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Teaching Staff Salaries - Full Text Of The Rule

Original Language Title: PERSONAL DOCENTE SALARIOS - Texto completo de la norma

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image inicio sitio infoleg MInisterio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos
SALARY Decree 965/92 Additional payable and non-boniable for teaching staff under the National Government and teachers at National Universities with semi-exclusive and simple dedication, beginning on 1 July 1992. Exception.

Bs. As., 17/6/92

VISTO is requested by MINISTERY OF CULTURE AND EDUCATION, the provisions of Act No. 24.029 and Decree No. 964 of 17 June 1992 and


It is the purpose of the NATIONAL GOVERNMENT to grant an increase in salaries to teachers, excluding the provisions of Law No. 24.029 and Decree No. 964/92.

It is also necessary to adapt the retributions of the Higher Authorities of the National Universities, so that they maintain a proper relationship with the remunerations that are set for university teachers.

For this purpose, it is necessary to issue the administrative act that would enable it to meet the objectives set, beginning on 1 July 1992.

That the SECTOR PUBLICO's TECHNICAL ADVISORY TECHNOLOGY took the intervention that belongs to it.

That this measure fits into the powers granted to the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE POWER by article 86 (1) of the NATIONAL CONSTITUTION.




Article 1 Artículo Please note that for teachers under the NATIONAL GOVERNMENT, an additional remunerative and unifiable index, which for each position and time of chairing is detailed in Annex I, which is part of this decree, beginning on 1 July, 1 September and 1 November 1992, respectively. Art. 2o o The staff of Act No. 24,049, and Decree No. 964 of 17 June 1992, transferred or transferred to the Provinces and Municipalities of the City of Buenos Aires, are excluded from the provisions of this decree. Art. 3o o Teachers who have the benefits of Article 1 of the present, with the exclusions specified in Article 2 of the same, shall be paid the non-boniable fixed amounts provided for by the Decree No. 1,231 of 26 June 1991, as follows:

(1) From 1 July 1992, multiplied by the SESENTA and SEIS CENTESImos coefficient (0.66).

(2) From September 1, 1992, multiplied by the TREINTA and THREE CENTESIMOS coefficient (0.33).

(3) As of 1 November 1992, the above-mentioned fixed amounts will cease to be liquidated as they are fully absorbed by the benefits of article 1 of this decree.

Art. 4o — Please provide an additional non-boniable remuneration for the teaching staff of national universities with semi-exclusive and simple dedications, beginning on 1 July, 1 September and 1 November 1992, which for each case is detailed in Annex II as part of this Decree. Art. 5o o Modify from 1 July, 1 September and 1 November 1992, Annex III to Decree No. 505 of 25 March 1991, in the amounts detailed in Annexes III, IV and V, respectively, which form an integral part of this decree. Art. 6o o Please refer to the Ministers of CULTURE and EDUCATION and of ECONOMY AND PUBLIC SERVICES, in joint form, to complete or rectify the tables of Annex I in accordance with the provisions of this decree, following the intervention of the TECHNICAL COMMISSION ASESORA DE POLITICA SALARIAL DEL SECTOR PUBLICO.

The joint resolutions issued shall have the validity of this decree.

Art. 7o o THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TECHNICAL COMMISSION OF THE SECTOR PUBLICO shall be the body of interpretation with the power to clarify the provisions of this decree, in the specific topics on which it is competent by Law No. 18.753. Art. 8o o The emerging costs of the implementation of the provisions of this decree shall be charged to the provisions assigned to the specific provisions of the General BUDGET OF NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION, in force. Art. 9o o Contact, post, give to the National Directorate of the Official Register and archvese. . MENEM. . Antonio F. Salonia. . Domingo F. Cavallo.






Annex II



(Note Infoleg: by art. 2nd Decree No. 283/1994 B.O. 1/3/1994 is based on 1 March and 1 May 1994, Annex V to this Decree, in the amounts detailed in the Annexes I and II of the Decree mentioned above. (Note Infoleg: by art. 7th Decree No. 1530/2009 B.O. 27/10/2009 the provisions of this Decree are waived from the validity of the reference decree, for the staff of Articles 2 and 3 of the same) (Note Infoleg: by art. 3rd Decree No. 1536/2008 B.O. 22/9/2008 the provisions of this Decree for staff under article 1 of the above-mentioned Decree are invalid)