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Change On Curricula For The Alevitischen Religious Education In Elementary Schools, Secondary Schools, New Secondary Schools, General Secondary Schools, Vocational Middle Schools So...

Original Language Title: Änderung betreffend Lehrpläne für den Alevitischen Religionsunterricht an Volksschulen, Hauptschulen, Neuen Mittelschulen, allgemein bildenden höheren Schulen, berufsbildenden mittleren Schulen so...

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447. Announcement by the Federal Minister of Education and Women on the curricula for the Alevitical religious education at primary schools, secondary schools, new middle schools, general-education higher schools, vocational middle schools and vocational higher schools

On the basis of § 2 para. 2 of the Law of Religion, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). No. 190/1949, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 36/2012, is made known:

The announcement by the Federal Minister of Education and Women on the curricula for the Alevitical religious education at primary schools, secondary schools, new middle schools, general-education higher schools, vocational middle schools as well as vocational higher schools, BGBl. II No 14/2014, as amended by the Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). II No 89/2015, shall be amended as follows:

The entry section of § 2 reads as follows:

" The following curricula for the Alevitical Religious Instruction were drawn up by the Islamic Alevitical Community of Faith in Austria with regard to the upper grades of higher education in higher education, vocational middle schools and In accordance with § 2 (2) of the Law on Religion, Vocational Education and Training Act ("Vocational Training"), which is effective from the 2015/16 school year, is hereby established: "
