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General Budget Of The Company Of The State-Of-The-Art Mixta-Telefonic Services - Full Text Of The Norm


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image inicio sitio infoleg MInisterio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos

LEY 13.215


Buenos Aires, July 23, 1948.


The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, assembled in Congress, etc., strongly sanction LEY:

Article 1 - Seize the following extraordinary credits in the amount of thirty-five million two hundred seventy-nine thousand pesos national currency ($ 35.279,000 m/n.), whose opening was arranged by the executive branch, during the years 1946 and 1947, to be treated with general income, in accordance with the following detail:

(a) Ministry of the Interior.

1. Nine million four hundred thousand pesos national currency (weights 9,400,000 m/n.) to attend to the increased expenditure for adjustment of the remuneration as of 1 July 1947, of the staff of officers, troops, administrative and technical, workers and specialized teachers of the Federal Police;

2. Eight million pesos national currency ($8,000.000, m/n.) to finance the erogations originating from the fulfillment and reorganization of the new services entrusted to the General Directorate of National Gendarmerie by Law 12.913;

3. Three million pesos national currency ($ 3,000.000 m/n.) for the National Security Areas Commission, in order to meet the objectives set out in Articles 4° and 7°, paragraph (e), of the Ministerial Agreement No. 15.385/44, ratified by Law 12.913, and can be invested up to two per cent (2%) for general expenses and miscellaneous acquisitions to classify per investment;

(b) Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship.

4. Eighty thousand pesos national currency (80.000 m/n.) to meet the expenses of the special mission that represented the Argentine government in the transmission of the presidential command in the Republic of Colombia, held on August 7, 1946;

5. One hundred and fifty thousand pesos national currency ($ 150,000 m/n) for the attention of the expenses arising from the dispatch of the delegation representing the national government at the second part of the first session of the United Nations General Assembly, held in New York City;

6. Three hundred and fifty thousand pesos national currency ($ 350,000 m/n.) in addition to the funds that were allocated to it in a timely manner for the payment of the expenses inherent in the receipt, care, accommodation, tickets and so on the special missions that attended the transmission of the presidential command;

7. Fifty thousand pesos national currency ($ 50,000 m/n) as a contribution of the national government to the holding of the Second Inter-American Congress of Catholic Education;

8. Five hundred thousand pesos national currency ($ 500,000 m/n) to attend to the expenses arising from the dispatch of a special mission to the transmission of the presidential command in the Republic of Chile;

9. Seven hundred thousand pesos national currency ($ 700,000 m/n) to attend to the expenses caused by the sending of a special mission to the transmission of the presidential command in the Republic of Mexico and that visited the republics of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba, Colombia, Venezuela, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, United States of Brazil and Uruguay;

10. Nine hundred thousand pesos national currency ($ 900,000 m/n) to attend to the expenses caused by the visits made to the American countries by the special mission which, on behalf of the Argentine government, took place in the acts of the transmission of the presidential command in the Republic of Mexico;

11. Five hundred thousand pesos national currency ($ 500,000 m/n) to attend to the expenses caused by the attention of Argentine interests by the Swedish government.

(c) Ministry of Justice and Public Instruction.

12. Four million one hundred thousand pesos national currency ($ 4,100,000 m/n.) to reinforce the headings of "other expenses" of the General Directorate of Criminal Institutes;

13. Four hundred thousand pesos national currency ($ 400,000 m/n.), as a contribution of the State and with a charge of accountability to meet the costs required by the participation of sports entities in the Republic championship;

(d) Ministry of Marine.

14. One million eleven thousand pesos national currency ($ 1,011,000 m/n.) to attend to the expenses caused by the travel of the units of the sea squad that led the special missions to the transmission of presidential command in the Republics of Chile and Mexico.

(e) Secretariat for Labour and Security.

15. One hundred and thirty-eight thousand pesos national currency ($ 138,000 m/n) to meet the expenses of the delegation representing the Nation at the twenty-first meeting of the International Labour Conference held in Montreal, Canada;

16. Three million pesos national currency ($ 3,30,000 m/n) for the reinforcement of annex 3, Labour and Provident Secretariat, of the budget for the year 1947;

(f) Ministry of Public Health.

