Key Benefits:
Law 27275
Object. Exceptions. Reaches.
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc., are sanctioned by law:
ARTICLE 1-Object. The purpose of this law is to ensure the effective exercise of the right of access to public information, to promote citizen participation and the transparency of public administration, and is based on the following principles: advertising: all information held by the State is presumed to be public, except for the exceptions provided for by this law. Transparency and maximum disclosure: all information in possession, custody or control of the subject must be accessible to all persons. Access to public information can only be limited when one of the exceptions provided for in this law is present, according to the needs of the democratic and republican society, proportional to the interest that justifies them. Informalism: the rules of procedure for accessing information must facilitate the exercise of the right and its failure to observe it will not be an obstacle to this. The required subjects cannot found the rejection of the request for information in the non-compliance with formal requirements or procedural rules. Maximum access: the information should be published in a complete manner, with the highest level of disaggregation possible and by the most available means. Openness: information must be accessible in open electronic formats, which facilitate their processing by automatic means that allow their reuse or redistribution by third parties. Dissociation: in that case in which part of the information is framed within the exceptions taxatively established by this law, the information not excepted must be published in a version of the document that I have, hidden or dissociated those parties subject to the derogation. Non-discrimination: information must be provided to all persons who request it, on an equal basis, excluding any form of discrimination and without requiring expression of cause or reason for the application. Maximum premurs: the information must be published with the utmost speed and in times compatible with the preservation of its value. Gratuitousness: access to information must be free, without prejudice to the provisions of this law. Monitoring: compliance with the rules governing the right of access to information will be the subject of permanent scrutiny. Resolutions that deny requests for access to information, such as
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the silence of the required subject, the ambiguity or the inaccuracy of its response may be appealed to the competent body. Liability: failure to comply with the obligations under this law will give rise to liability and give rise to the appropriate penalties. Limited scope of exceptions: the limits to the right of access to public information must be exceptional, established in advance in accordance with this law, and formulated in clear and precise terms, with the responsibility to demonstrate the validity of any restrictions on access to the information in charge of the subject to which the information is required. In the case of doubt, the interpretation of the provisions of this law or of any regulation of the right of access to information should always be carried out in favour of the greater validity and scope of the right to information. Facilitation: no public authority may refuse to indicate whether a document works, or not, in its possession or to deny the disclosure of a document in accordance with the exceptions contained in this law, except that the damage caused to the interest protected is greater than the public interest in obtaining the information. Good faith: in order to guarantee the effective exercise of access to information, it is essential that the required subjects act in good faith, that is, that they interpret the law in such a way as to serve to fulfill the aims pursued by the law of access, ensure the strict application of law, provide the necessary means of assistance to applicants, promote the culture of transparency and act with diligence, professionalism and institutional loyalty.
Right of access to public information
Chapter I
General scheme
ARTICLE 2-Right of access to public information. The right of access to public information includes the possibility of seeking, accessing, requesting, receiving, copying, analyzing, reprocessing, reusing and redistributing freely the information in the custody of the obligated subjects listed in the Article 7 of this Law, with the only limitations and exceptions established by this rule. Any information generated, obtained, transformed, controlled or guarded by the persons required by this law is presumed to be public.
ARTICLE 3-Definitions. For the purposes of this law: a) Public information: any type of data contained in documents of any format that the bound subjects listed in Article 7 of this law generate, obtain, transform, control or (b) Document: any record that has been generated, is controlled or is guarded by the obligated subjects listed in Article 7 of this Law, regardless of their form, support, origin, date of creation or character official.
ARTICLE 4 °-Active legitimation. Any human or legal person, public or private, has the right to request and receive public information, and the applicant shall not be required to give reasons for the request,
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accredit subjective right or legitimate interest or which has a legal sponsorship.
ARTICLE 5-Delivery of information. The information must be provided in the state in which the application is made at the time of the application, not being obliged the required subject to process it or to classify it. The State has an obligation to deliver it in open digital formats, except in exceptional cases where it is impossible to comply or will mean an excessive state effort. The derogations shall be fixed by the Agency for Access to Public Information.
ARTICLE 6-Gratuity. Access to public information is free as long as its reproduction is not required. The costs of reproduction are borne by the applicant.
