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Animal Diseases Products - Import Y/O Elaboration - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: ENFERMEDADES DE ANIMALES PRODUCTOS - IMPORTACION Y/O ELABORACION - Texto completo de la norma

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image inicio sitio infoleg MInisterio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos

LEY N° 13.636

The entire Territory of the Republic will be headed by the Executive Branch through the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.

Sanctioned: September 30-1949

Promulgated: October 11-1949


The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress sanction with force

ARTICLE 1 The import, export, processing, possession, distribution and/or disposal of products for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of animal diseases are subject throughout the territory of the Republic, to the Comptroller of the Executive, through the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.

ARTICLE 2°– The importation, exportation, processing, possession, distribution and/or sale of the products listed in Article 1 are subject to provisional or final permits, which shall be agreed upon by the authorities that determine the regulation, following the conduct of the investigations, essays, experiences and the fulfilment of the other requirements that it requires.

ARTICLE 3°– The products listed in article 1 that are imported shall be developed in the territory of the Republic in real and effective within four years, which are computed from the date of the provisional or final permit unless the impossibility of its industrialization in the country is proved to be fruitful. With respect to products imported prior to this Act, the four-year period shall be computed from the date of publication.

ARTICLE 4°– Please refer to the Executive Branch, through the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, to inspect and enable the installation and operation of establishments for the processing, deposit or fractionation of the products listed in Article 1.

Individuals or legal entities that develop any of the activities provided for in the above article shall be registered in accordance with the conditions set by the regulations.

ARTICLE 5°– Forbid the import, export, processing, possession, distribution and/or sale of products with secret formulas or indefinite components. Any person who manages authorizations or permits shall inform the product formula and its chemical or biological composition as an affidavit.

ARTICLE 6 Any modification or variation of the formula and methods of preparation, or alteration of the product or its components that exceeds the technically accepted tolerances by the regulation, shall determine the cancellation of the agreed permits. To that end, samples of the products may be taken without charge, and the intervention of the item is available, appointing depository to the holder when there are elements that allow “first facie”, to consider a violation that is serious.

ARTICLE 7°– The products must be sold packaged and labelled, will be written in Spanish and visible place the official authorization, price, formula and chemical or biological composition, instructions for their use, date of expiration of their effectiveness if the product is alterable and precautions and antidotes if it is toxic.

ARTICLE 8°– Offences to this law or its regulations shall be repressed with fines of fifty to five thousand pesos national currency, without prejudice to the confiscation of the products. In the event of recidivism, the minimum and maximum limits of the fine shall be one hundred and ten thousand pesos national currency, and the cancellation of the authorization or permit and the authorization and closure of the establishment may be made as an accessory penalty.

ARTICLE 9 The penalties shall be applied by the Executive Branch, through the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock. The conviction may be appealed to the respective federal judge or counsel within 10 days of the notification.

ARTICLE 10- The limitation period for criminal proceedings and the penalties provided for in this Act is five years.

ARTICLE 11- Applications for provisional or final authorization, authorization, inspection or registration are subject to the payment of an annual tariff that will be set in accordance with the scale, amount, conditions and other modalities established by the regulation.

ARTICLE 12— The proceeds of the tariffs and the fines that are collected shall be exclusively and fully intended to cover the costs required by the permanent administrative technical control, as provided for by this law.

ARTICLE 13- This Act shall be regulated by the Executive Branch within six months of its promulgation.

ARTICLE 14- Contact the Executive.

Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress, in Buenos Aires, on the thirty days of the month of September of the year, a thousand nine hundred and forty-nine.

Alberto H. Reales
L. Zavalla Carbó

- Registered under No. 13.636-