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Bfa-Vg - Implementing Regulation - Bfa-Vg - Dv

Original Language Title: BFA-VG – Durchführungsverordnung – BFA-VG – DV

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458. Ordinance of the Federal Minister of the Interior for the implementation of the BFA procedural law (BFA-VG-Implementing Regulation-BFA-VG-DV)

On the basis of the BFA-procedural law (BFA-VG), BGBl. I n ° 87/2012 in the version of BGBl. I No 144/2013, shall be arranged:


§ 1. The costs incurred by the authority or the Federal Government in the enforcement of a residence-terminated measure (Section 53 (1) of the BFA-VG) are, in particular, eligible for consideration:


Costs for the use of means of transport (e.g. train, bus or air ticket);


the costs of monitoring by the public security service bodies and


Costs for material expenses (e.g. catering).

Linguistic equality

§ 2. As far as natural persons are referred to in this Regulation only in male form, they shall refer to women and men in the same way. In applying the name to certain natural persons, the gender-specific form shall be used.

entry into force

§ 3. This Regulation shall enter into force 1. Jänner 2014 in force.