ARTICLE 7 °-Scope of application. They are obliged to provide public information: (a) The national public administration, consisting of the central government and the decentralised bodies, comprising the institutions of social security in the latter; b) the legislative branch and the bodies operating in its field; c) The Judicial Branch of the Nation; (d) The Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation; (e) The Public Ministry of Defense; (f) The Council of the Magistracy; (g) Companies and companies of the State that cover companies of the State, the companies of the State, public limited companies with majority state participation, economic societies (a) mixed and all other business organisations where the national State has a majority stake in the capital or in the formation of corporate decisions; (h) companies and companies in which the national State has a minority participation, but only in respect of State participation; (i) Concessionaires, Permissioners and licensees of public services or concessionary licensees for the use of the public domain, to the extent that they comply with services public and in all matters corresponding to the exercise of the delegated administrative function; and contractors, suppliers and borrowers in any other form or form of contract; (j) Business organisations, political parties, trade unions, universities and any private entity to which public funds have been granted, in the which relates solely to information produced in whole or in part or in connection with public funds received; (k) institutions or funds whose administration, storage or conservation is in charge of the national State; (l) Legal persons In the case of non-state public in all that is governed by public law, and in which relates to information produced or related to public funds received; (m) Trusts which are wholly or partly made up of resources or assets of the national State; (n) the cooperating entities with which the administration (a) national public authorities have concluded or concluded agreements with the aim of technical or financial cooperation with State bodies; or (b) the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic; (p) the interjurisdictional authorities in which the national State have a participation or representation; (q) Dealers, operators, administrators and operators of games of chance, skill and gamble, duly authorised by competent authority. Failure to comply with this law will be considered a causal of poor performance.
Chapter II
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ARTICLE 8-Exceptions. The obligated subjects may only be exempt from providing the information when any of the following assumptions are configured: (a) Information expressly classified as reserved or confidential or secret, for reasons of defense or foreign policy. The reservation in no case shall be able to reach the information necessary to evaluate the definition of the security, defense and foreign relations policies of the Nation; nor that other whose disclosure does not represent a real and identifiable risk (b) Information which could endanger the proper functioning of the financial or banking system; (c) Industrial, commercial, financial, scientific, financial and financial services; technical or technological aspects whose disclosure could damage the level of competitiveness or (d) Information that compromises the legitimate rights or interests of a third party obtained in a confidential manner; (e) Information held by the Financial Reporting Unit in charge of the analysis; processing and transmission of information aimed at the prevention and investigation of the legitimization of assets arising from illicit activities; (f) Information drawn up by the subjects who are obliged to regulate or supervise financial institutions or prepared by third parties to be used by those who refer to the situation, assessment of its operating system or condition of operation; (g) Information drawn up by legal advisers or lawyers of the national public administration whose advertising could reveal the strategy to be adapted in defence or processing of a judicial cause or disclose the techniques or procedures of investigation of any offence or other irregularity or where the information shall deprive a person of the full exercise of due process assurance; (h) Information protected by the professional secrecy; (i) Information containing personal data and cannot be provided by applying dissociation procedures, unless the conditions of lawfulness laid down in law 25.326 for the protection of personal data and their modifications are complied with; (j) Information which may give rise to a danger to the life or safety of a (k) Information of a judicial nature whose disclosure is prohibited by other laws or by commitments entered into by the Argentine Republic in international treaties; (l) Information obtained in investigations conducted by the subjects the obligation to be reserved and the disclosure of which could frustrate the success of a (m) Information relating to an anonymous company subject to the public offering scheme. The exceptions contained in this Article shall not apply in cases of serious violations of human rights, genocide, war crimes or crimes against humanity.
Chapter III
Request for information and ways of claiming
ARTICLE 9 °-Request for information. The request for information must be submitted to the subject who has it or is presumed to have it, who will forward it to the person responsible for access to the public information, in the terms of the provisions of article 30 of this law. Can be performed
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in writing or by electronic means and without any formality with the exception of the identity of the applicant, the clear identification of the information requested and the contact details of the applicant for the purpose of sending the information requested or to announce that it is available. The subject who receives the request for information shall submit to the applicant a record of the processing.
ARTICLE 10. -Processing. If the application relates to public information which is not held by the subject to which it is addressed, the latter shall forward it, within the time limit of five (5) days, computed from the presentation, to the holder, if he is aware of it, or otherwise the Agency for Access to Public Information, and shall inform the applicant of this circumstance.
