Key Benefits:
467. Regulation of the Board of Management of E-Control, which amers the regulation of the E-Control on the regulations on electricity labelling and the designation of origin by primary energy sources (Electricity labelling regulation) (Electricity labelling regulations-Novelle 2013)
Pursuant to section 79 (11) of the Electricity Economic and Organization Act 2010-ElWOG 2010, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I No 110/2010 idF BGBl. I No 174/2013, iVm § 7 para. 1 Energy Control Act-E-ControlG, BGBl. I No 110/2010 idF BGBl. I No 174/2013 shall be assigned:
The regulation of the E-Control on the regulations on electricity labelling and on designation of origin by primary energy carriers (electricity labelling regulation), BGBl. II No 310/2011, shall be amended as follows:
1. § 2 reads:
(1) For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions shall apply:
1. |
"Electricity dealers" Electricity dealers and other suppliers who supply end consumers in Austria and are obliged to sign electricity in accordance with Section 78 (1) and (2) of the ElWOG 2010; |
2. |
"pumped storage operator account" means an account set up in the certificate of origin register for each pumped storage power plant or any power station existing from pumped storage power stations. " |
(2) Furthermore, the definitions in accordance with § 7 (1) ElWOG 2010 shall apply.
(3) Person-related terms do not have gender-specific meaning. They must be applied to specific persons in their respective gender-specific form. "
2. § 3 (2), (3) and (8) shall not be used for the expression in brackets "(annual accounts)" .
3. In § 4 (1) the expression "Wind and solar energy" by "Wind energy, solar energy" replaced.
4. § 4 (3) to (6) deleted.
5. In § 6 (2), the expression "§ 73 ElWOG 2010" by "§ 73 (1) ElWOG 2010" replaced.
6. § 7 (1) reads:
" (1) If it is determined by the competent authority that proof does not comply with the national or national legal requirements or the provisions of this Regulation, this proof of E-Control shall not be used for the requirements of § § 78 to 79a ElWOG 2010 and the purposes provided for in this Regulation. "
7. § 8 (2) reads:
" (2) Electricity dealers, which in 2014 designate electricity of unknown origin in their supply mix, have to designate the quantities of electricity they supply to household customers separately in the certificate of origin register database and complete with references to proof. The electricity marking may contain the additional indication that the electricity supplied to household customers has been documented with proof. "
8. In accordance with § 8, the following § 8a and title shall be inserted:
" Proof of production of electrical energy by pumped storage power plants
§ 8a. (1) Each network operator, to whose network a pumped storage power plant or a power plant park consisting of pumped storage power plants is connected, shall have within one month for each pumped storage power plant in the certificate of origin register database, or to report separately the quantities of electricity to each of the power stations that are made up of pumped storage power stations,
1. |
delivered during the previous month for the pumping process, as well as |
2. |
by the respective pumped storage power plant or the respective power plant park consisting of pumped storage power plants. |
(2) The operator of a pumped storage power plant or of a power plant park consisting of pumped storage power plants shall ensure that within 14 days after notification in accordance with paragraph 1 Z 1 valid evidence shall be available at the level of the reported notification Pump storage operator account transferred.
(3) The evidence transferred to the pumped storage operator account pursuant to para. 2 and 4, minus the evidence deleted pursuant to § 79a (2) second sentence of the ElWOG 2010, are proof of the generation of electrical energy by pumped storage power plants. to use. § 10 Ökostromgesetz 2012 applies to the amount of electrical energy generated by natural inflow. If the operator of the pumped storage power plant or the power plant park consisting of pumped storage power plants does not select certain evidence transferred to the pumped storage operator account, the evidence shall be provided with the oldest one. Creation date first used.
(4) Evidence transferred to the pumped storage operator account may at any time from the operator of the pumped storage power plant or of the power plant parks existing from pumped storage power plants with valid proof of electricity from the same. Primary energy carriers are replaced. "
9. The section name of the 4. Section is "Final Provisions" .
10. The heading to § 9 is:
"Entry into force and external force"
(11) § 9 shall be added to the following paragraphs 3 and 4:
" (3) § 8a in the version of the BGBl Regulation. II No 467/2013 will enter into force on 1 April 2014.
(4) Section 4 (3) to (6) shall expire at the end of 31 December 2014. "
12. § 10 together with the title shall be deleted.
Boltz Graf