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Electoral Law Provisions - Full Text Of The Rule

Original Language Title: LEY ELECTORAL DISPOSICIONES - Texto completo de la norma

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LEY N° 14.032





Article 1 — Constitute the electoral body of the Nation, without distinction of sexes:

1o Native Argentines and by option, over 18 years of age;

2nd Naturalized Argentines, over 18 years old, after 5 years of acquiring nationality. The five-year period shall not require aliens who have obtained their citizenship letter prior to the promulgation of the 1949 Constitution.

Article 2 — The quality of the elector, for the purposes of suffrage, is evidenced exclusively by the electoral register, formed in accordance with the provisions of this law.

Art. 3o — They will be excluded from the electoral body:

1 (a) The demented in judgment, and those who, even if not declared, are held in public asylums;

(b) Deaf mutes who do not know how to understand in writing;

2nd (a) Army soldiers, armed and aeronautical, and agents of the armed police of the Nation and the provinces;

(b) Detainees by order of a competent judge, pending their release;

3rd (a) Convicted for common crimes, for the end of the sentence;

(b) Offenders convicted of offences under national and provincial laws of prohibited games, for the term of 3 years and in case of recidivism for 6 years;

(c) Persons convicted of the offence of qualifying desertion, for the double term of conviction;

(d) Offenders to military service laws, until they have complied with the surcharge established by the respective laws;

(e) Rebels declared in criminal cases until their submission or until the statute of limitations is omitted;

(f) Those who register 3 provisional dismissals for offences of deprivation of liberty more than 3 years, for the term of 3 years from the last dismissal;

(g) Those who register 3 provisional dismissals for the offence provided for in article 17 of Act No. 12.331, for the term of 5 years from the last dismissal;

(h) Those who, under other legal provisions, are disqualified for the exercise of political rights.

Art. 4o — The time of disqualification will be counted from the date of the final judgment, passed in the authority of a judged thing. Guilty crimes are exempt from disqualification. The suspended sentence is computed for the purposes of disqualification.

Disqualifications shall be investigated in summary judgment, of course, by the electoral judge or by a public prosecutor or by a complaint of any elector.

Article 5 — Rehabilitation may not be made ex officio, but at the request of the elector concerned, by a well-founded decision of the electoral judge and in summary proceedings

The rehabilitation of those convicted of misappropriation or defraudation of public flows or of property of minors, or incapable, whose guardianship or purchase thereof had been carried out, may not be agreed until the property subject to the offence is restored.


Electoral register


Formation of files

Article 6 — For the purposes of the formation and control of the national register of voters, the following files will be organized and kept up to date permanently:

1o From future voters;

2nd District electors;

3rd National electors.

Art. 7o — The file of future voters will be carried by the National Register of People, and will contain the electoral records of the naturalized Argentines with less than 5 years of exercise of citizenship. It will be organized into two major divisions, according to the sex of the electors, and within each division it will be classified into three subdivisions:

1o By alphabetical order;

2nd By numerical order of registration;

3o By order of the date when they reach the 5 years of obtaining naturalization, and within it, by alphabetical order.

Article 8—In each electoral secretariat, the district elector file will be organized, which will contain the files of all voters with a domicile in the jurisdiction. The file will have two large divisions, according to the sex of the electors and within each of them will be classified into three subdivisions:

1o By alphabetical order;

2nd By numerical order of individual registration;

3o By electoral demarcations, pursuant to article 33 of this Act, i.e.:

(a) In electoral sections;

(b) In circuits and within each of them, in alphabetical order;

(c) In polling stations, and within each of them, in alphabetical order.

Art. 9o—The national archive of voters will be organized by the electoral judge of the Capital of the Nation and will contain copies of the sheets of all the voters of the country, classified into two large divisions, according to the sex of the elector, and within each of them in two subdivisions:

1o By alphabetical order of all the registered, without departing them by territorial demarcations;

2nd By numerical registration order.

Art. 10. — The files will be formed on the basis of the records of the electoral record made by the enrolling offices in accordance with the provisions of laws 11.386, 13.010 and 13.482.

Art. 11. — As soon as the National Register of Persons receives from the enrolling offices the electoral records, it will proceed to remove copies of them and refer the original to the electoral judge of the jurisdiction of the domicile and copy it to the national voter file.

Except for this provision the electoral records belonging to the naturalized Argentines, which will retain and incorporate into the file of future voters, while the naturalized does not acquire their political rights. Following this term, you will immediately send the original and copy in the same way that is prescribed for native Argentines.

Art. 12. — Electoral judges, as they receive from the National Register of Persons electoral records, will proceed to remove the necessary coplas for the formation of the district electors file, as provided for in article 89 of this law, assigning the original tab to the second subdivision, to be placed in alphabetical order within the corresponding circuit.

Art. 13. — Electoral judges, upon receipt of communications from the National Register of Persons, pursuant to article 22 of Act No. 13,482, shall order in the electoral record of the citizen the records of having extended duplicate of the identity card or the change of residence of the citizen. In the latter case, the electoral record will be included within the appropriate circuit if the new domicile is included in the same electoral district.

If the new domicile corresponds to another electoral district, the file shall be forwarded to the other judge and the voter shall be ordered in the respective registry.

The judge of the new domicile, upon receipt of the record, shall have the inclusion of the domicile in the file of the electoral secretariat.
Judges will communicate monthly the number of electors who have changed from district to district and will keep a copy of it in secretariat.
Art. 14. — The National Register of Persons shall communicate to the electoral judge of the jurisdiction the number of the deceased voters on a monthly basis. The communication will be accompanied by the relevant identity documents. Failure to do so shall refer the data sheet, or the witness statement, or the record provided for in article 12 in fine of law 13.482.
Once the relevant checks have been carried out, the judge will order the elector's drop, proceeding to withdraw the chips.
The electoral judge will make available monthly to representatives of the recognized political parties, the number of the deceased voters.

Ten days before each election, in a public act to which representatives of recognized political parties and a delegate of the National Register of Persons will be invited, the judge will proceed to incinerate the identity cards of the deceased voters.

Art. 15. —The National Register of Persons will also make to the national archive of electors the submissions on duplicate awards of identity booklets and changes of domiciles, inabilitys, rehabilitations and deaths of the voters, who will proceed to make the corresponding annotations and the withdrawal of the tabs in the event of a final drop.

Art. 16. — When any of the authorities in charge of the electors ' file acquires double registrations, errors or faults sanctioned by this law, it shall give account to the appropriate authorities and judges for their correction and punishment of those responsible if it is proved dolo or negligence, respectively.

Art. 17. — The judge in charge of the national electors ' file, at the request of district judges or political parties, or of the National Registry of Persons, may at any time arrange for the confrontation of district or enlisted files, with those of them, in order to save the errors that may exist in them.


Provisional lists

Art. 18. — With the electoral files contained in the third subdivision of the district file and according to their records as of June 15 of the year before a regular renewal, the electoral judge will proceed to print the provisional lists of voters corresponding to each school, with the following data: registration number, class, surname, name, if he can read and write, profession and domicile of the registered.

There will also be a column of observations for the exclusions or inabilitys established by law, the granting of duplicates of identity booklets and any other corresponding. The lists of female voters will not record the year of birth.

Art. 19. — In the Capital of the Nation, capitals and cities of provinces and national territories, judges shall set the lists referred to in the previous article in all national, provincial, territorial and municipal public establishments that they deem appropriate. The recognized political parties that so request may obtain copies thereof.

The lists should be distributed in sufficient numbers, before 10 August of the year before a regular renewal.

Art. 20. — The period of depuration of the provisional lists of voters will remain open from 10 to 31 August of the same year. Electors who for any reason did not appear in them or were mistakenly noted, shall have the right to complain to the electoral judge personally or by a certified letter with a receipt of return, free of charge, for omission or error to be subsane.

