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192. Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on the annulment of the words in the District Court-Regulation of Upper Austria 2012 by the Constitutional Court
In accordance with Art. 139 (5), first sentence B-VG and § 59 (2) of the Constitutional Court Act 1953, BGBl. No. 85/1953, in conjunction with Section 4 (1) Z 4 of the Federal Law Gazette Act, BGBl. I No 100/2003, shall be made known:
The Constitutional Court, with the recognition of 10 June 2014, V 49 /2014-10, V 50 /2014-9, V 52 /2014-9, delivered to the Federal Chancellor on 10 July 2014, rightly recognized:
" I. |
The following provisions of the ordinances of the Federal Government concerning the merger of district courts and the Sprengel of the remaining District Courts in Upper Austria (District Court-Regulation Upper Austria 2012), BGBl. II No 205/2012, are repealed as being illegal: |
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the phrase "partly Eferding" in § 1 Z 10; |
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the municipal names "Eschenau im Hausruckkreis,", "Heiligenberg,", "Natternbach,", "Neukirchen am Walde," and " St. Agatha, " in § 2 Z 3; |
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the municipal name "Linz (Stadtteile Urfahr, Pöstlingberg and St. Magdalena)," in § 2 Z 16. |
II. |
The repeal shall enter into force with the expiry of 30 September 2015. " |
Faymann Spindelegger Ostermayer Kurz Hundstorfer Heinisch-Hosek Karmasin Stöger Mikl-Leitner Brandstetter Klug Ruppright-hand Bures Mitterlehner