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System Usage Fees Regulation Amendment To 2012 2014, Sne-Vo 2012 Amendment To 2014

Original Language Title: Systemnutzungsentgelte-Verordnung 2012-Novelle 2014, SNE-VO 2012-Novelle 2014

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478. Regulation of the Regulatory Commission of E-Control, which changes the system usage fees regulation 2012 (SNE-VO 2012)
(Systems usage charges-Regulation 2012 -Novelle 2014, SNE-VO 2012 -Novelle 2014)

The regulation of the Regulatory Commission of E-Control, which determines the charges for the use of the system (system usage fee-regulation 2012), BGBl. II No. 440/2011 in the version of the SNE-VO 2012-Novelle 2013, BGBl. II No 481/2012, shall be amended as follows:

1. § 4 (1) Z 1 to 7 are as follows:

2. § 4 (1) Z 8 the following Z 9 shall be added:

" 9. Network usage fee for providers of control energy

The network usage fee for providers of control energy (secondary control, tertiary control)-with the exception of pumped storage power plants-will be used for work and additional performance in accordance with. Section 52 (1) of the ElWOG 2010, which is caused by the use of the control energy, for the network levels 1 to 3 shall be determined as follows:

The control zone guide shall transmit the work and performance for regular energy purposes per quarter of an hour to the network operator to whose network the provider of control energy is connected. If an offer is made jointly by several closed-loop systems, the providers shall inform the respective network operator and the control zone guide of which points of counting control energy has been made available for each quarter of an hour. "

3. § 4 (2) reads as follows:

" (2) For the network use of network-level 3 systems of the transmission system, the following net payments, which are the annual amounts (in TEUR), are to be paid monthly to Austrian Power Grid AG in twelve equal instalments.

4. § 6 Z 1 to 15 are as follows:

5. § 8 reads as follows:

" § 8. The following charges shall be determined for the system service charge to be paid by feed-in, including power plant parks, of more than five MW:


Austrian area: Cent 0 ,1630/kWh


Region Tyrol: Cent 0 ,1630/kWh


Vorarlberg region: Cent 0 ,1630/kWh "

6. § 9 Z 6 to 11 are as follows, Z 12 is deleted:

" 6.

"Tariff rotary current counting" is the measurement of electrical work without recording power values for one or more tariff times in a 4-wire three-phase system.


"Tariff-AC-counting" is the measurement of electrical work without recording of performance values for one or more tariff times in a 2-wire system.


"Blind current counting" is the measurement of electrical blind work without recording performance values. A separate calculation of blind current measurement shall not be allowed in the cases referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 4.


"intelligent measuring instrument" means a technical device that measures the actual energy consumption and usage period in a timely manner, and which has a remote-readable, bidirectional data transmission.


"Prepaymentcounting" is an additional function for the measurement of electrical work without recording performance values, which are included in the forecasting and/or pre-payment. in advance as a prepayment.


"Tariff circuit" is an additional function for activating and deactivating interruptible power plants, as well as for tariff switching. "

7. § 10 (1) reads as follows:

" § 10. (1) For the remuneration for measurement services to be paid by network users, the following maximum prices per calendar month shall be determined for the measurement types described in § 9:

1. Medium-voltage transformer-load profile count:

75.00 €

2. Low-voltage converter-load profile count:

52.00 €

3. Low-voltage converter-
Quarter-hour maximum count:

11,00 €

4. Direct load profile count:

50,00 €

5. Quarter-hour maximum count:

9,00 €

6. rotary current count:

2,40 €

7. AC count:

€ 1.00

8. blind current count:

2,40 €

Replaces one count by means of an intelligent measuring instrument one of those in the Z 3, 5 to 7 and 8, respectively. , as referred to in paragraph 2 (1) and (2), additional functions, the corresponding charges shall apply. "

8. § 10 (4) reads as follows:

" (4) If a measuring device is provided by the network users themselves, the maximum price shall be reduced as follows:

Attached Device

Reduction of pay


Load profile count


Load Profile Count:



GSM or analog modem:

€ 5.00


Telephone branch:

€ 5.00


Quarter-hour maximum count:

3,50 €


Rotation Current Count:

0,40 €


AC Count:

0.30 €




Network level 4 and 5:

20.00 €


Network level 6 and 7:

€ 1.50


Intelligent measuring instrument:

0,80 € "

9. § 11 para. 1 Z 2 lit. a is as follows:

" (a)

fulfil the functions within the meaning of § 9 Z 5 to 11

20.00 € "

10. § 12 (1) reads as follows:

" § 12. (1) The accounts shall be invoied no later than six weeks after the date of the meter reading relevant for the accounting period. The network operator shall forward the invoice through the system usage fees to the supplier within three weeks, provided that the supplier also places the bill on the network usage. "

11. § 13 (2) to (7) are as follows:

" (2) The following compensation payments shall be established for the region of Lower Austria:


Netz Niederösterreich GmbH pays to Stadtwerke Amstetten TEUR 298,4.

(3) The following compensatory payments shall be established for the Steiermark network area, the payments being made between the individual network operators in accordance with the following statement:

(4) The following compensatory payments shall be established for the Tirol network area, the payments being made between the individual network operators in accordance with the following list:

(5) The following compensatory payments shall be established for the Vorarlberg network area, the payments being made between the individual network operators in accordance with the following list:

(6) The following compensation payments are to be made for the network area Upper Austria, whereby the payment of the payments by the network Oberösterreich GmbH must be carried out:

(7) The following compensation payments are to be made for the Linz network area, whereby the settlement of payments by the Linz Strom Netz GmbH must be carried out:


12. The following paragraph 4 is added to § 14:

" (4) § 4 para. 1 and 2, § 6 Z 1 to 15, § 8, § 9 Z 6 to 11, § 10 para. 1 and 4, § 11 para. 1, § 12 para. 1, § 13 para. 2 to 7 in the version of the SNE-VO 2012-Novelle 2014 are presented with 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "
