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National Joticia Its Organization - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: JUSTICIA NACIONAL SU ORGANIZACION - Texto completo de la norma

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Act No. 13.998

Sanctioned: September 29-1950

Promulgated: October 6-1950

The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, sanction with force



ARTICLE 1 - The Judiciary of the Nation shall be exercised by the Supreme Court of Justice, the national courts of the Federal Capital and the national courts with seats in the provinces and territories.

National Magistracy

ARTICLE 2 The judges of the Nation are appointed by the president of the Nation with the agreement of the Senate, and during the recess of the Congress, in commission until the next legislature. They shall receive compensation for their services which shall determine the law and which shall not be diminished in any way, as long as they remain in their functions. The compensation shall be uniform for all judges of the same instance, wherever they perform their duties. This principle shall also apply to the retribution of all officials and employees of the national justice system.

ARTICLE 3o - The judges of the Nation are unmovable and will retain their jobs while their good conduct lasts.

They can only be tried and removed, those of the Supreme Court of Justice, by political judgment before the Senate of the Nation, and the lower ones, by a court in the manner established by law.

ARTICLE 4o - To be a judge of the Supreme Court of Justice and Attorney General of the Nation, it is necessary to be native Argentine, a lawyer graduated from national university, with ten years of exercise and thirty years of age.

ARTICLE 5o - To be a judge of a national appeals chamber it is necessary to be native Argentine, a lawyer graduated from national university, with six years of exercise and thirty years of age.

ARTICLE 6 To be a national judge of first instance, it is necessary to be native Argentine, a lawyer graduated from national university, with four years of exercise and twenty-five years of age.

ARTICLE 7o - Before assuming office, judges shall oath to discharge their duties by administering justice well and legally and in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Nation.

ARTICLE 8o - Judges of the same collegiate court, relatives or associates may not be held simultaneously within the fourth civil grade. In the event of a relative affinity, the person who causes it will leave office.

ARTICLE 9o - The judiciary, with all political proselytism, with the exercise of trade and the conduct of any professional activity is incompatible, except when it comes to the defence of personal interests, spouse and children, and with the performance of public or private employment, except the commission of studies or teaching. However, the performance of primary or secondary education will not be permitted. The judges of the Nation are prohibited from playing random games or from habitually attending places intended for them or from performing acts that compromise the dignity of the office.

ARTICLE 10. Judges shall reside in the city in which they exercise their functions or within a radius up to forty kilometres from it. To reside further, they must seek authorization from the Supreme Court.

ARTICLE 11. Judges of first instance will attend their office every working day during the working hours of the court. The judges of the Supreme Court and national appeals chambers will do so on the days and hours that the respective court establishes for the agreements and hearings.

Staff and employees

ARTICLE 12. Without prejudice to the requirements established by regulations by the Supreme Court, to be secretary or prosecretary of the national courts, it is required: to be Argentine, older and lawyer or scribed at national university. The relative of the judge may not be appointed secretary or prosecretary within the fourth degree of consanguinity and second degree of affinity.

ARTICLE 13. In order to be appointed official or employee of national justice when the law does not further require other special conditions, it is necessary to be Argentine and preference will be given to those who prove to have completed secondary studies, except for teachers and service staff.

ARTICLE 14. The Supreme Court of Justice appoints, removes and decides on any matter related to the staff of the National Justice whose appointment does not depend on the Executive Branch, in accordance with the rules of this Act and to which it establishes it in its regulations.

ARTICLE 15. Officials and employees of the National Justice may not be removed, but because of ineptitude or misconduct, prior administrative summary with hearing of the person concerned.

ARTICLE 16. Officials and employees shall have the rights, duties, responsibilities and inconsistencies established by law or regulations. The Supreme Court will agree on a scale to ensure stability and promotion in the race, first of all in accordance with the qualifications and efficiency of the duly qualified staff and employees and their seniority.

Disciplinary sanctions

ARTICLE 17. Misdemeanours of officials, employees and other auxiliaries of the national justice system may be punished with prevention, notice, fine up to five hundred pesos, suspension not exceeding thirty days, waiver and exoneration, in accordance with this law and regulations.

When the national appeals chambers or judges impose disciplinary sanctions on staff under their unit, they shall immediately be brought to the attention of the Supreme Court of Justice.

