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Matanza/Riachuelo Watershed Sanitation Measures - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: CUENCA HIDRICA MATANZA/RIACHUELO MEDIDAS DE SANEAMIENTO - Texto completo de la norma

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MATANZA-RIACHUELO RIO Decree 2179/93 Please provide measures for the purpose of healing the watercourse of the aforementioned Cuenca.

Bs. As., 22/10/93

VISTO Decree No. 1093 of 24 May 1993 and


That this act has been created within the scope of the NATIONAL PRESIDENCE, the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FOR THE SAINTING OF THE MATANZA-RIACHUELO HYDRICA, in accordance with the same functions, within which it is incumbent upon it to coordinate the necessary means to develop, develop and execute the Watershed Project, determining the driving actions and the mechanisms to be used.

That attentive to the studies entrusted to the TECHNICAL COMMITTEE, under the aforementioned EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, the tasks and actions to be carried out on the Riachuelo and Dársenas, which are priorities and do not contradict any existing or future sanitation plan in the MATANZA-RIACHUELO River Basin.

That in order to proceed to heal the water course of the aforementioned Cuenca as quickly as possible and it is necessary to resolve all those issues that directly or indirectly generate pollution.

That these measures are taken in the use of the emerging powers of Article 86, paragraph 1, of the National Constitution.



Article 1 de Instruct the MINISTERIO DEFENSA, so that through the NAVAL ARGENTINA PREFECTURE, proceed to give the maximum collaboration to the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FOR THE SAINTING OF THE MATAN-RIACHUELO HOD, or who designs, and performs all the necessary actions in order to enable the removal of all the elements

The NAVAL ARGENTINA PREFECTURA will proceed to supply the technical description of ships or wrecks, and of all other objects in the riverbed.

It will also be instructed to ensure that also through the NAVAL ARGENTINA PREFECTURE, the holders of registerable rights are determined on the shipwrecked and inactive elements identified, either as owners, creditors, usufructuaries, holders, depositaries, conventional or legal, indivisible successions, etc., being this exemplary and non-explanatory enumeration, and authorizing the actual removals.

PREFECTURA NAVAL ARGENTINA will provide the security coverage that is necessary for the transfer of ships carried out under the following article.

Art. 2o . Instruct the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND ARTWORKS AND PUBLIC SERVICES so that, through the SUBSECRETARIA DE PUERTOS and NAVEGABLE VIAS, designate the or the sectors necessary for the relocation of ships and naval devices that are susceptible to transfer.

Include among the primary responsibilities of the SECRETARIAT OF PUBLIC AND COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND ARTWS AND SERVICES PUBLICS established by Article 2 of Decree No. 1093/93, the realization of the public works necessary to carry out the relocation of reference.

The General ADMINISTRATION OF STATE SOCIEDY PUERTS (in liquidation), from the date of the present, shall not grant any turn of vessel in the RIACHUELO, except those cases specifically operating or of a transitory character, or those of naval, sand and similar workshops.

The NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION OF ADUANAS will also be instructed to collaborate on all issues within its competence.

Art. 3o ". It is excepted from the terms of this Decree, the Fragata Museo "CORBETA URUGUAY".

Art. 4o . Instruct the MINISTERY OF JUSTICE in order to pay preferential attention to the procedural proceedings aimed at accelerating the withdrawal of the elements referred to in Article 1 that are subject to embargoes, executions or pending interdictions in the judicial instance.

Art. 5o . Publications will be carried out in the Official and Judicial Bulletin of the Province of BUENOS AIRES and in the newspapers of the highest circulation of the FEDERAL CAPITAL and of the Province of BUENOS AIRES, for three (3) days corrected, so that from the expiration of the first publication and during the period of VEINTE (20) days, also corrected, the aforementioned goods are removed from the place where they are disposed.

Art. 6th . Communicate, publish, give to the National Directorate of the Official Register and archvese. . MENEM. . Domingo F. Cavallo. . Oscar H. Camilión. . Jorge L. Maiorano.