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Determination Of The Minimum Wage For The Care And Operation Of Equipment And Facilities On Properties For Tirol

Original Language Title: Festsetzung des Mindestlohntarifs für die Betreuung und Bedienung von Anlagen und Einrichtungen auf Liegenschaften für Tirol

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368. Ordinance of the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection at the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, which sets the minimum wage rate for the care and operation of facilities and facilities on real estate for Tyrol

The Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection is the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection in accordance with Section 22 (1) of the German Labour Constitution Act, BGBl. No. 22/1974, in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 71/2013 authorises the minimum wage rate to be fixed at the request of a collective contractual body if no collective contract is effective for the sector concerned.

The Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection has set the following minimum wage rate with a decision of 20 November 2013 following the implementation of a senate negotiation:

Minimum wage rate

For the supervision and operation of facilities and facilities on real estate/Tyrol

M 10/2013/XXVI//99/9


§ 1. This minimum wage is valid:


Spatial: for the province of Tyrol;


Personal: for persons who have been charged with the care and operation of facilities and facilities on real estate (houses with apartments and other premises) and their employers,


who, in their capacity as homeowners, are not members of a collectivelyable entity, or


if, after the entry into force of the minimum wage, they acquire collective contractual capacity or accede to a collective contractual body, as long as no collective agreement is concluded for them;


Technical: only for the care and operation of facilities and facilities on real estate (houses with apartments and other premises) by the persons referred to under Z 2.

Support for elevators

§ 2. (1) The persons referred to in § 1 (2) (2) shall receive, if they were charged with the supervision of a lift, the following lump sums of the payer/s/from the client each month:


up to four bullets 88,45 €


for each additional projectile 5.53 €.

(2) The day-to-day examination of the lift (test drive) as well as the necessary cleaning of the elevator and the machine house are to be understood under the supervision of a lift.

Leisure facilities

§ 3. (1) For the supervision of terraced baths, indoor pools and saunas, a monthly flat rate is due, the amount of which is to be calculated according to the actual work performance and on the basis of the hourly wage of 13.27 €. For essential care and care, which must be carried out on Sundays and public holidays, the two-time hourly wage must be paid. For the care of hobby rooms, playgrounds and similar facilities, a monthly flat rate is due, the amount of which is to be calculated on the basis of the actual work performance and on the basis of an hourly wage of 9,22 €.

(2) If the child is to be used by the supervisor for the use of the facilities, a fee of 5% of the amount collected shall also be charged.

Green areas and gardens

§ 4. (1) For cleaning (e.g. Removal of paper waste) Fees 0,3179 €, for irrigation 0,3069 € and for machine mowing including removal of the grass 0,4383 € per square meter of green area divided into twelve monthly amounts.

(2) For the subject of trees and shrubs, flower beds, etc. as well as the removal of foliage, knots and similar works is due to a monthly flat rate, the amount of which is to be calculated on the basis of the actual work performance and on the basis of an hourly wage of 10.54 €.

(3) The sum resulting from para. 1 shall be rounded off in commercial terms by cent.

Supervision of hot water and central heating systems

§ 5. (1) For the supervision of hot water and central heating systems and district heating systems, a monthly lump sum of € 218.83 is due during the actual operating period.

(2) If such a plant is charged with gaseous fuels, a surcharge of € 87.02 per month per boiler shall be charged.

(3) If such a plant is charged with liquid or organic fuels (wood chips, pellets, cereals), a supplement of € 92.80 per month per boiler is due.

(4) If such an installation is charged with solid fuels, a surcharge of € 217.59 per month will be charged per boiler.

(5) For the day-to-day care, one thirtieth of the above-mentioned amounts are to be paid.

(6) If the maintainer of a heating system does not have a shower or bath facility operated at the expense of the owner of the house, a 10% surcharge shall be charged for the care of a plant operated with liquid or gaseous fuels. Supervision of a plant operated with solid fuels a surcharge of 15% (dirt allowance).

(7) For the care of hot water or central heating systems fed by a district heating plant, an amount of € 208.41 per month is due during the actual operating period; per each further installation or reformer is due during the The actual operating time is a further € 59.64 per month.

(8) By way of derogation from paragraph 7, the following shall apply to house-care contracts established after 31 December 1997: for the care of hot water or central heating systems supplied by a district heating plant, the following shall apply to the agreed upon Care work for each working hour an amount of € 10.83.

(9) In order to carry out additional care work (e.g. For example, intermediate and pumping stations, etc.), as well as any repair work of a simple nature at the plant itself or in the associated parts, an additional amount of 10.83 € is due for each working hour.

Deep and pallet garages

§ 6. For the cleaning of the underground and pallet garages, including the necessary maintenance and supervision of the technical equipment present in these plants, per square metre of the soil to be cleaned (utility) area per month a remuneration in the amount laid down in section 2 (1) (1) (1) of the minimum wage rate for domestic carers, M 9/2013/XXVI/99/8.

Remuneration for domestic workers

§ 7. (1) Persons who are not subject to the Hausanxigergesetz (Hausanxigergesetz) are due to pay an hourly wage for the execution of work within the framework of the normal working hours (§ 3 of the Working Time Act), for


Haustechniker/innen 13,27 €


Domestic workers, domestic cleaners € 10.96.

(2) For an agreed purification of ecerritic soiling (in particular blood, urine, feces, vomit) in generally accessible rooms, a lump sum of € 59.42 per disposal is due. For an agreed cleaning of ecerrient materials Pollutions in generally accessible outdoor facilities (lawn area, sidewalk, etc.) should be subject to a flat-rate amount of 50% of the above-mentioned flat-rate amount per disposal.

(3) A surcharge of 100% is due for work that is strictly necessary and which is carried out on Sundays and public holidays and during night hours. If a willingness to work is agreed, 50% of the respective hourly wage will be charged per hour.

Holiday grant and Christmas Remuneration

§ 8. (1) The persons referred to in § 1 Z 2 shall be charged each year with a holiday grant in the amount of the remuneration due for the month of May and a Christmas Remuneration in the amount of the remuneration due for the month of November, at least however A holiday grant and a Christmas Remuneration in the amount of one twelfth of the annual reference.

(2) The holiday grant is to be paid at the time of the arrival of the holiday, but at the latest with the payment of the salary due for June, the Christmas Remuneration is to be paid no later than 30 November of each year.

(3) If the employment relationship begins or ends during the calendar year, the employee/s/in the holiday grant and Christmas remuneration shall be pro rata proportionally in accordance with the period of service completed in that calendar year.

Beneficiary clause

§ 9. Existing more favourable agreements will not be affected by this minimum wage.

Gelling Date

§ 10. This minimum wage rate changes the minimum wage rate of 4 December 2012, M 11/2012/XXVI/99/9, BGBl. I n ° 415/2012, and 1. Jänner 2014 in force.
