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image start infoleg site The Ministry of Justice and Human Rights

Law 27150


Sanctioned: June 10, 2015

Enacted: June 17, 2015

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc.



Title I

Implementing Rules

Chapter 1

General Rules

ARTICLE 1- Progressive implementation. The Criminal Procedure Code of the Nation approved by law 27.063 shall be implemented in a progressive manner, in accordance with the provisions of this law.

Entry into force. The Criminal Procedure Code of the Nation approved by law 27.063 shall enter into force:

(a) in the field of national justice, as from 1 March 2016;

b) In the field of Federal Justice, in accordance with the progressive implementation timetable established by the Bicameral Commission for Monitoring and Implementation of the New Criminal Procedure Code of the Nation that works in the field of the Honorable Congress of the Nation.

Chapter 2

Bicameral Monitoring and Implementation Commission

ARTICLE 3- Functions. In addition to those provided for in Article 7 of Law 27.063, the Bicameral Commission for Monitoring and Implementation of the new Criminal Procedure Code of the Nation will have the following functions:

a) Establish a timetable for the progressive implementation of the new Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation in the Districts of Federal Justice;

b) Coordinate the inter-institutional activities necessary for the implementation of the new organizational structures;

c) Design proposals for readjustment of resources, resources and personnel, due to the requirements of the process of implementation of the new Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation in the Federal and National Criminal Justice, and to raise them to the organs competent;

(d) Promote the conclusion of technical assistance and cooperation agreements with public or private entities, national or international;

e) Ensuring access to information on the progress of the implementation process;

f) Constituir an advisory board composed of the national executive branch, the Council of the Magistrature, institutions of the judicial branch of the nation, the public ministries, associations and associations of associations connected with the judicial branch of the the Nation;

g) To establish the criteria for the allocation and distribution of the courts of guarantees regarding judicial offices in the area of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

ARTICLE 4 - Technical Secretariat. The Bicameral Commission for Monitoring and Implementation of the New Criminal Procedure Code of the Nation will have a Technical Secretariat that will function within its structure. The Technical Secretariat shall be in charge of a Director elected by the Commission, with the title of lawyer or specialist in disciplines inherent in the implementation of public policies, and shall have work teams to deal with the issues They are specifically entrusted to them.

Title II

Name, integration and distribution of organs

Chapter 1

Name and Integration of Federal Justice

ARTICLE 5- Federal Chamber of Criminal Cassation. The Federal Criminal Court will retain its current integration and denomination.

National Chamber of Appeals in the Criminal and Federal Correctional of the Federal Capital. The National Chamber of Appeals in the Criminal and Federal Correctional of the Federal Capital will retain its current integration and will be called the Federal Chamber of Appeals in the Criminal Court of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

ARTICLE 7- Federal Appeals Chambers with seat in the interior of the country. The Federal Appellate Chambers with a seat in the country will retain their current integration and denomination.

ARTICLE 8- National Chamber of Appeals in the Economic Criminal. The National Chamber of Appeals in the Economic Criminal will retain its current integration and will be called the Federal Chamber of Appeals in the Economic Criminal Court.

ARTICLE 9- Oral Courts in the Federal Criminal. The Oral Courts in the Federal Criminal and Correctional with a seat in the interior of the country and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, will retain their current integration, their numbering and will be called Federal Courts of Judgment.

ARTICLE 10.- Oral Courts in the Economic Criminal. The Oral Courts in the Economic Criminal will retain their current integration, their numbering and will be called Federal Courts of Judgment in the Economic Criminal.

ARTICLE 11- Courts in the Federal Criminal and Federal Capital. The Federal Capital Federal Criminal and Correctional Courts will retain their current integration, their numbering and will be called Federal Guarantees of Guarantees of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

In no case will the electoral competition be affected.

ARTICLE 12.- Federal Courts with seat in the interior of the country. The Federal Courts with a seat in the interior of the country with multiple powers will retain their current name and integration.

The Federal Courts with exclusive criminal jurisdiction will retain their current integration and will be called Federal Guarantees.

The Federal Appeals Chamber of each District will decide, if necessary, the definitive numbering that will identify the federal courts included in this article.

In no case will the electoral competition be affected.

ARTICLE 13.- National Courts in the Economic Criminal. The National Courts in the Economic Criminal Court will retain their current integration, numbering and will be called Federal Courts of Guarantees in the Economic Criminal.

Chapter 2

Name and Integration of National Justice

ARTICLE 14.- National Chamber of Cassation in the Criminal and Correctional of the Federal Capital. The National Chamber of Cassation in the Criminal and Correctional will retain its current integration and will be called the National Chamber of Criminal Cassation.