17. Three million pesos national currency ($ 3,30,000 m/n) for the acquisition of essential elements for alienated establishments.

Article 2 - The following decrees issued by the Executive Branch during the year 1947, relating to the issues identified for each of them:

1. Decree 14.981 of 31 May 1947, in which the sum of four hundred and seventy-four thousand five hundred fifty-four pesos and four national currency ($ 474,554 m/n) was to be strengthened, from general income, to the budget for the year 1947 of the National Benefit Lottery and Casinos, under the Ministry of the Interior.

2. Decree 23.846 of 11 August 1947, which provided for the liquidation, prior to the day 1 of the aforementioned month, of a supplementary bonus in favour of the staff of the general administration with retribution less than two hundred fifty pesos, national currency ($ 250) per month, in such a way that the compensation package of each of the respective agents was not less than that amount, the financing of which was set out in the amounts of the respective nation.

Art. 3 - Extraordinary credits for a total of twenty-six million six hundred fifty-nine thousand two hundred fourteen pesos national currency ($ 26,659,214 m/n), from general income to strengthen the budget of annex 3 - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, for the year 1948, in accordance with the following detail:

1. Two million five hundred thousand pesos national currency ($ 2.500,000 national currency) to meet the costs of the concurrence of the Argentine delegation to the 9th American International Conference held in Bogotá (Colombia);

2. Twenty-three million hundred and thirty-six thousand seven hundred three pesos national currency ($ 23,136,703 m/n) for the attention of the expenses relating to the creation of posts and erogations inherent in the rise of the rank of diplomatic representations in El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Panama and Costa Rica, and the creation of an embassy to the government of Haiti and legations in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the Free State of consular offices;

3. One million pesos national currency ($ 1,000,000 m/n), for the expenses required by the organization and celebration of the IV Pan American Consultation Meeting on Cartography and the IV Exhibition of American Cartography and Exhibition of Cartographic Instruments and Graphic Equipment;

4. Twenty-five thousand five hundred and eleven pesos national currency ($ 22,511 m/n) for the attention of spending that demands the creation of posts for the seminary of the diocese of Corrientes.

Art. 4° - Authorize the Executive Branch to incorporate into the budgets for 1948 of annexes 5, Justice and Public Instruction; 5 bis, Ministry of Education, and 18, Judiciary, the following credits:


Annex 5. Justice and Public Instruction 13.3 million

For its structure 6.300.000

For the Directorate-General of Criminal Institutes 7,000.000

Annex 6. (bis) Ministry of Education 46.4 million

For its structure 34.500.000

Miscellaneous grants to incorporate 5,400,000

For the Undersecretary of Culture 6,500,000

Annex 18. Judiciary 9.7 million

Total 69.4 million

The expenditure that originates from the fulfilment of the provisions above shall be taken from general rents with charge to this law.

Art. 5 - Open the following extraordinary provisions to meet the needs of the various agencies of the general administration:


Annex 1. Presidency of the Nation (to strengthen

the services of paragraph 3, National Directorate

Research, Statistics and Censuses

Annex 2. Ministry of the Interior 101,000.000

(a) Mail and telecommunications 42,100,000

(b) Federal Police 34.4 million

(c) Security and Defence Personnel

National Territories 8,500,000

(d) General Directorate of National Gendarmerie 16,000.000

Annex 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship 6,200,000

Annex 4. Ministry of Finance 22,000.000

Annex 5. Ministry of Justice and Public Instruction 5,000.000

Annex 7. Ministerio de Marina 8,000.000

Annex 8. Ministry of Agriculture (services

And elements for the campaign against the

pests of agriculture and livestock) 12,000,000

Annex 9. Ministry of Public Works 5,000.000

Annex 10. Secretariat for Labour and Security.

(National Learning Commission and

Professional orientation) 1,000.000

Annex 11. Public Health Secretariat 20.000.000

Annex 14. National Education Council (understood

Weights 60,000.000 for equalization of salaries

provincial teachers to nationals) 107,600,000

Additional provision 5,400,000

Total 296.2 million

These provisions shall be incorporated into the budget of the respective annexes, subject to approval by the Executive Branch, with the intervention of the Ministry of Finance, of the corresponding distribution.

The total sum of two hundred and ninety-six million two hundred thousand pesos national currency ($ 296,200,000 m/n.) referred to in this article is to be taken from general incomes charged to this law.

Art. 6° - Increase in two hundred sixty-five million two hundred sixty-three thousand pesos national currency ($ 265.263,000 m/n.) the authorization to invest determined in Article 1 - General Administration, subsection (b), Public Works, of Law 13.072, being fixed in the sum of six hundred and fifteen million two hundred sixty-three thousand pesos national currency ($ 615,263,000 m/n.)

Refuse in two hundred sixty-five million two hundred sixty-three thousand pesos national currency ($ 265.263,000 m/n.) the calculation of resources determined in Article 2°, I - General Administration, subparagraph (b). VII - Public works- of Law 13.072, which rises to six hundred and fifteen million two hundred sixty-three thousand pesos national currency (pesos 615.263,000 m/n).

Article 7: Ratifícase the guarantee of the Nation agreed by the Executive Power to the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic and Banco de Crédito industrial Argentino, to facilitate the granting of loans to the Transport Corporation of the City of Buenos Aires, in the terms expressed by Decree 39.287, dated 15 December 1947.

Article 8: Ratifícase the provisions of the National Executive Branch by Decree 5.416/48, authorizing the General Directorate of Electrical Water and Energy to invest up to the sum of one million four hundred and fifty thousand pesos national currency ($ 1,450,000 m/n.) to attend to the payment of the greatest erogation originated by the application of the scale, according to Decree 29,302/47, to the personnel from the former State

Art. 9° - Authorize the executive branch to grant loans in the conditions that it deems appropriate to the General Directorate of Social Aid of the Secretariat of Aeronautics, up to an amount of three million pesos national currency ($ 3,000.000); and the Social Work Division of the Ministry of Finance, up to the sum of ten million pesos national currency ($ 10,000.000 m/n). For this purpose, it is authorized to conduct such credit operations as it deems relevant.

Authorize the Executive Branch to regulate the assistance services and the functioning of the Social Work of the Ministry of Finance, and to establish the compulsory membership of the staff of the Ministry, its decentralised units and distributions, excluded from the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic, and the official agencies of the Ministry of Finance, setting the membership and retribution fees.

Art. 10. - Authorize the executive branch to anticipate the social work addresses of the Ministry of Marine and Agriculture up to the sum of five million pesos national currency ($ 5,000.000 m/n.) to each, for which purpose it is authorized to carry out the credit operations it deems appropriate.

Art. 11. - Ratifícase with force of law, from the date on which the provisions of the following Decrees were published: 1.921 of 24 January 1947, on the acquisition in block of all the goods of the companies and companies of a commercial, industrial or financial character that are in liquidation status by resolution of the Board of Surveillance and Final Provision of the enemy property; 18.991 of 1 July 1947 and 8.130 of 20 March

Substitute the text of articles 33 and 34 of Decree 8.130/48 by the following: "The provisions of article 12; of the accounting law 12.961, shall also govern the National Directorate of State Industries".

Art. 12 - Ratify Decree 8.104 of 18 March 1948, by which the recognized legal personry is withdrawn to the Mixed Company Telefónica Argentina and is incorporated into the national State and the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank are entrusted with the rescue of the corresponding actions and musttures.

Art. 13. - Authorize the Executive Branch to cover the operating deficit of the telephone service during the year 1948 by the State under the provisions of the previous article, as well as to cancel, replace or modify the credit operations that the former Mixta Telefónica Argentina Company has concluded.

Art. 14. - Authorize the executive branch to acquire public service companies that, in their opinion, are indispensable to nationalize, or to take part in their capitals or in that of subsidiary companies or suppliers, for which purpose it may make direct agreements, expropriations, acquisition of shares and other operations leading to those purposes. The measures taken by the executive branch under this article will then be brought to the attention of the legislative branch.