Under similar circumstances the judges shall be liable to the first three sanctions mentioned above, without prejudice to those provided for by the law on prosecution and removal.

ARTICLE 18. The collegiate courts and judges may impose personal arrests of up to fifteen days or other disciplinary sanctions on lawyers, prosecutors, litigants and other persons, for faults committed against their dignity or decorum in hearings or writings or against their authority or obstructing the course of justice. The arrest shall be served in a unit of the court itself or in court at the address of the person concerned.

ARTICLE 19. - Sanctions applied by the Supreme Court of Justice or national appeals chambers shall be subject only to a request for reconsideration before the same court. The sanctions imposed by national judges of first instance may be appealed in a suspensive effect on the third day.

Help due to national justice

ARTICLE 20. The authorities under the national executive branch shall immediately provide all necessary assistance to them by the national judges within their jurisdiction, for the implementation of their resolutions, and provided that a national judge directs an office to a provincial judge, for the conduct of judicial acts shall be fulfilled.

Supreme Court of Justice

ARTICLE 21. The Supreme Court of Justice shall consist of five judges and one general prosecutor. You will have your seat in the Federal Capital and designate your president. It shall rule its internal and economic rules and exercise superintendence over all the courts of the Nation, as set out in its regulations.

ARTICLE 22. When through its members the court is to be integrated, it shall be made by lot with the judges who hold the chairmanship of the national appeals chambers, or with their legal substitutes, by bringing together the judge to integrate the conditions required to be a member of the Court.

ARTICLE 23. The decisions of the Supreme Court shall be taken by the vote of the absolute majority of the judges who are members of it, provided that they agree on the solution of the case. If there is any disagreement, the necessary votes will be required to obtain an absolute majority of opinions.

ARTICLE 24. The Supreme Court of Justice will know:

1st. Originally and exclusively in the cases between the Nation or a province or its neighbours with a foreign State; in the cases concerning ambassadors, plenipotentiary ministers or foreign consuls; and in the cases between the Nation and one or more provinces or among themselves. In these cases, the Supreme Court shall not proceed on its own motion and shall exercise jurisdiction only in cases where it is required at the request of a party.

The application against a foreign State shall not be pursued, without pre-requiring from its diplomatic representative, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to be submitted to trial.

For the relevant purposes of part one of this subparagraph, neighbours shall be considered:

(a) Personal persons who have been domiciled in the country since two or more years before the initiation of the claim, regardless of nationality;

(b) Legal persons of public law of the country;

(c) Other legal entities established and domiciled in the country;

(d) Corporations and associations without legal status, where all members are in the situation provided for in ap. a).

These are cases involving foreign ambassadors or plenipotentiary ministers, which directly affect them by discussing their rights or by compromising their responsibility, as well as those that affect the persons of their family in the same way, or the staff of the embassy or legation that has a diplomatic character.

The actions against the persons mentioned at the previous point shall not be taken, without the prior request of the respective ambassador or plenipotentiary minister, the conformity of his government to bring them to trial.

Cases concerning foreign consuls are those followed by acts or acts performed in the exercise of their own functions, provided that they question their civil or criminal responsibility.

2°. Extraordinary recourse, in the cases of articles 14 of Law 48, and 6 of Law 4.055.

3°. By cassation of review of case law in the manner determined by law.

4°. In the review remedies referred to in articles 2 and 4 of Law 4.055, and in the clarification of its own resolutions.

5°. In the direct appeals denied.

6°. In appeals for delays of justice against national appeal chambers.

7°. By ordinary appeal, of the final judgements of the national appeals chambers, in the following cases:

(a) Causes in which the Nation is directly a party, when the value played in the last term, without its accessories, is greater than fifty thousand pesos;

(b) Extradition of criminals claimed by foreign countries;

(c) Causes of maritime arrests or embargoes in time of war, on military rescue and on the nationality of the ship, legitimacy of its patent or regularity of its roles;

(d) Criminal cases for offences against the security of the State, of the Nation, or against the public authorities and the constitutional order, when the applicable penalty exceeds six years ' imprisonment or imprisonment;

(e) Of those raised between one province and the neighbours of another.

8°. Of the issues of competence and the conflicts that arise in trial between judges and courts of the country that do not have a common hierarchical superior body that must be resolved. It shall also decide on the competent judge in cases where his or her intervention is essential to avoid effective deprivation of justice.