If they do so by certified letter, they must refer the national identity notebook, which will be returned to them by certified letter free of charge, to their names, in the last address listed in the notebook, within five days of receipt by the court.

The claim letter will be issued on forms provided free of charge by the post offices and signed and signed with the claimant ' s digital print. Mail employees will express in the receipts they will deliver in this event, that the certified part contains the claimant's notebook and the number of their individual registration.

Electoral judges shall order to save, in the lists in their power, the errors or omissions referred to in this article, immediately from making the evidence of the case.

Art. 21. — Any elector listed in the lists or any political party recognized in the district shall have the right to request verbally, raising a record, or by a certified letter with a receipt of return, free of charge, the deceased citizens, those registered more than once or those included in the inability established by the electoral law are removed or tachen. For the order to be taken care of, the documented proof of the claim to be made must be accompanied, or the place or file where the document is located or the act to be constituted of the evidence invoked. In this case the judges shall immediately address the national, provincial, territorial or municipal public offices to collect the necessary reports or evidence, which shall be evacuated or sent within the third day, subject to a fine of 100 to 500 pesos.

Immediately after receiving the claim, the judge shall inform the challenged citizen, who may present his or her discards personally or by a certified letter with receipt of resume, free of charge, within eight days of having been notified in the last address established in his or her electoral record, subject to the expectation of losing any right to contest until after the immediate election.

Judges shall render an inapplicable decision upon receipt of the relevant reports or evidence. If the claims are made, the inability in the column corresponding to the existing lists in the power of the court shall be noted, and the casualties of the deceased or double-registered; the lists shall be removed and recorded in the electoral records.


Electoral register

Art. 22. — The lists of purified voters shall constitute the electoral register, which shall be printed, in accordance with the rules laid down in article 24, before September 30, the year before a regular renewal of the legislative or executive branches.

The lists that served to write down the corrections and claims will be filed in the electoral court.

Art. 23. — The courts shall have the impression of the copies of the electoral register that are necessary for the elections and shall retain at least ten of the final two records.

The copies of the registry, in addition to the data contained in article 18 for the provisional lists, shall bear the order number of the elector within each series and a column to write down the vote, and those intended to be employed in the elections shall be authenticated by the electoral secretary and shall also be printed on the back, the opening and closing records in the manner provided for by this law,

Art. 24. — Printing the lists and records will be carried out by filling all the formalities required by the accounting law and other provisions supplementing it. The impression shall be made under the responsibility and control of the judge, assisted by the staff at their orders in the manner determined by this law and its regulatory decrees.

Art. 25. — The voter registration will be delivered:

1 To the electoral boards, three authenticated copies;

2nd to the executive branch and to both chambers of Congress, three authenticated copies;

3o To political parties that request it in writing, in sufficient numbers for their basic agencies and units;

4th To the electoral courts of the provinces, three authenticated copies.

Art. 26. — Citizens may ask, up to twenty days before the election, to correct the errors and exclusions in the registers, they may make this claim personally or by certified letter, with receipt of return, free of charge, and the judges will have to write down the corrections and inclusions to which there is room in the copies of the court and in which they must refer for the election to the president of the meal.

Electoral judges will publish a list of omissions and errors that have been saved during the period of cleansing visible to the public.

Judges will not be able to give direct orders for the inclusion of voters in the registers already referred to the chairpersons of polling tables.

Art. 27. — Citizens disqualified for suffrage, when they regain their political capacity, must claim their right to vote, presenting to the judges of the registry, personally or by certified letter with receipt of return, free of charge, proof of their rehabilitation. In this case the judges shall proceed in the manner specified in the preceding article.

Art. 28. — Sixty days before each ordinary election or within fifteen days of the convening of an extraordinary election, the heads of the national and provincial police — whatever their denomination — shall communicate to the appropriate judges, the payroll of the officers under their orders, which, in accordance with article 3, paragraph 2, shall not be able to vote in the next election, indicating the following free registration, name, address, and number.

Art. 29. — The same communication to which the previous article establishes shall make, thirty days before the election, the military, civil and ecclesiastical authorities and directors of establishments, in respect of citizens who are disqualified to vote under the provisions of article 3 of this law, who are under their orders or custody, or are found to be registered in the registers in their office.

Art. 30. — Judges of the whole Republic, as the sentences pass on to the authority of a judge, must communicate, within the five-day period, to the National Registry of Persons, the name, surname, registration number, class and domicile of citizens disqualified by any of the grounds established by this law, in the trials in which they have intervened for reason elect their duties.

The cameras, by means of superintendence, will control compliance with this provision.

Electoral judges have an obligation to communicate to the National Register of Persons within forty-eight hours the sanctions imposed on electoral offences, in the trials in which they have intervened because of their functions.

Art. 31. — Electoral judges shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the officials listed in articles 28 and 29 comply with their obligations, and they shall make the citizens reached by the inabilitys reported in the registers referred to the presidents of the elections and in a copy of those handed over to each political party, adding, in the comments column, the word "unhabilitated" of the law.

Art. 32. — Electoral judges shall hand over to representatives of political parties a copy of the payroll referred to in articles 23 to 30, and may, such representatives, denounce in writing the omissions, concealments or errors that may be observed.




Territorial divisions

Art. 33. — For electoral purposes, the Nation is divided into:

1st Districts. Each province, the Capital of the Nation and each national territory constitute an electoral district.

2nd Sections, which will be district subdivisions. Each of the parties or departments of the provinces and national territories, and each of the electoral districts in which the city of Buenos Aires has been divided, constitute an electoral section.

3rd Circuits, which will be subdivisions of the electoral sections. The circuits will group the electors because of the proximity of their homes.

Art. 34. — Electoral judges will proceed to project the exact limits of each circuit within their jurisdiction and forward them to the Executive Branch for approval.

The modifications of these limits can only be made by the executive branch, on a well-founded proposal of the electoral judge, when it deems it appropriate for the best application of this law.


Electors group

Art. 35. — In each circuit the electoral body will be grouped in polling stations of up to 250 registered voters gathered by sex and alphabetical order, each of them being an electoral table.

In the cities of 30,000 inhabitants or more schools will form with 300 voters.

If the grouping of the electors of a circuit is less than 50, it will be incorporated into the school determined by the judge. If a fraction above 50 is restored, an electoral college will be formed with it.

When the number of electors of both sexes of a school is equal to less than 150, a single suffrage receiving table may be installed. In this case the envelopes corresponding to each sex will be individualized and the scrutiny will be made separately, as will the corresponding record.

Art. 36. — When reasons for the demographic development of the country are advised, the executive branch may increase the number of electors to be formed by each electoral school in general or for certain places.





Art. 37. - The ordinary elections of president and vice president and members of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Nation, in cases of joint renewal, will take place at least three months before the end of the period of the current president. In the case of partial renewal of the Congress, the election will take place at least three months before the termination of the mandates.

Art. 38. — Complementary elections for the event that there was no election at any or some of the tables or made would have been cancelled, will take place on the second Sunday following that of the cancelled election.

Art. 39. — Extraordinary or integration elections to be held for vacancies produced between two renovations will be held on the public holiday that designates the call.


Electoral system


Election of President and Vice-President of the Nation

Art. 40. — The president and vice president of the Nation will be elected directly by the people, forming to this end the provinces, Capital and national territories a unique district. Each elector shall bear a formula of candidates contained in the ballots approved under article 80.

Art. 41. — The candidates for such posts will be elected President and Vice-President, obtaining more votes.

In the event that two or more candidates for these charges would result in the same number of votes, it will be declared that there has been no election, calling the electorate to new elections.

Such a declaration shall be made by the body responsible for conducting the final scrutiny, in accordance with article 150 of this Act.


Elections of national senators

Art. 42. — National senators will be elected directly by the people of each province and the Federal Capital.