ARTICLE 15.- National Chamber of Appeals in the Criminal and Correctional of the Federal Capital. The National Chamber of Appeals in the Criminal and Correctional of the Federal Capital will retain its current integration and will be called the National Chamber of Appeals in the Penal City of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

ARTICLE 16.- Oral Courts in the Criminal. Oral Courts in the Criminal will retain their current integration, numbering and will be called National Judgement Courts.

ARTICLE 17.- Oral Courts of Minors. The Children's Oral Courts will retain their current integration, numbering and will be called National Adolescent Trial Courts.

ARTICLE 18.- National Courts in the Criminal of Instruction and National Courts in the Correctional. The National Courts in the Criminal of Instruction and the National Courts in the Correctional will retain their current integration and will be called National Courts of Guarantees.

The National Courts of Instruction will keep their current numbering as National Courts of Guarantees.

The National Courts in Correctional No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 will adjust their current numbering and will be called National Guarantees of Guarantees No. 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62 and 63, respectively.

ARTICLE 19.- Juvenile Courts. The Juvenile Courts will retain their current integration, numbering and will be called the National Courts of Adolescents Guarantees.

ARTICLE 20.- National Courts of Criminal Enforcement. The National Criminal Enforcement Courts shall retain their present integration, numbering and denomination.

ARTICLE 21.- National Court in the Criminal of Rogatorias. The National Court in the Criminal Court of Rogorias will become known as the National Court in the Criminal Court of Rogorias and will retain its current integration.

Chapter 3

Distribution of organs in the National Justice

ARTICLE 22.- Distribution of National Courts of Guarantees. The body exercising powers of superintendence shall establish by regulatory means the distribution of the National Courts of Guarantees in the various constituencies and the criteria of periodic rotation in relation to the judicial offices.

Title III

Processing of causes

ARTICLE 23.- Causes pending. The causes that are pending before the Federal and National Criminal Justice organs, or which correspond to acts committed prior to the entry into force of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation approved by law 27.063 in each District, shall be substantiated and terminated before such organs, without prejudice to the changes of denomination provided for in this law. The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation will ensure adequate staffing for such purposes.

Simultaneous intervention. From the entry into force of law 27,063 in each district of the Federal or National Justice, the judges will intervene simultaneously in the cases referred to in the previous article and in the cases that are governed by the rules of the new Code The Criminal Procedure of the Nation.

Title IV

Management Offices

Chapter 1

Judicial Offices

ARTICLE 25.- Creation of Judicial Offices in the Federal District of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Create seven (7) Judicial Offices in the Federal District of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, which will be established as follows:

a) One (1) Judicial Office before the Federal Criminal Court;

b) One (1) Judicial Office before the Federal Criminal Appeals Chamber of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires;

c) One (1) Judicial Office before the Federal Chamber of Appeals in the Economic Criminal Court;

d) One (1) Judicial Office before the Federal Courts of Judgment of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires;

e) One (1) Judicial Office before the Federal Courts of Judgment in the Economic Criminal Court;

f) One (1) Judicial Office before the Federal Courts of Guarantees of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires;

g) One (1) Judicial Office before the Federal Courts of Guarantees in the Economic Criminal Court.

The judicial offices of the Federal Chamber of Criminal Cassation, the Federal Criminal Appeals Chamber of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, and the Federal Chamber of Appeals in the Economic Criminal Court will depend on the full court of each court. In the remaining cases, the Federal Criminal Court will establish the functioning and dependence of the judicial offices.

ARTICLE 26.- Creation of Judicial Offices in the Federal Districts with a seat in the provinces. Create fifteen (15) Judicial Offices for the Federal Districts with a seat in the provinces, which will be established as follows:

a) One (1) Judicial Office before the Federal Appeals Chamber, the Federal Trial Court and the Federal Court of Guarantees of the city of Paraná;

b) One (1) Judicial Office before the Federal Appeals Chamber, the Federal Courts of Judgment and the Federal Courts of Guarantees of the City of Rosario;

c) One (1) Judicial Office before the Federal Appeals Chamber, the Federal Trial Court and the Federal Court of Guarantees in the city of Posadas;

d) One (1) Judicial Office before the Federal Appeals Chamber, the Federal Trial Court and the Federal Court of Guarantees of the City of Resistance;

e) One (1) Judicial Office before the Federal Appeals Chamber, the Federal Trial Court and the Federal Court of Guarantees of the City of Tucumán;

f) One (1) Judicial Office before the Federal Appeals Chamber, the Federal Courts of Judgment and the Federal Courts of Guarantees of the City of Cordoba;

g) One (1) Judicial Office before the Federal Appeals Chamber, the Federal Courts of Judgment and the Federal Courts of Guarantees of the City of Mendoza;

h) One (1) Judicial Office before the Federal Appeals Chamber, the Federal Trial Court and the Federal Court of Guarantees of the City of General Roca;

i) One (1) Judicial Office before the Federal Appeals Chamber, the Federal Trial Court and the Federal Court of Guarantees of the City of Comodoro Rivadavia;