National Appeals Chambers

ARTICLE 25. National appeals chambers may be divided into three-member chambers when they are composed of a sufficient number of judges.

ARTICLE 26. The national appeals chambers shall, on an annual basis, designate a president and one or more vice presidents, who shall distribute their functions in the manner determined by the regulations issued.

ARTICLE 27. The decisions of the national appeal chambers or their chambers shall be taken by the vote of the absolute majority of the judges who are members of them, provided that they agree on the solution of the case. If there is a disagreement, the necessary votes will be required to obtain a majority of opinions.

If they are final judgements of one or the other in ordinary proceedings, they shall be pronounced by deliberation and vote of the judges who subscribe them, after drawing lots of study. In the other cases the sentences may be written impersonally.

ARTICLE 28. The national appeals chambers shall meet in full court: (a) To regulate their work or the distribution of work among their chambers, if any, and between the courts of first instance, which are dependent on it, by resolving matters arising thereon; (b) To unify the jurisprudence of the chambers or avoid contradictory judgments, where there is no interpretation of the Supreme Court. The legal doctrine or interpretation of the law accepted in a plenary judgment is of compulsory application for the same chamber and for the judges of first instance, for which the chamber which pronounces it is a court of entanglement, without prejudice to the fact that the judges of first instance or chambers, leave their personal opinion safe. It can only be turned on as a result of a new plenary judgment.

ARTICLE 29. - Procedural proceedings shall be carried out before the chamber or in its case before the court which knows each trial.

ARTICLE 30. Against the judgements of the national appeals chambers or their chambers, there will be no further appeal against those authorizing the laws for the Supreme Court.

ARTICLE 31. The national appeals chambers or their chambers shall be joined by lot among the other members of those chambers; then, in the same way, with the judges of the other national appeal chambers, in the order establishing the regulation, and finally, always by lot, with the judges of the first instance who depend on the chamber or chamber to be integrated.

National courts of the Federal Capital

ARTICLE 32. The national courts of the Federal Capital shall consist of:

1st. National appeals chambers of the Federal Capital:

(a) In the Civil, Commercial and Special Criminal and Administrative Disputes;

(b) In the Civil;

(c) Commercial;

(d) Criminal matters;

(e) Labour;

(f) De Paz.

2°. National courts of first instance of the Federal Capital:

(a) In the Civil and Commercial Special, in the Special Criminal and in the Administrative Disputes;

(b) In the Civil;

(c) Commercial;

(d) In criminal matters: Sentence, instruction and correction;

(e) Labour;

(f) De Paz.

National Chamber of Appeals in Civil, Commercial and Special Criminal and Administrative Disputes of the Federal Capital

ARTICLE 33. The Federal Chamber of Appeals of the Capital, which exists at the date of the sanction of this Law, shall be appointed: "National Chamber of Appeals in Civil, Commercial and Special Criminal and Administrative Disputes", and shall be a court of encouragement in respect of national judges of first instance in the Civil, and Special Commercial, in the Special Criminal and in the Administrative Disputes.

It shall also know of the appeals filed against the resolutions of administrative agencies, in cases authorized by the law and against the resolutions of the head of the Federal Police on the right of assembly.

ARTICLE 34. It shall act divided into three chambers, by specialties within its competence, in accordance with the provisions of the same chamber, in accordance with article 28 .

National Civil Appeals Chamber of the Federal Capital

ARTICLE 35. The two Civil Appeals Chambers of the Capital at the date of the sanction of this Law shall constitute a single court which shall be called: "National Civil Appeals Chamber of the Federal Capital". It will be a High Court for the National Magistrates of the Federal Capital Civil Court.

National Appeals Chamber in the Commercial of the Federal Capital

ARTICLE 36. The Chamber of Appeals in the Commercial of the Existing Capital at the date of the sanction of this Law shall be called "National Chamber of Appeals in the Commercial of the Federal Capital". It will be a High Court for National Magistrates in the Commercial of the Federal Capital.

National Criminal Appeals Chamber of the Federal Capital

ARTICLE 37. The Criminal and Correctional Appeals Chamber of the Capital, which exists at the date of the sanction of this Law, shall be referred to as: "National Court of Appeals in the Criminal Case of the Federal Capital".

He shall know as a court of entanglement in respect of national judges of first instance in the Criminal Court of the Federal Capital.

ARTICLE 38. Trust, under the Chamber ' s unit, the Assistant Service Office, with employees who set the Act. Such employees shall be placed on a temporary basis at the disposal of the examining magistrates and the Special Criminal, with the sole purpose of achieving a more prompt substance, of cases which, by their nature or complexity, cannot be effectively addressed with the staff of the courts.

Federal Capital National Appeals Chamber

ARTICLE 39. The current Chamber of Appeals of the Labour Justice of the Capital will be called "National Chamber of Appeals for the Labour of the Federal Capital". It shall consist of twelve members and shall be a court of entice with respect to the national judges of first instance of the work of the Federal Capital.

Federal Capital National Peace Appeals Chamber

ARTICLE 40. The current House of Appeals of the Justice of Peace of the Capital will be called "National Chamber of Peace Appeals of the Federal Capital". It will be a High Court for the National Magistrates of the Federal Capital.

National Courts of First Instance in Civil and Commercial Capital Federal

ARTICLE 41. Federal courts number 5 and 6, of the Federal Capital, which exist at the date of the sanction of this law, shall be called "National Courts of First Instance in the Civil and Commercial Special", retaining their current competence, but shall not know:

(a) The cases whose knowledge is attributed to them for reasons of nationality or domicile of persons;

(b) Of the cases attributed by this law to national judges of first instance in the administrative content of the Federal Capital.

(c) The cases referred to in article 46 of this Act.

ARTICLE 42. They will also know the causes of facts, acts and contracts:

(a) Concerns about the means of land transportation, with the exception of civil actions for compensation for damages caused by crimes and residences;

(b) Regulated by the right to navigation and the right to aviation.

National Trial Judges in the Special Criminal of the Federal Capital

ARTICLE 43. Federal criminal and correctional courts of the Capital, numbers 1 and 2, which exist at the date of the sanction of this law, shall be referred to as: "National Magistrates of First Instance in the Special Criminal of the Federal Capital", retaining their current jurisdiction, but shall not know of the cases whose knowledge is attributed to them by reason of the place, or those attributed to them by express provision of this law to another court.

ARTICLE 44. When a crime or a crime contest attributed to one or more persons as perpetrators, accomplices or coverts resulted in the investigation of a single trial, and one or more of the facts or persons falling under the jurisdiction of the national first instance judges in the special criminal jurisdiction of the Federal Capital, such a process will be fully substantiated and completed in the court of this jurisdiction.

National Trial Judges in Administrative Disputes of the Federal Capital

ARTICLE 45. Federal courts number 3 and 4, of the Federal Capital, created by the budget law of the year 1948, referred to in article 6 of Law 13.278, and the courts created, for the Federal Capital, by Law 12.833, shall be referred to as "National Courts of First Instance in Administrative Disputes, of the Federal Capital".

You will be competent to know:

(a) Dispute and administrative cases;

(b) Cases on national contributions and their violations;

(c) The cases whose knowledge is attributed to the judges created for the Federal Capital by Act No. 12.833;

(d) The remedies against administrative decisions, which the laws in force attribute to existing federal judges at the date of the sanction of this law.

National Judges of First Instance in Civil, Commercial and Criminal: Judgment, Instruction and Correctional

ARTICLE 46. The current Civil Courts, in the Commercial, Judgment, Instruction and Correctional of the Capital, shall, respectively, be named: "National Courts of First Instance in the Civil of the Federal Capital, National Courts of First Instance in the Commercial of the Federal Capital and National Courts of First Instance in the Criminal Case of the Federal Capital: De Judgment, Instruction and Correctional".

They will have the same current competence, with the modifications resulting from this law.

Federal Capital National Trial Judges

ARTICLE 47. The national courts of first instance of labour, of the Federal Capital, shall have the jurisdiction assigned to them by Act No. 12,948, even in the cases in which the Nation is a party, its local divisions or the municipality.

10 new national courts of first instance are established in the Federal Capital, with the same staff assigned to those currently operating.

National Court of Peace of the Federal Capital

ARTICLE 48. With the exception of the cases referred to in articles 41 , 42 , 45 , and 47 , the courts of first instance of the Capital shall know:


(a) Civil and commercial matters where the value questioned does not exceed ten thousand national currency;

(b) Of the successor judgments whose inheritance does not exceed the prima facie of thirty thousand pesos national currency;

(c) Civil contests whose liability does not exceed the sum of twenty thousand pesos national currency;

(d) Small bankruptcies referred to in Title XXIII of Law 11.719. It is considered small bankruptcy whose liability does not exceed twenty thousand pesos national currency.

The jurisdiction of the above-mentioned courts shall remain in the successor judgments, even if there is a response on the nature of heirs of the persons who are present as such, and even if the heirlomanship exceeds, in short, up to fifty per cent of the amount set out in subparagraph (b);

(e) Interdicts and venias, as well as matters relating to family law, are excluded from the jurisdiction of the peace courts, except for the hypothesis specified in subparagraph (b).

2°. Of the claims against universal trials enumerated in the preceding paragraph, whatever their importance;

3°. Summary information relating to court proceedings;

4°. Claims for eviction, termination, performance, rental charges and other matters related to the location contract, regardless of their importance, whether or not they have written contracts;

5°. From the reconventional demands, whatever their amount.

Office of Commandments and Notifications for the Justice of the Federal Capital

ARTICLE 49. The current office organized by Executive Decree 25.559 of 1948 will be responsible for the diligence of the orders and notifications issued by the national appeals chambers and national courts of first instance of the Federal Capital.

The Supreme Court may entrust the same office with equal court proceedings.

ARTICLE 50. Justice officers of the current federal civil and commercial courts are incorporated into the office.

ARTICLE 51. The Supreme Court exercises superintendence over the Office of Commandments and Notifications, and must regulate its organization and functioning.

National courts with seats in the provinces and territories

ARTICLE 52. National courts with seats in the provinces and territories shall consist of:

1. By the national appeals chambers with seat in the cities of La Plata, Bahía Blanca, Paraná, Rosario, Córdoba, Mendoza, Tucumán, Resistencia and Comodoro Rivadavia;

2. By national judges of first instance with seat in the cities of La Plata, Bahía Blanca, San Nicolás, Mercedes, Azul, Rosario, Santa Fe, Córdoba, Río Cuarto, Bell Ville, Paraná, Concepción del Uruguay, Corrientes, Paso de los Libres, Santiago del Estero, Tucumán, Salta, Jujuy, San Luis, Mendoza, San Rafael, San Juan, Catamarca, La Rioja; and in the territories of Río Negro, Neuquén

3. For the national peace judges of the national territories.

National appeals chambers of provinces and territories

ARTICLE 53. The current federal chambers of La Plata, Bahía Blanca, Paraná, Rosario, Córdoba, Mendoza and Tucumán will be called: national appeal chambers of La Plata, Bahía Blanca, Paraná, Rosario, Córdoba, Mendoza and Tucumán respectively, and will be competent to know the causes that are assigned to them to the present, with the following modifications:

(a) The National Appeals Chamber of La Plata shall consist of seven members and shall be a High Court for the National Courts of First Instance of La Plata, San Nicolás, Mercedes, Azul and La Pampa territory;

(b) The White Bahia National Appeals Chamber will be a High Court for the National Courts of First Instance of Bahía Blanca and Territories of Río Negro and Neuquén;

(c) The National Appeals Chamber of Paraná shall be a court of appeal in respect of the national courts of first instance of Paraná, Corrientes, Paso de los Libres, Concepción del Uruguay, and territory of Misiones.

ARTICLE 54. The current appeals chambers of the northern and southern territories will be referred to as the National Appeals Chamber of Resistance and Comodoro Rivadavia, respectively, and will be competent to hear the cases assigned to them to date, with the following modifications:

(a) The National House of Appeals for Resistance shall be a court of appeal in respect of national courts of first instance in the Chaco and Formosa territories;

(b) The National Appeals Chamber of Comodoro Rivadavia will be a court of appeal in respect of the national courts of first instance in the territories of Chubut, Santa Cruz and the military governorates of Comodoro Rivadavia and the sea of Tierra del Fuego.

