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Scope Of The Convention (No. 128) On Disability And Age And Survivor's Benefits

Original Language Title: Geltungsbereich des Übereinkommens (Nr. 128) über Leistungen bei Invalidität und Alter und an Hinterbliebene

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152. Presentation of the Federal Minister of Arts and Culture, Constitution and Civil Service, concerning the scope of the Convention (No. 128) on invalidity and survivors 'benefits and survivors' benefits

According to the Director-General of the International Labour Office, the Convention (No. 128) on invalidity and survivors 'benefits and survivors' benefits (BGBl. N ° 34/1970), on 1 July 2014, the following States, which have indicated the obligations under this Convention to be applied to the following parts:

Barbados (Parts II and III), Bolivia (all parts), Germany (all parts), Ecuador (all parts), Finland (all parts), Libya (all parts), Netherlands (all parts), Norway (all parts), Austria 1 (Part III), Sweden (all parts), Switzerland (all parts), Slovakia (Part III), Czech Republic (Part III), Uruguay (all parts), Venezuela (all parts), Cyprus (Part IV).

The following States shall have declarations upon deposit of the instrument of ratification 2 pursuant to Art. 4 (1) and Article 38 (1) of the Convention:

Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela.
