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Person Group Regulation 2014 - Persgv 2014

Original Language Title: Personengruppenverordnung 2014 – PersGV 2014

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340. Ordinance of the Federal Minister of Science and Research on the definition of groups of persons in the admission to ordinary studies (PersonGroup Regulation 2014-PersGV 2014)

On the basis of § § 61 (3) Z 4, 63 (3) (3) (4) and 65 (4) of the Federal Law on the Organization of Universities and their Studies (University Act 2002-UG), BGBl. I n ° 120/2002, as last amended by the Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I No 176/2013, shall be arranged:

Person Groups

§ 1. According to § 61 paragraph 3 Z 4 University Act 2002-UG, BGBl. No 120/2002, the general authorisation period for members of the following categories of persons applies in accordance with Section 61 (1) of the UG:


Persons enjoying privileges and immunities in Austria on the basis of contractual or legal provisions, as well as persons who are residing abroad at the time of purchase of the certificate of maturity on behalf of the Republic of Austria and enjoy privileges and immunities on the basis of state contractual or legal provisions, and their spouses and spouses, respectively Registered partners and their children;


International journalists who are accredited in Austria and who are active in this area, as well as their spouses and spouses, as well as their spouses or spouses, Registered partners and their children;


persons who either themselves had at least five consecutive years immediately prior to the initial application for admission to a course of study at the respective university in Austria, or who had the centre of their life interests in Austria, or which have at least one statutory maintenance obligation or a legal basis in which or where this is the case;


Persons receiving a scholarship for the study sought either on the basis of public contract provisions or at the same level from those funds of an Austrian regional authority which, in accordance with the financial provisions of this Regulation, the use of local authority for scholarships;


Holders of ripening certificates of Austrian schools abroad;


Persons who are due to § § 3, 8, 13 or 75 (5) and (6) of the Asylum Act 2005, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I n ° 100/2005, as amended, or according to previous asylum law provisions, are entitled to stay in the Federal territory.

Admission to ordinary studies

§ 2. (1) In accordance with § 63 paragraph 3 Z 4 UG, members of the categories of persons referred to in § 1 are in the presence of the Federal Law Gazette of 2002, BGBl. I n ° 120/2002, as amended, to allow permanent studies to be carried out in accordance with the conditions laid down in the Regulation.

(2) Whether the conditions laid down in paragraph 1 are fulfilled shall be determined in the course of the admission procedure at the universities; the absence of a separate decision shall not be required.


§ 3. Pursuant to Section 65 (4) of the UG, the following maturity certificates apply to the admission to regular studies for the determination of the special university entrance qualification as in Austria:


ripening products of persons belonging to the categories of persons referred to in § 1;


Second-degree certificates issued by South Tyrol secondary secondary schools in German or Ladin language, provided that the direct access to higher education is not in any case linked to Italy.

Entry into force, external force

§ 4. This Regulation shall enter into force 1. Jänner 2014 in force; at the same time, the PersonGroup Regulation BGBl. II No 211/1997, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 15/1998.

Transitional provision

§ 5. To applications for admission to studies, which are before the 1. January 2014 at the respective university is the regulation of the Federal Minister of Science and Transport on the establishment of groups of persons in the admission to ordinary studies (PersonGroup Regulation), Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). II No 211/1997, as amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 15/1998.
