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Budget National Administration Budget Year 2017-Approval


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Law 27341

Approve the General Budget of the National Administration for the Financial Year 2017.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc.



General provisions


Budget of expenditure and resources of the national administration

ARTICLE 1-Set in the sum of two billion pesos three hundred and sixty-three thousand six hundred and nineteen million eight hundred and seventy thousand five hundred and seventy-four ($2,363,619,870,574) the total of the current and capital expenditures of the budget general administration for the financial year 2017, for the purposes indicated below, and analytically in the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 annexed to this Article.

Purpose Current expenditure Capital expenditure Total
Government Administration 98.748.438.023 38.942.034.313 137.690.472.336
Defence and Security Services 120.812.022.255 5.497.316.628 126.309.338.883
Social Services 1.430.010.843.663 82.631.279.108 1.512.642.122.771
Economic Services 251.372.281.321 87.973.606.486 339.345.887.807
Public Debt 247.632.048.777 - 247.632.048.777
Total 2.148.575.634.039 2.363.619.870.574

ARTICLE 2-Estimate in the sum of pesos one billion eight hundred and eighty-two thousand eight hundred and eighteen million four hundred and ninety-six thousand three hundred two ($1,882,818,496,302) the calculation of current and capital resources of the administration national in accordance with the summary indicated below and the detail in the schedule annexed to this Article

Current resources 1.879.131.112.920
Capital resources 3.687.383.382
Total 1.882.818.496.302

ARTICLE 3-Set in the sum of five hundred and thirteen thousand seven hundred and eighty-five million eight hundred and sixty-three thousand seven hundred and forty-five ($513,785,863,745) the amounts corresponding to the figurative expenses for transactions In the case of the national administration, funding for figurative contributions from the national administration is therefore established in the same sum, according to the detail contained in the annexe numbers 9 and 10. which are part of this Article.

ARTICLE 4-As a consequence of the provisions of Articles 1, 2 and 3, the deficit financial result is estimated at the sum of four hundred and eighty thousand eight hundred and one million three hundred and seventy-four thousand two hundred and seventy-four hundred two ($480,801,374,272). The following are the sources of financing and financial applications that are detailed in plans 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 annexed to this article:

Sources of Financing 1.735.634.599.305
-Decrease in financial investment 8.386.160.351
-Public indebtedness and increase in other liabilities 1.727.248.438.954
Financial Applications 1.254.833.225.033
-Financial investment 212.332.022.405
-Amortization of debt and decrease in other liabilities 1.042.501.202.628

Set the sum of pesos nine thousand hundred and fifty-three million two hundred and fifty-two thousand six hundred ten ($9,153,252,610) the amount corresponding to figurative expenses for financial applications of the national administration. as a result, the financing for figurative contributions for financial applications of the national administration in the same sum.

ARTICLE 5-The head of the Cabinet of Ministers, by means of an administrative decision, shall distribute the appropriations of this law at least at the level of the limiting items to be established in the said decision and in the programmatic openings or equivalent categories as it considers relevant.

In addition, the Chief of Staff of Ministers will be able to determine the powers to have budgetary restructurings in the framework of the competences assigned by the Law of Ministries (text ordered by decree 438/92) and its modifications.

Article 6 °-Unless the head of the Cabinet of Ministers has decided to decide, no increases in the positions and hours of professorship will be approved in excess of the totals set out in this article for the National Administration. The head of the Cabinet of Ministers, in accordance with the needs of structure and allocations of the respective areas established by the Ministry of Modernization, will distribute for each jurisdiction, decentralized body and Social security institution the relevant charges.

Except for this limitation to the charges corresponding to the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation, determined by law 25.467.

Permanent plant 376.120 Charges
Temporary plant 14.622 Charges
Hours of Chair 302.139 Hours

ARTICLE 7 °-The vacant positions financed from the date of the sanction of this law, nor those that occur after, shall not be covered without the prior authorization of the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers. The administrative decisions to be taken in this regard shall be in force during the present financial year and the following for cases where the unfrozen vacancies have not been covered.

The charges relating to the higher authorities of the national public administration, and to the scientific and technical staff of the bodies referred to in Article 14 (a) of the Law, are exempted from the foregoing. 25.467.

ARTICLE 8-Authorize the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers, after intervention by the Ministry of Finance and Public Finance, to introduce extensions to the budgetary appropriations approved by this law and to establish its distribution in the This is a measure in which they are financed with the increase of sources of financing originated in loans from international financial organizations from which the nation is a member and those originating in bilateral country-country agreements and those from of the authorization conferred by Article 34 of this Law, provided that the The amount is offset by the decrease in other budget credits financed by Funding Sources 15-Internal Credit and 22-External Credit.

Article 9 °-The Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers, prior to the intervention of the Ministry of Finance and Public Finance, may have extensions in the budget appropriations of the central administration, the decentralized agencies and social security institutions, and their corresponding distribution, financed with increased resources with specific affectation, own resources, transfers of national public sector entities, donations and the remaining financial years which are of specific destination by law.

ARTICLE 10. -The powers granted by this law to the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers may be assumed by the national executive branch, as a political responsibility of the general administration of the country and according to the provisions of the Article 99 of the National Constitution.


Of the rules on expenditure

ARTICLE 11. -Authorizase, in accordance with the provisions of Article 15 of the Law on Financial Management and the Systems of Control of the National Public Sector, 24.156 and its modifications, the hiring of works or the acquisition of goods and services whose execution period exceeds the financial year 2017 in accordance with the working details in the Annex A and B to this Article.

The contracts authorised by this Article may be carried out by means of the national public-private partnership scheme or the legal framework to be determined.

The Head of the Cabinet of Ministers should be empowered to carry out the necessary budgetary restructurings in order to incorporate the allocations laid down for the financial year 2017 in the schedule B annexed to this Article.

ARTICLE 12. -Set as a credit to finance the operating expenses, investment and special programs of the national universities the sum of weights seventy-five thousand five hundred and sixty-one million five hundred and eighty-two thousand seven hundred and seventeen ($75,561,582,717), according to the detail of the schedule annexed to this article.

The Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers shall, in addition to the one set out in the preceding paragraph, make available the working distribution in the schedule B annexed to this Article for the total sum of pesos, twenty-eight million six hundred Seventy thousand ($1,028,670,000).

National universities will have to present to the Secretariat of University Policies of the Ministry of Education and Sports, the information necessary to assign, execute and evaluate the resources transferred to them for all purposes. The ministry may interrupt transfers of funds in the event of non-compliance in the sending of such information, in time and form.

The budget approved by each university for the fiscal year shall indicate the functional classification of Education, Health and Science and Technology. The budgetary and accounting implementation as well as the investment account shall consider the functional classifier.

The plants of teaching and non-teaching staff on which the salary increases will be applied in the year 2017 shall be those in force at the date of enactment of this law, except for increases in approved and approved plants by the Secretariat of University Policies, according to the regulations established by the Ministry of Education and Sports.

