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335. Ordinance of the Federal Minister for Education, Arts and Culture on the curricula of the Universities of Teacher Education (Hochschul-Curriculaverordnung 2013-HCV 2013)
On the basis of § § 8 (3a), 38a and 40 to 43 of the Higher Education Act 2005, BGBl. I n ° 30/2006, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 124/2013, shall be arranged:
table of contents
1. Main item |
§ 1. |
Scope |
§ 2. |
Definitions |
§ 3. |
General education objectives |
§ 4. |
General provision on the design of the curricula |
§ 5. |
Bachelor thesis |
§ 6. |
Master Work |
§ 7. |
Additional teaching qualifications |
§ 8. |
Examination Rules |
2. Main piece |
Section 1 |
§ 9. |
Study areas |
§ 10. |
Bachelor studies for primary and secondary education (general education)-study subjects, coherent subjects of subjects and priorities, respectively Specializations |
§ 11. |
Bachelor studies for secondary education (vocational training)-subjects of study, subjects of subjects and subject areas |
Section 2 |
§ 12. |
Modules |
Section 3 |
§ 13. |
Objectives and quality requirements |
Section 4 |
§ 14. |
Disregard of the requirement of the Master's degree in the field of vocational education and training |
3. Main piece |
§ 15. |
Transitional provisions for study programmes and subject-related studies supplementary studies to obtain a teaching profession |
§ 16. |
Transitional provision for studies in order to obtain an additional teaching qualification |
§ 17. |
References |
§ 18. |
Entry into force, external force |
1. Main item
General provisions
§ 1. (1) This Regulation lays down the principles for the detailed design of the by the study commissions in accordance with § 42 of the Higher Education Act 2005, BGBl. I n ° 30/2006 (including the examination regulations) at public pedagogical universities in accordance with § 1 (1) (1) (1) to (9) of the Higher Education Act 2005).
(2) The curricula for the acquisition of the teaching qualification for the subject of religion in primary and secondary education are provided by private teacher training colleges and universities, respectively. private bachelor's or private bachelor's and master's studies, and have to comply with the provisions of this Regulation in their principles and in their quality.
§ 2. The scope of this Regulation shall be understood as:
1. |
under "Lehramt", the basic qualification required for the exercise of a teaching profession (§ 8 paragraph 2 of the Higher Education Act 2005), which is associated with the required degree of study; |
2. |
"Teaching qualification" means the authority associated with the corresponding teaching profession to exercise the teaching profession in certain subjects, subject areas and (coherent) subjects at secondary school level; |
3. |
under "Bachelor of Education (BEd)" in the course of the successful completion of a teaching degree program in accordance with § 65, paragraph 1, second sentence of the Higher Education Act 2005 or a supplementary study course in accordance with § 65a of the German Higher Education Act 2005 academic degrees; |
4. |
Under "Bachelor of ..." the academic degree to be awarded on the occasion of the successful completion of a Bachelor's degree in accordance with § 65, paragraph 1, first sentence of the University Act 2005 in general pedagogical fields of work with a Study-related supplement; |
5. |
under "Master of Education (MEd)", which is to be awarded on the occasion of the successful completion of a Master's degree in order to obtain a teaching qualification pursuant to § 65 (1), second sentence, or a university course according to § 39 paragraph 1 of the University Act 2005 academic degrees; |
6. |
"Master of ..." of the academic degree to be awarded on the occasion of the successful completion of a Master's degree in accordance with § 65 (1), first sentence of the University Act 2005 in general pedagogical fields of work, with one on the respective course of study the addition. |
7. |
"coherent subject-matter" in the field of secondary education (general education) more than two subjects intersecting each other in terms of content; |
8. |
in the field of secondary education (vocational training), the pooling of several subjects (e.g. from general and business or from general and subject-related theoretical or technical theoretical and practical training) or from subject-specific subject-related subjects). |
General education objectives
§ 3. In accordance with § § 8 to 10 of the German Higher Education Act 2005, the studies within the meaning of the Higher Education Act 2005 are to be designed in such a way as to ensure that they are subject to scientific-occupational health-related issues. Competences according to § 42 (1a). Cit and the basic professional knowledge correspond to the respective state of science.
