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Professional Exercise Of The General Framework Audiology


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image start infoleg site The Ministry of Justice and Human Rights

Law 27568


The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc.



Chapter I

General provisions

Article 1-Object. The purpose of this law is to establish the general framework for the professional exercise of speech at the national level and in the field of the jurisdictions that adhere to it.

Chapter II

Exercise of the profession and performance of the professional activity

Article 2 °-Of professional practice. The following activities are considered to be the professional exercise of the phonoaudiology: promotion, prevention, study, exploration, research, evaluation by subjective procedures and objectives that allow the diagnosis, prognosis, monitoring, treatment, empowerment and rehabilitation of the pathologies of human communication in the areas of: language, speech, hearing, voice, phonostomatology understood as oral functions of suction, chewing, sorption and swallowing for the transit of the saliva and those related to feeding intake, and intervention early understood as neuroenablement actions to develop the functions that underpin communication and language.

Article 3-Conditions of exercise. The professional exercise of speech is reserved exclusively for those persons who have:

1. Degree of degree of phonoaudiologist, degree in phonoaudiology, phoneaudiologist, awarded by public or private universities recognized by competent authority.

2. Equivalent title issued by foreign universities, duly validated or revalidated in the country.

Article 4 °-Foreigners. Foreign professionals with equivalent qualifications, hired by public or private institutions for the purposes of research, advice, teaching or for the evacuation of such institutions, shall not be able to carry out their activities. stated in Article 2 ° outside the scope for which they have been called.

Article 5-Modes for the financial year. The phonoaudiology professional may exercise his or her activity individually and/or integrate interdisciplinary teams, in an autonomous or dependent manner, in private or public institutions.

Chapter III

Scope and professional business

Article 6-Professional Inconsistencies. The phonoaudiology professional who meets the conditions laid down in Article 3, is entitled to perform at:

(a) Health promotion activities;

(b) Prophylaxis in the area of hearing, speech, speech, speech, speech, speech, and early intervention;

c) Prevention, detection, clinical and instrumental evaluation and diagnosis of the areas of: voice, speech, language, early intervention, hearing and vestibular and phonostomatology in stomatognatic dysfunctions, dysgnacies, swallowing disorders, Dysphagia, eating disorders; and all those that scientific advancement allows to identify;

(d) the indication and prescription of non-medicated treatments and practices of professional business;

(e) the selection, adaptation and prescription of hearing aids or other hearing aids;

(f) the prescription of food consistency modifiers;

g) To intervene in the empowerment, rehabilitation and recovery in the areas of: voice, speech, language, phonostomatology in the terms of points b) and c) of this article, early intervention, hearing and vestibular. As well as the neurolinguistic approach in the areas of their competence and the approach of cognitive aspects;

(h) Teaching and research in the various fields of action;

i) Advice, training, prophylaxis and education in the areas of: voice, speech, language, speech, early intervention, hearing and vestibular;

(j) Advice and participation with the competent health authorities in respect of the health measures that they correspond to;

(k) Exercise of Service Headquarters, Sectors and/or Phonoaudiology Departments and those other leadership or driving charges provided for in the Regulations;

(l) Acting as a expert in the field of law in all matters;

(m) the exercise of phonoaudiological audits for the control and supervision at the appropriate levels and in those pathologies which they are responsible for;

n) Realization of interconsultations and/or referrals necessary to improve the diagnosis and treatment of the patient in care.

Article 7 °-Individual exercise. In all cases, the individual professional exercise shall consist solely of the personal execution of the professional acts set out in this law.

Chapter IV


Article 8 °-Specialties. For the practice of specialties, the professional of the phonoaudiology who complies with the conditions of Article 3 °, must be certified by the competent judicial authority according to the list of specialties he recognizes.

Article 9 °-Requirements. In order to obtain the certification provided for in the preceding article, the phonoaudiologists must have some of the following conditions:

(a) Title or certificate awarded by a state or private management university recognised by competent authority in accordance with the rules in force;

(b) a certificate awarded by a scientific entity of the specialty recognized by the competent judicial authority in force;

(c) Certificate of approval of a complete professional residence in the field of not less than three (3) years, extended by public or private institution recognized by the competent judicial authority in accordance with current regulations;

d) Title or certificate issued by foreign universities in the country in accordance with current regulations.

Chapter V

Inability, incompatibilities and illegal exercise

Article 10.-Disabled. They shall not be able to pursue the profession, the phonoaudiologists, phonoaudiology graduates, phonoaudiologists, who are suspended or excluded in the professional year, for the duration of the sanction.