ARTICLE 13. -Approve for the present financial year, in accordance with the details of the table annexed to this article, the financial flows and the use of the total or integrated trust funds for goods and/or funds of the national State, in compliance with the provisions of Article 2 (a) of Law 25.152. The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers will have to submit quarterly reports to both Chambers of the Honorable Congress of the Nation on the flow and use of trust funds, detailing in his case the transfers made and the works executed and/or as well as all operations with financial sources and applications. The information referred to must be individualized for each of the existing trust funds.

ARTICLE 14. -During the present year, the sum of pesos two thousand six hundred and six million three hundred and ninety-nine thousand ($2,606,399,000) as a contribution to the National Employment Fund (FNE) for the attention of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security.

ARTICLE 15. -The national state takes charge of the obligations generated in the Wholesale Electrical Market (MEM) by application of the resolution 406 dated September 8, 2003 of the Secretariat of Energy, corresponding to the Accrecias de Nucleus Argentina Company Anonymous (NASA), of the Yacyreta Binational Entity, of the royalties to the provinces of Corrientes and Misiones for the generation of the Binational Entity Yacyreta and the surpluses generated by the Hydroelectric Complex of Salto Large, the latter within the framework of laws 24,954 and 25,671, for economic transactions held until December 31, 2017.

The national state through the Ministry of Energy and Mining's Energy Secretariat, in consultation with the provincial jurisdictions and its regulatory entities, will determine the income differences perceived by the distributors. National, provincial and municipal authorities for the implementation of the Convergence Program for Electricity Rates and Reaffirmation of Federalism in the Argentine Republic, corresponding to any of the exercises in which it would have been in force, compared to the revenue which would have been paid to them for the application of the concession. Fulfilled by the beneficiaries the conditions required in the said Program to enable the disbursements, the national executive branch will instruct the Administrative Company of the Electric Wholesale Market (CAMMESA) for the purposes of the application of the credit determined in the original paragraph of this Article to the cancellation of debts that the distribution of the public electricity service of the relevant jurisdictions had with CAMMESA, as appropriate, by the purchase of electrical energy in the Wholesale Electrical Market (MEM) subject to decline by part of the same, of any judicial or administrative claim related to that program.

In addition, the national State may provide for the obligations to be maintained with the Wholesale Electricity Market (MEM) by the distribution companies to which no revenue, profit or investment actually made has been recognised.

This authorisation shall be subject to a maximum amount equivalent to the debts which the distribution of the public electricity service of the relevant jurisdictions has with CAMMESA.

ARTICLE 16. -Allocate to the National Fund for the Enrichment and Conservation of Native Forests, pursuant to Article 31 of Law 26.331, an amount of two hundred and seventy million pesos ($270,000,000) and for the National Program of Protection of the Native Forests an amount of pesos twenty-seven million three hundred thousand ($27,300,000).

The head of the Cabinet of Ministers, after the Ministry of Finance and Public Finance, will be empowered to extend the amounts set forth in the preceding paragraph by three hundred million pesos ($300,000,000) in the framework of the aforementioned law.

In addition, for the financial year 2017, an allocation of pesos, two hundred and ninety million ($1,290,000,000), will be allocated to the Science and Technology function, of which will be assigned pesos seven hundred million ($700,000,000) to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation, pesos 150 million ($150,000,000) to the National Commission of Space Activities destined to fulfill commitments assumed with INVAP S.E., pesos three hundred million ($ 300,000,000) to the National Institute of Agricultural Technology, 100 million pesos ($100,000,000) to the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) and pesos forty million ($40,000,000) to the Miguel Lillo Foundation. Of the seven hundred million pesos ($700,000,000) assigned to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation, pesos fifty million ($50,000,000) will correspond to the National Program of Productive Research and Innovation in Argentine Maritime Spaces (PROMAR).

For the financial year 2017, an allocation of pesos four thousand five hundred million ($4,500,000,000), destined for the Ministry of the Interior, Public Works and Housing, of which pesos a thousand two hundred and thirty-three million ($ 1.233,000,000) to the Program 73-Water resources and weights three thousand two hundred and sixty-seven million ($3,267,000,000) to the National Ente of Water Works of Sanitation, according to the plan annexed to this article.

Also, they will allocate the sum of pesos fifty million ($50,000,000) to the Secretariat of Human Rights of the Nation, which will be used for the Area of Strengthening Judicial Processes against Crimes of Humanity and the National Archives of the Memory; the sum of sixty-seven million pesos ($67,000,000) to the National Council for the Coordination of Social Policies, of which the sum of 20 million pesos ($20,000,000) will be allocated to attend the activities of the National Council of Women and the sum of pesos forty-seven million ($47,000,000) for the National Action Plan for the Prevention, Assistance and Eradication of Violence against Women; the sum of pesos forty million ($40,000,000) to the National Commission of University Evaluation and Accreditation (CONEAU); the sum of $70 billion ($ 170,000,000) for the Community Care and Accompanying Homes Program (CAACS) under the Secretariat of Programming for the Prevention of Drug Addiction and the Fight against Drug Trafficking (SEDRONAR); for Jurisdiction 01-Power National legislature the sum of five hundred and fifty million pesos ($550,000,000); the Ministry Tourism has the sum of forty million pesos ($40,000,000) and the sum of pesos two million ($2,000,000) to the Buenos Aires Holocaust Museum.

The head of the Cabinet of Ministers should be empowered to make the necessary budgetary changes in order to comply with the provisions set out in the preceding paragraphs.

ARTICLE 17. -Authorize the national executive branch, through the Ministry of Transport of the Nation, to implement the corresponding mechanisms, for the purpose of covering the financial needs of Aerolíneas Argentinas Sociedad Anonima and Austral Lines Air-Skies of Southern Anonymous Company and its controlled, until December 31, 2017.

The amount of the assistance to be made must be considered as current and capital transfers as appropriate, with the obligation to render accounts of its application to the Ministry of Transport. The General Audit of the Nation shall audit, evaluate and deliver an opinion on the reporting of the funds transferred, authorized by this Article.

ARTICLE 18. -Establish that the resources allocated to the National Teacher Incentive Fund and the National Program of Teaching Wage Compensation will not be lower than the funds allocated in law 27.198. The national executive branch will determine the distribution mechanisms that will ensure the fulfillment of the objectives and goals of the National Education Act 26.206.

ARTICLE 19. -Set the validity for the fiscal year 2017 of Article 7 ° of Law 26,075, in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 ° and 11 of Law 26.206, taking into consideration the aims and objectives of the national education policy and ensuring the Automatic participation of the resources to the municipalities to cover expenses strictly related to the purpose and function of education.


Of the rules on resources

ARTICLE 20. -The income is made available as a contribution to the national treasury of the sum of pesos one thousand nine hundred and fifty-two million nine hundred and seventy-eight thousand eight hundred and fifty ($1,952,978,850) according to the distribution indicated on the payroll annexed to this Article. The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers will set the payment schedule.

ARTICLE 21. -Set in the sum of weights two hundred and eight million forty-three thousand eight hundred and seventy-five ($208,043,875) the amount of the regulatory fee as established by the first paragraph of article 26 of Law 24,804, national law of the nuclear activity.

ARTICLE 22. -extend the provisions of Article 22 of Law 27.198 for the financial year 2017.

