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Tissue Extraction Facility Regulation

Original Language Title: Änderung der Gewebeentnahmeeinrichtungsverordnung

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24. Ordinance of the Federal Minister for Health, with which the tissue removal regulation is amended

Due to § 7 of the tissue safety law-GSG, BGBl. I n ° 49/2008, as last amended by BGBl. I No 162/2013, shall be assigned:

The Tissue Collection Regulation-GEEVO, BGBl. II No 191/2008, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 168/2014, shall be amended as follows:

1. In § § 6 (2) Z 6 and 11 (4), the phrase "donor/donor" by the word "donors" replaced.

2. § 11 (10) the following Z 7 is added:

" 7.

Bulldoers must be kept for at least 180 days under quarantine conditions. The donor shall then be tested again. If the blood sample of a donor is additionally tested by means of nucleic acid amplification methods (NAT) for HIV, HBV and HCV, the test of a repeat blood sample can be dispensed with. The repeat test may also be omitted if the processing involves an inactivation step which has been validated for the viruses concerned. "

3. The previous § 12 receives the paragraph label " § 13. " § 12 (new) is:

" § 12. For all personal designations used in this Regulation, the chosen form shall apply to both sexes, provided that these are considered to be normadressats. "

(4) § 13 is added to the following § 14:

" § 14. § § 6, 11, 12 and 13 in the version of the BGBl Regulation. II No 24/2016 shall enter into force with the day following the date of the proclamation of this Regulation in the Federal Law Gazans. "