ARTICLE 11. -Deadlines. Any request for public information required in the terms of this law must be satisfied within a period of no more than fifteen (15) working days. The time limit may be extended by way of exception for 15 (15) working days of circumstances which make it reasonably difficult to gather the information requested. Where appropriate, the required subject must communicate, by way of an established act and before the expiry of the period, the reasons for which it makes use of such an extension. The petitioner may, for reasons founded, require the reduction of the time limit for responding to and satisfying his request.
ARTICLE 12. -Partial information. The required subjects must provide the requested information in full. Where there is a document containing in part information the access of which is limited in the terms of Article 8 of this Law, the rest of the information requested must be supplied, using cross-section systems.
ARTICLE 13. -Refusalatory. The requested person may refuse to provide the information which is the subject of the application, by a well-founded act, if it is verified that it does not exist and that it is not legally obliged to produce it or that it is included in any of the exceptions. provided for in Article 8 of this Law. The lack of substantiation shall determine the nullity of the act of refusal and shall require the delivery of the information required. The refusal of information must be provided by the highest authority of the requested body or entity. The silence of the subject, due to the deadlines provided for in Article 11 of this Law, as well as the ambiguity, inaccuracy or incomplete delivery, shall be considered as an unjustified refusal to provide the information. Refusal in any of its cases shall leave the means of claim provided for in Article 14 of this Law.
ARTICLE 14. -Means of claim. Decisions on access to public information are directly subject to the courts of first instance in the federal administrative dispute, without prejudice to the possibility of bringing the administrative claim relevant to the Agency for Access to Public Information or the body which corresponds to the liability of the taxpayer. The judge at the address of the applicant or the address of the required body shall be competent, with the option of the first. In neither of these two cases, the exhaustion of the administrative route may be required. The claim for non-compliance provided for in Article 15 of this Law shall be a substitute for the resources provided for in the National Law on Administrative Procedures, 19,549, and in Decree 1,759
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of 3 April 1972 (t.o. 1991). The claim promoted through court action will be dealt with through the amparo and must be filed within forty (40) working days after the decision rejecting the application has been notified or since the time limit for the application has expired. answer the question, or, on the basis of the verification of any other non-compliance with the provisions of this law. The cases of formal inadmissibility provided for in Article 2 of Law 16,986 shall not apply.
ARTICLE 15. -Claim for non-compliance. In the event of a refusal of a request for information set out in Article 13 of this Law or any other non-compliance with the provisions of this law, the applicant may, within a period of 40 (40) working days from the expiration of the deadline for the response set out in Article 11 of this standard, to file a complaint with the Agency for Access to Public Information or, to its option, to the agency originally required. The latter must immediately and without delay raise it to the Agency for Access to Public Information for resolution.
ARTICLE 16. -Formal requirements. The claim for non-compliance shall be filed in writing, indicating the full name, last name and address of the applicant, the subject to whom the request for information was addressed and the date of the filing. It will also be necessary to accompany copies of the request for information submitted and, if any, the response it would have received from the subject.
ARTICLE 17. -Resolution of the complaint filed. Within thirty (30) business days counted from the receipt of the claim for non-compliance, the Agency for Access to Public Information, shall decide: (a) To reject the claim on the basis of the claim, with reasons for that resolution: I. had been submitted outside the prescribed period; That he had previously resolved the same question in relation to the same applicant and the same information; III. That the required subject is not a subject bound by this law; IV. In the case of information referred to in one or more of the exceptions provided for in Article 8 of this Law. V. That the information provided has been complete and sufficient. If the decision does not involve the disclosure of the information, the notification to the requesting subject must inform the right to appeal to the Court of Justice and the time limits for bringing the action; b) Intimar the subject who has refused the information required to comply with the obligations imposed on it by this law. The decision of the Agency for Access to Public Information must be notified within three (3) working days to the applicant of the information and to the subject, at the same time as it must be published on its official website information. If the decision of the Agency for Access to Public Information is in favour of the applicant, the subject who has failed to comply with the provisions of this law, shall deliver the requested information within a period not exceeding 10 years. (10) working days from receipt of the intimation.
ARTICLE 18. -Responsibilities. The public official or responsible agent who arbitrarily obstructs the applicant's access to the required public information, or supplies it in an incomplete manner or otherwise impedes compliance with this law, incurs a lack of without prejudice to the administrative, property and criminal responsibilities which may be held by him
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as provided for in the rules in force.