ARTICLE 23. -Substitute Article 98 of Law 11.672-Permanent Supplementary of Budget (t.o. 2014) by the following:

Article 98: Natural and legal persons subject to control activities and control of technical and safety standards in the field of fractionation and marketing of liquefied petroleum gas, transport by pipeline of hydrocarbons liquids and derivatives, and subject to fuel quality controls by the Ministry of Energy and Mining's dependent Hydrocarbon Resources Secretariat, shall pay the following control fees:

(a) The natural and legal persons engaged in the fractionation of liquefied petroleum gas shall pay a control rate of up to eight pesos ($8) per tonne of liquefied petroleum gas purchased on the domestic or imported market;

(b) The production and/or refining undertakings, importing companies registered in the registers in charge of the law enforcement authority 17.319, shall pay a fuel quality control fee as set out below:

1) The production and/or refining and importing companies of naphtha and diesel will pay monthly, in character of taxable persons, a rate of control of fuel quality up to two million pesos ($0.002) per liter produced or imported.

2) The production and/or refining companies of bioethanol and biodiesel will pay annually, in the nature of taxable persons, a fuel quality control rate of up to two million pesos ($0.002) per litre produced or imported.

3) The companies producing, refining, processing, marketing, distribution and importing of biogas will pay annually in character of taxable persons a rate of control of fuel quality up to two thousand pesos ($ 0,002) per cubic metre produced or imported.

c) The production firms, concessionaires of transport of liquid hydrocarbons and derivatives must pay annually and in advance a control rate of the activity of zero coma thirty-five percent (0.35%) of the estimated revenues for the provision of the transport service.

The production of the fees referred to in the preceding paragraph shall constitute a resource with specific affectation administered by the Ministry of Energy and Mining, giving the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers the power to make the appropriate adjustments. allow their incorporation into the budget of the national administration.

The Ministry of Energy and Mining through the Secretariat of Water Resources will determine the amount of the fees referred to in points (a), (b) and (c) of this article and establish the rules and deadlines for their perception.

ARTICLE 24. -replace point (b) of Article 24 of Law 25,997 by the following:

(b) The product of seven per cent (7%) of the price of air and sea fare abroad, and inland waterways, as determined by the regulations, sold or issued in the country and those sold or issued abroad for Argentine residents on trips to the national territory.


Of the tax quotas

ARTICLE 25. -for the financial year 2017, a tax quota of USD 1 000 million (U$S 1,800,000,000) is to be allocated to the promotional benefits provided for in Article 9 of Law 26.190 and its amendment 27.191, and in Article 14 of the last law cited. The implementing authority of the abovementioned laws shall allocate the tax quota in accordance with the procedure laid down for that purpose. The promotional benefits shall be applied in pesos, as established by the implementing authority. The provisions of this Article are without prejudice to the provisions of the last paragraph of Article 1 of Decree 882 of 21 July 2016.

ARTICLE 26. -Set the annual quota referred to in Article 3 of Law 22,317, in the sum of five hundred and ninety million pesos ($590,000,000), according to the following details:

a) Two hundred and ten million ($210,000,000) for the National Institute of Technological Education;

(b) Pest 120 million ($120,000,000) for the Secretariat of Entrepreneurs and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of the Ministry of Production;

c) Pese two hundred and sixty million ($260,000,000) for the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security.

ARTICLE 27. -Set the annual quota set out in Article 9 (b) of Law 23,877 in the sum of 120 billion pesos ($120,000,000).

The implementing authority of Law 23,877 shall distribute the quota allocated for the operation established in order to contribute to the financing of the costs of carrying out research and development projects in the priority areas of In accordance with Decree 270 dated March 11, 1998, and to finance projects under the Program for the Promotion of Investment in Risk Capital in Companies in the Areas of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation, as established by the Decree 1.207 dated September 12, 2006.


Of the cancellation of debts of pre-retirement origin

ARTICLE 28. -Set as a ceiling the sum of pesos thirty-one thousand eight hundred and sixteen million five hundred and six thousand four hundred ($31,816,506,400) intended for the payment of pre-visionary debts recognized in judicial and administrative headquarters and those pre-viewing debts established in the transactional agreements concluded under Law 27.260, in accordance with Article 7 (a) and (b) of the same law, as a result of retroactive effect on adjustments in respect of the The benefits of the Argentine Contingency System in charge of the Administration National of Social Security, a decentralised body in the field of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security.

ARTICLE 29. -Authorize the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers, prior to the intervention of the Ministry of Finance and Public Finance, to extend the limit laid down in Article 28 of this Law for the cancellation of recognized pre-viewing debts at headquarters judicial and administrative and those pre-viewing debts laid down in the transactional agreements concluded in the framework of Law 27.260, in accordance with Article 7 (a) and (b) of the same law as a result of retroactive originated in adjustments practiced in the benefits of the Integrated System of the Argentine (a) the National Administration of Social Security, to the extent that compliance with such obligations so requires. Allow the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers to make the necessary budgetary changes in order to comply with this Article.

ARTICLE 30. -Set as a ceiling the sum of pesos two thousand seven hundred and fifty-six million seven hundred and twenty-nine thousand one hundred and eighty-nine ($2,756,729,189), intended for the payment of pre-visionary debts recognized in judicial headquarters by the party that It is appropriate to pay cash for all purposes, as a result of retroactive adjustments made to the benefits for retired and pensioners of the Armed Forces and Security Forces, including the Service Federal Penitentiary, according to the following detail:

Financial Aid Institute for the Payment of Military Pensions and Retire 1.329.918.189
Cash withdrawals, retirements and pensions of the Federal Police Argentina 998.000.000
Federal Prison Service 50.000.000
National gendarmerie 360.811.000
Argentina's Naval Prefecture 18.000.000
Total 2.756.729.189

Authorize the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers to extend the limit set in this article for the cancellation of pre-viewing debts, recognized in judicial and administrative headquarters as a result of retroactive adjustments (a) in the case of retired and pensioners of the armed forces and security forces, including the Federal Penitentiary Service, where compliance with such obligations so requires.

Allow the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers to make the necessary budgetary changes in order to comply with this Article.

ARTICLE 31. -The bodies referred to in Article 30 of this Law must observe, for the cancellation of the pre-viewing debts, the order of strict priority which is detailed below:

(a) Sentences notified in previous tax periods and still pending payment;

b) Sentences reported in 2017.

In the first case, priority will be given to older beneficiaries.

The judgments notified in periods prior to 2017 shall be exhausted, including those contained in point (b), in strict compliance with the chronological order for the notification of final judgments.


Of pensions and pensions

ARTICLE 32. -Establish, as of the date of validity of this law, that the participation of the Institute of Financial Assistance for the Payment of Military Shootings and Pensions, referred to in Articles 18 and 19 of Law 22,919, may not be less than forty and Six percent (46%) of the cost of the salary fees for retirement, compensation and pension of the beneficiaries.

ARTICLE 33. -Extend by ten (10) years from their respective maturities the pensions granted under Law 13,337 which have expired or expire during the present financial year.

Extend for ten (10) years from their respective maturities the allowances to be granted by law 26.198.