Art. 15. - For the purposes of articles 11, 12, 13 and 14, please provide the Executive to carry out such credit operations as it deems appropriate.

Art. 16. - Increase in two thousand two hundred million pesos national currency (weights 2,200,000.000 m/n.) the credits set out in Article 2 of Law 12.966, according to the following distribution: public works and transport, a billion pesos national currency ($ 1 billion.000.000 m/n.); National energy plan, one billion pesos national currency ($ 1 billion.000.000 m/n.).

The provisions of Act No. 12,966 shall apply to the reinforcements of credit established by this article.

Art. 17.- Authorize the executive branch to invest up to the amount of two million seven hundred and fifty thousand pesos national currency ($ 2,750,000 m/n.) in the construction and empowerment of the building for the General Directorate of Terrestrial Construction of the Ministry of Marine, and incorporate that work into the orderly text of Laws 12,576 and 12,815 - Plane A-, paragraph 7, as item 2, item 36.

The expenditure required to comply with this article shall be covered by the proceeding of the negotiation of public debt securities, for which the Executive Power is authorized to issue the necessary amounts.

Art. 18. - Authorize the General Post and Telecommunications Administration to constitute a fund for the renewal of telecommunications equipment that acquires with the authorization granted by Law 13.011.

The fund will be formed with the following resources:

(a) With the provenances obtained by the so-called distribution, of the exploitation of the equipment referred to in article 1 of Law 13.011;

(b) To this end, the general budget of the Nation is established annually.

The resources of the renewal fund shall be deposited with the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic, with the order of the General Administration of Posts and Telecommunications and its investment shall be made in accordance with the provisions of article 122 of Law 12.961.

Art. 19. - Note the diet of national legislators in the sum of $ 4,000 m/n per month, since May 1, 1948.

Likewise, from that date the remuneration of the secretaries of both Houses of Congress will be of pesos 3,500.- national currency per month.

Increase the representation costs of the President of the Honorable Chamber in the sum of $1,000 national currency per month.

Trust the position of press chief of the Presidency of the Honorable Chamber of Deputies with a monthly allocation of $600 national currency.

The expenses that demand the fulfillment of this article will be made of general incomes with charge to it, until it is incorporated into the general budget of the Nation.

Art. 20. - Authorize the presidents of the two Houses of the Honorable Congress of the Nation to have, for this only time, the leftovers resulting from the execution of the budget of the year 1947 to reinforce departures of the year 1948 and to meet extraordinary demands.

Art. 21. - Approve the largest investments of ninety-seven thousand seven hundred ninety-three pesos national currency ($ 97,793 m/n), in accordance with the detail contained in annexed tables, carried out by the National University of Litoral outside the budget authorized by Decree 34.032/45 of 31 December 1945.

Art. 22. The largest investments referred to in the previous article are offset by the lower investment in the same amount as in annexed tables.

Art. 23. - Authorize the executive branch to return the amounts discounted for economic reasons during the years 1931-1937, to the teaching, administrative, workers and teachers of the National University of the Litoral.

The return shall be carried out in the same way and in the same way as those provided for in Decree 5.116/46 to the post and telecommunications staff.

The expenditure incurred in this article shall be covered by general incomes, which are charged with this law.

Art. 24. - Please note in the amounts indicated below, in accordance with the details contained in annexed tables, the budget for the exercise of 1947 of the following agencies, in substitution of those approved for the same by Acts 12.931 and 12.932, of the general budget of the Nation for the aforementioned period:

Salaries Other Total

m$n m$n m$n

I.- Central Bank

Argentina 12.763.880 5.153.337 17.917.217

II.- Credit Bank

Argentine Industrial 7.357.520 2.899,000 10.256.520

III.-Banco de la Nación Argentina 67.023.515 22.488.450 89.544.965

IV.-Bank National mortgage 22,360,615 6,598,400 28,959,015

(a) General services 21.816.335 6.154.680 27,971,915

(b) National Administration

Housing 544.280 443.720 988,000

V.-Caja Nacional de Ahorro Postal 8.194.700 5.848.200 14.042.900

Art. 25. - The budgets approved by the previous article shall be financed by the respective agencies ' own resources, maintaining for the services of the National Housing Administration, incorporated into the National Mortgage Bank, the resources provided for under the National Laws 12,931 and 12,932, of the general budget for the year 1947.