Chapter IV
Agency for Access to Public Information
ARTICLE 19. -Agency for Access to Public Information. Create the Public Information Access Agency as an autarquic entity that will function with functional autonomy in the field of the national executive branch. The Agency for Access to Public Information should ensure compliance with the principles and procedures laid down in this law, ensure the effective exercise of the right of access to public information and promote measures of Active transparency.
ARTICLE 20. -Director of the Agency for Access to Public Information. The Public Information Access Agency will be in charge of a director who will last five (5) years in office with the possibility of being re-elected for one time. The director shall be appointed by the national executive branch through a public, open and transparent selection procedure to guarantee the candidate's suitability.
ARTICLE 21. -Procedure for selecting the director. The selection procedure for the Director of the Agency for Access to Public Information shall be carried out in accordance with the following provisions: (a) The national executive branch shall propose one (1) person and publish the name, last name and the curricular history of the same in the Official Gazette and two (2) national circulation papers for three (3) days; submit an affidavit in accordance with the rules laid down in the Law on Ethics in the Exercise of the Civil Service, 25,188, and its regulations; c) The Federal Administration of Public Revenue (AFIP) will be required to report on the compliance with the candidate's tax obligations; (d) A public hearing shall be held for the purposes of (i) assess the expected observations in accordance with the provisions of the regulations; (e) Citizens, non-governmental organisations, schools, professional associations and academic bodies may, within 15 (15) days counted since the last publication in the Official Gazette provided for in paragraph (a) of this Article, to present to the body in charge of the organisation of the public hearing, in writing and in a well-founded and documented manner, observations in respect of of the candidates. Without prejudice to the presentations made within the same period of time, it may be necessary for organisations of relevance in the professional, judicial and academic fields to be considered for the purposes of their assessment; (f) Within fifteen (15) days, from the expiry of the period laid down in point (e) of this Article, a public hearing shall be held for the assessment of the observations submitted. After and within seven (7) days of the hearing, the national executive branch will take the decision to confirm or withdraw the nomination of the proposed person, and in the latter case, he will propose a new candidate and restart the selection procedure.
ARTICLE 22. -Range and hierarchy of the director. The Director in charge of the Agency for Access to Public Information shall have a rank and a hierarchy of secretary.
ARTICLE 23. -Requirements and incompatibilities. To be appointed Director of the Access Agency
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Public Information is required to be an Argentine citizen. A history of suitability for the exercise of the function must also be presented. The exercise of the function requires exclusive dedication and is incompatible with any other public or private activity, except for part-time teaching. Any party activity is prohibited for the duration of the exercise of the function. No official in charge of the Agency for Access to Public Information may have interests or ties with the matters under its orbit under the conditions established by the Law of Ethics in the Exercise of the Civil Service, 25,188, its amendments and their rules. The proposed director may not have held any elective or party positions in the last five (5) years prior to the appointment.
ARTICLE 24. -Skills and functions. The tasks and tasks of the Agency for Access to Public Information are: (a) Design its organic operating structure and designate its agent plant; (b) prepare its annual budget; (c) draft and approve the Public Information Access Regulation applicable to all required subjects; (d) Implement a technological platform for the management of requests for information and their corresponding responses; and) requiring the subjects to modify or adapt their organization, procedures, systems of public attention and reception of correspondence to the rules applicable for the purpose of complying with the purpose of this law; To provide a channel of communication with the citizenry in order to provide advice on requests for public information and, in particular, to collaborate in the routing of order and refinement of the search; g) Coordinate the work of the persons responsible for access to the public information designated by each of the obliged subjects, in accordance with the provisions of Article 30 of this Law; (h) Develop and publish periodic statistics on the subject of information; public requested, quantity of refusals and any other question permitting control (i) periodically publish an index and list of frequently required public information to enable consultations and requests for information via the official website of the network. (j) publishing an annual report on the surrender of management accounts; (k) developing guiding criteria and indicators of best practice for the subject; (l) developing and improving the quality of life and the environment; to present to the Honorable Congress of the Nation proposals for legislative reform regarding their area of (m) To request the subjects to be required files, reports, documents, antecedents and any other necessary elements for the purpose of carrying out their work; the scope of this law; or) to receive and to resolve the administrative claims which the applicants for public information make as established by this law in respect of all the persons obliged, with the exception of those provided for in the (b) to the (f) of Article 7 of this Article, and to publish the decisions in that framework; To promote the appropriate judicial actions, for which the Agency for Access to Public Information has active procedural legitimacy in the context of its competence;
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(q) To impose appropriate administrative penalties on the competent authorities concerned in cases of non-compliance with the provisions of this law; (r) to conclude cooperation agreements and contracts with public organisations or private, national or foreign, in the field of their competence, for the performance of their functions; s) Publish the indices of reserved information prepared by the obliged subjects.