The pension allowances extended by this law, which shall be granted and those which have been extended by law 23,990, 24.061, 24.191, 24.307, 24.447, 24.624, 24.764, 24,938, 25.064, 25.237, 25.401, 25.500, 25.565, 25.725, 25.827, 25,967, 26,078, 26.198, 26.337, 26,422 and 26,546, extended in the terms of Decree 2,053 dated 22 December 2010 and supplemented by Decree 2,054 of 22 December 2010, by Law 26,728, by Law 26,784, by Law 26,895, by Law 27.008 and by law 27.198 shall comply with the following conditions:

(a) not be the beneficial owner of a property whose tax valuation is equivalent to or greater than a hundred thousand pesos ($100,000);

(b) No link to the fourth degree of consanguinity or second degree of affinity with the requesting legislator;

(c) They may not exceed the sum equivalent to one (1) minimum retirement of the Argentine Pension System and shall be compatible with any other income provided that the total sum of the latter does not exceed two (2) minimum retirements of the system.

In cases where the beneficiaries are minors, with the exception of those who have different abilities, the incompatibilities will be assessed in relation to their parents, when both live with the child. In the case of parents separated in fact or judicially, divorced or who have incurred abandonment of the home, the incompatibilities will only be assessed in relation to the parent who cohaves with the beneficiary.

In all cases of carry-overs referred to in this Article, the implementing authority shall maintain the continuity of the benefits until such time as the aforementioned incompatibilities are verified. In no case shall payments of benefits be suspended without prior notification or intimation in order to comply with the necessary formal requirements.

The ingratiable pensions which have been discharged by any of the grounds for incompatibility shall be rehabilitated once the grounds which have led to their extinction have ceased, provided that such incompatibilities cease to exist. within the time limit laid down in the law that granted them.


Of the public credit operations

ARTICLE 34. -Authorizase, in accordance with the provisions of Article 60 of the Law on Financial Management and the Systems of Control of the National Public Sector, 24.156 and its amendments, to the entities mentioned in the plan annexed to the present Article to carry out public credit operations for the amounts, specifications and destination of the financing indicated in the aforementioned plan.

The amounts indicated therein correspond to effective placement values. The use of this authorization must be informed in a reliable and detailed manner to both Chambers of the Honorable Congress of the Nation, within the period of thirty (30) days of effective operation of public credit.

The Ministry of Finance and Public Finance shall submit to the National Congress within thirty (30) days of the enactment of this law the guidelines of the financial program estimated to cover under this authorization of indebtedness, detailing all services per month, type of debt, currency and tenure of such instruments-private sector, external sector and holding intra-public sector. These guidelines will constitute general guidelines on financing schemes that could be used on the basis of the information available at the date of this law. It shall also publish quarterly progress, updates and amendments to that financial programme.

The body responsible for the coordination of financial management systems shall carry out the public credit operations corresponding to the central government.

The Ministry of Finance and Public Finance will be able to make modifications to the characteristics detailed in the aforementioned plan for the purposes of adapting them to the possibilities of obtaining financing, which should be informed of the same form and mode set out in the second paragraph.

ARTICLE 35. -repeal of the decree issued in General Agreement of Ministers 906 of 20 July 2004.

ARTICLE 36. -Set in the sum of two hundred and seventy billion pesos ($270,000,000,000) and in the sum of pesos fifty billion ($50,000,000,000) the maximum amounts of authorization to the General Treasury of the Nation under the Secretariat of Budget of the Secretariat of Finance and Public Finance of the Ministry of Finance and Public Finance and the National Administration of Social Security (ANSES), respectively, to make temporary use of short-term credit to refer to Articles 82 and 83 of the Law on Financial Management and the Control Systems of the National Public Sector 24,156 and its amendments.

ARTICLE 37. -The Secretariat of Finance of the Ministry of Finance and Public Finance will be empowered to issue and place Treasury bills in instalments that do not exceed the financial year until reaching an amount in circulation of the nominal value of pesos. Nineteen billion ($19,000,000,000), or its equivalent in other currencies, for the purpose of being used as collateral for the acquisitions of liquid and gaseous fuels, the import of electric power, the purchase of aircraft, as well as as well as foreign components and capital goods of national projects and public works, or to be performed.

Such instruments may be issued in the currency which requires the lodging of such guarantees, subject to the issuance, placement, settlement and registration of such securities, as provided for in Article 82 of the Annex to Decree 1.344, dated 4 of October 2007. Prior to the issuance of the same, the budget item allocated to the guaranteed expenditure shall be committed.

The Finance Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance and Public Finance has the power to provide for the implementation of the aforementioned budget items in favor of the national state, in view of the possible realization of the guarantees issued under the This Article shall also provide for clarification, supplementary and procedural rules relating to the powers conferred on it.

ARTICLE 38. -The Authority responsible for the Coordination of Financial Management Systems of the National Public Sector to carry out additional public credit operations to those authorized in Article 34 of this Law, provide a capital contribution to the Trust Fund of the Argentine Credit Program of the Bicentennial for the Single Family Housing (Pro.Cre.Ar. Bicentenario) for an amount of pesos ten thousand five hundred million ($10,500,000,000), through the Issue of Treasury Letters to two (2) years of time, in the terms and conditions set by the Authority Responsible for the Coordination of Financial Management Systems of the National Public Sector.

The head of the Cabinet of Ministers should be empowered, in so far as the use of this authorization is improved, to carry out the corresponding budgetary enlargements in order to enable them to be implemented.

ARTICLE 39. -Mantienese during the Exercise 2017 the suspension set forth in article 1 of Decree 493, dated April 20, 2004.

ARTICLE 40. -Within the amount authorized for Jurisdiction 90-Public Debt Service, the sum of three hundred million pesos ($300,000,000) is included for the attention of the debts referred to in points (b) and (c) of Article 7 ° of Law 23,982.

ARTICLE 41. -It maintains the deferral of payments of the services of the national government's public debt provided for in Article 41 of Law 27.198, until the end of the process of restructuring the entire public debt contracted was originally published before 31 December 2001, or by virtue of the rules laid down before that date.

ARTICLE 42. -Authorize the national executive branch, through the Ministry of Finance and Public Finance, to continue the normalization of the services of the public debt referred to in Article 41 of this Law, in the terms of Article 65 of the Law of Financial Administration and of the Systems of Control of the National Public Sector 24.156, and its amendments or of Law 27.249 of Standardization of Public Debt and Recovery of Credit, with the power of the National Executive Branch to continue with the negotiations and to carry out all the necessary acts for their conclusion.

The Ministry of Finance and Public Finance will report quarterly to the Honorable Congress of the Nation on the progress of the negotiations and the agreements to be reached during the negotiation process.

This report shall include an updated database identifying the agreements reached, the judicial or arbitral proceedings terminated, the amounts of capital and the amounts cancelled or the cancellation of each agreement and the level of execution of the authorization of the level of indebtedness that is granted through article 7 ° of the Law 27.249 of Standardization of the Public Debt and of Recovery of the Credit.

In addition, certified copies of the agreements reached, as well as their translation into the Spanish language, should be accompanied.

