TREATY LEY N° 14.330 Approved Cultural Exchange Agreement with the State of Israel.
Sanctioned: Sept. 2-1954
Promulgated: Sept. 23-1954
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation met in Congress, sanction with force
ARTICLE 1 Approve the cultural exchange agreement signed with the State of Israel in Buenos Aires on 23 July 1953.
ARTICLE 2°- Contact the Executive.
Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress, in Buenos Aires, on the two days of September of the year, a thousand nine hundred and fifty-four.
Alberto H. Reales | Eduardo T. Oliver |
- Registered under No. 14.330-
Convention on Cultural Exchange between the Argentine Republic and the State of Israel
The Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of Israel, eager to strengthen friendly relations that link the Argentine Republic and the State of Israel;
Considering that relations between the two peoples can be further intensified through the dissemination of information on progress in each of the two countries, in the field of thought, science and art;
And aware that the spiritual acquis of both peoples is susceptible to a fruitful exchange between the citizens and cultural organisms of the respective countries;
They decided to stipulate a Convention for the attainment of the above purposes and for that purpose appointed S.E as their representatives, by the President of the Argentine Nation. Mr. Minister for Foreign Affairs and Worship, Dr. Jerónimo Remorino, and by the President of the State of Israel to H.E. Mr. Extraordinary Envoy and Minister Plenipotentiary D. Jacobo Tsur, who, having exchanged their powers and duly ascertained their validity, agreed:
Art. 1 - The High Contracting Parties undertake to increase and facilitate cultural exchange between the two peoples by supporting projects aimed at ensuring it.
Art. 2° - The High Contracting Parties shall sponsor and facilitate cultural, scientific and artistic exchange among their peoples such as:
Facilitate on a reciprocal basis the work of researchers and men of science, as well as the exchange of publications and books of national origin and the exchange of artistic reproductions, films and national discs, aimed at strengthening the spirit of collaboration and friendship between the two countries.
Art. 3° - The High Contracting Parties agree on the exchange of teachers, lecturers, authors, students and specialized workers for which they will take the measures at their disposal to achieve this purpose.
Art. 4° - The High Contracting Parties shall facilitate the journey of the respective citizens considered in the previous article from one country to the other, to participate in artistic, scientific or sporting conferences or contests.
Art. 5° - The High Contracting Parties shall endeavour to promote and facilitate tourism among the citizens of both countries, with a view to increasing mutual knowledge and strengthening, even more, the understanding between the two countries.
Art. 6° - The High Contracting Parties shall take appropriate measures for the implementation of the above-mentioned provisions and shall grant each other all possible facilities within the framework of the laws in force in both countries.
Art. 7° - The present Convention shall be ratified in accordance with the legislation in force in each country, and the instruments of ratification shall be exchanged between the High Contracting Parties at the earliest possible time in the city of Buenos Aires, and may be denounced by a notification which shall be communicated to the other party within a period not less than one year.
In faith of which, the Plenipotentiaries mentioned above sign this Convention in two copies, in the Spanish and Hebrew languages, both equally valid, directing the text in Spanish in case of discrepancy and sealing it in Buenos Aires, at the twenty-three days of July of the year thousand nine hundred and fifty-three.
- Jacobo Tsur - Jeromo Remorino.