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International Treaties Great Breta?A-Comercio Exterior-Carnes-Exportations-Importations-Moneda Extranjera-Tipo De Cambio - Full Text Of The Norm


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Law 13.556


BUENOS AIRES, September 1, 1949

The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation,
in Congress, etc.

ARTICLE 1. - Approve the Convention on Trade and Payments between the Argentine Republic and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, which was signed by the plenipotentiaries of both countries on 27 June 1949 in the city of Buenos Aires, as well as the reverse notes of the same date.

ARTICLE 2. - Contact the executive branch.

WHOLE - CAMPORA - Zavalla Carbó.

Annex A: Trade and Payments Agreement between the Argentine Republic and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland signed on 27 June 1949 in the City of Buenos Aires


ARTICLE 1. This Trade and Payments Convention shall enter into force on 1 July 1949, and shall continue in force for a period of five years from that date, subject to the right of each Contracting Government to terminate it as at 30 June of each year, by written notification to the other Contracting Government, no later than 30 April of that year.

(b) For the purposes of this Convention, the first year will expire on 30 June 1950 and the subsequent annual periods will begin on 1 July and end on 30 June each year.

ARTICLE 2. - The contracting Governments will make their greatest efforts to intensify trade and financial transactions between the Argentine Republic and the United Kingdom in such a way as to achieve through the period of the Convention a balance of Pound payments at the highest possible level.

ARTICLE 3. - The contracting Governments agree to agree on all the facilities necessary for the expeditious processing and granting of the import, export and exchange permits required for compliance with the provisions of the subsequent articles of this Convention.

ARTICLE 4. - The contracting Governments shall be based in Buenos Aires, a Joint Advisory Committee which shall be responsible, except as provided for in article 27, to monitor the implementation of the provisions contained in this Convention in order to ensure that the purposes provided for in the Convention are met regularly. It may propose to both Governments those measures that tend to enhance the exchange between the two countries.


ARTICLE 5. The Argentine Government agrees to sell or facilitate, within the limits of the powers normally exercised in this matter, the sale of Argentine goods to the United Kingdom, in each year, and, for its part, the Government of the United Kingdom agrees, subject to an agreement on price and quality, to acquire, or to grant all the facilities necessary for the import in the United Kingdom, in each year, of such goods for the value necessary to maintain in a high equilibrium

ARTICLE 6. - In order to achieve the common objective of restoring meat export trade from Argentina to the United Kingdom to at least its pre-war level. (a) The Government of the United Kingdom undertakes to buy the Argentine Republic and the Argentine Government undertakes to sell to the Government of the United Kingdom, in every quarter beginning from the date of entry into force of this Convention: 1) of each of the following categories: i) meat types "Chilled" and "B", and ii) ovina frozen, a quantity of meat in reses and small amounts "c. figurew. The Argentine Government is committed to delivering, in the first year of the Convention, to the Government of the United Kingdom, not less than three hundred thousand (300,000) long tons, "c.w.e.", of meat in reses and smallness. According to the terms of subparagraph (a) of this article, the Argentine Government will use its best efforts to deliver and the Government of the United Kingdom undertakes to receive, in each year, not less than four hundred thousand (400,000) long tons, "c.w.e.", of meats in reses and smallness.

ARTICLE 7. - The Government of the United Kingdom undertakes to purchase from the Argentine Republic and the Argentine Government undertakes to sell to the Government of the United Kingdom, in every three-month period from the date of entry into force of this Convention, an amount of vaccine and/or ovine packed, in weight of the product, equal to no less than: 7,000 long tons in each period July to September, including 4,000 long tons in each period October to December.

ARTICLE 8. - The Government of the United Kingdom undertakes to purchase from the Argentine Republic and the Argentine Government undertakes to sell to the Government of the United Kingdom, at the end of each period of three months, on the date of entry into force of this Convention, any amounts of meats in recess and details of the types normally acquired by the United Kingdom under the terms of this Convention, additional to those provided for in Article 6, which have not been sold by the Argentine Republic. It is stated that, despite the stipulations of this article and the numbers 6 and 7, the maximum quantities of meat in recesses and small quantities and packed meat that the Government of the United Kingdom undertakes to acquire in each year of this Convention will be, respectively, of six hundred thousand (600,000) long tons "c.w e." and forty thousand (40.000) long tons, in weight of the product, except that these amounts are increased by the Contracting Government.

ARTICLE 9. - The purchase prices of the United Kingdom Government in the first year of this Convention shall be as follows:

(a) For meat in beefs and petty meats: An average price for all types of meat in combination of pounds 97,536 per ton long b) For vaccinated and ovine meat: Prices fixed, according to the Contract provided for in Article 13 in relation to the prices set in subparagraph (a) for meat in beefs and petties. It is stated that the prices set out in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this article shall be revised annually by the Contracting Governments, with consultations initiated not less than four months before the end of each year and shall be fixed for each of them following the first, by agreement between the two Governments.

ARTICLE 10. - (a) In addition to the amounts of meat in recesses and petty meat and packaged meat stipulated in Article 6 and 7, the Government of the United Kingdom undertakes to acquire and the Argentine Government undertakes to sell to the Government of the United Kingdom, in each year of this Convention, quantities and types of pork and petty meats of it, to be determined in the Contract provided for in Article 13, which shall not exceed in any of the years, The prices of the purchases of pork and petty meat, made by the Government of the United Kingdom in the first year of this Convention, shall be set in accordance with the basis of the Contract provided for in Article 13 in relation to the prices for meat in recess and in some manner established in Article 9 (a). It is stated that the prices set out in subparagraph (b) of this article shall be revised annually by the Contracting Governments, initiating consultations not less than four months before the end of each year and shall be fixed for each of them, next to the first, by agreement between the two Governments.

ARTICLE 11. - In this Convention: (a) The term meat in reses and smallness shall be interpreted as excluding pork and its menus (b) The term "c.w.e." will mean "calculated in terms of the equivalent of the weight of the reses" c) The term long tonne is 1,016,047 kilograms.

ARTICLE 12. - All purchases of meats made in accordance with this Convention shall be made at an F.O.B base.

ARTICLE 13. - In order to give effect to the provisions of articles 6 to 12 inclusive of this Convention, a contract shall be made between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Argentine Government, in accordance with the provisions of Annex A to this Convention.

ARTICLE 14. - (a) The Government of the United Kingdom agrees, within the limits of the powers normally exercised in this field, to facilitate the supply to the Argentine Republic, and, for its part, the Argentine Government agrees to grant all the necessary facilities for the import in the Argentine Republic, in each year, of goods from the United Kingdom for the value required to maintain a reasonable balance in the movement of pounds sterling between the Argentine Republic and the United Kingdom in both respects)

ARTICLE 15. The Government of the United Kingdom, acknowledging the importance of the supply of oil and petroleum products to the Argentine economy, affirms its willingness to provide all the necessary assistance, within the limits of its powers in this field, to ensure during the first year the supply to the Argentine Republic, by those oil producing entities of the United Kingdom whose control is exercised through its organizations in the United Kingdom and by its associated entities, of the quantities of oil and For the years following the first year of this Convention and in accordance with article 16 (a) and the procedure set out in article 18, both Governments shall agree in common with the amounts of oil and petroleum products that the entities referred to in subparagraph (a) of this article shall make available to the Argentine Republic in each annual period (c) Imports of oil and petroleum products in the Argentine Republic shall be carried out by Fiscal Petroliferous Deposits and the normal importers of these products, who shall agree with the sellers the respective technical qualities and specifications (d) The contracting Governments declare that they will contribute their best efforts by the respective means at their disposal, to ensure that in accordance with the traditional practices in the oil trade, the prices and conditions of the products supplied in accordance with the international terms.

ARTICLE 16. - (a) The Government of the United Kingdom, acknowledging the wish of the Argentine Government to ensure the supply of goods of special importance to the Argentine economy in each year following the first, declares its willingness, subject to a previous annual review by the contracting Governments, to continue to facilitate, to the extent possible, the supply to the Argentine Republic in each of those years of values or quantities of such goods not less than the values or quantities set in the Nillas. 2 and 3 of this Convention (b) The Argentine Government, for its part, declares its readiness, subject to a previous annual review by the contracting Governments, to continue to grant all the necessary facilities for the import in the Argentine Republic from the United Kingdom, in each year following the first, of goods for values or quantities not less than those detailed in the Nro Plane. 3 of this Convention.

ARTICLE 17. - (a) Schedules 1, 2 and 3 of this Convention may be extended by agreement of the Contracting Governments (b) Plane 3 of this Convention may be extended through a forecast for contracts related to public works and capital assets. If an adjustment is necessary to maintain the balance of payments in sterling pounds, it must be made on the basis of new purchases of Argentine goods.

Such an adjustment shall be agreed by the Joint Advisory Committee, in accordance with article 4.

ARTICLE 18. - The contracting Governments shall consult before 1 March of each year with a view to agreeing on the tables for the following year.


ARTICLE 19. - All commercial and financial payments between residents of Argentina and residents of the specified Territories will continue to be settled in sterling pounds.

ARTICLE 20. - The Central Bank of the Argentine Republic will hold accounts called "Countries C" in the Bank of England and in any other Banks of the United Kingdom. In addition, the current "A" and "B" accounts in the Bank of England will continue to be open to the full use of their balances on behalf of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic.

ARTICLE 21. - For the "A" and "B" accounts of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic in the Bank of England will continue to govern the existing guarantees, and their balances may continue to be used for the payments provided for in Article 4, paragraph (e) of the Convention on Supply of Products and Payments signed on 12 February 1948 between the two Contracting Governments. In addition, the balances recorded in the credit of the "A" account will continue to be governed by the established or future conditions between the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic and the Bank of England.

ARTICLE 22. - When requested, the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic shall purchase, without restriction, and shall sell to the extent of its availability, sterling pounds, on the basis of the exchange rates quoted in accordance with Article 23. The Bank of England and the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic may agree, in accordance with the other concerned monetary authorities, to be made in sterling pounds, payments and global charges for direct transactions between residents of the Argentine Republic and residents in countries not covered by the specified Territories.

ARTICLE 23. - The Central Bank of the Argentine Republic will set the exchange rates for the sterling pound, based on the average official type of the Bank of England for the US dollar.

ARTICLE 24. - Payments between the Argentine Republic and the specified Territories will continue to be made in accordance with the current technical mechanism, except for the modifications that the practice advises to introduce. Such modifications will be established in all cases of common agreement between the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic and the Bank of England.

ARTICLE 25. - The Argentine Government will allow for unrestricted, but to the extent of its availability in sterling pounds, financial transfers (including earnings, pensions and other revenues), in favour of residents in the specified Territories.

ARTICLE 26. - A reassessment guarantee, in terms of being agreed between the Bank of England and the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic, will apply to the balances that will be found when there are the "C" accounts of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic and the final net position in pounds of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic. This guarantee shall enter into force from the date on which the present Convention is signed and shall apply to the balances of such "C" accounts that exist at that date and which would have been so long for the next 12 months, added or restored the relative net position. The warranty shall cover any outstanding balances of such accounts at the end of the 12 months, add or subtract the net position at relative time pending, until such balances have been used.

ARTICLE 27. - The Central Bank of the Argentine Republic and the Bank of England, on behalf of their respective Governments, shall remain in contact with a view to agreeing on the technical issues that may arise in connection with the implementation of this Convention. In faith of which the Plenipotentiaries designated for this purpose, duly authorized, sign two copies of the same tenor in the Spanish and English languages, equally valid, in the city of Buenos Aires, on the twenty-seven days of the month of June, nine hundred and forty-nine. By the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Fdo.: John Balfour. By the Argentine Government: J. Atilio Bramuglia, Minister for Foreign Affairs. - Roberto A. Ares, Minister of Economy. Ramón A. Cereijo, Minister of Finance. - Alfredo Gómez Morales, Minister of Finance. - José C. Barro, Minister of Industry and Trade.

Annex B-Convention of Trade and Payments between the Argentine Republic and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland signed on 27 June 1949 in the City of Buenos Aires-

Mr. Ambassador: I have the honour to address V.E. to acknowledge receipt of your note of the date, the translation of which is as follows: "Mr. Minister: With reference to the imports provided for in the Convention signed on 27 June 1949 between the Argentine Government and the Government of the United Kingdom, I have the honour to inform V.E. that both Governments have agreed to declare that the goods that the two countries import, under the Convention, will be domestic. The above-mentioned declaration shall not apply: to the transit trade that both countries make to the supply of the British S.M. armed forces abroad to the normal export of the United Kingdom to the countries included in the payment regime contained in Part III of the Convention and to the normal export of the Argentine Republic to the neighbouring countries. I take this opportunity to greet V.E. with my highest consideration. -Fdo: John Balfour." In expressing to V.E. the conformity of the Argentine Government with the terms of the transcribing note, I am pleased to greet you with my utmost consideration.

Fdo.: J. Atilio Bramuglia.

Annex C-Convention of Trade and Payments between the Argentine Republic and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland signed on 27 June 1949 in the city of Bs. Ace.

Sr. Embajador: I have the honour to inform V.E. that, in case of exporting linen seed from the Argentine Republic, during the first year of the Anglo-Argentine Convention of 27 June 1949, will also be sold linen seed to the United Kingdom in such a way that the proportion that maintains the purchases of Argentine lino seed made by the United Kingdom with respect to the total sale of lino seeds of the Argentine Republic in that period In the second year and in the following years of the Convention, the Argentine Government is committed to supplying the United Kingdom with linen seed in the proportion of 30% of the total annual value of the purchases of linen seed and linen oil as a whole, carried out by the United Kingdom in the Argentine Republic. I take this opportunity to reiterate to V.E. the assurances of my highest consideration.

Fdo.: J. Atilio Bramuglia.



Annex E- Annex A to the Trade and Payments Convention between the Argentine Republic and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland signed on 27 June 1949 in the City of Buenos Aires

(a) That the prices of the products will be adjusted in detail according to the specifications of the 7 contract (b) In accordance with current practice, the respective Argentine authorities shall notify the competent British authorities two months in advance of the amounts of meat and its derivatives to be assigned for each current month to be exported to the United Kingdom in accordance with this Convention. On the basis of such information, the British authorities shall prepare, in accordance with the Argentine authorities, monthly programmes, which shall indicate the assigned amounts, which shall be delivered by the Argentine Government within the period covered by each respective monthly programme, and acquired by the Government of the United Kingdom within this period (c) Specific measures to ensure the compensation to the party that suffers any loss for the cost of dead freight, stays or detains. The negotiation of the Contract referred to in this annex will consider appropriate agreements to facilitate the export to the United Kingdom of higher meat qualities even in the form of chilled.