Article 11.-Incompatibilities. The incompatibilities for the exercise of the profession of phonoaudiology can only be established by law.

Article 12.-Illegal exercise. Persons who do not have an enabling qualification or who are suspended or disabled, exercise the profession of phonoaudiologists, licensees in speech and audioaudiologists, shall be liable for any sanctions they may impose. to be responsible for this law and its conduct reported for infringement of Articles 208 and 247, second paragraph of the Penal Code.

Chapter VI

Rights, obligations and prohibitions

Article 13-Obligations. The following are the obligations of the phonoaudiologists, phonoaudiology graduates, phonoaudiologists:

1. To behave with loyalty, probity and good faith in professional performance, respecting the dignity of people, the right to life and their integrity.

2. Save professional secrecy.

3. Adjust their performance within the limits of their competence, interacting with other health professionals, when the patient's pathology so requires.

4. Be permanently updated.

5. To collaborate with the health authorities in cases of emergency, when requested.

Article 14.-Rights. The following are the rights of the audiologists:

(a) to exercise his profession in accordance with the provisions of this law and his or her regulations, assuming responsibility;

(b) Refuse to carry out or collaborate in the execution of practices that conflict with their religious, moral or ethical convictions, provided that this does not result in harm to the person;

(c) have adequate safeguards to facilitate compliance with the obligation to update and permanently train them when they exercise their profession in relation to public or private dependence;

(d) to receive fees, duties and salaries to their professional dignity;

(e) Counting on measures to prevent and protect their health in their field of work;

(f) Forming part of the plants of professionals in the public and private health system, education, community, social security;

g) To agree on fees and duties with social, prepaid, mutual and other works, individually or through their professional associations, civil associations and federations as appropriate in each jurisdiction.

Article 15.-Bans. It is expressly prohibited to the phonoaudiology professional:

(a) to delegate the functions of his profession to persons with no qualifications;

(b) the use of the signature or professional name to third parties is such professional speech or non-audiologist;

(c) Conduct practices which do not conform to ethical principles, scientific principles or which are prohibited by law or by competent authority;

(d) Administer, apply or prescribe medicinal products;

(e) Announce as a specialist not being certified as such before the relevant judicial authority.

Article 16.-Recruitment. The institutions and those responsible for the management, administration or management of the institutions who knowingly contract to carry out the duties of the profession of speech to persons who do not meet the requirements laid down by the This law, or which directly or indirectly requires them to carry out tasks outside the limits laid down by this legislation, shall be liable to the penalties provided for in law 17.132, without prejudice to civil, criminal or administrative liability. which could be imputed to the aforementioned institutions and bodies.

Chapter VII

Registration and registration of sanctioned and disabled

Article 17.-Enrollment. For the professional year, the audiologists must first register the qualifying title with the relevant court.

Article 18.-Registration. The Ministry of Health of the Nation must create a register of sanctioned and disabled professionals who will have access only to the enforcement authorities and the professional colleges of each jurisdiction as determined by the regulations.

Article 19.-Cancellation of registration. They are causes of cancellation of the registration, the following:

(a) The request of the person

(b) Santion of the Ministry of Health of the Nation, or its equivalents in each jurisdiction, which it does not enable for the exercise of the profession or activity;

(c) Death.

Article 20.-Procedure. For the purposes of the application, procedure and prescription of sanctions and the determination of inabilities and incompatibilities, the right of defense, due process and other constitutional guarantees must be ensured. For the purposes of the graduation of the penalties for failure to comply with this law, the seriousness of the failure and the repeat conduct in which the registration is incurred must be considered; where appropriate, Articles 125 to 141 of the Law 17.132 of Exercise of Medicine and its modifications.

Article 21.-Invite the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires to adhere to this law or to adapt its rules as established in each jurisdiction.

Supplementary Provisions

Article 22.-Unification of the Curriculum. The Ministry of Education of the Nation will have to promote to the agencies that correspond, the unification of the ones of all the universities of state management and private management, according to the present law.

Article 23.-Form and period of adequacy. Professionals in phonoaudiology who have not attained the levels of training and training according to this law, shall approve a supplementary course, as provided for in the regulations of this law, having for a period of five (5) years, counted from the enactment of this law.

Article 24.-Curricular complementation courses. The Ministry of Education of the Nation shall promote, before the corresponding universities, the dictation of curricular complementation courses, intended for graduates who have a tertiary degree of non-university phonoaudiology to date, the validity of which is established in a period not exceeding five (5) years from the enactment of this law.

Article 25-Regulation. The national executive branch shall regulate this law within the ninety (90) days of its promulgation.

Article 26.-Commune to the national executive branch.




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