will intervene and in the manner established by the regulation. Art. 4° las The following units will be organized under the immediate reliance of the administering Commission referred to in the preceding article:

(a) A General Secretariat;

(b) Assistance and Social Security Section;

(c) Health Assistance Section;

(d) Family Economics Section;

(e) Section bonds for rents; loans and advances on salaries and salaries;

(f) Accounting Section;

(g) Sports and Tourism Development Section;

(h) Legal Affairs Section.

Art. 5°. Los The services and benefits, which without the exclusion of others should be organized immediately, are those listed below:

(a) Medical assistance at home and in external offices;

(b) Hospitals, sanatoriums and maternity homes;

(c) Pharmacy services;

(d) Assistance in dental clinics;

(e) Allowance for sick leave cases without pay;

(f) Assistance for funeral expenses;

(g) Facilities for services and expenses of inhumations to family members;

(h) Family economy (wire, warehouse and supplies)

(i) Rental, loans and advances;

(j) Leisure centers and sports fields;

(k) Legal consulting.

Art. 6°. de To cover the costs incurred and the granting of benefits, the Directorate will have the following resources:

(a) Compulsory membership in accordance with the following monthly scale:

























































1,500 forward


(b) The resources allocated for the work of social assistance between the staff of the Honorable Congress, in annex 3, paragraph 39, of the budget in force by Law 12,932 and those assigned to it by special laws;

(c) Income amounts for service retribution;

(d) Donations, legacies and all other emerging income from the activity for which it has been created.

Art. 7°. . They may also voluntarily join, in the manner in which they establish the respective regulations, those who have belonged to the staff of the Honorable Congress, as well as the family members of the affiliate who die without leaving the right to a pension. Art. 8°. . For the immediate initiation of your assignment the address will have the sum of $ 500,000 m/n. allocated in annex 3, paragraph 39, of the current budget, to be delivered by the authorities of both Chambers, to whom appropriate. Art. 9°. . Within ninety days of its constitution, the administering Commission shall submit to the approval of the authorities of both Chambers a preliminary draft regulation, for the granting of the benefits referred to in Article 4 of the present. ARTICLE 2° . Designase para forma la Comisión Administratora a que se refiere el artículo 3° del ante proyecto, en representación del personal del Honorable Senate, a los señores Julián Dalhberg y Pedro P.Lalanne; en representación de la Honorable Cámara de Diputados a los señores, Doctors Eduardo T. Oliver y Horacio Correa Luna; en representación de la Imprenta del Congreso, a los señores José D. Achábal y Francisco



H.C. President of Senators

President of H.C. of Deputies






Buenos Aires, December 29, 1947

Nature and Purposes of the Entity Article 1. The Directorate of Social Aid for the Staff of the Honorable Congress of the Nation, created by resolution 2 of September 1947, is an administrative agency, dependent on the authorities of the Legislative Power, responsible for guiding, managing, and regulating the "social work plan to be developed by these presidencies", authorized by Laws 12.932 and 13.073 of 22 December 1946 and 30 September 1947, respectively. Art. 2°. s For the best performance of its role the Directorate is trained, by delegation of powers of the authorities of both Chambers and within the purposes and resources allocated in these Regulations, to:

(a) Carry out all kinds of arrangements with the other branches of the State, official or private institutions and individuals;

(b) Acquiring rights and contracting obligations.

In order to acquire, encumber or dispose of movable or immovable property in the amount of 20,000 pesos national currency, the prior authorization of the presidents of both Chambers will be necessary. In all cases of acquisition of property, the formalities required by the accounting law 12,961 and supplementary provisions for this type of operation should be enforced.

