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Curricula For The Free Church Religious Education At Elementary Schools, Secondary Schools, New Secondary Schools, Special Schools, Polytechnic Schools, Higher Schools Of General Education, Vocational...

Original Language Title: Lehrpläne für den freikirchlichen Religionsunterricht an Volksschulen, Hauptschulen, Neuen Mittelschulen, Sonderschulen, Polytechnischen Schulen, allgemeinbildenden höheren Schulen, berufsbildenden...

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194. Announcement by the Federal Minister for Education and Women on the curricula for the free-church religious instruction at primary schools, secondary schools, new middle schools, special schools, polytechnic schools, general education Schools, vocational middle and higher vocational schools and educational institutions for kindergarten pedagogy and social education

On the basis of § 2 para. 2 of the Law of Religion, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). No. 190/1949, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 36/2012, is made known:

The following curricula for free church religious instruction were issued by the Council of "Freikirchen in Österreich" with effect from 1 September 2014 and are hereby announced in accordance with § 2 para. 2 of the Law on Religious Education made:


Curriculum for the free-church religious education at primary schools and special schools (1 to 4). School level)

Appendix 1


Curriculum for the free-church religious instruction at primary schools, new middle schools, elementary schools (elementary school), special schools (5 to 8. School level) and the lower level of general education of higher schools

Appendix 2


Curriculum for the teaching of religious religious studies in polytechnic schools, special schools (vocational preparation year), the upper level of general education of higher schools, vocational middle and higher vocational schools, educational institutions for Kindergartenpädagogik und Bildungsanstalten für Sozialpädagogik

Appendix 3
