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Job Vacancies In The Public Ministry - Full Text Of The Rule

Original Language Title: JUSTICIA VACANTES PARA CUBRIR CARGOS EN EL MINISTERIO PUBLICO - Texto completo de la norma

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Decree 823/89

Please note that vacancies in the scope of the Federal Public Prosecutor ' s Office shall be filled by appointment by the authorized body of the National Executive.

Bs. As; 15/6/89

VISTO requested by the Procurator-General of the Nation in a note addressed to the President of the Nation on 21 April and the proposal raised by the Ministry of Education and Justice, SECRETARIAT OF JUSTICE and


It is appropriate to design a procedure by which the highest ideneity is ensured in persons who are to be part of the PUBLIC MINISTERium, and the criteria traditionally used by the EXECUTIVE POWER to cover such charges are explained.

To that end, it is advisable to take consistent guidelines in substance with the spirit that encourages the rules set forth in article 2 (third) of Law No. 21.383 and of the agreed numbers 34 of 7 June 1984, 53 of 14 August 1984 and 60 of 24 September 1984 of the SUPREMA COURT OF NATION JUSTICE.

That the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER is competent to issue this decree, in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 1893, articles 124, 139 and 143.




Article 1 - The vacancies that occur within the scope of the PUBLIC MINISTERY of FEDERAL JUSTICE shall be filled by designation made by the authorized body of the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER on a duly founded proposal to be made by the Procurator-General of the Nation.

Art. 2o - For the purpose of completing the provisions of article 1 above, it shall be considered, in addition to the formal requirements, to have stood out in matters related to the one in which they shall fulfill their duties, either in the office of the JUDICIAL POWER of NATION or PROVINCIES, or in the professional exercise.

Art. 3o - Both the Procurator-General of the Nation and the official competent to make the appointment may, if they deem it appropriate, conduct individual or group interviews, opposition tests or resort to any other element that contributes to the basis of the designation criterion.

Art. 4o - The designated official may designate or depart from the proposed person. In this second case, you must express the reasons for doing so.

Art. 5o - Contact, post, give to the National Directorate of the Official Register and archvese. - ALFONSIN. - José Gabriel Dumon.