Art. 26. - The monthly salary remuneration to be paid by military personnel of the army, the war navy and the aeronautics shall be as of 1 July 1948, which is detailed in the annexed tables.

Retired personnel who, in accordance with the respective organizational laws, provide active services shall be paid in accordance with the scale established by Act No. 12.877.

Allocations for antiquity, mountain, area, flight, launch and submarine supplements, as well as the coefficients referred to in Article 20 of Law 11.672, shall be settled on the basis of the salary scale in force as at 31 December 1947.

The provisions of article 1 of Act No. 12,933 shall not apply for the purposes of the provisions of this article. The expenditure resulting from the performance of this article shall be taken from general rents with a charge to this law.

Article 27. - the sums authorized to invest in articles 23 of Law 12,931 and 12 of Law 13,072, may also be increased by $40,000, in accordance with the regulation established by the executive branch.

Of this amount, 50 per cent will be allocated to the loan service to professionals and fans of the interior of the country.

Art. 28. - Increase the provision in annex 11, Public Health Secretariat, at $ 2,000,000 national currency for the budget for the year 1948 for the acquisition of essential elements for the establishments of alienated persons and the creation thereof, of posts to be established by the executive branch.

This expenditure will be covered by general incomes charged to this article.

Art. 29. - discontinued the sum of pesos 100,000 national currency to attend the installation and operation of the Vocational Professional School of Rosario on the basis of the officialization of the Vocational and Vespertino Institute "Carlos Guido Spano". The expenses that demand the fulfillment of this article will be made of general incomes with imputation while not incorporated into the general budget of the Nation.

Art. 30. - Approve the largest investments of ninety-six thousand three hundred thirty-seven pesos with ninety cents national currency ($ 96,337.90 m/n.) of which twenty-two thousand four hundred and sixteen pesos national currency ($ 22,416 m/n.) correspond to "Sueldos" and seventy-three thousand nine hundred twenty-one pesos with ninety cents national currency ($ 73,921).90 According to the detail contained in annexed tables, carried out by the National University of Córdoba outside the budget authorized by Decree 2.940/46 dated 28 January 1946.

Art. 31. - The largest investments referred to in the previous article are offset by the lowest investment of ninety-seven thousand three hundred twenty-one pesos with ninety cents national currency ($ 97,321,90 m/n.) of which twenty-three thousand four hundred pesos national currency ($ 23.400 m/n.) correspond to salaries and seventy-three thousand nine hundred twenty-one pesos with ninety-five national currency ($ 73,921). According to the detail contained in annexed tables throwing an investment economy of nine hundred eighty-four pesos national currency ($ 984 national currency) in "Sueldos".

Art. 32. - Approve the excess of investment, up to the sum of five hundred seventy-two thousand six hundred ninety-six pesos with fifty-one cents national currency ($ 572.696.51 national currency), produced in the budget of the national factory of Textile Envases de Resistencia, approved by Decree 18.915/45, as follows:

INCISO 1 - salaries

Item 2 - workers and teachers ' staff

1. Capataces, officers, workers, pawns and other staff $

transitory or permanent, to jornal or to uncover,

a maximum of $ 25 m/n per day, or $3.15 m/n. per hour,

for the specialized workers and of $12 m/n per day

o $ 1.50 m/n per hour, for non-specialized 454.659.58

Total Subparagraph 1 454.659.58


Item 1 - Exploitation, maintenance and repair costs


3 General item deposit $ 91,600.-

Item 2 - Maintenance and repair by third parties

5 Cars $3,838,28

Item 3 - Other operating and administration costs

5 power supplied by third parties $19,000.-

6 Miscellaneous rentals " 3.400.-

11 representation costs " 798,65

Total, subsection 2 of $118,036,93


Total General $572,696,51

Art. 33. - Approve the excess of investment of six hundred thirty-seven thousand six hundred forty-three pesos with fifty-four cents national currency ($ 637.643.54 m/n.), produced in the category machinery, engines, tools, furniture, useful and automotive of the general plan of works of the National Factory of Textile Envases of Resistance, approved by Decree 18.915/45.

