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Ministry Of The Interior Secretary Of The Conase And Conade - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: MINISTERIO DEL INTERIOR SECRETARIAS DEL CONASE Y CONADE - Texto completo de la norma

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Bs. As, 7/8/68

VISTO decrees Nros: 739/67 and 1907/67 and decree 2109/67; and


That the first two points, respectively, are issued on 3 February and 21 March 1967, in establishing the terms of reference of the CONASE and CONADE secretariats, gives them the same powers to hold contracts for services, make appointments, allocate remuneration and set expenses;

That Act No. 17,063 passed and promulgated on 16 December 1966 requires that the designations and recruitments of staff performing agencies with sufficient authority should be made with express approval from the Executive;

On the other hand, Decree No. 2109/67 established a special statutory and ladder regime for the staff of both Secretariats, which has not had a principle of implementation;

That it is the policy of the Executive Branch that the rules governing the entry of all staff and their rights and duties are of general application, within unified normative regimes and in accordance with the needs of the management and rational transformation of the Public Administration;

Therefore, it is necessary, on the one hand, to suspend the precepts that depart from these principles, and on the other, to clarify the scope of those that grant special powers;

That, in addition, it is necessary to authorize the CONASE and CONADE Secretariats to perform contracts of construction;


The President of the Argentine Nation, Decreta:

Article 1 ". Add to the end of Article 7 of Decree No. 739/67, then "CONASE", the following: "under the procedure established by law 17.063".

Art. 2° los Replace article 2, paragraph (d), (f), and (g), of Decree No. 1907/67 with the following:

"(d) Make designations and enter into service contracts with experts, technicians, general staff, both from the country and foreigners to perform executive and study functions, under the procedure established by law 17.063."

(f) Propose to the Executive Branch compensations to third parties and/or staff of the National Development Planning and Action System of the National, Provincial and/or Municipal Administration, whether permanent, adscript and/or transitory".

"(g) Propose to the Executive the fixing of mobility expenses, courtesy of tickets and lodgings, of officials, experts, advisers and personnel to whom special missions are assigned within the country."

Article 3 , Replace article 31 (d) of Decree No. 1907 with the following:

"d) Recruit personal goods and/or services or not, in accordance with the rules set out in article 2 (d) of this decree, which is established by CONADE and subject to the agreement of its Secretary in each case."

Art. 4° . Sustain the application of the Statute for the staff of the National Development Planning and Action System and the Secretariat of the National Security Council, approved by decree No. 2109/67.

Art. 5° . The Secretaries of the CONASE and CONADE and the Directors of Regional Development Offices, the latter, ad referendum of the respective Secretariat, will be able to conclude contracts of construction, within the total amounts of the provisions of credits that are authorized annually for such purposes.

Art. 6° subsist As long as the suspension provided for in Article 4° remains, the staff of the National Planning and Action System for the Development of the Secretariat of the National Security Council shall be governed by the Statute of Civil Staff of the National Civil Service (Decree ­ Law 6666/57, Decree 9530/58).

Art. 7° presente This decree will be endorsed by the Minister of the Interior.

Art. 8° . Communicate, publish, give to the National Directorate of the Official Register and archívese.

NGOsANIA. . Guillermo A. Borda.