At the same time, the Ministry of Finance and Public Finance must inform the progress of the management aimed at the normalization of the service of the public securities issued in the framework of the restructuring of the public debt. Decrees 1,735 of 9 December 2004 and 563 of 26 April 2010.

The firm judicial pronouncements, issued against the provisions of Law 25,561, Decree 471 dated March 8, 2002, and its accompanying rules, which are placed on those titles, are included in the dispute indicated in the Article 41 of this Law.

ARTICLE 43. -Facultate to the Ministry of Finance and Public Finance to establish the financial conditions for repayment of the debts of the provinces with the national government resulting from the restructuring carried out by the national State with the representatives of the creditor countries nucliated at the Paris Club for the refinancing of debts with arrears from the Argentine Republic.

The Ministry of Finance and Public Finance will be empowered to sign the relevant bilateral agreements with the provinces involved.

ARTICLE 44. -the Authority responsible for the Coordination of Financial Management Systems should be empowered to grant national treasury guarantees for public credit operations in accordance with the working details in the template annexed to this Article; and for the maximum amounts determined in the same or its equivalent in other currencies, plus the amounts necessary to cover the payment of interest and other accessories, which shall be quantified at the time of the application for the guarantee.

ARTICLE 45. -Faculty to the Ministry of Finance and Public Finance, through the Authority Responsible for the Coordination of Financial Management Systems, to the issuance and delivery of Treasury Letters in guarantee to the Trust Fund for the Development of Renewable Energy (FODER), for account and order of the Ministry of Energy and Mining, up to a maximum amount of nominal value of three billion dollars (U$S 3,000,000,000), or its equivalent in other currencies as determined by the said coordinating body, against the issue of certificates of participation for amounts equivalent to letters in favour of the Ministry of Energy and Mining, in order to be used as a guarantee of payment of the selling price of the power plant, acquired as provided for in Articles 3 and 4 of the decree issued in general Ministers 882 of 21 July 2016.

The Ministry of Energy and Mining and the Ministry of Finance and Public Finance have the power to lay down regulatory standards according to their respective competences.

The head of the Cabinet of Ministers should be empowered to make the corresponding budgetary changes in order to enable them to be implemented.

ARTICLE 46. -In pesos, eight thousand six hundred million ($8,600,000,000) will be set for the maximum amount of consolidation bonds and the consolidation bonds of pre-viewing debts, in all their current series, for the payment of the obligations under consideration. In Article 2 (f) of Law 25.152, those reached by Decree 1,318 dated 6 November 1998 and those referred to in Article 127 of Law 11,672, Permanent Supplementary of Budget (t.o. 2014), for the amounts in each case are indicated in the template annexed to this Article. The amounts indicated therein correspond to effective placement values.

The Ministry of Finance and Public Finance will be able to make modifications within the total amount fixed in this article.


Relations with the provinces

ARTICLE 47. -fix the amounts to be sent monthly and in a row, during the present financial year, in respect of the payment of the obligations arising under Article 11 of the National Agreement on Financial Relations and the Basis of a Federal Tax Co-participation, held between the national state, the provincial states and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires on 27 February 2002, ratified by law 25,570, destined for the provinces that do not participate in the rescheduling of the debt referred to in Article 8 of the said agreement, which shall be determined as follows: Province of La Pampa, pesos three million three hundred and sixty-nine thousand hundred ($3,369,100); province of Santa Cruz, pesos three million three hundred and eighty thousand ($3,380,000); province of Santiago del Estero, pesos six million seven hundred and ninety Five thousand ($6,795,000); province of Santa Fe, pesos fourteen million nine hundred and seventy thousand hundred ($14,970,100) and province of San Luis, pesos four million thirty and one thousand three hundred ($4,031,300).


From the Federal Tax Liability Regime

ARTICLE 48. -During the fiscal year 2017, the nominal rate of increase of the primary current public expenditure of the National Administration, provincial jurisdictions and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, will not be able to exceed the cumulative rate of increase nominal gross domestic product at market prices reported by the INDEC. The Federal Fiscal Responsibility Board shall calculate the nominal rate of change in the primary current expenditure executed, due basis, in respect of the previous fiscal year or with respect to the year 2015, as appropriate.

ARTICLE 49. -In those jurisdictions that have executed a deficit primary outcome for the fiscal year 2016, they shall take the necessary measures to promote convergence to fiscal balance.

To such effects the provincial jurisdictions will have to execute in the fiscal year 2017 a decrease of 10% of that result, expressed this result in percentage of the PBI.

The national government will have to register in the financial year 2017 a ten percent decrease (10%) of the net deficit primary result of the funds that the National Administration ceases to receive under the National Agreement. May 2016 ratified by law 27.260 and CSJN rulings in caratuled cars CSJ 538/2009 (45-S) /CS1 "Santa Fe, Province of c/National State s/declarative action of unconstitutionality", CSJ 191/2009 (45-S) /CS1 " San Luis, Province of c/National State s/declarative action of unconstitutionality and collection of pesos ", CSJ 786/2013 (49-C) /CS1 "Córdoba Province of c/State and other/precautionary measure", CSJ 538/2009 (45-S) CS1 "Santa Fe, Province of c/National State s/declarative action of unconstitutionality" and CSJ 1039/2008 (44-S) /CS1 " San Luis, Province of c/National State and other s/collection of pesos ", expressed as a percentage of GDP.

ARTICLE 50. -Jurisdictions which have reached a positive financial result will enjoy the elimination of the debt authorizations provided for in Article 25 of Law 25,917, in public credit operations for the financing of works of infrastructure, with the limitation that it does not reverse the sign of the result.

ARTICLE 51. -Credit operations may be carried out to finance the deficit result of the fiscal year 2017 as long as the respective Provincial Jurisdictions and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires comply with the limitation of the result the primary deficit in Article 49 of the present Regulation, with the limitation of the variation in the primary current expenditure laid down in Article 48 of the present Regulation and with the transparency provisions of Article 7 of Law 25,917.

ARTICLE 52. -The application of Articles 12, 21 first paragraph, 15 last paragraph and 24 of Law 25,917 and Articles 2 and 3 of Law 25.152 shall be applied for the 2017 financial year.

ARTICLE 53. -extend the maximum period laid down in Article 14 of Law 26,422 until 31 December 2017.

ARTICLE 54. -The Federal Fiscal Responsibility Council shall publish the information provided for in Article 7 of Law 25,917, according to the information provided by each jurisdiction evaluated. The compliance assessment reports must be communicated to the Congress of the Nation.

ARTICLE 55. -Invite the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires to adhere to the provisions of this chapter.


Other provisions

ARTICLE 56. -Dase by extension of any period prescribed by the Head of the Cabinet of Ministers for the liquidation or final dissolution of any entity, agency, institute, company or company of the State in the process of liquidation in accordance with decrees 2,148 dated 19 October 1993 and 1,836 dated 14 October 1994, and the extension of which would have been established by administrative decision.

Set as the final date for the final settlement of the settlement entities referred to in the preceding paragraph on 31 December 2017 or until the final settlement of the settlement processes of the entities occurs. This is the first time that we have reached this extension, through the resolution of the Ministry of Finance and Public Finance, which will be available to the public.