Art. 3rd. Los The services that, without the exclusion of others, must organize the Directorate are the following:

(a) Medical and dental care;

(b) Hospitals and sanatoriums;

(c) Maternal and child protection;

(d) Pharmacy service;

(e) Grant for sick leave cases without pay;

(f) Assistance for funeral expenses;

(g) To promote decent and economic housing, in property or location;

(h) Monthly wage and wage lease and advances;

(i) Family economy (Sastrery, warehouse, supplies, etc.);

(j) Enactment of intellectual and physical culture;

(k) Legal consulting;

(l) Administrative refinement and knowledge of foreign languages;

Art. 4°. . Generally consider the freeness of the services provided to its affiliates by the Social Aid Directorate.

In those who, by their nature or cost, it is necessary to establish a compensation, the respective regulations shall determine the amount of the compensation.

Heritage Art. 5°. El The heritage of the Directorate will consist of:

(a) Resources allocated by laws 12,932 and 13,073 and those assigned by the budget law or by special laws;

(b) The compulsory contribution of participants;

(c) Income amounts for service retribution;

(d) The movable and immovable property that it possesses and those that are acquired therein;

(e) Donations, legacies and all other emerging income of the activity for which it has been created.

Art. 6°. Los The funds belonging to the Directorate shall be deposited in special accounts at the Bank of the Argentine Nation, to the joint order of the president and treasurer of the administering Commission. of Affiliates Art. 7°. . Affiliates have the right to enjoy the benefits that the Directorate gives and to make use of the services it organizes, under the conditions determined by these regulations and other provisions that are determined accordingly. They will be provided with an identification credential, which they will have to display once they use social services. Art. 8°. las For the purposes of the previous article, please fill out the following categories of participants:

(a) Assets;

(b) Volunteers;

(c) Participants;

(d) Adherents;

(e) Protectors;

Art. . Todos All affiliates have an obligation to know and comply with these rules and other provisions as appropriate. Active affiliates Art. 10. . The condition employed or permanent worker of the Honorable Congress of the Nation, whatever its category, confers the irrenunciable quality of active membership of the Directorate of Social Aid. Art. 11. Los Active affiliates have the following obligations and rights:

(a) Responding to the costed service compensations provided by the Directorate, as well as those for participants who depend on them;

(b) To use all social services, in accordance with the respective regulations;

(c) To intervene in the election of candidates for membership in and election to the administering Commission;

(d) To present to the administering Commission initiatives aimed at improving social services.

Volunteer members Art. 12. . They may apply in writing to the Directorate of Social Aid for admission as voluntary affiliates, the employees of the Congress who for any reason cease or have ceased to belong to their staff, except in the case of exoneration founded in summary.

Persons who, upon the date of the adoption of these rules, are in the conditions specified in this rule, shall apply for admission within 180 days. In the future, the term shall be only 60 days, from the time of termination in the service of the active participant.

Art. 13. . Volunteer members shall have the right to the services of the Directorate listed in subparagraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (i), (j) and (k) of rule 3rd of these rules. Art. 14. Volunteer affiliates respond to the costed service compensation provided by the management, as well as those for participants who depend on them. Participants Art. 15. . Members of the family and dependants of active or voluntary affiliates can enter as participants. They shall retain this character to the death of the member of whom they depend, by written statement to the Directorate within 90 days of the latter ' s production and the payment of the quota set out in article 28 (c). Art. 16. For the purposes set out in these rules, family members shall be considered:

(a) Conyuge;

(b) Single male children up to the age of 18, or disabled children;

(c) Single daughters up to the age of 22 or over;

(d) Parents in charge;

(e) Single brothers up to the age of 18, or older disabled in the same condition;

(f) Unmarried sisters up to the age of majority, or in the situation envisaged for males in the preceding paragraph.

