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Provinces Declare The National Territories Of The Chaco And The Pampa - Updated Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: DECLARANSE PROVINCIAS TERRITORIOS NACIONAL DEL CHACO Y LA PAMPA - Texto actualizado de la norma

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image inicio sitio infoleg MInisterio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos
LEY 14.037

The Law Declaring Provinces to the National Territories of Chaco and La Pampa should be extended.

Sanctioned: 20/07/1951

Promulgated: 08/08/1951


The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, sanction with force


ARTICLE 1Determine provinces, in accordance with articles 13 and 68, paragraph 14 of the National Constitution, to the national territories of Chaco and La Pampa.

ARTICLE 2°- The new provinces will have the limits of the provincialized territory in each case.

ARTICLE 3°- The Executive Branch shall convene the constituent conventions, which shall be convened in the capital city of each of the territories.

ARTICLE 4°- The choice of Conventions to be made in accordance with the national election law and on the basis of the national electoral roll shall take place on the same date as the election of renewal of the executive and legislative branches of the Nation.

ARTICLE 5°- Fifteen conventional ones will be chosen in each territory, applying the electoral system to elect national deputies in force at the time of the call.

ARTICLE 6°- To be conventional it is necessary to be native Argentine and to meet the other requirements and qualities that to be deputies of the Nation. Conventionals shall, as long as their mandate lasts, enjoy the same privileges and immunities as national legislators and receive the sum of six thousand pesos national currency (weights 6,000) for the entire term of their performance.

ARTICLE 7°- It is compatible with the position of conventional with that of member of any of the powers of the Nation.

ARTICLE 8°- Each convention shall terminate its mandate within 90 days of its installation and may not extend its mandate.

ARTICLE 9 Each convention shall issue a constitution under the representative, republican system, in accordance with the principles, declarations and guarantees of the National Constitution and to ensure the administration of justice, the municipal system, primary education and the cooperation required by the national government in order to enforce the National Constitution and the laws of the Nation that consequently are enacted.

ARTICLE 10- They shall also ensure the rights, duties and guarantees of personal liberty, as well as the rights of the worker, the family, the elderly and the education and the culture, further establishing the social function of property, capital and economic activity. Its principles cannot be contrary to the National Constitution or to declarations of political and economic independence.

ARTICLE 11- Dictated the constitutions under the previous rules, and communicated to the executive branch of the Nation, within 90 days of this communication will call for elections for the new provinces to designate their authorities. Within 30 days of the adoption of the elections, the designated authorities shall take office and cease any intervention by the national authorities in matters of provincial order.

ARTICLE 12- National senators and deputies will be elected, for this time, simultaneously and on the same date as the provincial authorities. The National Executive will set the limit of the constituencies for this election of national deputies.

(Article replaced by Article 1 of the Act No. 14.119 B.O. 11/01/1952)

ARTICLE 13- All legislation in force in the territory at the time of its admission as a province shall remain in force in the new State until it is repealed or amended by the respective Legislature, unless the change or modification comes from this law or the Constitution of the new province.

ARTICLE 14- The property that is located within the territorial limits of the new provinces shall be in the domain of the public domain of the Nation, as well as the tax lands and private property thereof, except those that need to be used for public use or national public service. In this case the respective exception may be established by law of the Nation within three years of the promulgation of the present.

(Note Infoleg: by art. 1 Act No. 17.830 B.O. 14/08/1968 clarifies that the transfer of domain in favour of the new Provinces provided for in this article does not include property belonging to the public or private domain of the Nation that at the time of the provincialization were affected or intended for services or uses of national utility or public interest, which will continue in the domain of the Nation, provided that it is in possession of such property, at the date of the enactment of the law of reference)

ARTICLE 15- Through agreements made by the new provinces and the Nation, it will be determined which public schools will become dependent on them.

ARTICLE 16- Each of the new provinces will proceed to organize its judiciary.

When the organization of the Judiciary of each province has been organized, the cases will be transferred to them, taking into account the general legal rules governing the respective jurisdictions. All files, records and records relating to pending cases shall also be transferred to them.

ARTICLE 17- Once the provincial justice has been organized, there will be two national judges of first instance in Chaco, with seat in Resistance and Sáenz Peña, and one in La Pampa, with seat in Santa Rosa.

ARTICLE 18- As long as the new provinces do not dictate their own tax provisions, taxes, fees and contributions that govern at the time of their provincialization will continue.

ARTICLE 19- The Government of the Nation will continue to receive all taxes and to pay all administrative services in accordance with the budget of the territory up to six months after the day the provincial authorities are constituted, without prejudice to the transfer of such services to the new provinces before the date indicated.

ARTICLE 20-Once the new administrations, as well as the Judiciary, have been organized, the liquidation will be made in accordance with the agreements between the Nation and the new provinces.

ARTICLE 21-The governments of the new provinces will transfer to the Ministry of Finance of the Nation all records and other records relating to taxes, whose collection corresponds to the national Government.

ARTICLE 22- In order to properly implement the Provincialization Act, the delivery of the various administrative services with their rights and properties, credits, assets and liabilities to be transferred to the new provinces, and to be carried out by ministry, agreements will be made between the national Government and the governments of the new provinces in order to establish the form and opportunity of the surrender and the obligations to which it takes place.

ARTICLE 23- Officials, employees and workers who rely on the administration of the new provinces, regardless of the mode of delivery of their services and the form of payment shall be recognized: (a) hierarchy and salary identity; (b) Contributions; c) Term, conditions and retirement. For all these purposes, the Nation will hold the relevant conventions with the new provinces.

ARTICLE 24- Contact the Executive.

Given in the session room of the Argentine Congress, in Buenos Aires at the twenty days of the month of July of the year a thousand nine hundred and fifty and one.

A.Teisaire H. J. Printer
Albérto H.Reales Zavalla Carbó L. Zavalla Carbó
-Registered under No. 14.037-