ARTICLE 25. -Staff of the Agency for Access to Public Information. The Agency for Access to Public Information shall have the technical and administrative staff to establish the general budget law of the national administration.
ARTICLE 26. -Eesc of the Director of the Agency for Access to Public Information. The official in charge of the Agency for Access to Public Information shall cease to be fully entitled to any of the following circumstances: (a) Renunciation; (b) Expiration of the term of office; (c) Death; (d) situation that generates incompatibility or inability.
ARTICLE 27. -Removal of the director of the Agency for Access to Public Information. The official in charge of the Agency for Access to Public Information may be removed for poor performance, for crime in the exercise of his duties or for common crimes. The national executive branch will carry out the procedure for removing the director of the Agency for Access to Public Information, giving intervention to a bicameral commission of the Honorable Congress of the Nation, which will be presided over by the President of the Senate and will be composed of the presidents of the committees of Constitutional Affairs and Rights and Guarantees of the Honorable Chamber of Senators of the Nation and those of Constitutional Affairs and Freedom of Expression of the Honorable Chamber of Deputies of the Nation, who will issue a binding opinion. If the vacancy is vacant, the procedure laid down in Article 21 of this Law shall be carried out within a period not longer than thirty (30) days.
ARTICLE 28. -Agencies for access to public information in the legislative branch, in the judicial branch and in public ministries. Within a maximum period of ninety (90) days since the publication of this law in the Official Gazette, the Legislative Branch, the Judicial Branch of the Nation, the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation, the Public Ministry of Defense, and the Council of the Magistrature shall establish, each one of them, a body with functional autonomy and with powers and functions identical to those of the Agency for Access to Public Information provided for in Article 24 of this Law, which will act in the the scope of the body in which it is created. The designation of the director of each of these bodies should be carried out by means of an open, public and transparent selection procedure to ensure the suitability of the candidate.
ARTICLE 29. -Federal Council for Transparency. Create the Federal Council for Transparency, as a permanent interjurisdictional body, which will have the objective of technical cooperation and the coordination of policies on transparency and access to public information. The Federal Council for Transparency will have its headquarters in the Agency for Access to Public Information, from which it will receive administrative and technical support for its operation.
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The Federal Council for Transparency will be composed of one (1) representative of each of the provinces and one (1) representative of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, who must be the highest ranking officials in the field of their respective jurisdictions. The Federal Council for Transparency will be chaired by the Director of the Agency for Access to Public Information, who will convene semi-weekly meetings where the degree of progress in the area of active transparency and access to the public will be assessed. information in each of the jurisdictions.
Chapter V
Responsible for access to public information
ARTICLE 30. -Responsible for access to public information. Each subject shall appoint a person responsible for access to the public information which shall process requests for access to public information within its jurisdiction.
ARTICLE 31. -Functions of those responsible for access to public information. They shall be the functions of those responsible for access to public information, in the field of their respective jurisdictions: (a) receiving and processing requests for access to public information, sending the same to the relevant official; (b) monitoring and checking the proper handling of requests for access to public information; Keep track of requests for access to public information; (d) Promote the implementation of resolutions developed by the Public Information Access Agency; and) Provide assistance to applicants in the development of public information. requests for access to public information and guidance on the dependencies or entities that (f) Promote transparency practices in public management and the publication of information; (g) Develop monthly reports to be submitted to the Agency for Access to Public Information or to the Agency for the Information and Communication of the bodies detailed in Article 28 of this Act, as appropriate, on the number of applications received, the time limits for response and requests to be answered and rejected; (i) Inform and keep the various areas of jurisdiction up to date on the existing rules on the keeping, preservation and archiving of information and to promote practices in relation to such matters, with the publication of information and the information processing system; Participate in meetings convened by the Agency for Access to Public Information; (k) All those that are necessary to ensure the proper implementation of the provisions of this law.