Art. 31. - Approve the excesses of investment for three million five hundred sixty thousand thirty and four pesos with seventy and four cents national currency ($ 3.560.034.74 m/n.) and four million nine hundred fifty-eight thousand three hundred forty-four pesos with ninety-four cents and one cents national currency ($ 4,958,344.91 m/n).

Five hundred and twenty-seven thousand six hundred and seventy-five thousand and seventy-five thousand, one hundred and twenty-five thousand, one hundred and twenty-five thousand, one hundred and twenty-five thousand, one hundred and twenty-five thousand, one hundred and twenty-five thousand, one hundred and twenty-five thousand, one hundred and twenty-five thousand, one hundred and twenty-five thousand, one hundred and seventy-two.

Art. 35. - Mixed economy companies will not be able to perform operations with national titles or bonds without the intervention of the Ministry of Finance of the Nation, having to agree with the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic - as an organ responsible for the regulation of the stock market - the conditions and opportunity of each operation.

Art. 36. - Appropriate the greatest erogations made by the Fluvial Transport Administration, in relation to the credits allocated in the items of its budget for the period of 1946, which are then detailed, the total amount of which is one hundred three thousand four hundred ninety and one with twenty-three cents ($ 103,491:23 national currency):

Inc. Part. Excessive investment concept


2° 4 Customs and ports, cargo and

discharge and commissions to maritime agents 79,568.52

2° 9 Family allowance and staff bonuses

shipped and worker 8.149.56

2° 12 Compensation to third parties for damages, losses

and breakdown 13.238.17

2° 13 Furniture: acquisition, installation, repair

and conservation 507,15

2° 17 Extraordinary, Roads, Mobility and Tickets

of technical, administrative, workers and

Service 2.027.83

Art. 37. - Exempt the provisions of Decree 16.112/46 (Law 12,922) for violations of articles 33 and 62 and Chapter VI of Title II of Decree 9.432/44 (Law 12,922) committed until June 30, 1948.

The Executive Power shall set the deadline for the entry of the omitted tax.

Art. 38. - Contact the executive branch.

Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress, in Buenos Aires, twenty-one July of nine hundred and forty-eight.


Alberto H. Real L. Zavalla Carbó

- registered under No. 13.215 -


For the Law of the Nation, please fill in, report to the General Directorate of the National Registry and arched,


Ramón A. Cereijo

DECRETO N° 22.043.


Demonstrative PLANILLAS


Table annexed to article 21


Item I - General expenses



5 Rentals Miscellaneous 3,720

13 Drugs, chemicals and pharmacy 635

29 Materials and raw materials 819

32 Passages, freight and cartage 255

39 Propaganda and advertising 1.056

40 Food ratio 23.605

52 Utiles, books, impressions and bindings 26,275

Total item I 56,365

Item II - Property investments

24 Real estate and maintenance 2.713

27 Typewriter, calculate and retaining machines 4.146

31 Mob, artifacts and their conservation 24,252

Total item II 31.111

Item VI - Miscellaneous expenses for classification by investment

3 Miscellaneous procurement 10,317

Total item VI 10.317


Total 97.793



Table annexed to article 22


Item I - General expenses



1 Working accidents 51

2 Accessions 260

4 Property rentals 1.050

5 Miscellaneous rentals 160

12 Compensations and refunds 23

14 Electrical power 7.203

17 Forages and Animal Feeding 638

23 Taxes and fees 3,842

44 Retribution of private services 1.446

45 Insurance 50

46 Communications Service 173

47 tea and coffee service 1.302

50 grants 4,000

51 Uniforms and equipment 508

54 Roads and mobility 12.097

Total item I 44,240

Item II - Property investments

6 Animals, even dating back 1,449

8 Cars and their maintenance 1.019

28 Machines, engines and tools and their conservation 22,601

53 Miscellaneous vehicles, vessels and their maintenance 156

Total item II 25.225

Item VI - Miscellaneous expenses for classification by investment

22 Miscellaneous expenses to classify by investment 25,249

Total item VI 25,249

Global salary abolishment of XXII - Printer

University - Item II 3.079


Total 97.793


Tables annexed to article 24




Item 1 - Administrative and technical professional staff.