General provision on the design of the curricula
§ 4. (1) The curricula for bachelor and master studies, university courses and courses must be in line with the current European and international study structures and must take into account European and international developments.
(2) The curricula of all studies shall be of modular design. In any case, they have to contain compulsory modules. Elective modules, modules to be freely selected, basic modules as well as modules based on modules can be provided and are to be marked as such. A module is a study unit that is limited in terms of content and time and has a degree of at least 5 ECTS credits. Proof of achievement of modules are to be carried out in parallel to the course of studies in which the relevant contents have been developed.
(3) The curricula in the field of vocational education and training have on the special framework conditions, in particular the high differentiation of the theoretical and practical training, further education and further training as well as the special approaches of vocational education and training To take care.
(4) With regard to the professional offers in accordance with § 9 (9) of the Higher Education Act 2005, the Study Commission may provide for an extended minimum study period in the curriculum.
(5) For students with a disability within the meaning of § 3 of the Federal Disability Equality Act, BGBl. I n ° 82/2005, the requirements of the curricula are to be modified (individual curriculum), with the training objective of the curriculum to be modified (individual curriculum), if necessary in accordance with § 63 (1) Z 7 of the Higher Education Act 2005. can be reached in the course of studies.
Bachelor thesis
§ 5. (1) Bachelor theses are the independent written work to be completed in Bachelor studies, which are to be written in the course of courses.
(2) The joint processing of a topic by several students is permissible if the achievements of the individual students remain separately assessable.
Master Work
§ 6. (1) Master's theses are scientific papers which are to be completed within the framework of master's studies or courses. They are intended to serve as proof of competence to process scientific topics independently, as well as content and methodologically justifiable.
(2) The task of the Master's thesis is to be selected in such a way that it is possible and reasonable for a student or a student to be processed within six months.
(3) The joint processing of a topic by several students is permissible if the achievements of the individual students remain separately assessable.
Additional teaching qualifications
§ 7. A course of study in order to obtain an additional teaching qualification, which is based on a completed teacher training programme within the meaning of § 8 (2) of the University Act 2005, comprises modules to be defined in the total amount of at least 60 ECTS credits and is be able to design and involve professional experience in the event of a professional experience.
Examination Rules
§ 8. The examination regulations form part of the curriculum and, in any case, have the following points:
1. |
Type and extent of examinations (e.g. course examination, module examination, final examination, examination of the examinations), |
2. |
Examination methods (verbal, written, electronic), |
3. |
Obligation to inform the students (e.g. regarding the course of the examination, the right to choose an alternative examination method in accordance with § 63 (1) Z 7 of the University Act 2005), |
4. |
Assessment criteria (for examinations and for Bachelor and Master theses), |
5. |
any special provisions relating to the study entry and orientation phase, |
6. |
Information on Bachelor's thesis and Master's thesis (e.g. topic, structure, scope, deadline), |
7. |
registration procedures, deadlines and requirements, and |
8. |
Review repetitions. |
2. Main piece
Specific provisions for the various studies
Section 1
Bachelor 's and master' s studies, subject-related studies, complementary studies to obtain a teaching qualification, as well as bachelor 's and master' s studies in general pedagogical professions
Study areas
§ 9. (1) The curricula of the Bachelor's and Master's studies in order to obtain a Magisterium have to make provision for the following subject areas to the extent of the ECTS credits provided for in the Annex to the University Act 2005:
1. |
General principles of education and training, |
2. |
Scientific and technical didactics, as well as |
3. |
Pedagogical-practical studies. |
(2) The curricula of the studies complementary to the subject-related studies have to provide for the following subject areas to the extent of the ECTS credits provided for in the Annex to the University Act 2005:
1. |
General principles of education and training, |
2. |
Subject science (covered by the calculation of a subject-related course) and subject didactics as well as |
3. |
Pedagogical-practical studies. |
(3) The curricula of the Bachelor's and Master's studies in general pedagogical occupational fields according to § 35 Z 1 lit. a and Z 1a of the Higher Education Act 2005 have to be mandatory as study areas:
1. |
General principles of education and training, |
2. |
Scientific and technical didactics, as well as |
3. |
Pedagogical-practical studies. |
(4) In contrast to § 4 (2), second sentence, in addition to compulsory modules, elective modules or elective modules, respectively, are within the curricula. -teaching events.
