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Admission Of Graduates Of University Masters Courses To Doctoral Studies

Original Language Title: Zulassung von Absolventinnen und Absolventen von Fachhochschul-Masterstudiengängen zum Doktoratsstudium

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320. Ordinance of the Federal Minister for Science, Research and Economics on the admission of graduates of a Master's degree course of applied sciences to study doctoral studies

Due to § 6 (4) and (5) of the Federal Act on Universities of Applied Sciences (FHStG), BGBl. No 340/1993, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 45/2014, shall be arranged:

Admission to the doctoral studies of the technical sciences

§ 1. Graduates of the following Master's degree programs are entitled to admission to the Doctoral Studies of the Technical Sciences:

Degree of study



Telecommunications and Internet Technology


Software Development


Information management and computer security


Automotive Engineering/Automotive Engineering




Energy technology and energy


Web Communication and Information Systems

Admission to the doctoral studies of the social and economic sciences

§ 2. The right to be admitted to the doctoral studies of the social and economic sciences have the graduates of the following master's degree programs:

Degree of study



Leadership in Tourism


Journalism and New Media


Information Media Communication


Digital Marketing
