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Process Of Restructuring Of Securities Public.

Original Language Title: Proceso de reestructuración de títulos públicos.

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Law 26,886

The process of restructuring public securities. Sanctioned: September 11, 2013 Enacted: September 20, 2013

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc., are sanctioned by law:

ARTICLE 1 °-Authorize the national executive branch, through the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance, to carry out all the necessary acts for the conclusion of the process of restructuring the public titles that were eligible for the exchange provided for in Decree No 1,735 of 9 December 2004 and its complementary rules which have not been submitted to it or to the exchange provided for by Decree No 563 dated 26 April 2010, in the terms of Article 65 of the Law 24.156 Financial Management and Control Systems of the National Public Sector and its In order to adapt the services of the debt to the possibilities of payment of the national state in the medium and long term.

ARTICLE 2 °-The financial terms and conditions that are offered may not be better than those offered to creditors in the debt restructuring provided by Decree No. 563/10.

ARTICLE 3-Except for securities of public debt issued as a result of the provisions of this Law, of the provisions of Articles 7 and 10 of Law 23,928 and of its amendments, to correspond.

ARTICLE 4 °-The holders of public securities that are eligible for the exchange provided for in Decree No. 1.735/04 and its complementary rules that wish to participate in any restructuring operation carried out in the framework of the provisions in this law, they shall waive all the rights that correspond to them under the terms of the said titles, including those rights that would have been recognized by any judicial or administrative judgment, arbitral award or decision of any other authority, and renounce and release the Argentine Republic from any action judicial, administrative, arbitral or any other type, initiated or which may be initiated in the future in relation to the securities referred to or the obligations of the Argentine Republic arising therefrom, including any intended action to receive capital or interest services from such securities. It would be prohibited to offer to the holders of public debt that they would have initiated judicial, administrative, arbitration or any other kind of treatment more favorable than those who had not done so.

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Article 5 °-The Ministry of Economy and Public Finance will inform the Honorable Congress of the Nation on a quarterly basis the results of the present.

ARTICLE 6-The national government bonds eligible under Decree No. 1.735/04, deposited by any cause or title to the order of courts of any instance, jurisdiction and jurisdiction, the holders of which would not have been In the case of the exchange provided by the decree referred to above or the provisions of Decree No 563/10, or have not expressly stated in the respective judicial proceedings, their will not to adhere to them, they will be replaced, "The bonds of the Argentine Republic to the Par in Pesos Step Up 2038", in the conditions established for the allocation, settlement and issuance of such bonds by Decree No 1.735/04 and its accompanying rules. The Ministry of Economy and Public Finance should be empowered to lay down the additional rules necessary to implement the replacement provided for in this Article.

Article 7 °-Suspend the validity of Articles 2, 3 and 4 of Law 26,017 until the Congress of the Nation declares the process of restructuring of the Public Titles reached by the aforementioned standard.

ARTICLE 8 °-This law shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Gazette.

ARTICLE 9 °-Commune to the national executive branch.



BELOVED BOUDOU. -JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. -Gervasio Bozzano. -Juan H. Estrada.

Date of publication: 23/09/2013

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