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Spaces A National Program Of Research And Productive Innovation In Argentinean Maritime Spaces


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image start infoleg site The Ministry of Justice and Human Rights

Law 27167

National Program of Productive Research and Innovation in Argentine Maritime Spaces -PROMAR-. Creation.

Sanctioned: July 29, 2015

Enacted in Fact: September 01, 2015

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc.


ARTICLE 1- This law aims to strengthen the presence of the Argentine Republic in the Argentine Sea.

ARTICLE 2- Create the National Program of Productive Research and Innovation in Argentine Maritime Spaces-PROMAR-which has as general objectives:

a) To deepen scientific knowledge as the foundation of policies for the conservation and management of natural resources.

b) Promote technological innovations applicable to the sustainable exploitation of natural resources and the development of the industries linked to the sea.

c) Strengthen the maritime awareness of Argentine society and support with scientific information the presence of our country in the South Atlantic.

d) Develop a solid and continuous communication dissemination of present and future actions, aimed at an efficient, clear and effective communication of activities, projects and initiatives in their actions within PROMAR.

(e) Implement plans to articulate interdisciplinary projects that include basic research, conservation of species and marine environments, the use of renewable resources, the development of applicable technologies to sea and marine production.

f) Develop capabilities to model and predict future scenarios in the context of global climate change.

g) Develop capabilities to detect and respond to ocean events through real-time data collection.

h) Generate scientific inputs for the adoption of conservation policies and sustainable use of biological resources.

(i) Provide scientific inputs to support the actions of our country in international agreements and support national initiatives in the field of technical cooperation.

(j) Articulate national programs with international initiatives in the field of marine research and conservation and facilitate access to financing for specific projects.

k) To articulate the scientific activities developed by foreign vessels with the national research programs in the Argentine maritime spaces.

l) Promote international scientific relations, particularly with institutions that can generate technology transfer and methodologies for sampling and monitoring.

(ll) Promote scientific and technological cooperation programmes for the establishment of technological poles on the seafront.

(m) Promoting technological developments in all areas linked to sea research, including maritime safety and national defence.

ARTICLE 3- The Executive Branch shall determine the authority of application of this law, the functions of which are:

a) Driving and executing the actions required to meet the objectives of PROMAR.

b) Administer the budget of PROMAR.

c) To intervene in the conclusion of agreements and agreements.

(d) Chair of the Board of Directors.

ARTICLE 4 °- Create the Board of Directors, which integrates with the following agencies, or those that in the future replace them:

a) Application Authority of this Law.

b) Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation.

c) Ministry of Defense.

(d) Ministry of Security.

(e) Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries.

f) Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cult.

(g) Ministry of Tourism.

h) Secretariat of Environment and Sustainable Development.

(i) Head of Cabinet of Ministers.

j) National Council for Scientific and Technical Research.

ARTICLE 5- These are functions of the Board of Directors:

a) Create and develop strategic action plans.

b) Design the annual budgets of PROMAR.

c) Integrate and articulate research efforts according to established strategic objectives.

d) Monitor compliance with the general objectives of this law.

e) Define the priority areas in the maritime spaces where the scientific activities of PROMAR will be carried out.

ARTICLE 6- Create the National Fund for the Research and Productive Innovation of the Argentine Maritime Spaces-FONIPROMAR-integrated by:

(a) the items that the General Budget of the Public Administration will allocate to the effect annually, or with the effect of the budget appropriation of the items to be reallocated by the Executive Branch of the present law during the Budget year in progress. In any case, the initial amount may not be less than two hundred and fifty million pesos ($250,000,000).

b) Funds from subsidies, international loans or other contributions.

c) Donations and legacies.

ARTICLE 7- Without prejudice to the determination of the rules, the FONIPROMAR should be used for the following purposes:

a) Provision of the human, infrastructure and technological resources necessary for the fulfilment of its objectives.

b) Recruitment of specialized professional staff with federal and multi-disciplinary criteria.

c) Acquisition, repair and maintenance of research and equipment platforms, including research vessels.

d) Design and management of financing instruments for research, technological development and productive innovation.

(e) Strengthening of building infrastructure in the main scientific and academic institutions of the Atlantic coast.

f) Development of technologies for marine research and exploration: remote sensors, sampling platforms, automatic recording of oceanographic and climatic variables, satellite developments, and all other technological development required for the fulfilment of these objectives.

g) Training of Human Resources in research, exploration and management of marine resources.

(h) Promotion of the development of mariculture projects and their transfer to the productive sector.

ARTICLE 8- Communicate to the Executive Branch.



BELOVED BOUDOU. -JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. -Juan H. Estrada. -Lucas Chedrese.