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Create A Federal First Instance Court With Seat In The Town Of Venado Tuerto, Santa Fe Province.

Original Language Title: Créase un Juzgado Federal de Primera Instancia con asiento en la ciudad de Venado Tuerto, Provincia de Santa Fe.

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Law 26,834

I created a Federal Court of First Instance with a seat in the city of Venado Tuerto, Santa Fe Province. Sanctioned: November 29, 2012 Enacted in Fact: January 8, 2013

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc., are sanctioned by law:

ARTICLE 1-Create a Federal Court of First Instance with a seat in the city of Venado Tuerto, Santa Fe province, which will operate with two (2) Secretariats, one (1) with jurisdiction in correctional criminal matters and the other in the civil, trade, labor, taxation, social security and administrative litigation, respectively.

ARTICLE 2 °-The Court that is created by virtue of Article 1 °, will have territorial jurisdiction coincident with the territorial jurisdiction of the Judicial Constituency No. 3 Venado Tuerto of the Judicial Guide of the Province of Santa Fe.

Article 3-Amend the territorial jurisdiction of the Federal Courts of the city of Rosario, from which the territorial jurisdiction referred to in the preceding article will be excluded.

Article 4 °-The Federal Chamber of Appeals of Rosario will exercise the superintendence and will be the court of the court of the Court that is created by this law.

ARTICLE 5 °-The Federal Courts with a seat in the city of Rosario shall forward to the Court that is created by this law, with the consent of the parties in judgment the causes in procedure that correspond to it according to the established territorial jurisdiction, with the exception of criminal cases and those found at the sentencing stage.

Article 6-Create one (1) Office of the Prosecutor of the First Instance and one (1) Official Public Defender, who will act before the Federal Court of First Instance of Venado Tuerto, both with a seat in that city, province of Santa Fe.

Article 7-Create the charges of Judge, Secretaries of the Court, Prosecutor of the First Instance, Public Defender, and authorize the Judicial Branch of the Nation, the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Public Ministry of Defense to create the charges of the officials and employees corresponding to the implementation of this law.

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Article 8 °-This law will be implemented once the necessary budgetary credit is available for the attention of the expenditure that its object demands, which will be charged to the budgets of the Judicial Branch of the Nation, the Public Ministry Prosecutor and the Public Ministry of Defense, respectively.

Article 9 °-The magistrates, officials and employees appointed to perform at the Court, the Prosecutor's Office and the Office of the Ombudsman who are established by this law shall only take possession of their respective positions when the budgetary condition is given to refers to the preceding article.

ARTICLE 10. -Contact the national executive branch.




BELOVED BOUDOU. -JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. -Gervasio Bozzano. -Juan H. Estrada.

Date of publication: 22/01/2013

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