National courts of first instance in provinces and territories

ARTICLE 55. The current federal judges with a seat in the provinces will be called national judges of first instance, retaining their current competence; but they will also know:

(a) Civil cases between the province in which they have their seat and any neighbour or neighbours of another or of the Federal Capital. Where there is more than one national judge of first instance in the province, he shall know of these cases, the one who has his seat in the Capital;

(b) Of the facts, acts and contracts concerning the means of land transportation, except for civil actions for reparation of damages caused by crimes or quasi-litresses; and those governed by the right of navigation and by the right to aviation;

(c) The causes of private business of foreign consuls and of all cases concerning foreign vice consuls;

(d) Of the remedies of "habeas corpus", when the threat, restriction or deprivation of liberty comes from a national authority or affects a person integral or dependent on a national authority.

ARTICLE 56. The current legal judges of the national territories shall be referred to as national judges of first instance and shall retain their current organization and competence, and the consultations referred to in article 17 (4) of Act 4.055 shall be deleted. They will also know of the cases attributed so far to the judges created by Law 12.833.

ARTICLE 57. The courts created by Act No. 12.833, national courts of first instance shall be converted and appointed to preserve those of Santa Cruz, Neuquén, Santa Rosa, Resistencia, Formosa and Misiones, their current seat. They shall have the same jurisdiction as national courts of first instance, referred to in the preceding article.

Rawson's will have his seat in the military governorate of Comodoro Rivadavia and Viedma, in Fuerte General Roca.

A national court of first instance, with a seat in the maritime governorate of Tierra del Fuego, with jurisdiction in it, in the Falkland Islands and in the Argentinian Antarctic Zone, with the same competence of the judges referred to in the previous article.

ARTICLE 58. The present justices of the peace of the territories shall be appointed national judges of the peace of the territories.

To be a national judge of the peace of territories, it is required: to be Argentine, to read and write, to be twenty-five years old and honorable.

They shall be appointed by the Executive Branch on the proposal of the governor of the respective territory and shall retain their office for the duration of their suitability and good conduct. They shall only be removed by a decision of the respective national appeals chamber, prior summary and hearing of the person concerned.

Technical bodies and auxiliary experts of national justice

ARTICLE 59. - As assistants to national justice, and under the superintendence of the Supreme Court of Justice, they will function:

(a) Technical expert bodies: forensic doctors, accountants and decals;

(b) Engineers, appraisers, translators and interpreters.

ARTICLE 60. The members of the technical bodies, experts and their respective employees shall be appointed and removed by the Executive Branch in accordance with the provisions of Decree-Law 33827 of 1944.

ARTICLE 61. The technical bodies shall have their seat in the Federal Capital and at the headquarters of the national appeal chambers and shall be integrated with the officials of the respective specialty that the budget law assigns to the national courts of the Federal Capital and the national provinces and territories. The experts will also be the ones that the budget law assigns to the national courts of the Federal Capital and the provinces and national territories.

ARTICLE 62. To be a member of the technical bodies it will be required: Argentine citizenship, twenty-five years old, three years of exercise in the respective profession or university teaching.

ARTICLE 63. The technical bodies of the Federal Capital will be directed and represented, respectively, by a dean, designated annually by its members, among those assigned to the justice of the Federal Capital. The dean will distribute the work according to the regulations issued by the Supreme Court of Justice.

ARTICLE 64. The work of the experts (article 59 (b) will be distributed according to the regulations issued by the Supreme Court of Justice.

ARTICLE 65. These are obligations of the members of the technical bodies and experts:

(a) To conduct examinations, experiments and analyses in respect of persons, things or places;

(b) Assisting any judicial proceedings or actions;

(c) Producing expert reports.

They will always act on the request of the judges.

ARTICLE 66. The judicial morgue is a service of the forensic medical body that will function under the authority of your dean and the direction of a doctor, who must meet the same conditions as the members of the forensic medical body.

ARTICLE 67. Corresponds to the judicial morgue:

(a) Provide the necessary means for forensic doctors to carry out autopsies and other proceedings by competent authorities;

(b) To prohibit by order of competent authority the bodies that are handed over to them for the purposes of their identification;

(c) Form and preserve the Museum of Legal Medicine.

ARTICLE 68. For educational purposes, the judicial morgue shall:

(a) Facilitate the legal professorships of the national universities in the museum;

(b) To admit in the act of the autopsies, except written order given in each case by the competent judicial authority, the access of teachers and students of legal medicine of the national universities, in the number, conditions and with the precautions established in the regulations.

ARTICLE 69.- The forensic medical body will have one or more chemical experts, who will have to meet the same conditions as their members and will have their own obligations.