Art. 43. — In the election of senators, each elector may vote for the number of charges to be elected.

Art. 44. — Senators will be elected to obtain the highest number of votes until they complete the number to be chosen, according to the call, whatever the list they appear.

If a number of candidates with the same number of votes were to be included in the representation, the draw will determine which or which among them will be elected.

When the renewal elections also vote to fill an extraordinary vacancy, the fate will determine which of the elect to occupy the seat, provided that the election is not clearly established.

This draw will be checked by the Senate.


Election of national deputies

Art. 45. — National deputies will be elected directly by the people of the provinces and the Capital of the Nation, which are considered to be the electoral districts of a single State.

Art. 46. — For the election of deputies the districts will be divided into constituencies. The electors of each constituency shall elect a congressional deputy to the plurality of suffrage.

The number of constituencies in the provinces of Catamarca, Corrientes, Jujuy, La Rioja, Mendoza, Salta, San Juan, San Luis, Santiago del Estero and Tucumán will be equal to the number of deputies to choose from.

The number of constituencies in the Capital of the Nation and the provinces of Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Entre Ríos and Santa Fe will be equal to that of deputies that they choose, minus two. These surplus charges shall be discerned to the two candidates of the district who have gathered more suffrages, without being elected in their respective constituencies.

Art. 47. — The territorial limits of the constituencies shall be established by the respective legislatures, with special care that there is an approximate relationship of equality between them in the number of inhabitants. The last national population census will be established as the basis for establishing the territorial limits of each constituency.

The Chamber of Deputies will perform the draw of the constituencies corresponding to the first partial renewal. This draw will serve as a basis for successive renewals and for partial elections.

Art. 48. — If the legislatures do not set them within 30 days of the promulgation of this law, the Executive Power will do so before or together with the call.

Art. 49. — Received submissions on the setting of limits to constituencies, the Executive shall publish them, within the respective districts, in the manner established for the call for elections.

Art. 50. — Subsequent modifications to the territorial limits of the constituencies shall be made by the executive branch on the proposal of the respective legislatures, but in no case may alter them within ninety days prior to the election of national deputies.

Art. 51. - If the number of deputies corresponding to a district is altered for any reason, a new division shall be established in accordance with article 47.




Electoral judges

Art. 52. — In the Capital of the Nation and in each provincial capital and national territory there will be an electoral judge.

Art. 53. — Judges have the following duties and powers:

1 Propose to the Executive the persons who are required to occupy the posts of secretaries and other jobs assigned by the budget law;

2nd Impose, in short, personal arrest for up to 15 days or other disciplinary penalties to those who incur disrespect for their authority or decorum, or for other officials of the electoral secretariat, or obstruct the normal exercise of their functions, without prejudice to any criminal actions that may be appropriate to them;

3rd Impose the secretary and employees disciplinary penalties for breaches of internal regulations, for lack of con-sideration and respect, for acts offensive to the decorum of the judiciary, or for negligence in the performance of their duties, and may, in short, apply penalties of apprehension or fine not exceeding $200. In serious cases, they may also request the executive branch to remove the official or employee, in accordance with article 56;

4th Form, direct and control the enlisted file of your jurisdiction according to the divisions and classification systems - which determines article 89 of this law;

5th Note that the appropriate modifications and special annotations are recorded in each electoral record;

6th Form, correct and print the provisional lists and electoral records as determined by this law;

7th Receiving and responding to claims filed by any citizen and by representatives of political parties on data contained in electoral records;

8th Project the circuit limits, which will be approved by the executive branch, and propose to it the modifications thereof;

9th Designate ad hoc assistants for electoral tasks to national, provincial and municipal officials. Such commissions shall be regarded as public burden;

10. Seize all other functions that this law specifically entrusts to judges and electoral secretaries.

Art. 54. — Judges will know:

1o In the first and only instance:

(a) In the trials of electoral offences provided for in this Act;

(b) In the organization, operation and control of the electoral register.

2nd In the first instance, with appeal to the appropriate National Appeals Chamber:

(a) On all issues related to the founding, constitution, functioning, merger and extinction of political parties;

(b) In electoral crimes.

Art. 55. — In the trials provided for by this law, the electoral judges may be challenged or excused, when one with the parties or candidates, kinship within the fourth degree of consanguinity or second degree of affinity, friendship or bond of interest.

Art. 56. — Each judge will have an electoral secretariat, to which head will be an official who will be a native Argentinean, older, elector in exercise and own national title of scribe or lawyer. He will be assisted by a prosecretary who will have the same qualities.

The electoral secretary and prosecretary and other staff assigned to the secretariat shall be appointed and removed, on the proposal of the judge, by the Executive Branch.

Art. 57. — In assuming office, the electoral secretaries shall swear to the head of the respective courts.

Art. 58. — Election secretaries will enjoy a monthly assignment that will never be lower, respectively, than those of the acting secretaries of the respective districts. The electoral and prosecretary secretaries and other personnel of their unit shall have the same rights, duties, responsibilities and incompatibility as may be established for national justice, except as specifically determined by this law.

Art. 59. — The judge and secretary of the election shall, in addition to the functions of his district, carry out the organization and operation of the National Registry of Elections.

Art. 60. — In case of absence, excuse or impediment, the electoral judges shall be subrogated in the manner established by the law on the organization of national justice,

Art. 61. — As long as the necessary items for the establishment of electoral tribunals are not included in pre-supply, they shall serve as electoral judges:

1o In the Capital of the Nation, the national judge of first instance in special criminal matters, and

2nd In the capitals of provinces or national territories, national judges of first instance.

In the capitals where more than one national judge has the functions of an electoral judge who is in charge of the electoral register at the time of the promulgation of this law.


Electoral boards

Art. 62. — In each provincial capital and national territory and in the Capital of the Nation, an electoral board will operate from thirty days before the election to the end of the scrutiny and proclamation of the elect.

Art. 63. — In the Capital of the Nation the board will be composed of the president of the National Appeals Chamber in the civil, commercial and criminal special and in the administrative contentious, the electoral judge and the president of the National Court of Appeals in the Civil.

In the provincial capitals it will be formed where there is a National Appeals Chamber, by its president, the electoral judge and the president of the Superior Court of Justice of the province.

In those who do not have chambers, it will be integrated with the national section judge and until the election judges are appointed by the prosecutor.

In the capitals of national territories with the National Appeals Chamber, by the president of the latter court, the electoral judge and the justice of the peace, or in the absence of the first judge mentioned, shall be integrated with the national section judge and until the election judges are appointed by the prosecutor.

In cases of the absence, excuse or impediment of any member of the electoral board, it shall be replaced by the respective legal subrogant.

Art. 64. — The chair of the board will be exercised in the Federal Capital by the president of the National Appeals Chamber in the civil, commercial and special criminal matters and in the administrative matters and in the provinces and territories by the president of the National Appeals Chamber or, failing that, by the electoral judge.

Art. 65. — Thirty days before the date set by the call for the electoral event, the board will meet at the location designated and set the time of its meetings.

The district's electoral secretary will serve as secretary of the board, which will also serve as assistants to the staff assigned to the electoral secretariat.

The resolutions of the board are inapplicable and they must be adopted with the presence of all its members, the president will have voice and vote in all cases.

Art. 66. — These are functions of the electoral boards:

1 To approve the ballots of suffrage;

2nd Designate the authorities of the polling tables;

3rd Practice in public action the final scrutinies of the elections, deciding all the challenges and protests that are submitted to its consideration in accordance with this law;

4th Dictamine on the causes which in their opinion constitute the validity or nullity of the election;

5th Proclaim those who are elected and give them their diplomas;

6th Performance the other tasks assigned to you by this law.





Art. 67. —The call will be made in the Federal Capital and national territories by the national executive branch and in the provinces by the respective executives.