ARTICLE 57. -Article 15 of the decree issued in general agreement of Ministers 1.382 dated August 9, 2012, which is worded as follows:

Article 15: Revenue from the disposal of the immovable property covered by this measure, from the constitution, transfer, modification or extinction of other real or personal rights in respect of the same and of locations, assignments or transfers of their use, seventy per cent (70%) will be affected in favour of the budgetary jurisdiction or entity holding its effective custody under Article 17 of the present and the remaining thirty per cent (30%) shall enter the Treasury national.

The national treasury shall authorise the opening of a collection account for the purposes of compliance with the provisions of this Article. Repeal any other general or special rule which is opposed to the present rule.

Where the legal acts referred to in the first subparagraph are carried out in the framework of operations carried out through trusts or urban agreements concluded between the Agency for the Administration of State Goods and the local jurisdictions where the buildings are located, entitles it to apply the highest value obtained by the change of zoning and/or urban indicator and/or other stipulations that agree with them, to payments for contracted works by the State, provincial and/or municipal, urbanization, construction of housing, provision of basic services, improvement of public schools and/or public hospitals, road works and/or other projects involving an environmental, economic and/or urban partner development in the jurisdiction where the building is located.

ARTICLE 58. -Extiendanse the time limits provided for in Articles 2 and 5 of Law 26.360 and its amendment law 26,728, for the realization of investments in infrastructure works, until 31 December 2017, inclusive.

It shall be understood that there is an effective principle of enforcement when funds are made from funds associated with the investment project between 1 October 2010 and 31 October 2017, both dates inclusive, not less than 15% (15%) of the planned investment, even if the works were initiated between 1 October 2007 and 30 September 2017.

ARTICLE 59. -Create the Trust Fund for Social Housing, in the area of the Housing and Habitat Secretariat of the Ministry of the Interior, Public Works and Housing, with the purpose of financing the existing programs of social housing and infrastructure basic, with public, private and international, multilateral or trilateral funds. The trust will be the Banco de la Nacion Argentina, which will administer the fund according to the instructions of a board of directors, whose conformation and functions will be established by resolution of the Ministry. The exemptions provided for in Article 12 of Law 24,855 shall apply to the fund and to the trust in its operations relating to the fund. Empower the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers to approve the flow and use of funds for the 2017 financial year of the said trust.

ARTICLE 60. -Substitute Article 101 of Law 11,672 permanent supplementary budget (t.o. 2014), replaced by Article 60 of Law 27.008, by the following:

Article 101: The production of the sale of movable and immovable property located abroad, belonging to the private domain of the Nation and assigned in use to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cult will be affected to the acquisition, in the same (a) the scope, the movable or immovable property and/or its construction and/or equipment and/or the value and/or integral adequacy. The Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers may be empowered to make the budgetary adjustments to this Article.

ARTICLE 61. -Repeal articles 106 and 107 of the law 26,727. Restore the validity of the law 25.191 in its original wording along with the regulatory regulations.

The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply from 1 January 2017.

ARTICLE 62. -Set the value of the electoral module established in article 68a of the law 26.215 in the sum of weights nine with forty-three cents ($9.43).

ARTICLE 63. -Eximese from the payment of the export duty which taxes the export for the consumption of hydrocarbons and their derivatives, solid fuels and synthetic lubricants, in the framework of the campaigns which are carried out annually according to the provisions of the Law 18,513 and Decree 2,316 dated November 5, 1990, which are intended to supply the Antarctic bases.

ARTICLE 64. -It incorporates as resources with specific affectation to the Federal System of Media and Public Content of the Chief Cabinet Office of Ministers, the non-tax resources and sales of goods and services that are generated by the activities developed at the Cultural Center of the Bicentennial Nestor Carlos Kirchner, and at the Tecnopolis Theme Center in fulfillment of its functions.

ARTICLE 65. -Facultete the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers so that in opportunity to proceed to the administrative distribution of this law, incorporate the credits, resources and charges corresponding to the Program 30-Registration of Kidnapped Arms and Seized, from the Administrative-Financial Service 332-Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, in the decentralized body 208-National Agency for Controlled Materials, acting in the field of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.

ARTICLE 66. -exemption from the payment of import duties on imports for the consumption of rolling stock-locomotives, machinery, self-propelled units and towed equipment-signalling systems and their components, doors of platform, The invention relates to a method for the use of said components directly related to said goods and rails, intended for investment projects for the strengthening and improvement of the passenger and freight rail transport system. by the national state, the provinces, the Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, the Management of Railway Infrastructure Society of the State (C.U.I.T. 30-71069599-3), the Railway Operator Company of the State (C.U.I.T. 30-71068177-1), Belgrano Cargas and Logistica Sociedad Anonima (C.U.I.T. 30-71410144-3) or Subways de Buenos Aires Sociedad del Estado (C.U.I.T. 30-54575831-4). Such imports shall also be exempt from the value added tax. The benefits provided here shall be for the goods issued with final destination to the customs territory by land, water or air and loaded in the respective means of transport until 31 December 2017, including. These exemptions will only apply if the goods were new and the domestic industry is not in a position to supply them, and the Ministry of Production must be issued.

The goods imported with this benefit may not be transferred to third parties other than the individual goods before the end of five (5) years from the date of their release to the market and must be exclusively affected by the Destination taken into account for the granting of the benefits here conferred, which must be accredited to the Rail Transport Secretariat, dependent of the Transport Management Secretariat, of the Ministry of Transport, each time that is required.

ARTICLE 67. -Eximese from the payment of import duties, fees for port, airport, statistics and verification services that tax the importation of capital goods and consumer goods-and their spare parts-that are acquired by the Argentine Company of the Air Navigation Company of the State (E.A.N.A. S.E.) (C.U.I.T. 30-71515195-9) and Intercargo Sociedad Anonima Comercial (Intercargo S.A.C.) (C.U.I.T. 30-53827483-2). Such imports shall also be exempt from the value added tax. These exemptions shall apply only if the goods are new and the domestic industry is not in a position to supply them, on which the Ministry of Production shall be issued. Also, exempt from the payment of the import duty, the fees for port, airport, statistics and verification services that tax the greatest value that, at the time of its reimportation, have the goods that it has exported The Argentine Company of Air Navigation Company of the State (E.A.N.A. S.E.) (C.U.I.T. 30-71515195-9) for the purposes of its repair abroad. All the benefits provided for in this Article shall apply until 31 December 2017, inclusive.

ARTICLE 68. -exemption from the payment of import duties on imports for the consumption of port equipment-beacons, buoys and other signalling instruments, coastal and spring defence materials, and spare parts directly related to these goods, destined to investment projects for the strengthening and improvement of the harbour system of passengers and loads, that they are acquired by the national State, the provinces, the Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the General Administration of Ports of the State (C.U.I.T.: 30-54670628-8). Such imports shall also be exempt from the value added tax. These exemptions will only apply if the goods are new and the domestic industry is not in a position to provide them, the benefits here will be governed until 31 December 2017, inclusive.

