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Termination Of The Exchange Of Notes Between The Austrian Federal Government And The Government Of The Kingdom Of The Netherlands Concerning The Lifting Of The Passport Free Travel Between Austria And The K

Original Language Title: Beendigung des Notenwechsels zwischen der Österreichischen Bundesregierung und der Regierung des Königreiches der Niederlande betreffend die Aufhebung des Passzwanges zwischen Österreich und dem K

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252. Presentation of the Federal Chancellor concerning the termination of the transfer of banknotes between the Austrian Federal Government and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands concerning the lifting of the passport between Austria and the Kingdom of the Kingdom of the Netherlands of the Netherlands

On the basis of § 5 paragraph 1 Z 6 of the Federal Law on the Federal Law Gazette 2004 (BGBlG), BGBl. I n ° 100/2003 idgF, shall be made known:

The Austrian Federal Government and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands agreed that the following agreement was concluded as a result of superimposition by the law of the European Union in accordance with Article 59 (1) (lit). a of the Vienna Convention on the Law of the Treaties shall be deemed to have ended:

Exchange of notes between the Austrian Federal Government and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, concerning the lifting of the passport between Austria and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, BGBl. No. 145/1958, idF BGBl. No. 77/1960.