Art. 68. — In each electoral district the call will be made with 90 days in advance, and will express:
1st Date of election;

2nd Class of posts, number of vacancies and term of election;

3rd Number of candidates for whom the elector can vote.

Art. 69. — If it had not been: the election was made, or it had been cancelled, the new call will be made immediately to the receipt of the respective communication of the electoral board.

Art. 70. — The authority given by the convocation will make it widely circulated by the respective district, by means most appropriate to that end. Radiotelephony stations will have to run without charge, not less than twice a day for eight days.


Powered and fiscal parties

Art. 71. — Recognized political parties may appoint prosecutors representing them at the voting tables.

They may also appoint general prosecutors to the different bureaux of the section, who will have the same powers and may act simultaneously, although on a temporary basis, with the prosecutor accredited to the table.

Art. 72. — These prosecutors have no other mission than to control the operations of the electoral act and to formalize the claims they deem to correspond.

Art. 73. — Political parties may designate to the judges and electoral boards a incumbent general and other deputy of the district to represent them for all purposes established by this law.

Art. 74. — To be a prosecutor or general public prosecutor, it is necessary to read and write, to be a skilled elector and to be registered in the district's electoral register.

Prosecutors may vote at the tables where they act even if they are not registered. In that case, the name of the voter will be added to the registration sheet, indicating that circumstance and the table at which it is registered.

Art. 75. — The powers of the general prosecutors and prosecutors shall be granted in common paper under the signature of any of the candidates or of the party's governing authorities, and may be presented for recognition by the chairpersons of the board from three days before the one set for the election.

Those of the general, holder and alternate, shall be extended in common paper and granted by the relevant party authority.


Officialization of rosters of candidates

Art. 76. — Up to thirty days before a election, political parties must register before the electoral judge the list of publicly proclaimed candidates.

Art. 77. — Within fifteen days thereafter, the judge shall issue himself with respect to the quality of the candidates. This resolution is appealable to the electoral board, which, to that end, will be incorporated into the substitution of the electoral judge by its legal subrogant and must be issued within five days.


Officialization of suffrage ballots

Art. 78. — The recognized political parties that have proclaimed candidates will submit at least ten days before the election to the approval of the electoral board, in sufficient number, exact models of ballots intended to be used in the elections.

Art. 79. — The electoral board will first proceed to verify whether the names and orders of the candidates are in line with the list registered by the judge or the electoral board.

Art. 80. — Following this procedure, the electoral board will summon the political party's members, and the political parties' ears, to approve the models of ballots submitted to their consideration in the event that, in their opinion, they meet the conditions established by the executive branch.

It is understood that if among the various types of models presented, and of stamps and distinctive ones used, there are not enough typographical differences that make them unmistakable to each other in plain sight, even for the illiterate voters, the electoral board will gather from the representatives of the parties the immediate reform of the models, which will dictate resolution.


Distribution of electoral equipment and equipment

Art. 81. — The Executive Power shall adopt the necessary orders to send the polling boards, forms, envelopes, special papers and seals that must be distributed to the presidents of Composition with due notice.

Art. 82. — In possession of these elements the electoral board will hand over to the top post office that exists in the seat of the court, for the president to give each electoral table, the following documents and useful:

1o Three copies of the special electoral records for the table;

2nd A duly closed and sealed urn;

3rd Voting envelopes;

4o A copy of each of the ballots officialized, signed and sealed by the electoral secretary;

5th Sketches in the event that the parties had left them to distribute them;

6th Table seals, on to return the documentation, printed, paper, ink, dries, etc., in the necessary amount;

7o A copy of this law, authorised with signature and seal of the electoral secretariat.

The delivery will be made with sufficient anticipation so that they can be received at the place where the table will work, at the opening of the electoral event.




Of choice


Duties and rights of the elector

Art. 83. — No authority may reduce the elector from twenty-four hours prior to the election until the end of the trial, except in the case of flagrante delicto or when there is a warrant issued by a competent judge. Outside of these cases, he may not be hindered in the performance of his duties.

Art. 84. — No authority may hinder recognized political parties that have registered candidates, for the installation and operation of premises to provide information to the voters and to facilitate the regular issuance of the vote, provided that they do not contravene the provisions of this Act.

Art. 85. — Those who for work reasons should be occupied during the hours of the election, have the right to obtain a special leave from their employers for the purpose of issuing their votes, without deduction of any salary or subsequent delay of schedule.

Art. 86. — The person who is under the legal unit of another person shall have the right to be protected to give his or her vote, resorting to the effect of a judicial judge of the jurisdiction or, in the absence of the jurisdiction, to the chairman of the meal, at the table where he or she is entitled to vote,

Art. 87. — The suffrage is individual and no authority, no person, corporation, party or political grouping can force the elector - to vote in groups of any nature or denomination whatsoever.

Art. 88. - Any elector affected in any form, in his immunities, liberty or security, or deprived of the exercise of the suffrage, may apply for amparo by himself or through any of the people, on his or her behalf in writing or verbally, denouncing the act to the electoral judge, or to the nearest magistrate, or to any national or provincial official.

Art. 89. — The elector may seek protection from the electoral judge to be given his identity card unduly retained by a third party.

Art. 90. - Every elector has a duty to vote on how many national elections are held in his district.

They are exempt from this obligation:

1o Electors over 70 years of age;

2nd Judges and their assistants who are required by this law to attend their* offices and have them open during the election hours;

3o Those who on the day of the election are the more than fifty kilometres of the composition;

4o Those who are sick or physically or by force majeure duly verified, who prevent them from attending the commission.

Art. 91. - Every elector has a duty to keep the secret of the vote.

Art. 92. — All the functions that this law attributes to the electors constitute public burden and will therefore be irrenunciable.


Special rules for the electoral ceremony

Art. 93. — Ja agglomeration of troops or any armed force on election day is prohibited. Only the presidents of the polling tables may have at their disposal the necessary police force to serve the best compliance of the law.

With the exception of the police to keep order, the forces that were found in the locality where the election took place will be kept appalled as long as the election takes place.

Art. 94. — The chiefs or officers of the armed forces and police authorities, national, provincial, territorial and municipal, may not lead groups of citizens during the election, or assert the influence of their positions to coerce the freedom of suffrage, or make meetings for the purpose of influencing any form in electoral acts.

The retired personnel of the armed forces, regardless of their hierarchy, may not agree to wear their uniforms to any act of a political or electoral character.

Art. 95. — The respective authorities shall provide that the days of national elections shall be put in sufficient numbers by local police officers, at the orders of each of the chairpersons, to ensure the freedom and regularity of the broadcast of the ballot.

These officers will only receive orders from the officer exercising the chairmanship of the bureau.

Art. 96. - If the local authorities have not provided the presence of police forces for the purposes of the previous article, or if they have not been present, or if they are failing to comply with the orders of the chairman of the table, the latter shall telegraphically inform the electoral judge, who shall inform the local authorities to provide the appropriate police, and in the meantime, he may arrange for the custody of the table by national forces.

Art. 97. - It is prohibited:

1 To admit assembly of electors or deposit of weapons during the hours of election to any owner or tenant who in the urban centers dwells a house located within a radius of one block around a receiving table. If the house was taken in force, the owner or tenant must immediately notify the police authority;

2nd Popular outdoor shows, or in closed enclosures, theatrical, sporting parties and all kinds of public meetings that do not refer to the electoral event, during the hours of the meal;

3rd To have houses opened for the sale of alcoholic beverages of any kind, during the day of the meal, until after three hours of the closing of the same;

4th Offer or deliver to the electors ballots of suffrage within a radius of eighty meters of the receiving tables of votes, counted on the road, street or road;

5o To the electors, the bearing of weapons, the use of flags, currency or other distinctives, during the election day, twelve hours before and three hours after the completion of the composition;

6th Public acts of proselytism, from 24 hours before the initiation of the composition.


Receipt table

Art. 98. — Each electoral table shall have as its sole authority an official who shall act with the title of president. Two alternates will also be appointed for each table to assist the president and replace him with the order of his appointment in the cases established by this law.

Art. 99. — Presidents and alternates shall have the following qualities:

1 Being elector in exercise;

2nd reside in the electoral section;

3o Know how to read and write.

In order to establish the existence of these requirements, the electoral boards are empowered to request from the respective authorities the necessary data and background.

Art. 100. — Presidents and alternates who are required to vote at a table other than that of their duties may do so in which they are responsible.

Art. 101. — The electoral board shall, in advance, not less than 20 days, appoint presidents and alternates for each table.

Art. 102. — The chairperson of the board must be present at the time of the opening and closing of the electoral ceremony, except for illness or force majeure that must be brought to the attention of the electoral board and the alternates. Its essential mission is to ensure the proper development of the election act.

In replacing each other, the three staff members will take note of the time they take and leave office.

At all times a substitute must be found at the table to replace the one who is acting as president, if necessary.

Art. 103. — Electoral judges shall designate, with more than 30 days in advance of the date of the commission, the places where the tables shall operate.

For the location, official units, premises of public institutions, entertainment rooms and others that meet the necessary conditions for this purpose may be established.

Art. 104. — The appointment of the places in which the tables will operate and its authorities will be communicated by the judge to the district’s electoral board, which will be informed of it on the day of its constitution.

Art. 105. — The electoral board may subsequently modify, in the event of force majeure, the location assigned to the tables. The establishment of committees, subcommittees or groups of a political nature, after the judge ' s ruling, cannot be considered as a cause of force for determining the change of a table.

Art. 106. - The designation of the chairs and alternates of the tables, and the place where they will operate, should be published at least 15 days before the date of the election, by means of posters set in the public places of the respective sections. The publication will be carried out by the board, which will also inform the Executive Branch, the governors of provinces and territories, the military districts, the post office, the local police and the representatives of the political parties concurrent to the election.


Opening of the electoral event

Art. 107. — The day marked for the election by the respective call shall be at 7 and 45 hours, at the place where the table, the chairman of the luncheon and his alternates, the post office employee with the documents and tools referred to in article 82 and the police officers that the local authorities should place at the orders of the officers of the table.

Art. 108. — The chairman of the table will proceed:

1 To receive the urn, the records and the supplies given to it by the designated post office employee for the case, having to sign receipt of them, after the corresponding verification;

2nd To make sure that the ballot box sent by the electoral board has its stamps intact. Otherwise, it will proceed to close it again by putting it a strip of paper that does not prevent the introduction of voter envelopes, which should be signed by the president, the alternates present and all the prosecutors, opening a special record that will sign the same persons. If any of them refuse to sign, it shall be recorded in the same record;

3o Enable a enclosure to install the table and over it the urn. This place must be chosen so that it is in the sight of all and instead of easy access;

4 or Enable an immediate enclosure to that of the table, which is at the sight of all and instead of easy access, so that the electors will overwhelm their ballot in absolute secret. This enclosure, which will be called obscure room, should have no more than one usable door, should be closed and sealed the others in the presence of the prosecutors of the parties or of two electors, at least, as well as the windows that it has, in order to surround from the greater assurances the secret of the vote;

5o To deposit in the fourth obscure enabled the official ballots of the parties that had been sent by the electoral board to hand over to the president the accredited prosecutors to the table, scrupulously confronting, in the presence of the prosecutors, each of the ballot collections with the models that have been sent to him and ensured in this way that there is no alteration in the payroll of the candidates or appear in that class;

6th To sign and place in visible place, at the entrance of the table, one of the copies of the registration of the school electors, so that it can be easily consulted by the electors. This registration may be signed by prosecutors who wish to do so;

7th To place, at the entrance of the table, a sign with the provisions of chapter 5 of this part of the law, in well-visible characters, so that the electors may know of their content before being identified;

8th To place on the table the other two copies of the electoral register of the school, for the purposes of the following chapter;

9th To verify the identity and powers of the prosecutors of the political parties that have been submitted. Prosecutors who are not present at the opening of the electoral event will be recognized as they arrive, without retrotracting any of the operations.

Art. 109. — Taken these measures, at 8 o'clock, the president of the table will declare the electoral act open and will break the opening record filling the clearings of the form printed in the special records corresponding to the table, which should be conceived in the following terms:

«Opening event. The day ... of the month ... of the year, virtue of the call of the day ... of the month ... of the year ... for the election of ..., and in the presence of ... and ... prosecutors of the parties ... and the subscriber, president of the commission in charge of the table number ... of the circuit of the electoral section ..., declares open the electoral act. »

This record will be signed by the president and prosecutors of the candidates. If they were not present, if there were no prosecutors appointed or refused to sign, the president will record the act under his signature, making him testify by two present voters, who will sign after him.


Emission of suffrage

Art. 110. — Open the electoral ceremony, the voters will present themselves to the president of the table by the order in which they arrive, giving their name and presenting their identity card.

Art. 111. — The secret of voting is a duty during the election. No elector can appear at the table enclosure by displaying in any way the ballot of suffrage, nor by making any demonstration that matters to violate the secret of the vote.

Art. 112. — The president of the commission will proceed to verify whether the citizen to whom the identity card belongs appears in the electoral register of the table.

In order to verify whether the citizen to whom the identity card belongs is registered as the elector of the table, the president will quote if the personal data recorded in the registry match the same indications contained in the identity note.

When by print errors, some of the mentions of the registration do not match exactly with those of your identity notebook, the president of the table will not be able to prevent for this reason the vote of that elector, if the other records coincide. In these cases, divergences will be noted in the comment column.

Art. 113. — No authority — not even the judge — may order the president of a table to admit the vote of a citizen who is not registered in the copies of the electoral register distributed at the tables, except in the cases of articles 74 and 100.

Art. 114. — Anyone in the electoral register has the right to vote and no one can question that right in the act of suffrage.

Therefore, the presidents will never admit any challenge that is based on the inability of the citizen to appear in the electoral register.

Art. 115. — Having checked that the identity note presented belongs to the same citizen who is registered as an elector, the president will proceed to verify the identity of the appearing can the respective indications of that notebook, hearing the party’s prosecutors on the point.

Art. 116. — Whoever exercises the chairmanship of the table, on his initiative or request of party prosecutors, has the right to question the elector about the various references and annotations of the notebook concerning his identity.

Art. 117. - The same persons have the right to challenge the summons ' vote, when he considers that he has falseed his identity. In this case they will specifically state the reason for the challenge, opening an agreement signed by the president and the or the contestants and taking a summary note in the log comments column, against the name of the elector.

Art. 118. —-In the event of a challenge, the chairman of the table will record it in the envelope, using the words "impugmented by the president or the prosecutor (or prosecutors) don ...................................................... It will immediately take the digital print of the appearing on an ad hoc paper sheet, noting in it the name, the number of registration and class to which the registered elector belongs; then it will sign and place it on the voting envelope that will deliver open to the same elector, inviting it, as in the previous article, to pass to the obscure room.

The elector must not withdraw from the digital print envelope. If it is withdrawn, for criminal purposes, this fact shall constitute sufficient evidence of truth of the challenge, except evidence to the contrary.

The contesting prosecutors or prosecutors shall also sign the record and the note that the president had extended in the envelope, in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph. If he refuses to do so, the president will be able to do so under the signature of any or some of the voters present.

The refusal of the contesting prosecutors to sign the contested voter's envelope will matter the withdrawal and annulment of the challenge; but it will suffice one to sign the challenger to remain.

After the contested person has suffraged, if the presiding judge considers the challenge to be substantiated, he may order that he be arrested on his order. This arrest may be lifted only in the event that the defendant gave monetary bail "or sufficient personnel in the opinion of the same president, which guarantees his presentation to the judges.

The pecuniary bond shall be five hundred pesos national currency, that the president of the eaten shall pass receipt and remain in his power. The staff will be given by a well-known and responsible neighbor who in writing commits himself or herself to present or pay that amount in case of being convicted.

The Executive Power will provide the necessary forms for cases of the contestation of the vote.

Art. 119. - If the identity is not contested, the president of the Composition will hand over to the elector an open and empty envelope, signed in the act of his fist and letter, and will invite him to go to a contiguous room, to enclose his vote in the envelope.
The prosecutors of the political parties are empowered to sign the closure of the envelope to be delivered, and they must ensure that the one to be deposited in the ballot box is the same as that given to him by the president of the Composition.

They will not be able to sign the envelopes more than two prosecutors at once, taking turns there would be more.

Art. 120. — Introduced in the obscure room and closed outside his door, the elector will lock up on the top of his suffrage boot and return immediately to where the table works. The closed envelope will be deposited by the elector in the urn.

The president, on his initiative or at the well-founded request of the prosecutors, may order whether the envelope that the elector brings is the same as he gave him.

Art. 121 — Continuous act shall proceed to record in the register of the electors of the table, in the sight of the prosecutors and the elector himself, the word "voted" in the respective column of the name of the suffrager. The same annotation dated and signed shall be made in its identity note in the place expressly intended for that purpose.

Art. 122. — In the cases of articles 74 and 100, the names and other data should be added to the list of voters and recorded in the respective record.


Provisions on the operation of the obscure room

Art. 123. — The chairman of the table, by 'proposal initiative or when requested by party prosecutors, shall examine the fourth obscure in order to ascertain that it operates in accordance with article 108, paragraph 4.

Art. 124. — The president of the table will take care that in the obscure room there are at all times enough copies of the official ballots of all parties, so that it is easy for the voters to be able to distinguish them and take one of them to give their vote.

The president of the table will not admit in the fourth obscure other ballots than those approved by the electoral board.


Closure of the electoral act

Art. 125. — Elections may not be interrupted, and in case of force majeure, the time that the interruption and the cause of it will be expressed in separate minutes.

Art. 126. - The elections will end at eighteen hours, at which time the president will declare the electoral ceremony closed.

The names of the electors who have not appeared will be tapped immediately, and the number of the suffrants and the protests made by the prosecutors will be recorded at the bottom of the list.

In the cases provided for in articles 74 and 100, there shall also be a record of the votes cast under those conditions.


Scrutiny of choice


Provisional scrutiny of the table

Art. 127. — Next, the chairman of the Composition, assisted by the alternates, with police surveillance in the access and in the presence of the prosecutors accredited to the table and interested candidates who requested it, will conduct the scrutiny according to the following procedure:

1 He will open the ballot box, from which he will extract all the envelopes and count them, confronting his number with the number of the suffrants recorded at the bottom of the electoral list;

2nd Examine the envelopes by separating those that are not legal and those corresponding to contested votes;

3rd Practice of such operations shall be carried out the calculation of votes cast by the suffrants according to the following rules:

(a) Only official ballots shall be computed. If they appear, ballots not authorized by the electoral board shall be considered blank votes;

(b) Non-intelligible ballots, as well as those that in any way permit the individualization of the voter, shall be deemed blank.

Art. 128. — After the task of provisional scrutiny, aj dorso printed record of the record will be recorded as follows:

(a) The time of the closing of the composition, the number of suffrages issued, the number of votes contested, the difference between the numbers of scrutinized suffrages and the number of voters indicated in the voter registration, all recorded in letters and numbers;

(b) Amount in letters and numbers of the suffrages obtained by each of the respective parties, and number of votes annulled and blank;

(c) The name of the prosecutors who acted at the table, with mention of those who were present at the act of scrutiny, or the reasons for their absence at that event;

(d) The mention of the protests made by prosecutors on the development of the election act and those that refer to scrutiny;

(e) Nomin of police officers, identified by the number of sheets, who have acted at the orders of the compost authorities until the termination of scrutiny;

(f) Completion of scrutiny.

In the event that the record form is insufficient to contain the results of the election, the supplementary note form will be used to integrate the documentation forwarded at a time.

The chairman of the table shall obligatoryly hand over to the prosecutors who request a certificate of the results contained in the record, which shall be issued in forms to be forwarded to the effect.

Art. 129. — Signed that it is the record, referred to in the previous article, by the president of the commission and prosecutors who acted during the electoral ceremony, the ballots of suffrage, compiled and ordered according to the parties to which they belong, and the envelopes used by the electors, will be kept in the envelope of strong paper that will send the board, which, crated, sealed and signed by the authorities of the prosecutors,

In another envelope and with the same collected, the registration of voters will be kept with the signed minutes, together with the envelopes with the contested votes, which will also be deposited within it.

Art. 130. — Then it will proceed to close and tear the urn, placing a special belt that will cover the mouth or grid of the urn completely covering the lid, front and back that will ensure and sign the president, the alternates and the prosecutors present who want it.

Filled with the above-mentioned requirements, the chair of the table will hand over the ballot box in a personal way and immediately to the post office employees of those who have received the elements of the election, who will turn to the place of the composition at the end of the same. The president of the commission will collect from such employees the corresponding receipt, by duplicate, with indication of the time. One of these receipts will send it to the board and the other will keep it for its record.

Art. 131. — After the election ceremony and the ballot boxes have been completed, the presidents of the table will immediately notify the president of the board of the number of suffrants, for the purpose of making use of the telegraph, in an official character, and if there is no office they will do it by mail in the following form: “I communicate to the president that at the table number ................ of this circuit, by my presiding, they have suffr.... I also communicate that being the ....... hours, I have deposited in the certified low mail (or delivered to the authorized employee) the urn containing the records, ballots and documents of the election made on the day of the date. »

Art. 132. - Political parties can monitor and guard the polls and their documentation from the moment they are delivered to the post, until they are received on the electoral board; for this purpose, the prosecutors of the political parties will accompany the official, whatever the means of the commotion employed by him. If he does it in a vehicle, at least two prosecutors will go with him. If there are more prosecutors, they can accompany him in another vehicle. When the polls and documents must remain in the post office, they will be placed in a room, and the doors, windows and any other openings will be closed and sealed in the presence of the prosecutors, who will be able to guard the entrance doors during the time the polls remain in it.


Final district scrutiny

Art. 133. — The electoral board of the district shall proceed to perform as quickly and as necessary, the operations indicated in the present law for the purpose of the definitive scrutiny of the election and proclamation of the elect, which shall begin from the very moment the election is closed.

Art. 134. — Political parties that have formalized the list of candidates may designate scrutiny prosecutors who shall have the right to attend all scrutiny operations by the electoral board, as well as to review the relevant documentation.

Art. 135. — The electoral board shall proceed to the receipt of all documents concerning the election of the district to be delivered by the Post Office. It will concentrate all this documentation in a visible place, which can be controlled by party prosecutors.

Art. 136. — During the three days following the election the electoral board will receive all the protests and claims that will deal with vices in the constitution and operation of the tables.

These protests shall be formulated for each table separately; otherwise they shall not be received or received or taken into account.

After these three days no protest or claim will be allowed.

Art. 137. - In this same period the electoral board will receive protests or complaints against the general election, of the district directors of the parties that have intervened in the elections.

Art. 138. — The board will review the records to verify:

1o If there is evidence that they have been adulterated;

2nd Yes uncle have substantial defects in form;

3rd Confront the time when the electoral act was opened and closed, with which they express the corresponding receipts of the post office employees;

4o If accompanied by the other records and documents received or produced by the President on the occasion of the election and the scrutiny;

5o If the number of citizens who paid according to the record matches the number of envelopes sent by the president of the table;

6th If the vote count has been correctly performed.

In the review referred to in the preceding subparagraphs, particular account shall be taken of the claims submitted under article 136.

For the purposes of these pre-examinations, the board will be able to have very large checks.

Art. 139. — The ex officio board shall declare void the election made at a table when:

1o There is no record of the election of the table;

2 or it would have been wrongly adulterated the record;

3o The number of votes recorded in the record differs from five envelopes or more, to the number of envelopes used by the chair.

Art. 140. — At the request of the party’s members, the board may cancel the election on a table when:

1o It is verified that the late opening or the early closing of the electoral event maliciously deprived voters of voting;

2nd The signature of the presiding officer in the opening or closing record does not appear and the other formalities prescribed by this law have not been filled;

3rd It would have been maliciously chaired by a president other than the appointed.

Art. 141. - In the event that the election had not been held at any or some tables, or had been cancelled, the board may order that the electors of the table or tables be revoked, except the case provided for in the following article.

Art. 142. — It is considered that there has been no election in an electoral district when half of the total tables in the same district have not been declared valid, computing for that purpose in the election of deputies at half of a constituency’s tables.

The board shall make communications in its declaration of nullity to the corresponding executive branch and the Legislative Chambers of the Nation.

Declared the invalidity of a district election, a new call will be made in accordance with the provisions of this law.

Art. 143. — The board may not cancel the record of a table if by mistakes in fact misrepresents the results of the scrutiny and it can be verified again with the envelopes and votes submitted by the chair.

The annulment of the act shall not matter the annulment of the election of the table, and the electoral board may declare the effective results of the scrutiny of the election of the same.

Art. 144. — After the verification of the records has been completed, and pronounced as the relevant resolution, the board will conduct the final scrutiny, initiating it with the examination of the envelopes and ballots that have the "impugmented" note.

They will withdraw the digital print of the elector and will be sent to the respective electoral judge so that, after collating it with the one existing in the voter's file whose vote has been contested, report on the identity of the elector. If this is not proved, the vote will not be taken into account in the computation; if proved, the vote will be taken into account and the board will order the immediate cancellation of the bail to the contested elector, or his release in case of arrest. Both in one case and in another, the precedents will be passed to the prosecutor to demand liability to the false elector or contestant.

The board shall also declare the validity or nullity of the votes observed, taking into account the validity of the observation.

Art. 145. — Determined the existing challenges and observations, the sum of the results of the tables shall be made in accordance with the figures set out in the valid records, to which the votes that have been improperly contested or observed shall be added, of which the final record shall be recorded.

In cases where the record has been canceled without having annulled the election of the table, the board shall exercise the scrutiny of the votes submitted by the chairman of the table and declare its outcome.

Art. 146. — All of these operations have been completed, the president of the board will ask the parties if there is any protest against the scrutiny, and it has not been done or after the meeting has been resolved, he will proclaim those who have been elected to give them the documents that prove their character, except the case for the election of president and vice president of the Nation.

Art. 147. — Immediately, in the presence of the concurrents, the ballots shall be burned, except for those to which they have been invalid or have been the subject of any claim, which shall all be joined to the record referred to in article 149, signed by the members of the board and by those who wish to do so.

Art. 148. — All these operations are carried out, the board will agree on a ruling on the cases which, in its opinion, are valid or invalid.

Art. 149. — All these procedures will be recorded in a record that the board will extend by its secretary and will be signed by all members. A testimony of this record will be sent in a sealed and lacquered package to the president of the Chamber of Deputies or of the Senate, according to the case.

The board will also send testimony of the record to the executive branch and to each of the parties involved. It will also give a duplicate to each of the elect to serve as a diploma.


Final scrutiny of the election of president and vice president of the Nation

Art. 150. — Conducted the elections of president and vice president of the Nation, the presidents of all the electoral boards will meet in the enclosure of the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation, in order to proclaim and diploma the elect, at least two months before the end of the period of the outgoing.

Art. 151. — The meeting, which will be public, will be chaired by the member of the oldest National Appeals Chamber, and in case of equality the oldest among them.

He will act as secretary the electoral secretary of the Capital of the Nation, who will be assisted by the permanent staff at his command.

Art. 152. - The chairpersons shall deposit in secretariat a confirmed copy of the final record of the election of their jurisdiction, with the addition of the final total results of each district, according to the respective records.

Art. 153. - All the procedures referred to in the preceding articles shall be carried out in one and only act, with the signature of all present being lifted. The documentation will be held by the Federal Capital Electoral Secretary.

A testimony of the record will be referred to the Executive Branch, the Legislative Chambers and the Supreme Court of Justice.
The executive branch will publish throughout the country the text of the document. You will be responsible for all expenses that demand compliance with this chapter.




Of the faults

Art. 154. — A fine of fifty pesos shall be imposed the first time, and one hundred to each of the following, to the elector who ceases to issue his vote and is not justified before the district's electoral judge within thirty days of the respective election.

The offender may not be appointed to perform public duties or jobs for one year from the election.

Art. 155. — Payment of the fine shall be credited through a special annotation to be made by the judge in the identity card.

The offender who has not obstructed the fine will not be able to make arrangements or proceedings before the public authorities and the indigenous entities of the Nation, the provinces and municipalities.

If he or she is a public employee, he or she will be subject to disciplinary sanctions which, in case of recidivism, will be able to reach the cessation.

Art. 156. - The national, provincial and municipal authorities shall state the reason for the omission of the vote in the identity cards of their subordinates when it has been originated by act of service or legal provision.

Art. 157. - A prison of up to 15 days or a fine of up to five hundred pesos shall be imposed on any person who, during the hours of the election; 12 hours before and up to 3 hours after the commission is finished, carries weapons or displays flags, currency and other distinctive supporters, or performs any public form of proselytistic propaganda.

Art. 158. - They may not exceed the limits set by the preceding article the penalties which, with reference to electoral offences not provided for in this Act, establish edicts, ordinances or decrees of the national executive branch.


Election offences

Art. 159. - 3 months to 2 years ' imprisonment or detention shall be imposed on the staff member who does not submit an application for the protection of the elector, provided for in articles 86, 88 and 89, or who does not resolve it immediately and the person who disobeys the orders given by the judge in this respect.

Art. 160. — The owner, locator or occupant of the property located within the radius of 150 meters of a composition will be passable:

1o From 15 days to 6 months ' imprisonment if he admitted the meeting of voters during the election day;

2nd From 3 months to 2 years in prison if you have weapons in deposit during the election day.

Art. 161. — The employer or organizer of public shows or sporting events during the hours set for the elections will be liable to imprisonment from 15 days to 6 months.

Art. 162. - 1 year imprisonment:

1 To the officials established by this law who, without justified cause, do not concur to the place of their duties at the time set for the exercise of their duties, or do not abandon them, or otherwise determine the other officials not to comply with their duty;

2nd To the electors whom the electoral judge designates for the subsidiary performance of the authorities of the same, who do not obey the respective order;

3rd To the electors appointed by the electoral judge to maintain the regularity and freedom of the election, who do not obey the respective order.

Art. 163. — A fine of up to three hundred national pesos shall be imposed on public employees who admit proceedings or proceedings before their respective offices or units up to 6 months after a national election, without requiring the presentation of the identity note containing the suffrage or, failing that, the justification before the electoral judge, or the payment of the corresponding fine. -

Art. 164. — 3 months to 2 years ' imprisonment shall be imposed on those who stop, delay or sneeze, by any means, mails, couriers or couriers of voting polls, documents or other effects related to a national election.

Art. 165. — Persons who are members of the boards of boards of directors of clubs or associations shall be placed in prison from 3 months to 2 years, or have positions in committees or centres that organize or authorize the operation of gambling, within their respective premises, during the hours set for the national election. In the same penalty the entrepreneur of such games will incur.