(5) The curricula may provide that study events from all fields of study or, within the framework of an extraordinary course of study, can also be chosen from the courses offered in the course of teacher training and further education.
(6) On the basis of the professorally oriented competencies to be mediated in accordance with. Section 42 (1a) of the Higher Education Act 2005 must also take into account inter-religious competences in the curricula of the Bachelor's studies in accordance with Section 1 and Section 2.
Bachelor studies for primary and secondary education (general education)-study subjects, coherent subjects of subjects and priorities, respectively Specializations
§ 10. (1) The curricula of the Bachelor's studies have priority areas or In any case, provision should be made for specialisations, with inclusive pedagogy as a priority Specialisation is to be offered.
(2) The curricula of the Bachelor's studies for the secondary level (general education) have to provide courses in subjects which correspond to the subject areas or subject areas at secondary schools. Provision should be made for students to:
1. |
two study subjects, or |
2. |
a study subject and a specialization, or |
3. |
A coherent bundle of subjects |
to choose from.
Bachelor studies for secondary education (vocational training)-subjects of study, subjects of subjects and subject areas
§ 11. (1) In the field of Bachelor studies for secondary education (vocational education and training), the following specialist areas should be provided in particular:
1. |
Specialist areas of dual vocational training, as well as technology and commerce, |
2. |
Department of Fashion and Design, |
3. |
Department of Information and Communication, |
4. |
Department of Food, |
5. |
Fields of agricultural and forestry vocational education and training as well as the Department of Agriculture, Food and Biology (Environment). |
(2) The curricula of the Bachelor studies for the secondary level (vocational education and training) have to provide courses in subjects which correspond to the subject areas, subject areas or subject areas of the subject.
Section 2
University course for leisure pedagogy
§ 12. Within the scope of the university course for leisure pedagogy (for educators for leisure time on all-day school forms-leisure pedagogues) in the scope of 60 ECTS credits are courses from the following modules to:
Modules |
ECTS-Credits |
Hospitation and Practice |
12-14 |
Legal bases |
5-7 |
Pedagogical basics |
5-7 |
Personality development and communication |
5-7 |
Diversity |
5-7 |
Recreational pedagogical basics |
5-7 |
Art and creativity |
5-7 |
Music |
5-7 |
Sport |
5-7 |
Section 3
University courses and courses from 30 ECTS credits
Objectives and quality requirements
§ 13. (1) The curricula for higher education courses and courses for further education and in general pedagogical matters relating to the care of children and young people pursuant to § 39 (1) of the University Act 2005 build on a completed Initial training. You have to take into account the current developments in the field of education through appropriate offers.
(2) The curricula of the offers of continuing education and further education are to be adapted to each other and with regard to the curricula of the training in the sense of a sustainable professionalization continuum.
(3) All curricula must take into account the professional, didactic, social and educational scientific developments as well as the methodological developments required for the professional-related professionalization.
(4) The curricula of those courses offered to support the activities of teachers during the first years of the year have been designed to reflect the experience of professional experience, including those acquired in the course of training. theoretical and school-practical knowledge.
Section 4
Special provision
Disregard of the requirement of the Master's degree in the field of vocational education and training
§ 14. From the requirement of the Master's degree programme, the following teaching posts for the secondary level (vocational education and training) are to be seen in accordance with § 8 (2) of the Higher Education Act 2005:
1. |
for the teaching staff with the subject of "subject-specific teaching articles" and |
2. |
for the teaching staff with the subject of subject-related theoretical teaching subjects, if an academic degree is already based on the completion of a subject-specific diploma or master's degree, a subject-specific university of applied sciences degree course or a master's degree course or another equivalent course of study at a recognised domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution. |
3. Main piece
Transitional and final provisions
Transitional provisions for study programmes and subject-related studies supplementary studies to obtain a teaching profession
§ 15. (1) The Regulation on the principles for the detailed design of curricula, including the examination regulations (Hochschul-Curriculaverordnung-HCV), BGBl. II No 495/2006, as amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 340/2011, continues until the entry into force of this Regulation in accordance with Article 18 (1), with the exception of the provisions relating to the entry phase and the breakdown in study sections (for Bachelor studies, which commenced after 30 September 2013 ), to be applied for:
1. |
Courses to obtain a teaching qualification for the primary school, which is before the 1. October 2015, |
2. |
Courses to obtain a teaching qualification for the special school, which is before the 1. October 2016, |
3. |
Degree programs and subject-related studies complementary studies to obtain a teaching qualification for the primary school or New middle school, which is before the 1. October 2016, |
4. |
Degree courses and subject-related studies complementary studies to obtain a teaching qualification for the Polytechnic School, which is before the 1. October 2016, |
5. |
Studies and related studies complementary studies to obtain a teaching profession in the field of vocational education and training, which is before 1. October 2016. |
6. |
Courses of study for the Magisterium of Religion in compulsory schools, which are before the 1. October 2016. |
(2) The curricula of the subject-related studies supplementary studies (Section 38a (1) of the Higher Education Act 2005) in accordance with Section 1 (3) and (4) are in relation to the respective underlying subject-related studies to the extent of a maximum of 120 ECTS credits to be creditable.
