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Law 26,849
I approved the increase in the quota of the Argentine Republic. Sanctioned: April 17, 2013 Enacted In Fact: May 6, 2013
The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc., are sanctioned by law:
Article 1-Approve the increase of the quota of the ARGENTINE REPUBLIC in the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (IMF), according to the Fourteenth General Review of the Quota of the aforementioned organism, in the sum of SPECIAL RIGHTS OF TURN A THOUSAND SEVENTY MILLIONS TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND (DEG 1.070,200,000). With the approval given in this article and once the Fourteenth General Review of quotas takes effect, the quota of the Argentine Republic in the aforementioned organism will be raised to the sum of SPECIAL RIGHTS OF ROTATION THREE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-SEVEN MILLION THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND (DEG 3,187,300,000).
ARTICLE 2-The increase provided for in article 1 of this law shall be made effective by cancelling 25% (25%) of the increase in Special Drawing Rights or, in whole or in part, in the currencies of other member countries of the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (IMF) that the same determines and that have the conformity of these countries and, likewise, the SEVENTY FIVE PERCENT (75%) remaining will be paid in currency of the Argentine Republic, all of which according to the Article III, Section 3 of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Constitutive Convention was approved by Decree Law No. 15,970 dated August 31, 1956 and its complementary and amending Nros. 17.887, 21.648, 24.005 and 25.395, and in accordance with the rules and procedures laid down by Resolution No. 66-2 of 15 December 2010 of the Board of Governors of the aforementioned body.
ARTICLE 3-Authorize the CENTRAL BANK OF THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC to issue non-negotiable securities that will not bear interest, payable in sight, which will be given to the MONETARY FUND in the name and on behalf of the Argentine Republic. INTERNATIONAL (IMF) in order to cancel the SEVENTY FIVE PERCENT (75%) of the increase to be paid in the currency of the Argentine Republic, in accordance with Article III, Section 4 of the Convention of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as well as to make the payments that were necessary to meet the commitments emerging from the situations provided for in Article V, Section 11 of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Constitutive Convention. In the event that the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (IMF) requires the substitution of the securities referred to in the previous paragraph by currency, the CENTRAL BANK OF THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC
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the corresponding counterpart contributions to be provided by the SECRETARY OF FINANCE of the MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND PUBLIC FINANCES.
ARTICLE 4-Authorize the central bank of the Argentine Republic to make, in the name and on behalf of the ARGENTINE REPUBLIC, the payments necessary to cancel the 25% (25%) of the increase to be integrated into Special Rights In all or in part, in the currencies of other member countries of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The payments to be made with external assets shall be made within the framework of the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 6 of Law 23,928 and their amendments, receiving the CENTRAL BANK OF THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC instruments of debt that provide the MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND PUBLIC FINANCES.
ARTICLE 5-Faculty to the MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND PUBLIC FINANCES so that, as a counterpart of the preceding payments, make the corresponding contributions according to the provisions of article 3 of this Law, and issue, for up to the sums necessary to cover the 25% (25%) of the increase in the quota that is approved by Article 1 of this Law, one or more non-transferable letters, denominated in U.S. Dollars, depreciable in full at maturity, with a Time limit for depreciation of DIEZ (10) years, which shall bear an interest rate equal to that which accrues the international reserves of the CENTRAL BANK OF THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC for the same period, up to a maximum of the annual LIBOR rate, minus ONE (1) percentage point and whose interests are to be cancelled semi-annually. For such purposes, such erogations should be included in the General Budget Law of the National Administration for the relevant financial year. In addition, the Chief of Staff of Ministers is empowered to carry out the extensions or modifications of the budget credits and their financing originated in the increase of capital, in the opportunity in which the capital increase is implemented.
ARTICLE 6-Approve the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Amendments to the Convention of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) adopted by the Board of Governors of that body by means of Resolutions Nros. 63-2 dated April 28, 2008, 63-3 dated May 5, 2008 and 66-2 dated December 15, 2010, whose translations authenticated into the Spanish language form an integral part of this law as an Annex.
ARTICLE 7-Authorize the Governor of the Republic of Argentina to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the position of the Minister of Economy and Public Finance, to the Governor Alterno to the same body, the position of the President of the central bank of the Argentine Republic and, likewise, the officials appointed to carry out all the necessary actions aimed at the acceptance, by the Republic of Argentina, of the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Amendments to the Constitutive Convention of the Monetary Fund INTERNATIONAL (IMF).
ARTICLE 8-Contact the national executive branch.
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BELOVED BOUDOU. -JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. -Gervasio Bozzano. -Juan H. Estrada.
NOTE: E l Annex which in tegra is ta Ley se pub l ica en la ed ic ion web de l BORA -www.boletinoficial.gov.ar-y also be able to be consulted at the Central Headquarters of this National Directorate (Suipacha 767-Autonomous City of Buenos Aires).
Date of publication: 10/05/2013
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