Class CATEGORY Remuneration No. by Import

Monthly Annual Category

$ m/n. $ m/n.

President 6,000.- 1 72,000.-

Vice President 4,000.- 1 48,000.-

Director 2.500.- 10 300,000.-

General Manager 5.500.- 1 66,000.-

General Assistant 4.200.- 1 50.400.-

Departmental manager 4,000.- 1 48,000.-

Departmental assistant of 1 3,000.- 3 108,000.- Departmental subgerent of 2° 2.800.- 3 100.800.- Departmental assistant of 3° 2.500.- 5 150.000.- Legal advisor 2.500.- 1 30,000.-

Chief of Department

1 2,300.- 2 55,200.-

Chief of Department

2° 2.200.- 2 52.800.-

Chief of Department

of 3° 2.100.- 1 25.200.-

Head of department of 12,000.- 2 48,000.-

Head of department of 2° 1,900.- 3 68,400.-

Head of department of 3° 1.800.- 11 237.600.-

Second department chief

1 1,700.- 1 20.400.-

Second department chief

2° 1.600.- 9 172.800.-

Second department chief

of 3° 1,500.- 18 324,000.-

Division Chief of 1,400.- 23 386,400.-

Division chief of 2° 1.300.- 28 436.800.-

Division chief of 3° 1,200.- 47 676,800.-

Second Division Chief, Chief

section and auxiliary 900.- 13 140.400.-

750.- 8 72,000.-

700.- 7 58,800.-

675.- 14 113.400.-

650.- 29 226.200.-

625.- 32 240,000.-

600.- 43 309.600.-

575.- 17 117.300.-

570.- 6 41.040.-

550.- 75 495,000.-

525.- 19 119,700.-

520.- 1 6.240.-

500.- 70 420.000.-

480.- 32 184.320.-

460.- 42 231.840.-

450.- 31 167.400.-

440.- 48 253.440.-

425.- 9 45.900.-

420.- 36 181.440.-

400.- 53 254.400.-

380.- 40 182.400.-

375.- 22 99,000.-

360.- 37 159,840.-

350.- 50 210.000.-

340.- 32 130.560.-

325.- 24 93.600.-

320.- 32 122.880.-

310.- 2 7.440.-

300.- 84 302,400.-

280.- 89 299.040.-

260.- 119 371.280.-

200.- 416 998.400.-

180.- 17 166.320.-

Total item 1, part. Indiv. 1.783 10.299.180.-

Global Parts 1.377.900.- 1. Additional by hierarchical charge 629.400.-

(a) 22 2nd division heads of one,

$ 350 m/n per month;

(b) 35 2nd division heads of 2nd,

$300 m/n per month;

(c) 65 2nd division heads of 3rd,

$250 per month;

d) 180 Section Chiefs, $100

national currency per month.

2. Additional by professional title 52.100.-

3 Added by commercial expert 43.200.-

4 Added for the care of life 210,200.-

5 Antiquity supplement 226,000.-

6 Special task supplement 39,000.-

7 Family Overturn 78,000.-

8 "in commission" service delivery 100,000.-

Total item 1 11.677.080.-

Item 2 - Workers and teachers

480.- 1 5.760.-

410.- 3 14.760.-

390.- 1 4.680.-

370.- 7 31.080.-

360.- 2 8.640.-

350.- 10 42,000.-

330.- 2 7.920.-

320.- 1 3.840.-

310.- 3 11.160.-

290.- 5 17.400.-

280.- 1 3,360.-

270.- 2 6.480.-

250.- 26 78,000.-

160.- 3 5.760.-

Total item 2 67 240.840.-

Item 3 - Service staff

600.- 1 7.200.-

460.- 1 5.520.-

400.- 2 9.600.-

380.- 3 13,680.-

340.- 2 8.160.-

320.- 19 72.960.-