Transitional provision for studies in order to obtain an additional teaching qualification
§ 16. The Regulation on the principles for the detailed design of curricula, including the examination regulations (Hochschul-Curriculaverordnung-HCV), BGBl. II No 495/2006, as amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 340/2011 continues to be the case for teacher training studies, which are before 1. October 2016 begins, building studies to obtain an additional teaching qualification for the New Middle School, respectively. The main school and the Polytechnic School. The studies mentioned include at least 30 ECTS credits and are to be designed with the participation of professional experience and professional experience.
§ 17. To the extent that this Regulation refers to federal laws, these are to be applied in the version in force with the entry into force of this Regulation.
Entry into force, external force
§ 18. (1) The provisions of this Regulation shall enter into force as follows:
1. |
§ 1 (1), the introductory part of § 2, § 2 Z 5, with the exception of the phrase "of a Master's degree to obtain a Magisterium pursuant to § 65 (1) second sentence or", § 4 (1), with the exception of the phrase "Bachelor's and Master's studies,", § 4 para. 2, 4 and 5, § 12, § 13, § 15, § 16 and § 17 with the end of the day of the event in the Federal Law Gazans, |
2. |
§ 2 Z 4 with 1. October 2015, |
3. |
§ 5 with regard to the Bachelor studies in general pedagogic occupational fields and new Bachelor studies for the primary level with 1. October 2015 as well as additional studies for upper secondary education with 1 in respect of the new bachelor's studies and subject-related studies. October 2016, |
4. |
§ 1 para. 2, § 2 Z 1 to 3, § 3, in § 4 para. 1 the phrase "Bachelor and Master Studies,", § 8, § 9 and § 10 paragraph 1 with regard to the newly commencing Bachelor's studies for the primary level with 1. October 2015 and with regard to the newly commencing Bachelor studies as well as subject-related studies complementary studies for the secondary level with 1. October 2016, |
5. |
§ 3, with the exception of the phrase " in accordance with § 42 (1a). cit ", in § 4 paragraph 1 the phrase" Bachelor and Master Studies, " § 8 and § 9 with regard to the Bachelor studies in general pedagogical occupational fields with 1. October 2015 and with regard to the Master's studies in general pedagogical professions with 1. October 2019, |
6. |
§ 2 Z 7 and 8, § 4 para. 3, § 7, § 10 para. 2, § 11 and § 14 with 1. October 2016, |
7. |
§ 1 para. 2, § 2 Z 1, § 3, in § 4 paragraph 1 the phrase "Bachelor and Master Studies,", § 8 as well as § 9 with regard to the Master's studies for primary and secondary level with 1. October 2019, |
8. |
in § 2 Z 5, the phrase "of a Master's degree to obtain a Magisterium according to § 65 (1) second sentence or", § 2 Z 6 and § 6 with 1. October 2019. |
If Bachelor or Master studies are offered before the legal entry into force in accordance with § 80 (8) (3) and (4) of the Higher Education Act 2005, the provisions of this Regulation shall apply accordingly earlier. |
(2) On the expiry of the day of the presentation of this Regulation in the Federal Law Gazan the Regulation of the Federal Minister for Education, Science and Culture on the principles for the detailed design of the curricula, including the examination regulations, shall be adopted. (Hochschul-Curriculaverordnung-HCV), BGBl. II No 495/2006, as amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 340/2011, except for force.