(j) One (1) Judicial Office before the Federal Appeals Chamber, the Federal Trial Court and the Federal Courts of Guarantees of the City of Bahia Blanca;

k) One (1) Judicial Office before the Federal Appeals Chamber, the Federal Courts of Judgment and the Federal Courts of Guarantees of the City of San Martin;

l) One (1) Judicial Office before the Federal Appeals Chamber, the Federal Courts of Judgment and the Federal Courts of Guarantees of the City of La Plata;

(m) One (1) Judicial Office before the Federal Appeals Chamber, the Federal Trial Court and the Federal Courts of Guarantees of the City of Mar del Plata;

n) One (1) Judicial Office before the Federal Appeals Chamber, the Federal Trial Court and the Federal Courts of Guarantees of the city of Corrientes;

(o) One (1) Judicial Office before the Federal Appeals Chamber, the Federal Trial Court and the Federal Courts of Guarantees of the city of Salta.

The Judicial Offices with a seat in the provinces will depend on the full Federal Chambers of each district. In its regulations, the necessary sub-measures will be established to ensure the performance of the functions of the Judicial Office before all the judicial organs of the district.

ARTICLE 27.- Creation of Judicial Offices in National Justice. Create ten (10) Judicial Offices in the District of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires of the National Justice, which will be arranged as follows:

a) One (1) Judicial Office before the National Criminal Court;

b) One (1) Judicial Office before the National Criminal Appeals Chamber;

c) One (1) Judicial Office before the National Courts of Judgment;

d) One (1) Judicial Office before the National Courts of Adolescent Judgment;

e) Four (4) Judicial Offices before the National Courts of Guarantees of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires;

f) One (1) Judicial Office before the National Courts of Adolescents ' Guarantees;

(g) One (1) Judicial Office before the National Courts of Enforcement.

The Judicial Offices before the National Chamber of Criminal Cassation and the National Chamber of Appeals in the Criminal Court will depend on the full court of each court.

The Judicial Offices before the National Courts of Guarantees will depend on the full National Chamber of Appeals in the Criminal Court.

In the other cases, the body exercising the functions of superintendence shall establish the functioning and dependence of the judicial offices.

ARTICLE 28.- Set up. The Judicial Offices before the organs of the National Justice shall be in office before 1 ° June 2016.

Chapter 2

Offices of Alternative and Substitute Measures

ARTICLE 29.- Offices of Alternative and Substitute Measures. The Commission provided for in Article 1 of Law 27.080 shall establish by regulatory means, under the direction of the Directorate of Control and Assistance for Criminal Enforcement, the Office of Alternative and Replaced Measures which are necessary to comply with the provisions of the the functions referred to in Article 190 of the new Criminal Procedure Code of the Nation and to supervise the measures laid down in Article 177 (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i) and (j) of that code.

Set up. Until such time as the Alternative and Replaced Measures Offices are established and their functioning is regulated, the supervision of such measures shall be carried out by the competent bodies with the assistance of the Judicial Offices.

Title V

Officials, employees and magistrates

ARTICLE 31.- Acquired rights. The implementation of the new Penal Code of the Nation will not affect the rights acquired by the officials and employees of the Judicial Branch of the Nation, the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation and the Public Ministry of Defense of the Nation. Nation, be effective, interim or contracted.

ARTICLE 32.- Adequacy of functions. The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation and the Council of the Magistracy will have to implement mechanisms for the adequacy of the functions of the officials and employees of the courts and tribunals involved in the implementation of the new Penal Code of Procedure of the Nation. These officials and employees may integrate the teams of assistants of the judges or the management offices provided for in this law. In all cases your professional background and specialization will be taken into account.

ARTICLE 33.- Transfer to other bodies. The officials and employees of the courts and tribunals involved in the implementation of the new Penal Code of the Nation will also be able to request their transfer to the Public Prosecutor's Office or the Public Ministry of Defense. compliance with the regulations which these bodies dictate to that effect. The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation and the Council of the Magistrature will have to ensure that the transfers are carried out along with the transfer of the corresponding budgetary positions and forecasts.