Art. 17. . Participating participants, after three months of membership, shall be entitled to the services of the Directorate listed in subparagraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (i), (j) and (k) of rule 3 of these rules by payment of the tariffs to be fixed. Art. 18. . Affiliates who are in their responsibilities as relatives of those specified in Article 16 shall make this condition known in an affidavit. When the domicile of these relatives is not the same as the domicile of the affiliate, it must explain in writing the form in which the support of those persons comes. They are also obliged to justify at the time and by means of proof that they are required, the circumstances under which the participants make use of the services of the Directorate. Art. 19. . Affiliates must inform the Directorate within 10 days of any change in status or circumstance that alters the conditions set out in Article 16, for the admission of members of their family as participants. Adherent members Art. 20. . National legislators will be able to join the Social Aid Directorate and will have in this case the quality of adherents and the same obligations and rights as active affiliates, except to choose and be elected. Protective affiliates Art. 21. . Protective affiliate means any person who wants to favor the Directorate abone a minimum monthly fee of fifteen pesos and waives the use of the services it provides. Loss of Membership Art. 22. el The membership is lost by exclusion or by:

(a) Dismissal, active participants;

(b) Renunciation, voluntary, adherent or protective affiliates;

(c) Relinquish or have varied the circumstances enumerated in article 16, the participants;

Art. 23. de They are causes of exclusion:

(a) Repeated breach of obligations imposed by regulations;

(b) causing intentional damage to the interests of the Directorate;

(c) Employ dolo for obtaining some social benefit;

(d) Adequate three consecutive monthlyities, except for the cases provided for in these rules.

Contributions. El The mandatory contribution of the active participant shall be made in accordance with the following scale:

$ m/n.

$ m/n.












300 .







500 oriented...







700 oriented.



























Art. 25. Las The respective payment offices of the Congress shall retain the amount of the contributions and shall enter their production to the Social Aid Directorate within ten days of their perception. Art. 26. . The active participant in the use of unpaid leave for reasons of illness is released, while she lasts, from the payment of the quota, without this circumstance interrupting her rights. Art. 27. . When the unpaid leave is due to other than that provided for in the previous article, the payment of the corresponding fee will be voluntary. If you choose to make the payment, you must express it in writing to the address within fifteen days of having been granted the license, but you will not be able to benefit from the services and services of the address if you have not paid your fee regularly. Art. 28. La The scale of Article 24 will also be applicable to voluntary affiliates, proceiving the corresponding quota as follows:

(a) Retired: Your contribution will be determined by the amount of retirement;

(b) Former employees of the Honorable Congress without the right to retirement: the last monthly remuneration received will be taken into account;

(c) Members of the family of the affiliates and of the deceased ex-employees: They shall individually pay a monthly sum of three pesos, without the sum exceeding the quota paid by the participant on the date of his or her death, or the amount corresponding to him in the case of former deceased employees without affiliation.

Art. 29. . The payment of the fees of the participants referred to in the previous article shall be made by them directly in the offices of the Directorate, from 1 to 10 of each month expired.

The delay in the payment of three monthlyities will produce, without further processing, the expiration of the membership, and the rehabilitation may not be agreed but for one time, upon payment of the arrears.