Art. 166. — Persons who sell alcoholic beverages during the national election schedule, 12 hours before and up to 3 hours after the commission has been completed, will be imposed from 15 days to 6 months in prison.
Art. 167. — Prisoners from 6 months to 3 years will be liable to improperly retain third-party identity cards in their possession.

Art. 168. — Prisoners from 6 months to 4 years will be liable to forgery of forms and electoral documents provided for by this law, provided that the act is not expressly sanctioned by other provisions, and those who enforce counterfeiting on behalf of others.

Art. 169- - A prison shall be imposed from 6 months to 3 years:

(a) Anyone who, through violence or intimidation, prevents an elector from exercising an electoral position or his right to vote;

(b) Anyone who, through violence or intimidation, compels an elector to exercise his or her suffrage in a determined manner;

(c) Anyone who deprives the elector before or during the hours indicated for the election, to prevent him from exercising an electoral or suffrage position;

(d) Anyone who supplants a suffrage or votes more than once in the same election, or in any other way casts his vote without right;

(e) The one who substrates, destroys or substitutes the polls used in an election, before the counting of the suffrages takes place;

(f) Whoever substrates, destroys or substitutes ballots of suffrage from the time they are deposited by the electors to the end of the scrutiny;

(g) Whoever forged, in whole or in part, or used forgery, subtracts or destroys a list of suffrages or a record of scrutiny or, by any means, makes the scrutiny of a choice impossible or defective.

From the same penalty, it will be passable to falseify the result of scrutiny.

Art. 170. - A prison shall be imposed from 2 months to 2 years, to which, by deceit, it shall induce another to cover in a certain way or refrain from doing so.

Art. 171. — A term of imprisonment of between months and three years shall be imposed for the use of means to violate the secret of suffrage.

Art. 172. — The elector who reveals his vote at the time of issuing it will be placed in prison from 1 month to 18 months.

Art. 173. - A prison shall be imposed from 6 months to 3 years forgery of an electoral register and for use in electoral acts.

Art. 174. - The deprivation of political rights in the national elections shall be imposed as an accessory penalty for the period from 1 to 10 years to which they incur in any of the acts punishable by this law.


General procedure

Art. 175. — Electoral judges shall know, in the sole instance, of electoral offences, and in the first instance, with appeal to the respective Chamber, of electoral crimes.

The procedure in these trials shall be governed by the Code of Criminal Procedure,

The statute of limitations for criminal proceedings relating to electoral offences may not be less than 2 years, and shall be suspended during the performance of public officials whose privileges and privileges prevent the arrest or prosecution of the accused.


Special procedure in the remedy of amparo to the elector

Art. 176. — For the purpose of substantiating the amparo remedies referred to in articles 86, 88 and 89, staff members shall resolve the oral and immediate remedy. Its resolutions shall be implemented without further action through the public force, if necessary. The ruling shall be communicated, if any, immediately to the appropriate electoral judge.

When deemed necessary, the election judges may highlight the day of election, within the district of their jurisdiction, officials of the court or appointed ad hoc to transmit their orders and ensure their compliance.



Art. 177. - The provinces may hold their provincial and municipal elections at the same time as the national elections and under the same authorities of composition and scrutiny, in the manner established by the regulations.

Art. 178. — Where the exclusive provisions exist in the provincial constitutions that the provinces may avail themselves of the regime established by the preceding article, this will not preclude the simultaneous holding of national, provincial and municipal elections on the same date and at the same local level, provided that the respective electoral boards agree on all measures aimed at the maintenance of order and to ensure to the citizens and political parties the full guarantees agreed in this law.

Art. 179. — Where local laws establish similar systems on disqualifications, guarantees and rights as contained in this law, their provisions on electoral crimes and penalties shall apply as soon as the provincial elections are concerned.

Art. 180. - For those provinces where the Constitution establishes a system other than that of this law for the designation of election authorities, for the purposes of the simultaneous elections, the executive branch may authorize the respective electoral boards to make appointments by making them the same persons, provided they meet the qualities required by article 99.

Art. 181. - The municipal elections of the national territories shall be held simultaneously with the nationals, in the appropriate years, in the same act, with the same national register of electors and under the same authorities of composition and scrutiny and in accordance with the provisions of this law.

It will be a condition to be elector or elected to be registered in the National Register of Electors, with domicile in jurisdiction of the corresponding commune.

The councillors will last three years in their functions and the municipal councils will be renewed entirely every time, being constituted on 1 May following the date of the election.

Ninth party


Art. 182. —The national territories will elect delegates to the House of Deputies of the Nation in the proportion of one per 100,000 inhabitants or fraction that does not go down to 50,000, based on the figures of the last census. The representation of such territories shall in no case be less than two. A delegate will be elected from the territories whose population does not reach 100,000 inhabitants.

Art. 183. — Delegates will be elected in the same manner and time as national deputies.

In those territories that according to the previous article should elect two or more delegates, the limits of the constituencies shall be established by the Executive Power on the proposal of the respective governors.

When only one delegate is to be elected, the territory shall be considered as a single constituency.

Art. 184. — The Chamber of Deputies of the Nation shall be the exclusive judge of the election, rights and titles of the delegates as to their validity.

Art. 185. — To be elected delegate it is necessary to satisfy the same conditions of eligibility as for national deputies and to be native to the territory that chooses it or with five years of immediate residence in it.

Art. 186. — Delegates will be subject to the provisions for deputies regarding the duration of the term, renewal, re-election, incorporation, removal and inability.

Art. 187. - Delegates, since their election, shall enjoy all the privileges and immunities inherent in the position of a national deputy and shall be repaid by the Nation with the same assignment established for the members of the House.

Art. 188. - The two delegates will have a voice in the discussion of any matter of competence of the House, except in political trials; they will be able to present motions and propose draft laws, but they will not have a vote or integrate the quorum. They will be part of the permanent or special commissions of the House with voice and vote.


Art. 189. - The national judge of the first instance of Santa Cruz will now be responsible for the functions of the electoral judge in the jurisdiction of the maritime governorate of Tierra del Fuego and area of the territory of Santa Cruz who joined the military governorate of Comodoro Rivadavia, and the national judge of Chubut will perform the same functions in the area of that territory that became the aforementioned governorate of Comodoro Rivadavia.

In each of these jurisdictions, i.e. the national territory of Santa Cruz, the national territory of Chubut, the maritime governorate of Tierra del Fuego and the military governorate of Comodoro Rivadavia, the corresponding electoral board shall act in accordance with the permanent provisions of this law.

To this end, the electoral judges of Santa Cruz and Chubut will take the necessary measures to ensure that the final electoral records corresponding to the governorates of Tierra del Fuego and Comodoro Rivadavia are held by the respective electoral boards at the time of their constitution.

Art. 190. — Women will be included in the final registers of voters used for the upcoming elections, which have been registered after 15 June and until 31 July, as well as those which, within the same time, have regularized their situation by accruing to the benefits of amnesty law 14.023. Changes in the domicile of the electors who reported them will also be included until 31 July.

Art. 191. — As an exception, for this time, the electoral judges may exceed the maximum set for the formation of the series of electors as a result of the incorporation of women in accordance with the preceding transitional provision.

Art. 192. — The next first election of president and vice president of the Nation will be held on the second Sunday of the month of November of the current year. The call will be made sixty days before the one set for the election.
For the preparation of the registration of the electors, the dates set by articles 18, 19, 20 and 22 of this law shall be governed.

Art. 193. — Authorize the executive branch to readjust the prices and other stipulations of the contracts entered into for the printing of the voter registers.

Art. 194. - Contact the Executive.

Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress in Buenos Aires, 11 July 1951.

Alberto H. Reales, Rafael V. González,
Secretary of the Senate. Secretary of the DD C.