The officials and employees of the Judicial Branch of the Nation will be on an equal footing with the officials and employees of the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Public Ministry of Defense for the effects of the access to the new charges. create, promotion and assignment of functions. In all cases their hierarchies, professional backgrounds and technical expertise will be respected. With regard to the contracted and interim personnel, in order to consider their effectiveness, in the transfer to the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Public Ministry of Defense, the time of the services provided in the Judicial Branch of the Ministry of Defense will be computed. Nation.

ARTICLE 34.- Integration of organs. The work teams of the courts, courts and chambers of appeal shall be made up of at least one Judicial Secretary and technical, administrative, service and maestranza personnel, and shall be integrated with staff of the Secretariats and Vocalias of the judicial bodies. The organs that perform superintendence functions will elevate the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation and the Council of the Magistracy a proposal for the creation of the necessary endowment for each jurisdiction. In no case will the technical or administrative structures of the federal courts with multiple jurisdiction be affected.

The Judicial Offices and the Alternative and Substitute Measures Offices will be integrated, as a matter of priority, with the voluntary transfer of officials and employees of the courts and tribunals involved in the implementation of the new Code. The Criminal Procedure of the Nation.

ARTICLE 35.- Judicial and administrative career. The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation will regulate the judicial career in the teams of assistants of the judges and the administrative career in the management offices in accordance with the principles and basic rules that govern the public service. It should be based on the objective assessment of the merits of work and continuing training as a way of contributing to a better system of criminal justice.

ARTICLE 36.- Creation of charges for the Judicial Offices. Create thirty-two (32) counts of Director of Judicial Office, with rank equivalent to Secretary-General of the Supreme Court, and the charges of technical-administrative, service and maestranza personnel detailed in the Annex. I.

The bodies exercising superintendence over the Judicial Offices will appoint staff to the posts created in the previous paragraph, in accordance with the procedures laid down in the laws and regulations in force.

ARTICLE 37.- Creation of charges for the National Chamber of Criminal Cassation. Create the posts of the technical, administrative, service and maestranza personnel detailed in Annex II, within the plant of the National Chamber of Criminal Cassation, in order to be able to comply with the provisions of this law.

Title VI

Transitional provisions

ARTICLE 38.- Training programs. The Council of the Magistracy, the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Public Ministry of Defense will develop training programs for judges, prosecutors, defenders, officials and employees, for the proper functioning of the new Code of Procedure. La Nación penal.

ARTICLE 39.- Functional compensation. The charges of the federal and national judges of first instance that, according to the progressive regime provided for in this law, will be allowed to intervene in cases governed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation approved by law 27,063, will be equated The rank of Chamber Judges is paid.

ARTICLE 40.- Distribution of cases in the National Justice in the Criminal. Until the effective implementation of the judicial offices, the National Chamber of Appeals in the Criminal Court will establish by regulatory means a mechanism for the equitable distribution of cases that the Public Prosecutor's Office formalizes. the Nation, or in which the intervention of a judge is sought. The administrative structures of the courts will serve the tasks assigned to these offices.

ARTICLE 41.- Financing. The expenses that the compliance of this law requires in the implementation and operation of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation approved by law 27.063, will be included in the Budget of Expenditure and Resources of the Judicial Power of the Nation in accordance with the provisions of Law 23,853 and in the headings corresponding to the Attorney General's Office and the General Office of the Nation.

ARTICLE 42.- Regulatory adequacy. As soon as the new Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation enters into force, all laws and regulations that will be totally or partially opposed to the provisions of this law will be without effect. They will hinder their compliance.

The courts shall bring into force the provisions and regulations governing their operation without affecting the powers of the Judicial Office.

ARTICLE 43.- Substitutions. Replace Article 2 (2) of Annex II to Law 27.063 by the following:

Article 2 °: Creanse dos (2) charges de Secretario, dos (2) charges de Prosectodo Administrativo, dos (2) cargos de Escribiente y un (1) como de Jefe de Desicado Relator con functionos de Secretario Privado, para todos las Fiscalas Nacionales y Federal of First Instance with criminal jurisdiction from all over the country, according to Annex III.I that forms part of this law. Replace Annex III of Law 27.063 by the text annexed to this paragraph of this Article.



Charges that are created of Magistrates, Officials and Employees of the Public Prosecutor's Office:



ARTICLE 44.- Contact the national executive branch.



BELOVED BOUDOU. -JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. -Juan H. Estrada. -Lucas Chedrese.