Art. 30. . No will be lent if the affiliate is not up to date in the payment of their fees. Art. 31 . Affiliates who cease to belong for any reason to the Social Aid Directorate shall not have the right to demand the return of their contributions. of the Administrative Commission Art. 32. La The Social Aid Directorate will be represented, led and managed by a commission consisting of two representatives head of the House of Senators staff, two of the House of Senators staff, two of the Printer's staff one of the Library's staff and one of the Congress' Accounts staff, who will last three years in the performance of their duties, and may be reelected for a further period. In order to be eligible for re-election to one of the charges of the commission, the vote of the two thirds is required, at least, of the votes cast in the respective assembly. Art. 33. . Sectional representatives in the Administering Commission shall be appointed by the superintendence administrative authority by selection of a list on the proposal of the respective assembly, which shall be composed of a number of candidates equal to twice the charges to be filled. The list shall be formed by the names of active participants most voted in direct and secret elections, and those who are not appointed to integrate the commission as holders shall have the character of alternates, as long as the term of office of those members. Art. 34. . To be a member of the commission it is necessary to be an active, Argentinean member, to have the capacity to compel and an antiquity at least five years in the public administration. No person who is serving remunerated services by the Directorate may hold positions in the administering Commission. Art. 35. . The members of the commission terminate their term for expiry of the term or for loss of the condition of employee in the administrative order. Art. 36. La The commission will be chaired by annual rotation between the administrative secretaries of both Houses, corresponding to that of the Senate to hold the presidency during the odd years of the calendar, and that of the Chamber of Deputies during the even years. Art. 37. . Once integrated, the commission will proceed to elect from among its members, a simple plurality of suffrages, a vice president, a secretary, a treasurer, a prosecretary and a protesor. Art. 38. La The administering Commission will be renewed by half, for which the first time it will draw the members to be elected, to determine who will last one year and who three in its mandate. When the sections have more than one representative, the cessation may not be simultaneous, for which purpose the draws will be carried out by sections, considering that as a single section the representative of the Library and the Accounts of the Congress. Art. 39. El The term of office of the elected member for the full term of membership of the administering Commission is understood from 1 January of the first year to 31 December of the third party, not being able to extend or discontinue any time for delays in the occupation of the post. Rules to be adjusted by the Administrative Commission Art. 40 . It will meet, at least once every fifteen days, and at the request of its president or at the request of three of its members, upon subpoena, in all cases which, in the opinion of the first, the urgency of the matter to consider so required.

The quorum will be half plus one of all its members.

The first meeting of the year will set the days and hours of ordinary session.

The president will vote only in case of a tie.

Art. 41. . The vote of the absolute majority of the members present is required in order to take a valid resolution, except in cases where a greater number is required by these rules. Art. 42. . In ordinary meetings only those matters previously included in the order of the day by the president or by the commission in majority will be considered. In order to be able to immediately consider any matter not included in the agenda, the affirmative vote of sies of its members will be required, at least.

Any resolution taken in contravention of the provisions of this article shall be insanity null and void and shall be liable to those who have incurred the administrative sanction which the authorities have deemed appropriate, without prejudice to the civil or criminal responsibilities that are appropriate.

Duties and powers of the Administrative Commission Art. 43. La The administering Commission:

(a) Execute the resolutions of the authorities, complying with and enforcing these rules and other provisions;

(b) It provides for the regulation of the different services set forth in article 3 and of any other that tends to benefit participants in the cultural or spiritual order;

(c) Manages the funds of the Directorate, which may not be invested in purposes other than those set out in these Regulations;

(d) Calls for sectional assemblies, for the election of their members;

(e) Publish annual memories, balances and inventories;

(f) Name and remove technical-professional, administrative and service personnel, identifying their obligations, rights and remuneration;

(g) Regulates the collection of social contributions;

(h) Resolve on the admission of participants, volunteers, adherents and protectors;

(i) Suspends or excludes participants from the grounds specified in article 23;

(j) It acquires, encumbers or disposes of the movable or immovable property of the Directorate, in accordance with article 2;

(k) Names internal commissions;

(l) Names special or general seizures for representation;

(ll) Solve in the cases not provided for in these rules, in charge of giving the authorities account within ten days.

From President and Vice President Art. 44. El The president is the representative of the Directorate and has the following duties and powers:

(a) To convene and chair the meetings of the commission, with a vote in the event of a tie;

(b) He presides, by himself or by representative, the assemblies, with a vote in the event of a tie;

(c) Authorizes with the secretary any payment order and with the treasurer the documents of the treasury, not allowing the funds of the Directorate to be invested in purposes other than those set out in these regulations;

(d) Set matters to be considered on the agenda;

(e) Designates the cross-cutting commissions;

(f) Sign the records of the meetings of the commission and any documents arising therefrom;

(g) Apply disciplinary measures to staff under the Directorate;

(h) It adopts, in the event of urgency, the necessary measures, giving account to the Commission at its first meeting.

Art. 45. . The president is in solidarity with the treasurer of the payments made, and with the secretary of the acts subscribed by both that have not been authorized by the commission. Art. 46. . The vice president replaces the president in case of absence or impediment, with the same duties and powers. From Secretary Art. 47. : These are the duties and powers of the secretary:

(a) Acting as head of the secretariat;

(b) To refine the signature of the president in any document that eunites the entity;

(c) Keep an affiliate registration with the necessary mentions, including the expenses that your assistance may incur.

(d) Draft the record of the meetings of the administering Commission;

(e) To properly anticipate the agenda and appointments for the meetings of the administering Commission;

(f) Communicate to the treasury the entry of new affiliates and the resulting casualties;

(g) Organize the file.

From the Treasurer Art. 48. ; These are the duties and powers of the treasurer;

(a) Exercising the role of head of the treasury;

(b) Perceiving the monthly membership and any amount that for any reason enters the entity, extending the corresponding receipts;

(c) Raise monthly payroll to the administering Commission;

(d) Deposit to the Bank of the Argentine Nation all funds that enter and raise to the president a daily part of the movement of the same;

(e) Make the payments authorized by the administering Commission;

(f) To present to the commission monthly balances;

(g) To carry the accounting books required by law and the necessary assistants;

(h) give immediate account to the commission of abnormalities in seats or in fund balances.

From the Prosecretary and Protesorist Art. 49. . The prosecretary and the protesor will replace the treasurer, respectively, in cases of their absence or impediment, with their own duties and powers. Of the vowels Art. 50. . The members and other members of the Administering Commission should attend the meetings of the Commission with the greatest assidity and integrate the special commissions for which they are appointed. The absence, without a justified cause, of three consecutive meetings will result in its cessation as a member of the commission.

The oldest, in case of impediment or absence of the president and vice, shall exercise the functions of the president.

of alternates Art. 51. . In cases of death or separation from the position of the holders, the alternates shall complete the period for which they were elected. From the medical body Art. 52. The medical body of the Directorate shall consist of a medical director of service and other professionals designated by the commission. Art. 53. The director shall serve as the head of the medical service and as such shall be responsible for the performance of his subordinates. Art. 54. The director will propose to the commission the measures he deems necessary for the efficiency of the services. It will raise annually a memory of all the activities of the section, with the statistical data that illustrate it. From the rented staff Art. 55. The rented staff of the Directorate is classified as a professional, administrative and service technician. It is designated by the administering Commission, under the conditions established and may only be removed by it, after a summary. From the Control Board Art. 56. La The control will be carried out by a board composed of two active members, who will have to meet the same conditions as to be a member of the administering Commission, and will be appointed by the presidents of both Chambers. They will last a year in their functions and cannot be re-elected but with an interval period. The mandate will expire on 31 December. Art. 57 de These are the powers of the Control Board:

(a) Review books and documents;

(b) Assist the meetings of the commission, in which they will have a voice but no vote;

(c) Dictamine on memory, inventory and balance;

(d) To convene a sessional assembly when the governing body fails to do so;

(e) Monitoring compliance with laws, statutes, resolutions and regulations.

(f) Monitoring liquidation operations.

The Control Board will take care, in the performance of its task, of not hindering the task of the administering Commission.