Active Transparency
ARTICLE 32. -Active transparency. The persons who are bound by Article 7 of this Law, with the exception of those referred to in points (i) and (q), shall make it easier to search for and access to public information through their official computer network, of a clear way,
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structured and understandable to the interested parties and seeking to remove any barrier that impedes or hinders their reuse by third parties. The required subjects must also publish in full, updated, digital media and in open formats: (a) An index of the public information which is in its possession with the aim of directing persons in the exercise of the right of access to public information, indicating, in addition, where and how the application should be made; (c) The payroll of permanent and temporary plant and other contracting authorities or other contracting entities, including consultants, interns and staff engaged in the framework of projects financed by multilateral organizations, detailing their respective roles and position on the ladder; (d) The pay scales, including all components and sub-components of the total salary, corresponding to all categories of employees, officials, consultants, interns and contractors; and) The budget allocated to each area, programme or function, the modifications during each annual financial year and on a quarterly basis up to the last level of unbundling in which it is processed; (f) transfers of funds from or to human or legal, public or private persons; and its beneficiaries; (g) the listing of public contracts, invitations to tender, contests, public works and acquisitions of goods and services, specifying objectives, characteristics, amounts and suppliers, as well as the principal shareholders and shareholders, of the companies or companies providing them; (h) Any act or resolution, general or particular character, in particular the rules which would provide benefits for the general public or for a sector, the minutes in which the deliberation of a collegiate body, the tacigraphic version and the legal opinions and the legal opinions will be (i) the technical specifications produced before the decision and which have been supported or preceded; reports of audits or evaluations, internal or external, carried out in advance, during or after, concerning the body itself, its programmes, projects and activities; (j) the permits, concessions and authorisations granted and its holders; (k) the services provided by the body directly to the public, including standards, letters and protocols for customer service; (i) any mechanism or procedure by which the public may submit requests, access information or some way to participate or to influence the formulation of the policy or the exercise of the (m) Information on the competent authority to receive requests for public information and the procedures laid down by this law to bring claims before the refusal; (n) An index of formalities and procedures to be carried out before the body, as well as the requirements and criteria for granting access to benefits; or) Mechanisms for the direct submission of requests or complaints made available to the public in relation to actions or (p) A guide containing information on the subject's systems of the subject the maintenance of documents, the types and forms of information in their possession and the categories of information that they publish; (q) The agreed, resolutions and judgments which they are obliged to publish in accordance with the provisions of Law 26,856; (r) Information that meets the requirements of public information carried out more frequently;
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s) The sworn statements of those subjects who are obliged to present them in their fields of action; (t) Any other information that is of use or is considered relevant for the exercise of the right of access to public information. Access to all sections of the Official Gazette will be free and free via the Internet.
ARTICLE 33. -wider scheme of advertising. The obligations of active transparency contained in Article 32 of this Law are without prejudice to the application of other specific provisions providing for a wider system of advertising.
ARTICLE 34. -Exceptions to active transparency. For the purposes of compliance with Article 32 of this Law, the exceptions to the right of access to public information provided for in Article 8 of this rule and, in particular, that referred to in Article 8 of this Law shall apply, where appropriate. information that contains personal data.
Transitional implementing provisions
ARTICLE 35. -Budget. Authorize the national executive branch to make modifications and additions to the national administration's spending and resources budget law for the current fiscal year in the aspects deemed necessary for the fiscal year. implementation of this law. Provision should be made in the budget for the immediate year following the incorporation of the necessary resources for the proper implementation of the tasks of the Agency for Access to Public Information.
ARTICLE 36. -Accession. I invited the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires to adhere to the provisions of this law.
ARTICLE 37. -Regulations. The national executive branch shall regulate this law within ninety (90) days of its enactment.
ARTICLE 38. -Transitional clause 1. The provisions of this Law shall enter into force the year of its publication in the Official Gazette. The obligated subjects shall have the maximum period of one (1) year from the publication of this law in the Official Gazette, in order to adapt to the obligations contained therein. In that period, Decree 1172 of 3 December 2003 and Decree 117 of 12 January 2016, as well as any other rules governing the advertising of acts of government and the right of access to public information, shall remain in full force.
ARTICLE 39. -Transitional clause 2. Until the taxable persons listed in Article 7 of this Regulation establish the bodies referred to in Article 28, the Agency for Access to Public Information set up by Article 19 shall fulfil those tasks. in respect of those who lack such a body.
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ARTICLE 40. -Contact the national executive branch.
EMILIO MONZO. -FEDERICO PINEDO. -Eugenio Inchausti. -Juan P. Tunessi.
Date of publication: 29/09/2016
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