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218. Resolution of the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, with which the factual management of certain matters belonging to the sphere of influence of the Federal Chancellery is transferred to its own Federal Minister.
On the basis of Article 77 (3) B-VG, I transferred to the Federal Minister of the Federal Chancellery, Dr. Josef OSTERMAYER, the factual management of the following matters pertaining to the sphere of influence of the Federal Chancellery:
(1) 1. Affairs of the State Constitution, in particular:
Matters of the Federal Constitution, with the exception of the financial constitution and the elections provided for in the Federal Constitution, referendums, referendums and referendums; constitutional affairs of the state organization. Affairs of the Constitutional Court; matters of administrative jurisdiction with the exception of the affairs of the Federal Financial Court. Matters of fundamental rights and freedoms. Constitutional affairs of the everlasting neutrality of Austria. Matters of state emblem, insofar as they do not fall within the competence of another Federal Ministry. General affairs of officalliability and organ liability. The Federal Republic of Germany; the Federal Government's legal information system. Matters of national constitutions. General affairs of national legislation. |
2. |
General affairs of the state administration, insofar as they do not fall within the scope of action of the Federal Ministry of Finance, in particular: |
General affairs of the legal system, of the legislature and of the legal language, including the maintenance of the uniformity of the Federal Ministries ' activities preparatory to the law-making process; matters relating to legal redress. General affairs of the organisation and procedure of the administrative authorities, offices and other bodies responsible for the tasks of the State administration. General administrative law matters, including administrative criminal law and administrative enforcement law. To work towards the timely and full implementation of the European Union directives. Representation of the Republic of Austria before the Court of Justice of the European Union. |
3. |
Matters relating to radio and television, insofar as they do not fall within the competence of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology; other media matters, with the exception of judicial media law. |
General affairs of information and documentation as well as data protection. |
4. |
Affairs of the archives, in particular: Guided tour of the Austrian State Archives. |
5. |
Affairs of Art; Federal Theatre. |
6. |
Issues of film promotion. |
7. |
Affairs of the Museums, insofar as they do not fall within the scope of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, the Federal Ministry of Defence and Sport or the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and the Economy; the Austrian National Library. |
8. |
Matters of monument protection. |
9. |
Affairs of the public libraries and the Hofmusikkapelle. |
10. |
Matters of the cult. |
11. |
Affairs of cultural and ecclesiastic foundations and funds. |
(2) Paragraph 1 shall not apply to the tasks of the personnel administration and the organisation.
(3) Paragraph 1 shall not apply to matters reserved to the Federal Chancellor by federal constitutional law.
(4) This resolution shall enter into force on 2 September 2014. The resolution of the Federal President, BGBl, will take place on 1 September 2014. II No 37/2014, except for force.