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A?O Commemorations Of The Liberator San Martin - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: CONMEMORACIONES A?O DEL LIBERTADOR SAN MARTIN - Texto completo de la norma

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Law 13.661

Sanctioned: September 30-1949.

Promulgated: October 24-1949.

As for:

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress sanction with force


Article 1 - Say "Year of the Liberator General San Martín" next year 1950, in remembrance of the first centenary of his transit to immortality.

Article 2 - From January 1st to December 31st, 1950, all official documents of the national, provincial and municipal authorities, the titles and diplomas issued by the institutes of teaching of all categories and jurisdictions, whether of the state or incorporated, the diplomatic notes and the dates and colophons of the books, newspapers, journals, magazines and all other publications published in the territory of the Nation will be official, either

Article 3. - On January 1, 1950, the President of the Nation, in a solemn official ceremony, to which the diplomatic representatives accredited to the Argentine government will be invited, will proceed to make the proclamation of 1950 as "Year of the Liberator General San Martín".

Article 4 - The Executive Power shall request from the Holy See the recognition of this rememorative designation, as regards the ecclesiastical jurisdiction, within the scope of the territorial and political sovereignty of the Nation.

Article 5 - Outside Argentine territory, the provisions of this law shall govern, in accordance with the rules of international law, for all acts in which the Nation officially participates.

Article 6 - Believe a Commission that will proceed to prepare and execute the program of homages that the Nation will pay to the Liberator in the country and in the places of the outside linked to its emancipatory gestation.

Article 7 - His Excellency will be Chairman of the Commission. Mr. President of the Nation. The Commission shall consist of:

(a) Two senators and four national deputies;

(b) The President of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation;

(c) Two Ministers of the National Executive;

(d) Three delegates from the Sanmartinian National Institute;

(e) The Rectors of National Universities;

(f) Three representatives of the armed forces of the Nation, who shall designate the executive branch; and

(g) Three representatives of the General Confederation of Labour and two representatives of the Social Aid Foundation "María Eva Duarte de Perón".

Article 8 - The programme of honours referred to in Article 6 shall include:

(a) The holding of a Sanmartinian History Congress, with a youth section;

(b) The formation and publication of the archive of General San Martín, including the documentation existing in the country and abroad;

(c) The erection in front of the Grand Bourg Square of the Capital of the Republic, of a statue of General Don José de San Martín;

(d) The edition of the special works, papers presented and conclusions of the Congress provided for in paragraph (a) of this article;

(e) The transfer and inhumation in the city of Mendoza, of the remains of the daughter of the procer, doña Mercedes de San Martín de Balcarce, of her husband Don Mariano Balcarce and of her descendants;

(f) The reconstruction of the house where the Liberator and the people of Yapeyú were born;

(g) The acquisition of all the goods that belonged to General San Martín and constituted their heritage, those that declare themselves of public utility and subject to expropriations;

(h) The creation of the "Historical Museum of General José de San Martín", in the Convent of San Carlos, located in the town of San Lorenzo de la Provincia de Santa Fe;

(i) The installation of a nursery of the historical pin, of the Convent San Carlos de San Lorenzo, providing the guard friars with the necessary elements; and

(j) The construction of a park in the Gloria countryside in San Lorenzo and, erect in it, a monument of great projections.

Article 9 - The expenditure resulting from compliance with this law shall be charged by popular subscription, which shall be closed on May 30, 1950, and with the voluntary contribution of the average per cent of the nominal monthly remuneration received by persons working on behalf of others, a discount that shall be made effective upon the liquidation of the supplementary annual salary for the year 1949.

Article 10. The funds collected shall be deposited in a special account at the Bank of the Argentine Nation, at the order of the Commission.

Employers, regardless of their legal nature, shall be retention agents, having to deposit the funds received within ten working days of the payment of the supplementary annual salary, in the aforementioned special account.

Article 11. - The Commission ' s administration costs may not exceed 2 per cent of the total amount of the amounts collected, and may seek from the executive branch the subscription of civil employees of the Nation.

The Commission shall account for the investment of funds, in accordance with the Act No. 12.961.

Article 12. - Authorize the Executive Branch to proceed with the use of the available balances, fulfilled the specific purposes of this law, so that through the National Institute of Sanmartinian, replicas of the statue of the Procer set out in article 8 (c) of this Law, be delivered to the pro-Monumento al Libertador commissions of the National Territories requesting it.

Article 13. - Contact the executive branch.

Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress, in Buenos Aires, on 30 September of the year a thousand nine hundred and forty-nine.

J. H. Quijano.

H. J. Printer.

Alberto H. Reales.

L. Zavalla Carbó

Registered under number 13.661.

Buenos Aires, October 24, 1949.



Decree No. 26.586


Please follow the National Law, fill in, report, publish, give to the General Directorate of the National Register and archvese.