ARTICLE 70. In order to be an engineer or translator, the same conditions are required as to be an integral part of the technical bodies, and to be a tax collector or interpreter, which are required by the regulations issued by the Supreme Court of Justice. They will have the same obligations as the members of the technical bodies.

ARTICLE 71. Without prejudice to the distribution of tasks referred to in article 63 of this Act, the judicial judges may, where they believe necessary, provide the services of any of the members of the technical bodies.

ARTICLE 72. The members of the technical bodies and experts:

(a) To oath to carry out their duties faithfully before the tribunal designated by the Supreme Court of Justice;

(b) No experts may be appointed on the proposal of a party to any jurisdiction;

(c) In addition to the official appointments made by the judges in criminal matters, they may be used exceptionally by the judges of the remaining jurisdictions, when they provide notorious reasons for urgency, poverty or public interest;

(d) All experts for whose appointment is required for professional qualifications shall have the same guarantees and shall, at least, enjoy equal pay as the first-come secretaries of the Capital.

When the required degree is university, the experts will have the same hierarchy and enjoy at least the same salary as the prosecutors of first instance. For all experts, the provisions of article 16 of this law shall apply.

ARTICLE 73. The judicial auctions will be carried out through official re-killers who will be drawn from a list made by the Executive and whose components will be subject to the superintendence of the Supreme Court of Justice.

Temporary special arrangements

ARTICLE 74. The General Archive of the Tribunals, the Public Registry of Commerce and the Judicial Bulletin will depend on the Executive Branch of the Nation. A special law will establish its new organization and functioning.

ARTICLE 75. The Electoral Secretariat of the Capital, the National File of Enrolados and the electoral secretariats of the provincial and territorial capitals will continue to be headed by the current judge.

ARTICLE 76. As not amended by this Act, national courts shall continue to be governed by their organizational laws.

ARTICLE 77. Proceedings will continue until their completion in the courts where they are based at the time of entry into force of this law.

ARTICLE 78. The provisions of this Act relating to the requirements for the appointment of judges, officials and judicial employees shall not apply to those who are performing their positions at the time of entry into force.

The provisions of article 12, in terms of an enabling capacity, shall not apply to fill the existing vacancies or those that occur within three years of the entry into force of this law, being able to provide the same with those who, having a degree of university prosecutor, shall belong to the administration of justice and provided that in the respective organizational laws in force at the date of the sanction of this law, such titles shall enable them to fill the vacant posts.

The legal judges of the national territories appointed in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 3.575 shall enjoy the unmovability prescribed in article 3 of this Act on the basis of the next agreement provided by the Honourable Senate.

ARTICLE 79. The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation shall redistribute the secretariats and prosecretariats of the existing federal courts to date (Act 13278, art. 7) and those of the courts established by Act No. 12.833, between the national courts of first instance in the civil and commercial spheres, in the special criminal and administrative matters of the Federal Capital, taking into account the work assigned to one and the other by this law.

Under this redistribution, the prosecretaries, ujieres and employees of the current Federal Capital Courts of Judgment, acting in the proceedings relating to Laws 12.830 and 12.833, will be re-executed in their previous functions.

ARTICLE 80. The current first officers of the justice of peace and work shall act as prosecretaries and replace the secretary in case of recusal, licence, absence or other impediment.

ARTICLE 81. For the relevant purposes of articles 4th, 5th and 6th, seniority in the judicial function shall be regarded as equivalence to the exercise of the profession of counsel. Judges whose current denomination or competence changes under this Act shall not be re-appointed.

ARTICLE 82. The expenses that demand compliance with this law shall be charged to general income.

ARTICLE 83. This law shall enter into force within ninety days of its publication in the Official Gazette.

ARTICLE 84. Within the term specified in the previous article, for this time and without subject to the provisions of article 15 of this Law, the Supreme Court of Justice, by means of superintendence, shall proceed to the reorganization of all the personnel of the Justice of the Nation.

ARTICLE 85. Default all provisions opposing this Law.

ARTICLE 86. Contact the Executive.

Given in the session room of the Argentine Congress in Buenos Aires, on the 29th day of the month of September of the Year of the Liberator General San Martin thousand nine hundred and fifty.

Alberto H. Reales L. Zavalla Carbó

-Registered under number 13.998-