Sectional Assemblies Art. 58 Las The sectional assemblies will be held in October and will be convened by the administering Commission, in the cases provided for by these rules, and only active participants will intervene. Art. 59 — The assemblies will begin at the time indicated in the citation with half plus one of the affiliates, or an hour later with the number that is present. Art. 60 . In the election of candidates for office in the administering Commission the vote will be secret and the lists will be submitted for officialization to the administering Commission, with 48 hours in advance at least. Art. 61 Todas All lists of candidates should be printed on white paper, newspaper, 13 x18 centimeters. Art. 62 . In those administrative sections that have more than one member in the administering Commission, half of the candidates will be elected by the staff of item 1, and the other half by item 2 and 3, for which the electoral acts will be carried out separately. Art. 63 . The scrutiny will be carried out by a commission of three members, appointed by the president of the assembly. Art. 64. . The participants who gather the highest number of votes will be elected candidates, and they must be made aware of the respective superintendency authority within 48 hours, the result of scrutiny. Art. 65 — The assemblies shall designate two members to draft and sign with the president the minutes of the same. General Provisions Art. 66. de Organised the medicalpharmaceutical assistance service, the Social Aid Directorate is obliged to provide the prophylaxis services referred to in Article 5 of Law 12.331. Art. 67. La The Directorate will be able to conclude all kinds of agreements or agreements with related entities, civil or commercial associations and individuals for the best attention of social services. Art. 68. The Department ' s submissions to its affiliates shall, in all cases, be addressed to the last registered address in the secretariat or, failing, to the office in which the active participant provides services. Art. 69. The reform of these Regulations shall be carried out only by a decision of the authorities of both Chambers. Art. 70. . In case of dissolution of the entity, the excess of the liquidation of its assets will be assigned to the fund created by Law 12.921 (Decree 24.499/45) for the maintenance of polyclinics and colonies on vacation. Transitional Provision Art. 71. La The administering Commission is empowered to manage the acquisition of legal status for the entity, being authorized to accept the amendments that the competent authority may make to these rules.



Santiago A. Job

Rafael V. González.

ARTICLE 2°. de Based on the sanction of this Act, rules 2°, 12, 15, 20, 28, 35, 43, subparagraphs (a) and (e), 51, 55, 59, 65, 69, 70 and 71 of the rules of procedure are as follows:

Article 2° el Replace the first paragraph with the following: "For the performance of its task, the Directorate is empowered, within the purposes and resources allocated in the present regulation, to:".

Articles 12 and 15 ". Instead of "180", "360".

Article 15. ." Modify the first paragraph as follows: "Members of the family and people in charge of active affiliates, volunteers or adherents may enter with the character of participating affiliates."

Article 20 ." Add as the last paragraph: "The former national legislators may join as volunteers, with the same rights and obligations established for them."

Article 28 . Add as subparagraph (d) the following: "Ex-national legislators: For the purpose of establishing their contribution, it will be determined in subparagraphs (a) and (b) as appropriate. "

Article 35 ." Replace it with the following: "The members of the commission terminate their term by expiration of the term, by resignation or by loss of the condition of employee in the administrative order."

Article 43, subparagraphs (a) and (e), replace them with the following:

"a) It complies with and enforces these regulations and other provisions. "

"e) Publish annual memoirs, balances and inventories, which will raise at the end of each exercise to the presidency of both Chambers, for approval. "

Article 51 . Replace it with the following: "In cases of resignation, death or separation from the office of the holders, the alternates shall complete the period for which those were elected. In the event of the absence of the licensee, the alternate shall replace it with the meetings of the Administering Commission and as long as it lasts. "

Article 55 ." Add as the final paragraph, the following: "Got the same rights and have the same obligations set forth in Article 20 for adherent affiliates."

Article 59 ." Substitute it for the following: "The electoral act will begin and end at the time set in the call."

Article 65 ." Replace it with the following: "The president, together with the commission referred to in Article 63, shall write and sign the corresponding record."

Article 69 . Derogated.

Article 70 . It becomes 69.

Article 70 (new) " "Except to the Directorate of Social Aid for the staff of the Congress of the Nation of payment sealed in its proceedings, as well as any other tax, rate or contribution national, provincial or municipal."

Article 71 . Derogated.

ARTICLE 3. . Transfer to the annex Legislative Power, II Other expenses, as subsection 7, with the same Legend, the provision set out in annex 10, subsection 145, of the plans for amendments to the general budget of expenses for 1948, Law 13073, and authorize the Directorate of Social Aid for the staff of the Honorable Congress of the Nation to invest in the current year the funds received under Law 12932 (annex). ARTICLE 4 Com Contact the Executive



Alberto H. Reales

L. Zavalla Carbó.