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254. Ordinance of the Federal Minister of Health on the division key in the health insurance of the pensioner/inn/en
Pursuant to Section 73 (5) of the General Social Insurance Act, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). No. 189/1955, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 68/2014, shall be arranged:
For the calendar year 2013, for the distribution of contributions in the health insurance of the pensioner/inn/en (pensioner), the following final allocation key shall be fixed on the health insurance institutions:
Wiener Gebietskrankenkasse |
21,22837 |
Lower Austrian territorial health insurance |
21,68104 |
Burgenland District Health Insurance |
3,93929 |
Oberösterreichische Gebietskrankenkasse |
16,43653 |
Steiermärkische Gebietskrankenkasse |
13,17465 |
Kärntner District Health Insurance |
6,48189 |
Salzburger territorial health insurance |
5,55333 |
Tiroler Gebietskrankenkasse |
6,39204 |
Vorarlberg Regional Health Insurance Fund |
3,85079 |
Company rankenkasse Austria Tobacco |
0.14355 |
Occupational health insurance of Wiener Verkehrsbetriebe |
0,00499 |
Occupational health insurance Mondi |
0.07490 |
Company health insurance company voestalpine Bahnsysteme |
0.48134 |
Occupational health insurance Zeltweg |
0.11572 |
Occupational health insurance Kapfenberg |
0.38130 |
Insurance institution for railways and mining |
0.06027 |