ARTICLE 69. -Consider within the Priority Investment Program (PIP), in the terms of Article 27 of Law 11.672-permanent supplementary budget (t.o. 2014) to the transport infrastructure works that make up the The following programmes, projects and budgetary activities of the Ministry of Transport: Programme 60-Forms and Implementation of Transport Policy, Project Modernisation of the Air Navigation System, Programme 61-Coordination Road Transport Policies, Project 2-Improvement of Transportation in the Area Metropolitan and Activity 14-International Tunel Tunel Paso de Agua Negra; Program 62-Modernization of the Rail Transportation Network, Project 18-Regional Expressions Network (RER), Project 19 Puesta en Valor del Ferrocarril Mitre, Project 23-Improvement of Railway Connectivity to Constitution-FFCC Belgrano Sur (CAP s/N °)-New, Project 5-Soterrement FFCC Sarmiento, Project 20-put in value San Martín, Project 26-Renewal of Vias and the Corridor of the FFCC Belgrano Cargos and Activity 14-Rehabilitation of the FFCC Belgrano Cargas, Rehabilitation Project Integral Cargo Trains, Integrated Rehabilitation of Passenger Trains Project AMBA; Ministry of Interior, Public Works and Housing: Works of Energy Infrastructure-Hydroelectric Hydroelectric I, Los Blancos, Portezuelo del Viento and Potrero of the Clavillo, New Areas of Riego Rio Negro-Colonia Josefa-Black Dead, New Areas of Irrigation Chubut-Intermediate Plateau, New Areas Of Irrigation Neuquén-Lower Valley River Limay, The Tambolar, The Salty Stretch 4 and Mandisovi Aqueduct and works of Complementary infrastructure of the National Ente of Water Works of Sanitation: Aqueduct La Pampa, Acueducto Norte Cisterna and Domicile Connections in Catamarca, System of Aqueduct North, Aqueduct Las Tunas, Acueducto del Este-San Luis, Aqueducto Formosa, Aqueducto El Bolson, Vallecito Frias, Quiros, San Antonio, Recreo, Esquiu and La Guard, Dique Quines, Canal Norte Santa Cruz; Ministry of Energy and Mining: Hydroelectric Power Plant Dr. Nestor Kirchner/Jorge Cepernic-Work of Energy Infrastructure Fourth Nuclear Central-CAREM Project in the field of the Commission National of Atomic Energy, Construction Usina Termoelectrica of Rio Turbio and the Directorate National of Viality: Budget Program 42-Strengthening of the network of Regional Highways, Subprogram 1, Project 3-Autopista National Route 7 of the Andes-Palmira-Luján de Cuyo, Project 5-Autopista National Route 19: San Francisco-Córdoba-San Francisco-Jeanmarie, Project 6-Autopista National Route 19: San Francisco-Córdoba-Jeanmarie-Arroyito, Project 7-Autopista National Route 19: Arroyito-Empalme National Route 19 current (Rio Primero) Section I and Project 8- Highway National Route 19: Arroyito-Empalme National Route 19 Current (Rio Primero) Section II, Program budget 44, budget subprogram 2, Project 5-Autopista National Route 7 of the Andes Section: Variant Uspallata, budget subprogram 6, project 1-Autopista National Route 7 of the Andes Section: Tunnels Libertadores and Caracoles, Budget sub-programme 8, project 1-Autopista National Route 7 of the Andes Section: Potrerillos-Uspallata and project 2-Autopista National Route 7 of the Andes Section: Uspallata-Las Cuevas.

ARTICLE 70. -Facultete al chief de Cabinet de Ministros, en la oportunidad de proceed a la distribución de los credits approved por el artículo 1 ° de la presente ley, a incorporen en la Jurisdiction 58-Ministerio de Energía y Mineria, los balances de recursos remains collected in the financial year 2015, corresponding to laws 15.336, 24.065 and 23.966.

ARTICLE 71. -For the financial year 2017, an allocation of four thousand five hundred million pesos ($4,500,000,000) will be allocated to the Ministry of Agro-Industry, to be affected by the agro-industrial sector; plant, animal and food health and quality; territorial development and family farming; pure and applied research and its extension in agricultural and livestock matters; and regional and/or provincial productions in the various parts of the country.

Consider within that allocation the sum of pesos one billion ($1,000,000,000) to grant compensation to the production of soybeans in the provinces included in the actions of the Plan Belgrano Unit, according to Article 2 of the decree 435/16.

Empower the Ministry of Agri-Industry, the Ministry of Finance and Public Finance and the Federal Administration of Public Revenue to dictate the regulation that requires the implementation of the second paragraph of this article.

It also empowers the Chief of Staff of Ministers to make the necessary budgetary changes in order to comply with this Article.

ARTICLE 72. -Create in the field of the Ministry of Agro-industry the National Trust Fund of Agroindustry called Fondagro, which will be formed as a trust of administration and financial, in order to encourage, encourage and develop, through of the actions considered to be more efficient, the agro-industrial sector; the health and plant, animal and food quality; the territorial development and the family agriculture; the pure and applied research and its extension in agricultural and livestock fishing; and regional and/or provincial productions in the various parts of the country.

To these ends, the Ministry, through its holder, will be the trustee of the Fondagro and Nación Trusts S.A. will be its trustee, and must administer the Fondagro according to the instructions of the trustee.

The Fondagro is permanently constituted and will be integrated with the resources from the annual budget headings of the National Treasury, donations, and contributions from provincial, national and international agencies.
The Chief of Staff of Ministers shall be empowered to approve the flow and use of the funds for the Financial Year 2017 of the said trust, and may allocate part of the budgetary allocation referred to in the previous article.

ARTICLE 73. -It is available that pesos eight billion ($8,000,000,000) corresponding to the budget item of the Entity 850 National Administration of Social Security, of Transfers to Provincial and Municipal Institutions to finance expenses For the year 2017 within the Program Transfers and Contributions to Social Security and Decentralized Organizations, Group 07, Transfers to Provincial Visionary Boxes, will be transferred in twelve (12) monthly quotas and equivalent, to those provincial states that have not transferred their systems " Foresight to the Nation. The distribution of this amount will be based on the weighted average of the following three criteria:

1) With an incidence of twenty-five percent (25%), the provincial population (based on data from the National Census 2010 of the INDEC).

2) With an incidence of twenty-five percent (25%), the number of pre-viewing beneficiaries of each provincial box, audited by the National Administration of Social Security, for the financial year 2015.

3) With an incidence of fifty percent (50%), a weighted average of the financial result of the last financial year audited by the National Administration of Social Security at the date of the calculation, adjusted for the degree of compliance harmonisation of the Provincial Fund to national legislation.

The National Administration of Social Security will be charged with determining the final amounts to be transferred automatically and monthly to each province, and will be able to apply a maximum ceiling for those cases in which the amount established by weighted average exceeds the estimated deficit for the 2017 financial year. The transfer of these amounts will take place during the last week of each calendar year of the calendar year 2017. These amounts will be considered as an advance on account of the final amounts of financial assistance that the National Administration of Social Security determines for each jurisdiction after the audits established in the article. 27 of the law 27,260.

Authorize the Chief of Staff of Ministers to make the necessary budgetary changes, in order to comply with the payment of firm judicial convictions in favor of the province of San Luis, according to sentences handed down by the Supreme Court. Commission of the European Communities ν Commission of the European Communities ν Commission of the European Communities ν Commission of the European Communities ν Commission of the European Communities ν Commission of the European Communities in favor of the province of Santa Fe, as sentences handed down by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation in cars: "Santa Fe, province of c/national State s/Declarative Action of Unconstitutionality"-Expediente S. 538/09 and "Santa Fe, province of c/national State s/Declarative Action of Unconstitutionality" Expediente S. 539/09, without affect the budgetary limits already approved in the preceding articles.

ARTICLE 74. -Affect to the Federal Solidarity Fund, created by decree of the national executive branch 206 dated March 19, 2009, which will continue to be governed by the current regulations, the sum of five billion pesos ($5,000,000,000) for the financial year 2017. It would also extend the object established for the aforementioned Federal Solidarity Fund, which will aim to finance provincial, municipal and municipal works of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, which contribute to the improvement of the building infrastructure. of the various public, sanitary, educational, hospital, housing and road partitions and/or agencies, as well as for infrastructure and productive investment, with the express prohibition of using the sums of this fund, for the financing of current expenditure.

ARTICLE 75. -Substitute Article 1 (a) of Law 22,929 by the following:

(a) personnel directly carrying out scientific technical activities of research or development and management of these activities in any of the national bodies referred to in Article 14 (a) of Law 25.467, staff the activities referred to in full exclusive dedication in accordance with the provisions of the statutes or schemes of the specified bodies. Incorporate into law 11.672, permanent supplementary budget (t.o. 2014) the article of this law.

ARTICLE 76. -Remove the last paragraph of Article 8 ° of Law 25.152.

ARTICLE 77. -The national executive branch should develop and report through fiscal year 2017 a plan of reforms of the national budget system that aims to achieve the objectives of greater specificity and detail in the budget laws, and to make progress on transparency at all stages of the budget cycle.

This plan should be presented to the Honorable Congress of the Nation before June 30, 2017, and the reforms will take effect in the fiscal year 2018.

ARTICLE 78. -For the financial year 2017 an additional allocation of pesos six hundred and fifty million ($650,000,000) in favor of the province of La Rioja for the financing of investment expenditure. The head of the Cabinet of Ministers should be empowered to make the necessary budgetary changes in order to comply with this Article.

ARTICLE 79. -In accordance with Article 116 of Law 11.672, a permanent supplementary to the 2014 budget, the following Article 116 a:

Article 116 bis: Condonanse the debts of companies benefiting from the Industrial Promotion Regime, law 22,021 and its modifications, generated up to the fiscal period 2015-whatever the state they are in-originated by the usufruct of a quantity of higher tax credit bonds than the originally recognised amount, which would have been credited in the course of a judicial process, the outcome of which was ultimately adverse to the beneficiaries of the said scheme, in so far as such undertakings would have complied with the obligations laid down in their particular act of granting of benefits. The waiver reaches the capital owed, the interests of the law and/or the law.

All benefits granted under acts considered or which may be considered as null and void in the terms of the preceding article are excluded from the waiver provided for in the preceding paragraph.

The Ministry of Finance and Public Finance, the Ministry of Production, the Federal Administration of Public Revenue, and the respective enforcement authorities of the Ministry of Public Revenue, will be empowered to the national executive branch. scheme, to extend the corresponding certificate of promotional compliance for the purposes of enabling the condoning for each particular case.

The tax executions relating to the debts referred to in the first paragraph of this Article shall be suspended from the entry into force of this law by 80 (180) working days from the entry into force of this law; Federal Administration of Public Revenue to extend it until the verification of compliance by the companies involved concludes.

The national executive branch will regulate the requirements of this article and will dictate the additional rules necessary for its implementation.

ARTICLE 80. -the Chief of Staff of Ministers should be empowered to make the necessary budgetary changes, in order to achieve the regularisation of administrative circuits and the obligations generated, as a result of the payment of the of advertising spaces and/or related services generated prior to and during the year 2017, within the framework of the provisions of Decree 1.145/2009 and its amending decrees 852/2014, 2.379/2015 and 345/2016. He also authorised the Chief of Staff of Ministers to lay down the additional rules for the implementation of this Article.

The use of advertising proceeds from the payment in payment is expressly prohibited ninety (90) days before the primary election and until the end of the general election, in the years of holding elections. The credit to be used may never exceed 20% (20%) per tax period.

ARTICLE 81. -Ratify the conventions concluded in the framework of the "Federal Program for the Disindebtedness of Argentine Provinces" governed by Decree 660 of 10 May 2010 and its complementary rules, which can only be modified by means of the Intra-federal agreements that reach the parties that signed them.

ARTICLE 82. -The company Aguas y Saneentos Argentinos (AYSA), which is included in the laws 26.100 and 26.221, may apply for accreditation against other taxes in charge of the AFIP, autarquica in the field of the Ministry of Finance and Public Finance, or the return or the application of some other mechanism which is instructed in the regulation of this article, of the balance in its favor referred to in the first paragraph of article 24 of the Law of Value Added Tax, text ordered in 1997 and its modifications. The Ministry of Finance and Public Finance shall regulate the conditions of this Article by taking into consideration the general conditions prevailing in the field of budgetary revenue.

ARTICLE 83. -However the authorizations granted, only the processes of contracting the Works of Hydroelectric Energy Infrastructure can be initiated when there is the express approval by the Committee of the respective Water Basin or, if not yet has been constituted, of each of the Condomine governments, as provided for in Law 25,688-Regime of Environmental Management of Waters.


Of the permanent supplementary budget law

ARTICLE 84. -Incorporated into law 11,672, permanent supplementary budget (t.o. 2014) articles, 63, 64 and 82 of this law.


Budget of expenditure and resources of the central government

ARTICLE 85. -Detailed information on the summary sheets 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, annexed to this Title, the amounts determined in Articles 1 °, 2 °, 3 ° and 4 ° of this law corresponding to the Central Administration.


Budget for expenditure and resources of decentralised bodies and social security institutions

ARTICLE 86. -Detailed information in the summary sheets 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7A, 8A and 9A annexed to this Title, the amounts determined in articles 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this law corresponding to the decentralised bodies.

ARTICLE 87. -Detailed information in the summary sheets 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B, 7B, 8B and 9B annexed to this Title the amounts determined in Articles 1 °, 2 °, 3 ° and 4 ° of this law corresponding to the institutions of social security.

ARTICLE 88. -Contact the national executive branch.



EMILIO MONZO. -FEDERICO PINEDO. -Eugenio Inchausti. -Juan P. Tunessi.

NOTE: The Annex/s that integrates this (a) Law are published in the web edition of the BORA can also be consulted in the Central Headquarters of this National Directorate (Suipacha 767-Autonomous City of Buenos Aires).

( Note Infoleg: The annexes referred to in this standard have been extracted from the Official Gazette web edition. The same can be found in the following link: Annexes )

( Note Infoleg : amendments to the Annexes which have been published in the Official Gazette are available on the link " This rule is supplemented or modified by X standard (s) ")